I think that achieving comfy is possible but it is also an overused buzzword.
Molthune knights did this.
Jeremiah Roberts
Third for best race.
Gavin Lopez
No, the PLAYERS of Molthune Knights did this. Grape ice cream rest in peace.
Wyatt Roberts
>Not going barefoot
What is this barbarity? Golarion has ruined Kasathan culture!
Jacob Morales
Two player campaign.
Isaiah Rogers
>What is "comfy" to you? How do you inject "comfy" into your games and characters?
A warm cottage with blankets, hot tea and a stew bubbling on the fire. But the cottage is actually the machination of a kindly fey who dislikes seeing people but uncomfortable in the wilderness. The stew tastes just perfect for the eater. A recurring thing in my campaigns.
Hunter Hernandez
I mean using it as a buzzword. It's all the sadder if the players actually managed to achieve it.
The two-page spread has been fixed, and the concerns of have been addressed. Forrest's foreword was also removed, since it mentioned the silhouette archetype, which did not make it into the product.
If, for whatever reason, you appreciate Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior, be sure to purchase it on the Dreamscarred Press website when it appears there.
As well, here is the most up-to-date version of Dreamscarred Press's Monster Classes subscription: dropbox.com/s/ivfg2tuf19q0cyp/DRP2230_MonsterClassesSubscription.zip?dl=0 The latest monster classes are the harpy, the imp, and the medusa. Unfortunately, I cannot find anything outstanding about them, nor can I see anything particularly amazing about the new feats included with them.
my favorite part is the little dance sequences where Megumin is just shaking Chomusuke around
Connor Adams
>Starfinder >Hype wrong plane my nigga
Liam Morales
>make players be siblings Done.
Wyatt Gray
My favorite scenes involving Chomusuke are when she's with Wiz.....
Ryder Stewart
I actually need to watch this...
Benjamin Perez
My wife just confessed to an affair. Cheer me up with interesting builds based upon religious classes and the deity Asmodeus.
Angel Young
Megumin is best girl
Caleb Perez
ohno... Um.. shit... maybe gut her whiles shes still alive?
In pathfinder of course.
Eli Ortiz
The Novels are usually better, but the anime's pretty good. It's best when you're seeing it as the re-work of the scenes it goes over though, as it does lose out some of the detail and sidebits/descriptions
Elijah Butler
Man am I glad that y'all are here. I'm part of the R/Pathfinder_RPG Discord and the mods there are fucking ridiculous. Y'all don't care. Y'all just don't give a shit. Y'all are the REAL niggas here. Y'all got a homie in me.
Anyways, Veiled Moon, Scarlet Throne, and Riven Hourglass are the disciplines I'm looking at for a Brutal Slayer Stalker. Apart from Fading Strike and Temporal Burn (for teleportation and doorbusting, respectimably), what else do I need from them at level 3?
Daniel Butler
Scarlet Einhander, maybe?
Gavin Peterson
Oh and just to note; one book is about 6 episodes long, and that's after the stuff they took out (would be about 8 otherwise), so each episode covers about 3/4 of a chapter on average.
Megumin is best girl... but Eris and Iris are also best girls.
Austin Williams
Only works with wielding a single weapon in one hand, and Brutal Slayer either wants to 2H or TWF. I'd say, take Clockwatcher (RH 1 counter) for surprise rounds and Scything Strike (ST 1 strike) for cleave.
Jace Ward
But what's a good religion oriented class? Something fun
Jace Campbell
Warpriest are cool. You get a lot of options on them with enchantment swifts.
Logan Cox
Alrighty. Thanks famalam
Juan Nelson
How do I make a bad-ass telepath?
Jaxson Smith
>The Novels are usually better good joke, user, good joke
LNs have absolutely atrocious writing with grammar constructions that the world should've never seen and overly detailed writing that absolutely murders any illusion of the LN author understanding what constitutes stylistic writing.
LN authors are simply incapable of properly telling a story. They insert a sentence where one could've used a word, and a paragraph where one could've used a sentence.
Isaiah Cruz
>What is "comfy" to you? Detail
>How do you inject "comfy" into your games and characters? By taking paragraphs to describe the scene, and taking time in the middle of an NPC's speech to add more description. Idle town music also helps.
