So I am doing some writing for a Fallout game using Exodus (The unofficial D20 rules system for the game), I plan on setting it in Detroit where my group lives and I need some new ideas for Vault themes. So what strange social experiments would you put the survivors of an apocalypse through?
New Vault ideas for Fallout setting
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I'd create a vault where you told everyone they were being used in a giant social experiment, but then do nothing.
Interesting, then they would devolve into a paranoid society constantly questioning everything around them.
Vault is filled with thieves and looters.
Everybody is told to be meticulous with doing inventory and time sheets.
Why set it in Detroit? Its already post-apocalyptic?
A Fallout Detroit would have radioactivity and laser guns.
a vault where all of the food is from foreign countries, where none of the residents know how to cook and there isn't a single scrap of information about the traditional recipes with the ingredients on hand.
A vault with all black people, and the only literature, films, and other entertainment is Kangs stuff and pro-nazi stuff. Their food is also tainted with the strain of FEV that makes Psykers. No seriously, psykers are canon in Fallout.
Stock one with Nuka-Cola's competitors instead of Nuka-Cola. Now, since it's Detroit, odds are it would be Vim! instead of Sunset Sarsaparilla.
We know psykers are real but what the fuck is with the rest of the idea.
Most vaults are "Do this one thing" not "Justify my shitty backstory for my CE munchkin."
I thought Vim was exclusively a Maine thing, Detroit's competitors would be a Faygo thing.
Speaking of Detroit has a big auto industry.
Populate it mechanics, then make all items in it besides the barest essentials (Water purifier, the vault door, the overseers terminal for the status reports (That never happen but apperantly vault tec didnt think this through)) completely unassembled.
You want a laundry machine? Here is a box of dissassembled parts, your life depends on how good you are at legos.
Neat Info: Evidence points to the Badarins (the oldest example of agriculture in Southern Egypt) being most similar to modern Somalis with Ethiopians
A vault taken over by the chinese and or raiders.
A vault with hardass metal and factory workers who built a massive metal complex around their vault. Peak Detroit would have some of the best workers. Stuff like that.
Faygo-filled vault sounds better than Vim by a longshot.
They are unaware that Psykers are just infected with FEV. The Kangs shit makes them believe that they have been given spirit powers by the Egyptian gods, and the nazi stuff creates a society that is strict about race and a collective sense of Right to rule.
>vault is located in the desert
>nevertheless entire vault is filled with sea water because HAHA VAULT-TEC ARE MADMEN
>entire population has to pass through pressure chambers from their dry living quarters and put on scuba suits to traverse the flooded corridors or go about their business in the common areas, which are also flooded, including kitchens and cafeteria spaces
>all bathroom facilities are flooded and the toilets contain specialized suction pumps (only a 4% chance of rectal inversion! I likes them odds!)
>the overseer is a dolphin
>five years into the experiment hidden chambers open to release the sharks
>on the five year anniversary of Sharkmageddon more hidden chambers open to release the cyber-sharks
I continue to say that the idea is stupidly specific and only serves to justify a very specific bullshit result and makes no sense as a premise.
Take your thousand sons back to 40k its fallout, if you want Egyptian lords at least try to fuckin Legion it.
Have it be a gang of glowing ones who acquired psykic powers alongside their vast control of radiation, driven mad by this they believe themselves immortal and enslave the tribals of detroits to make vast burials for their old civilization. Deep in them are the graves of family members and friends that were the whole world to these Crypt gods but now are too crazed on radiation to recognize their faces anymore.
Boom, evil pharaoh psykers, except their backstory makes a modicum of sense.
This shit ain't hard.
How did a dolphin get elected overseer?
>Stock at least one vault with only the clinically depressed and introduce aerosolized/foodborne/other widely distributed [thing that removes their ability to feel negative emotion goes here]
>Have scientists within Vault figure out how to make all children born within the Vault incapable of negative emotion from birth
Vault-Tec has purposely skewed the gender ratios heavily in favor of women. Women hold all the major positions in the Vault and men are basically 'breeding stock' with few rights or privileges.
Stanford Prison Experiment
The first group of Vault dwellers are 'prisoners' and are held in cells. The second group of dwellers are given the jobs of guards and wardens and must watch over the first group. Vault-Tec watches from behind the walls like they did in Vault 81.
A Vault with a Chuck E. Cheese style arcade + pizzeria thing, complete with mascot animatronic robots, instead of a normal dining area. The Animatronics mostly act normal, but sometimes spout insane bullshit that's borderline Lovecraft Eldritch babble. The animatronics are basically modified protectrons, so the dwellers can't get rid of them.
Your magic realm is showing.
I like it, that place is going to be completely surreal.
Why not use vault 43?
You think OceanVault is a motherfucking DEMOCRACY! Bitch, stop your whining and line up with the other warm meat for your daily dolphin dicking. And you will SMILE the entire time!
