You're welcome
You're welcome
For what, shit posting?
Unarguably the greatest primarch
Sanguinius gets a cool pass though
about as interesting as a mayonnaise sandwich
It's going to be hilarious when Omegon comes back to screw with him on the same side.
> Omegon.
> Not realizing that Alpharius is alive.
> Not realizing he's OP's pic.
Actually showing up unlike the rest of his lazy-ass bros. He never fucked off to the middle of nowhere like them, and now he's back to whip the High Retards into shape.
Aelfdari are the only reason you're prancing about. You're welcome.
There is also harlequin slut that protects him on his path to Terra, he also made Celestine moist and forget about deaths of seraphims.
>BobbyG has finest harem of bitches from all over galaxy
Thank you, brother.
Top kek
>finest harem of bitches from all over galaxy
Girlyman isn't WoW rogue/warlock
If I'd pick any space marine to make love to, Remus would be the one.
Handsome devil.
>mfw look like remus irl.
I can't stop looking at his hair
For fucking what? The destruction of the Legiones Astartes and you getting knifed in the neck like a bitch by your gay snake brother.
Thank you for neutering the most powerful human fighting force for reasons
>Guilliman will unironically be the next emperor
kek, the Imperium will be fragmented in but a century.
Hope the Inquisition fucks you over.
Guilliman will just make Imperium Tertius this time.
I just want to see MK9 armor. We've got shit tons of MK7s and the occasional MK8. Time for something new.
Come on Girlyman, you can do it.
I don't know who this is, but he looks like a slightly overweight Daniel Craig.
>The destruction of the Legiones Astarte
>implying that's not a good thing
The legion strucure is completely retareded on every level. The only benefit it provides is consolidated man power, but crusades allow the chapter system to have that at well, and at the cost of allowing one man to be able to influence the actions of vast amounts of marines, and relying upon being divided into chapters within the legion to actually be able to use the power of the legion effectively.
Anyone who actually thinks that the legions are in any way better has either no knowledge of how warfare actually works, the lore of 40k, or they're a butthurt imperial fist
>I just want to see MK9 armor.
GW makes them look like Stormcasts.
Hey, I like legions and I'm not an imperial fist! Although I apparently like them a whole lot less all of a sudden.
Daily reminder, humanity is still fucked. Between the orks, nids, necrons, and chaos humanity doesn't even stand a chance. They might as well just make themselves useful and destroy the eldar and tau before they all die.
>1000 man chapters on a galactic scale with billions of planets, each with billions of humans
yeah makes sense amirite
Humanity in M41 is way better off than it was during the age of strife, and humanity bounced back from the age of strife pretty well.
2 stars are not half of five.
3 stars are.
Please enter the pain glove, un-mustachio'd imposter.
That's not a problem with the codex though, just GW's understanding of numbers.
9 legions of a couple hundred thousand men doesn't help the imperium any more unless they're spread out to the places where the imperium has issues, at which point it's the same as the codex but one guy still controls them all, and that has been shown to be bad throughout the imperium's history, from the heresy to the age of apostasy.
The only advantage legions have is being able to bring more force to bear than a chapter, but that is rarely needed unless the imperium is expanding, and once again, crusades allow chapters and regiments to work together to achive that same advantage, without risking another heresy.
Small isolated chapters are more vunerable to the Ruinous powers and just plain being wiped out.
The Imperium needed to needed to split up its superman legions for a peacekeeping force, but completely separating them into chapters was a dumb move. (Which only happened so that players can make their own special snowflake chapters anyways)
>He never fucked off to the middle of nowhere like them
>Imperium Secundus
Eh, I would like to see a tyranid hive fleet taking on a crusade-era legion, actually.
>All the phospex
>Small isolated chapters are more vunerable to the Ruinous powers and just plain being wiped out.
No they aren't. There is absolutely no canon that says "chaos can corrupt chapters more easily than legions".
And once again, even if that was true, when a single chapter is corrupted you get 1,000 traitor marines at most. If a legion is corrupted, you get the Horus Heresy.
