
How do I make a Maze work through theater of mind? I only use maps for combat. "There's a door on the left and right and the passage goes... etc" never feels very satisfying


Give them a piece of paper and let them document there progress. I did a maze a few weeks ago and cut up pieces of paper to show them their options for movement and rearranged them every time the moved to go along with them maze. Mine was also underwater, but we had a Druid so that was a non factor

Bite the bullet and use a fuckin' map.Without any visuals, a maze is inherently a series of "you can go left, right, forward, or back". Which is inherently boring as shit.

Unless one of your PC goes "I put my hand on the left wall and follow it", which is also boring.

>I follow the left wall out of the maze
>Can we go back to the fun stuff now?

>Left hand.

Can you anons explain this meme? What does it mean?

that's when you make mazes with levers and moving floors and ladders and layers and cool shit

Have them draw the maze as you describe it. Have a copy of the actual maze in your notes and have plenty of encounters ready as they fumble to find the end.


1.Draw a fucking map.
2.take another opaque ass sheet of paper bigger than the map and cut a hole in it JUSSSST big enough to show one section of the map when laid over it

Move the top sheet as the party progresses. Get all theatrical with your descriptions of "MORE GREEN SHRUBS!" or "AN ASSFUCKINGTON MORE GRAY STONE!" before whatever you have living in there rapes them for lunch.

Are you serious?

As long as you follow one wall, you'll end up at the end of the maze eventually.

I remember that trick from a cartoon network show Totally Spies. The main character puts her left hand on the maze's wall and uses that as a guide. It's a good rule of thumb to follow.

Use skill checks to model the maze. Only describe landmarks. Focus on dangers, not a specific layout. Give choices of uncertain consequence.

>track the monster that actually knows the way
>there is a hole in the wall, does this mean somebody made a shortcut, or will this get us lost or in a monster lair?
>int check to recognize you are moving in circles
>time jump over days, reduce rations, create urgency
>dead adventurers that never got out
>dead adventures trail you, hoping to get out
>you have to backtrack and encounter something removing your markings

>maze has no walls


>maze has no walls
>walk forwards
>now out of maze


That only works in 2-dimensional mazes, and even then, only if it is static. If there's a switch somewhere in the middle that opens a necessary passage, for instance, that tactic won't work.

The maze has no walls. Its just supported walkways as far as the eye can see. Below is a vast and empty blackness.

and something is crawling on the underside of the walkways

Perfect recall of where you've been is a good reason not to use a map. Letting them draw one if they think of it is fine.

>implying my maze doesnt have portals that will take you back where you started.

Enjoy being trapped forever.

Youre probably going to have to use a map. I cant see how you'd have an entire map memorized either. Just give them a piece of paper to share.

I made a maze once and it was a lot of fun. There werent even any enemies in there - it was just full of puzzles and traps.

I learned that trick from a McDonalds cartoon.

This is the only good advice.

Otherwise the answer is "You don't"

>>dead adventurers that never got out
>>dead adventures trail you, hoping to get out