>You greet the spring morning in the City on the River. The scent of flowers from the Greengrass festival earlier this month has almost faded. The flowers given out by the local priests of Isis and Hathor have dried, and their petals still litter the streets. You make your way to the Azure Queen by late morning in response to the summons that Gaedynn made.
>When you open the door, the smell of eggs and bread drifts through the entrance. The only people in the room are Gaedynn, and his waitress, Doris. He tells you to have a seat, and makes his way to the table.
Nathan Bennett
>When you get to the table, he tells you about a job he wants done. “Earlier this month, we had a request for one of our apothecaries to deliver medicine to southern Soorenar. There were a few people who came here in the winter, and they hadn’t gotten used to the flora here before the Greengrass festival. They spent the last few months in Chessenta before realizing they were allergic to spring in Soorenar. It gets even funnier: some of the Chodathans planned to compete in the athletic festivals next month.” He has a chuckle at this. “Anyway, one of our apothecaries thought we could make a profit selling allergy medicine to some of them since no local priest wants to use magic for such a minor inconvenience. He had to go to a fishing village in a cove on the northern coast for ingredients, but he hasn’t come back yet. I want you to find out what happened to him.”
As he describes the mission, two men saunter in. Even though it’s the morning, you can almost smell the wine from them. They may still be awake from the night before, or they didn’t dilute their morning spirits. Since Doris has vanished to the back, and the bartender is still at your table, they lean against a table and stare at you.
Gaedynn pretends to ignore them, and leans back in his chair to think for a moment. “He’s a wood elf. I think he’s a cleric of some elven tree god. His holy symbol kind of looks like a mask. I don’t think he took a horse with him, and the waters have been too dangerous to go by boat. The village must be close. I don’t think you could fight a group of sauhaugin, so be careful. Find out what happened, and bring back the medicine ingredients if you can. We can sell them to one of the other apothecaries around here.”
Samuel Foster
As of , the avowed's aether pulse is to receive a global downgrade, and aether barrage is to be downgraded further. While the change to aether barrage is probably warranted, I think that the global downgrade to aether pulse is too much; the real problems are the Merciful Pulse, Overcharge Modulation, and Steel's Betrayal feats.
On a tangent, why are aether blast and aether wrath even different shapes? They are so similar that they may as well be the same shape.
Adam Powell
Christian Martin
Do you want a broom for that sweeping generalisation?
Liam Reyes
I'll believe it when there's contrary proof
Andrew Rivera
The dual disciple is the single strongest psion archetype, because you can offset its main drawback simply by taking the Psionic Knack trait.
You will want to take a Linguistics trait, a Clarified psicrystal, Skill Focus (Linguistics), and Orator, for very high social skills. Fey Obedience (Magdh) is excellent here as well.
Look into the telepathy (mystique) subdiscipline from Psionics Augmented: Psion Focused Disciplines. Its 2nd- and 8th-level abilities are supernatural abilities; they are not spells, spell-like abilities, powers, or psi-like abilities, which means they are not subject to the "hostile force or a tingle" of a successful saving throw. You can thus safely use them at-will to read and manipulate the memories of everyone around you, thereby gaining a tremendous edge in social situations.
Adrian Price
Ah, yes, the Clarified psicrystal should be in Psionics Augmented: Psicrystals Expanded.
Which are the best of the sultana apps even if the game doesn't happen?
Christian Campbell
To me, comfy is high drive, lack of rush, and thus lack of stress.
To use a topical example, Aisha in Dragon2 is comfy. Gotta save totally-not-her-father Marduk, but he's not going to die so fast that she has to take unnesescary risks, she won't feel bad taking a weekend off
Asher Bailey
What race is this?
Mason Diaz
Cute u t e
William Cooper
>That girl who wants to be in an A'dam with no takers F
Kayden Cook
Is this bit about Su abilities being undetectable on successful save true? Where does it say that?
Ayden Peterson
There are rules for spells and psionic powers that concern what happens when someone successfully saves against a spell or a psionic power.
>Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature’s saving throw succeeds against a targeted spell, you sense that the spell has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells.
>Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully saves against a power that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature’s saving throw succeeds against a targeted power you sense that the power has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area powers.
If these rules did not exist, then creatures would be oblivious to having succeeded on a saving throw against a spell, a spell-like ability, a power, or a psi-like ability.
Supernatural abilities, however, are none of the above.