>but completely separating them into chapters was a dumb move. (Which only happened so that players can make their own special snowflake chapters anyways)
No it wasn't. There is absolutely no benefit that the legion structure provides that the codex doesn't also provide while also negating the cons of the legions.
>tyranids proceed to adapt to resist phospex, and then naturally produce it as a weapon
I don't see that ending well. Could give the nid dex a needed buff though, assuming the rules reflected such adaptations.
He HAS to build an empire otherwise he gets irritable
You know, on a side note, it kidn of ruins the "The imperium is satire of Facism!" thing when every choice they make is actually pretty justified
Kinda like how he has to stack blocks in ascending order or else he starts slapping his head with his powerfist?
Yeah but the age of strife was mostly a internal conflict. That's like France bragging that they won their own civil war
>implying guilliman and omegon didn't stage eskrador to fool the traitor elements in the alpha legion as well as the blinded-by-the-heresy loyalists
>implying loyalomegon/traitorpharius-bowl isn't going to be a thing
Most of the justifiable stuff comes from people like the primarchs or the emperor. It makes sense the choices made back then end up being smart and justified, because it shows how far the modern imperium and it's retardation have fallen: there existed a period when people knew how to do stuff and it's long since passed, now mankind is sustained only by the genius of the past (the tech of the DAoT and the policies made during the GC and the period right after the HH), in spite of the failings of the present.
Mankind is fucked right now, and the only people who can unfuck them have been gone or dead for thousands upon thousands of years.
>every choice they make is actually pretty justified
>Keep 99.9% of the population completely ignorant of Chaos
>Be surprised when chaos keeps popping up everywhere
Even fascists well tell their populace who and what their enemy is.
thanks Matt Ward. You may have pretended to be me to get your job but your credentials otherwise were good enough anyway
>Eldar cause a galactic abortion and literally prevent all space travel
>Suddenly psykers and shortly following daemons everywhere
>"Internal conflict"
Thanks doc
Definitely. I hate the 'if the imperium even slips up a little bit everyone is completely fucked and humanity will go extinct' meme. There are dozens of known small alien empires in the 40k universe, and there are implied to be thousands more small xenos countries/empires/species along with humans not part of the imperium who somehow do just fine and keep on living.
If the writers of 40k wanted to have the Imperium fall and have even a touch of realism to it, I imagine it would be like the fall of Rome, with Rome being Terra. Yes the empire lost its capital, but afterwards there were still tons of Romans in splinter nations (Empire of Gaul, Romano-Britons, etc.) and in the successor state of the ERE/Byzantium (Equivalent to an Imperium Secundus).
To be fair the astronomicon falling + a new warp rift on Terra would be an outcome far worse than the fall of Rome. Not to mention Tyrranids, Orks and Daemons
>I hate the 'if the imperium even slips up a little bit everyone is completely fucked and humanity will go extinct' meme
If you read the fluff though, it's not "even slips up a little bit", it's "got fucked so hard the Emperor died."
Also those civilizations are small, not a galaxy spanning empire teeming with trillions of tiny warp portals waiting to happen. It's like cracks on glass, you can put a bunch of small cracks into it and it'll be fine, but if you keep going eventually the whole thing shatters.
The fluff in all the main rulebooks makes it clear the rift is galaxy wide, not just Terra.
What did he mean by this
He thought the Emperor was already dead. One he figured out Dad was alive he raced to Terra with his whole Legion. Incoming Ultramarines were the whole reason Horus had to challenge the Emperor to 1v1 him.
Ok, ok, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that humans never change
Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me, it's Guilliman: breathe it in!
I know it's a lot: the hair, the bod!
When you're staring at a demi-god
What can I say except you're welcome
For the codex astartes, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy
"I said my gladius was an instrument of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now... Now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my gladius."
Fortunately, in reality, just uttering "Marx" into a big crowd doesn't turn half of it into cigar smoking guerrileros and feminism studies college student hipsters.
(lel why not sanguinus)