How about this, the vault was stocked with a full compliment of robots and was heavily automated, with overseer function being almost exclusively given over to a governing AI. The humans in the vault spend 200 years being waited on hand and foot by said robots, but when the counter hits 200 years since the vault closed, the robots a switched to evil and start indiscriminately killing the vault dwellers. The vault is stocked with EMP grenades and mines in easily accessible places. Will the vault dwellers prevail, or will an evil robot army be unleashed on the surface?
Question, is it a "Lol how nutty" fault or were the animatronics simply made to see if it maikng a more juvenile vault would affect mental development? And then for budget reasons the actually mechanical parts were purchased wholesale from Dunwich Borers LLC?
Since when were overseers a democratic position?
Alternatively, a entire vault that contains nothing but robots set on auto like Codsworth to see how human they are.
You end up with robots explicitly pretending to be humans just to give the other robots something to do. They are abusive, loudmouthered and derivative to the other robots, causing messes and they do this to keep the other robots from going insane.
Partially seeing how a juvenile vault would affect mental development, and then the parts were purchased wholesale because they knew that none of the people put into it could take on a protectron on their own.
Otherwise, it's also to see how the psycho-babble would affect the development of children's mental development.
I was hoping that would go in a different direction.
After a certain amount of time the robots switch the roles and enslave the humans.
Bow to your robot masters.
>Since when were overseers a democratic position?
You'd have to ask the user here for why he thought that.
In truth there are a variety of ways in which Vaults choose Overseers, some specifically written into the experimental parameters but other methods devised by the particular dwellers of that Vault. Vault 11 which did have elections for Overseer is an interesting case and one of the sadder experiments, at least in my opinion, though I'd point out they were original "electing" a sacrifice, not Overseer. The people merely merged the selection of Overseer and the position of sacrifice as a mere contrivance.
A vault where everyone is a Synth.
Everyone around unaware of each others status.
The overseer reveals that one person is a Synth infiltrator and for eveyone to keep a eye out.
With everyone a synth each person now believe they are the only one and are trying to hide thier identity from everyone.
I don't know if I was too vague but Dunwich Boers is a company that litterally follows a eldritch god called Ug-Qualtoth.
Synth are too new and region based, it would either be a modern vault (Which is its own plot), or have to be old robots who just dont have face recognition software so for all they know the toaster is a human... OR A SYNTH? Suspense.
That would work too
For me it is more that it lacks that certain Vault-Tec touch of irony. Like, for instance, telling people that 5% of the Vault population is a synth when really it's 0% and then letting the paranoia rip them apart as they start to catalog evidence that isn't there. Complete with the x-ray machines randomly display gears and vacuum tubes inside people, but Vault-Tec standing order is cremation only without investigating the soon to be corpse.
One of those non-canon vaults from the mobile game, any random number over 122.
That may be too on the nose for the paranoia eating up the Commonwealth. Might need something to punch it up, like the people are told after the vault is sealed that part of their population will be synths however they aren't to discuss with anyone who is or isn't because the synths have faults that turn them into homicidal psychopaths if they learn they are a synth.
Only instead of Commonwealth style synths or even like Valentine they're just regular Protectron in like sunhats and shit that are programmed to think they are human. They don't actually go berserk, but the people don't know that. The whole experiment is to see how long until people who are forced not to acknowledge something totally out of the ordinary they actually just accept it and stop even questioning it to themselves.
Vault inhabited solely by mimes. If anyone speaks the room they are in fills with nerve gas.
A vault is split into two teams. Every year they must compete in a game of football. The losing team's lives become very unpleasant as a result.
A normal vault but the door never opens.
A vault with no lights.
A magical realm vault with only one bathroom that is shared by the hundreds of people living there.
This was in a one-off game I was in awhile ago.
There were cameras everywhere, frivolous, arbitrary details had to be meticulously logged like the exact shade of orange the carrots were per crop-yield, odd assortments of exotic chemical compounds were stashed away in bulk, the robots would slip-up on occasion and give suspiciously specific denials about there being any actual test going on.
There was an inversion though, it was to breed an atmosphere of paranoia which was the test.
>A vault is split into two teams. Every year they must compete in a game of football. >The losing team's lives become very unpleasant as a result.
>A normal vault but the door never opens.
>A vault with no lights.
Those three were already done, actually the second one is supposed to be Vault 101, if not for crazy Bethesda shenanigans.
Vault where, after 20 years, the vault door opens for 24 hours, then closes again for another 20 years, opens for another 24 hours, and repeats. Vault carries enough supplies to last 30 years on its own at maximum capacity.
A normal, regular vault. Absolutely nothing wrong going with it.
Since those are so rare, having one of those makes it more unique than the weirdest experiment imaginable. Especially since the experiments described in Bible had at least some fraction of sense behind them, while those from Bethesda are just pure idiocy.
There are such vaults described in the Fallout Bible, literally nothing new
The "Door never opens" wasnt actually 101, that vault had a expedition patrol that eventually determined the outside was too dangerous because washington and Enclave.
Vault 13 however was not to be opened for 200 years, far longer then the others.