Cameron Rivera
This will not end well. Here's what the ranges should probably be like. The stacking of statics was causing a little bit of trouble, but the multihits (required, as a single pulse is excessively subpar for damage against single targets past around level 2) also mean that even a slight drop has large effects.
Do male lamia exist? Are there any recorded sightings in them in published material?
Aiden Morales
Jack Ward
Thanks. I actually have Focused Disciplines. I will give it a scrutinizing. Picking up TK (or precog) in addition to TP is undeniably powerful, but, perhaps, not in line with the theme I'm going for.
Jonathan Flores
Comfy is a good meal, good drink, and a warm fire, all shared with good friends.
Sharing a bottle of fine liquor after a long and difficult adventure is one of the best ways to unwind. Especially when everyone laughs at the youngest of the group making a bitter face at the taste of alcohol.
Henry Rogers
Kevin Foster
The ultimate sign of comfy, to me, is when everyone can talk mad shit about their party members and the worst that will happen is an equal amount of banter's flung right back at them.
Luke Scott
That's definitely up there. Two common traits in high-stress professions are black humor and constant ribbing. It's how you vent, and how you know who your real friends are.
Fat people. You probably like them because they remind you of your mother.
Adam Gonzalez
>New WotR >It's same as old WotR, with 39 PB
Oh Lordy!
Dylan Walker
>incredibly tanky class >can get TempHP almost at will >Customize able to a degree >Scaling powerful build as a class feature >Natural DR based off of Con >class Resources is very easy to get
This IS aweso- >class is based around getting increasingly Obese.
Ian Rodriguez
Obesity is fluff, it can be changed to increasingly muscular, or fit, or voluptuous!
Nolan Ramirez
Or you could kill yourself.
Jaxson Watson
You can use a swift action any time you could use a free action, so...
Can you use a boost in the middle of a multi attack strike?
Like, Fool's Errand's Windmill Waltz Flurry lets you make three attacks, could I make two of them, then use my swift action to activate Leaping Dragon and jump 30 feet to a new target to make the last attack?
Logan Jackson
This would be pretty hot if only 3D bbw was like animu where they retained the smoothness and complexion of their skin.
Unfortunately its almost always disguisting lumpy cellulite and discolored stretchmarks which make me want to vomit.
Jason Jones
Yes, yes you can.
If not because that sounds really cool!
Zachary James
Jacob Richardson
Even better with Tornado Slam.
>Activate windmill waltz flurry, run up to one guy and punch him >Five foot step, use Tornado Slam to throw him 30ft across the battlefield and instantly move adjacent to him >Use the second attack to down them, 5ft step and punch a third guy
Eli Gutierrez
As stupid as this concept is. The Class itself seems pretty solid.
The blasting portion of the class seems a bit obtuse. At least the upgrades to the Blast.
>Thunder Thighs: Rub you thighs together to generate a lightning bolt in a 40 ft line. Spend a calorie to shoot a lightning bolt that deals 1d6+Con Mod Damage per character level (max 10d6)
>Overweight Overcharge: Moving around generates more static electricity. Add an additional 2d6 damage to your Thunder Thighs attack if you move at least 20 feet prior. If you make a special Charge attack and spend another calorie, (double move, and Thunder Thighs) this increases to damage 5d6.
>Friction Burn: Add fire to the lightning. Add half the damage dice in 1d6 fire damage. (example 4d6 Electric damage + 2d6 fire damage.)
If i'm reading this right, at 10th level its possible to do a blast that deals 15d6Electricty + 7d6 fire damage in a straight line after a charge attack and spending two calorie points.
Jayden Hill
You can't possibly be serious with this fetish shit. Come on.
Noah Rogers
Let's say a zombie shapeshifter replaced one of your allies. If a cleric would channel positive energy to heal allies would it damage the shapeshifter because the cleric thinks its an ally?
Christopher Thomas
Nothing can move the Blob
Josiah Morgan
Yes, so long as the zombie takes damage from direct applications of positive.
If you can cast cure to damage it, channel positive will do it too.
Eli Miller
Hold up. Aren't zombies mindless?
Kevin Phillips
Dude, I've frequented BakaTsuki for the longest time.
I personally knew the guy involved in the original F/SN translation. I've read LNs both in their English translation and the Japanese originals.
