What does it FEEL like to gain a level?
Leveling up
salty milk and coins
It doesn't feel like anything until the realization that you have improved sets in. It's simply the culmination of your character's personal experiences gradually showing themselves through improvement and development as a person.
It's less "Oh hey, I suddenly feel more capable!" and more like a long term realization such as "Apparently I'm getting better at this! I guess the hard work paid off after all!" So it could feel like a sense of accomplishment, though it's likely to be subtle, if there's any real emotional response at all.
Why do you think masturbation is so good for you?
After extensive research I've discovered leveling up feels like a combination between GAINZ and gitting gud.
It feels like suddenly remembering something you'd forgotten a long time ago, except it's new information. Hazy thoughts come floating in, and 'click' suddenly as if you'd had them all along.
Nothing, you just discover new things and see your skills improving.
I've been weightlifting for years, drawing for months, programming for a decade, and I can say with pretty much complete certainty that getting good at any challenging skill doesn't feel like leveling up. However, last year I picked up a hobby that literally makes me feel like I'm leveling up every couple of weeks: skateboarding.
For my first month, I could ride pretty easily. Couldn't ollie worth a damn, couldn't do any other tricks at all. Practiced literally every day and saw marginal progress. Then I went out of town for 3 days, and when I came back, not only could I ollie 3/4 of the time, I had shuvits and FS 180s the first day back.
A couple of friends of mine who have skated or do skate told me that's actually super common for people to grind out on the same thing for a while, only to suddenly have it click into place and have a bunch of new tricks suddenly become possible.
So I guess it'd be a combination of relaxation (the things you had to struggle to do before are happening naturally), and confidence (you're not struggling on new things as much as you used to struggle on things that were new before). It's a cool feeling. Would recommend.
Your dick grows an inch
It feels like you GOT it.
Like you're doing something difficult and suddenly it just *clicks* in your head and becomes easy.
It feels like power.
There's a scene in The Hobbit when Bilbo feels a rush of confidence, etc after killing a giant spider
He gained a level right there
It goes *ding!* And you regain your HP and MP.
>video games that restore your HP and MP to full at level up
I'm sorry I had to.
Also, leveling up feels like a burst of new energy.
C91 Hirame translations when?
Well imagine what Level Drain must feel like, and it'll be the opposite. A rush of power, energy and wellbeing, like having greased termites crawling over your prostate.
You ever been struggling to solve a problem for what feels like forever, and the frustration mounts and builds, and suddenly something clicks in your head and you realize the answer was so simple you feel silly, but also relieved and happy that you figured it out?
Like that, but everywhere.
Kind of like a bag of sand?
> Leveling up mid-fight is the part where the kickass cutscene starts and you start doing shit you couldn't before while hype as fuck music plays.
I'm okay with this.
Put on some different music?
I don't know if this is an individual quirk or a common thing, but I get a rush when I learn something particularly enlightening. When you read or think of something in a particular way and it makes so much sense, and it unlocks other pathways of thought. I get giddy and excited and I can feel a surge of adrenaline. That's how I imagine leveling up for a spellcaster.
A salty bag of pennies.
I always liked the level up messages from TES I. They summed it up pretty well.
Like pic related.
Cliche, but whenever I level up during a fight I assume this starts playing, no matter the setting. youtube.com
Just what the hell do you think you're playing?
nah thats when you hit epic levels or mythic.
seriously thats the song for when shit is going down and you just now realize this is a high as shit powered game from here on.
> Thrown Weapon Proficiency: Galaxy.
You know that feel you get when you cum and you get that tingling all up and down your left hand and shooting up your spine? Like that but everywhere I guess
nah its the song you hear in your head when for example in D&D the GM decides fuck it and pulls out the epic level handbook, or really literally anytime you play either anima or exalted.
Buddy, I was referencing what happens in the show.
sorry, was being literally too autistic to think about that at the time.
user check your cholesterol levels
No problem mate.
I imagine it feels like aging. Everything starts to hurt, fat sticks to ya easier, ect.
You should rest and meditate on what you've learned.
it feels like i need to choose whether i want to increase my damage or learn a new skill
Like an orgasm.
A golden column of light blasts into the sky from your crotch, while the a chorus of angels sings in the background.
Are... are you aroused by this?
Remind me why we're friends?
We all met in that tavern remember?
That means we're friends now.
It's a moment of inspiration. Like, for weeks you've been struggling to grasp something, and then you just GET IT.
Like, you've been practicing this complicated move for so long. Then mid-combat, someone tries to grab you and you whirl round, hacking off his arm.