The writing is absolutely pure dogshit. Nips simply don't understand how to write a book. The tween's fanfictions on ff.net are the pinnacle of storytelling achievement compared to what nips puke out on a monthly basis. Even if the story itself is engaging and the worldbuilding is solid, the actual writing sucks big hairy balls.
VNs and LNs having good writing is the biggest fucking meme that's as far from truth as possible. Even shit like SWANSONG, which is readable both in its original and translated forms - it's still mediocre as fuck.
You want an example of Western LN? Fucking Lemony Snicket blows absolutely every Japanese author out of the water, despite being as light a novel as it could possibly be. I mean, even Twilight, 50 Shades, Divergen etc. are pretty much LNs, and despite how utterly shallow and retarded they are, the actual writing there is mostly up to par.
If the movie has shitty camerawork and direction, I will not forgive it even if it has awesome scenario, cast, CGI etc. Why should I do the same for LNs?
Michael Kelly
No. Channel Energy can EITHER heal OR harm, not do both with a single application. It doesn't matter whether you consider someone to be your ally or enemy.
Dominic James
Cure Light Wounds can only heal, it also doesn't matter whether you consider someone to be your ally or your enemy. But if you heal an undead, it takes damage.
Jaxon James
So in this situation an undead would be healed by positive energy?
Anthony Rogers
Cure Light Wounds doesn't have a specific wording requiring you to choose between healing and harming.
Channel Energy is also an area effect, so you can't even specifically target your allies(or enemies).
Ethan Edwards
No. Channel Positive Energy used to heal people would have no effect whatsoever on undead creature, unless it has a specific ability allowing it to gain healing from positive energy effects, like the dhampir's negative energy affinity but in reverse(which, to my knowledge, doesn't actually exist).
Angel Brooks
>No. Channel Positive Energy used to heal people would have no effect whatsoever on undead creature, unless it has a specific ability allowing it to gain healing from positive energy effects, like the dhampir's negative energy affinity but in reverse(which, to my knowledge, doesn't actually exist).
Scratch that, even if an undead did have such an ability, it still wouldn't be healed unless the cleric specifically targeted undead creatures. "Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. "
Ayden Garcia
How many extra spellpoints per level does someone get for taking four general drawbacks on a spherecaster? The chart for it isn't displaying on my phone.
Josiah Hughes
My player wants to play a Death Knight from the Genius Guide to the Death Knight. Anyone have experience with the class? What tier would it be?
Luis Kelly
Like tier six, at best. It's awful. Under whelming. Boring. Under performing. The only thing it's got going for it is it's edgy.
Jace Rogers
Should I tell my player to reroll, then? I don't want my players to be weak but he wants to play this for the flavor of it.
Joshua Watson
What does it do that he wants? There has to be something similar.
Joseph Hernandez
He mostly wanted a class similar to Antipaladin but based around undead and without the flavor attached to Seal Breaker. Plus he felt Seal Breaker wasn't undead enough for him.
How d'ya like my martial discipline so far, /pfg/?
Henry Sanders
I'm betting it's whatever.
You, I hate.
Mason Sullivan
>+1, +1 per 1.5 levels in a casting class (2, 3, 5, 6, etc.)
Jordan Garcia
So, you'd automatically know it was undead, then, because the channel outright ignored it?
Parker Perry
Anthony Garcia
Okay fuck you I thought the synopsis got worse and worse as it went on and then I finished reading it and it was great.
How are you making this mechanically different from existing disciplines? Don't make another Chimera Soul where you have something with cool flavor but really bland mechanis
James Ross
>builds based upon religious classes and the deity Asmodeus. Have you seen the firemountain games archetypes from their Way of the Wicked books? They should be searchable on the pfsrd. I think they're listed in book 5 as well.
Juan Martinez
Well yes, but if you didn't know it was Undead in the first place you probably used Selective Channeling because you didn't want to heal it.
Otherwise yes, you could probably notice the Channel didn't effect them. Unless they weren't injured at all in the first place.
Juan Flores
I wanna try out some stuff with bullrushing and awesome blow to see if I can make a competent 'tank-like' discipline that focuses on knocking the baddies away from your back line. Hit em with your butt so they can't grab your teammate's.
Michael Lopez
I don't think you would AUTOMATICALLY know it(at least channel energy doesn't have a wording to indicate such awareness), but if they were visibly hurt, it would be pretty obvious that the channel didn't heal them for some reason.