EDH/Commander General

Sacrifice edition

Previously: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread topic
Which sacrifice-based commander do you prefer?

Other urls found in this thread:


Emrakul seems super fun. Convince me not to force super fun in my playgroup. The legal one of course.

Suggestions on what to add/cut to improve curve?

It's not. I've been Emrakul'd once.

But I am a petty bitch, so I built a Glissa the Traitor deck based around Mindslaver and visited that pain upon the one who Emrakul'd me a thousand times over. He made all of 4 decisions by himself that game.

People hate Mindslaver effects

Sounds like an example of a poorly built emrakul deck.

reposting for new thread

>Which sacrifice-based commander do you prefer?
Brion. Probably the only R/W commander I'll play, actually.

Has this card ever not ended poorly for the person casting it?

It was actually a Sisay deck

For that cost it should'be included the clause "these players cannot attack you this turn" or something

Xiahou Dun is my Commander. He is part of the final combo to kill the table with infinite B mana.

not always. i've been emrakul'd and only got free cards out of it

>part of the final combo to kill the table with infinite B mana

How's this guy? He looks fun as a Bird Lord, but it's a shame Azorius doesn't ramp very well

My plan is to include things like jester's mall to set up the perfect turn for my opponents under my control, or things like storm cauldron to wipe their lands.

Maybe drop Resolute Archangel and your choice of Frontline Medic or Sublime Archangel depending on if you think you're going to attack with all your dudes or just one dude.

I'm not sure you have enough enchantments for Sigil of the Empty Throne to be worth it?

Aside from that it looks good. Toss in a Caged Sun and call it a deck.

Does playing this for a Near-Death Experience win make me brilliant or retarded?

Just ordered a Sliver edh deck, what am I in for lads?

>Make infinite B through whatever way you feel like. Probably Phrexian Altar because when is it not
>Continually cast/sac Xiahou while recurring/playing/sacrificing one of a thousand different creatures

Retarded, since you have to pay in even increments.

People will probably try to murder you and your Slivers.

Which legend are you using as your general?

That's what rocks are for, my dude.

Dropping Medic is probably the right call. Sigil is really just a pet card I want to use.
Thanks for the feedback.

I don't know how that would work without another source to heal you one life, but I think you could do thsi with treasonous ogre no problem.

Made a creature-less Mizzix deck and I'm really considering tossing Melek in just for the Future Sight effect.

Is it worth it to break my rule?

also just played a game against my friend's spellslinger Niv-Mizzet deck. Funtimes were had. Kinda killed myself but worth it.

I'm going to start with Overlord and test the others depending on how it goes. If I need to be more aggressive I'll try Legion, if I'm getting targeted I've play Hivelord. Can't imagine when I'll really want Sliver Queen but I probably dink around with her a few times just to see what happens. If it just works I'll stick with Overlord. I expect to get targeted out of most games, but I don't mind too much as long as I get to go off a few times.

>not being in the color to bolt myself and pay 36 life

wew lad

Hatred is a much bigger suprise

Not gonna lie though I ran that guy with Tainted Strike in draft and lived the dream so I can only tell you yes, it is absolutely worth it

I bet you got the packs.

Land Tax.

Speaking of slivers, why in the world are they so expensive? Everyone hates them, I'm assuming that because of that very few people play them, and they're not a competitive tier. What gives?

Land Tax is as smooth as mana curves can get, but fundamentally it is not "ramp".

Same reason some random angels are.

Casual popularity.

They're extremely popular among the kitchen table crowd. Queen is on the reserve list and Legion hasn't seen a reprint in a dog's age. Nether have a lot of other sought after Slivers. Overlord's price is only lower cause it was in a premium deck. Hivelord will get there given enough time given mythic status.

>Archangel of Thune is $20
Fucking a

I mean they're no Doomsday combo but I think Queen combo is pretty damn strong. They're probably the best tribal deck (Scion Hermit is less a tribal deck IMO but if you count it then Sliver is second best) and no one builds them because the mana base is absurdly expensive.

Rate my jank? The deck was scrounged together from my old stockpile: The only card I've bought in a dog's age is Vedalken Orrery-- Cloudchaser, Hallowed Ground, Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, Quicksmith Spy, and Stasis Snare were gifted to me by a member of the EDH group I joined up with.

I know it's pretty much trash, but what direction should I take it/what should I look into improving? (for instance, I now know that Burnished Hart is Armillary Sphere but better and on a stick)

Well, that one's also GOOD, and part of an infinite combo.


No idea how to properly use the site yet, so try this:
I would have made a section for some of the cards I cut for less shit ones/more lands, but I don't know how to keep it from combining them

Retarded to the point of being a genius. I like that strategy. I would do it to see the reactions of the playgroup. Picture describes your strategy.

Near-Death Experience should trigger at endstep desu


looking for tips to make it faster, I'm doing a pretty big overhaul, doing some stuff like cutting less-good equips for urza's/mishra's baubles, lowering curve, cutting more creatures, et cetera.

Aside from general suggestions for cards to make it go faster, I'm specifically looking at myr welder. Does it make good for itself if it imprints, like, a dreamstone hedron/mana vault? Or is it just not good enough? If it is, what are some weaker cards I should cut for it?

You can make an Azorious edh but i wouldn't use the guy you have. Maybe with this girl. Put in some flickering spells and irritate everyone. You have some creatures with ETB abilities so it could work.
You need cards to recover from the graveyard, like codex shredder, junk diver, and workshop assistant


Looking to build a scion tribal deck. Any tips on improving this list? I know the creator sometimes posts in these threads. I'm not very good at making decks and I'm coming from a Timmy Karrthus tribal deck.

What are some efficient beaters in mono-red?

Inferno Titan is the gold standard imo.


Whats the deck you've made that was more fun than initially anticipated?
Pic related running tribal was mine

Dont put in too many dragons. If you play the deck as a toolbox and reanimator deck it really gets scary.

Also Crux or Fate is a must.

I really want to build Sliver Queen soley because I had this card when i was younger, brought my deck to school and she got stolen. I might have to call the chinaman so I can relive my nostalgia in edh.

It's a lot of fun but can get a bit pricey depending on how you wanna build

>6 player edh game
>the other guys are meren, atraxa, nekrosar, jenara, and jori en
>i have daretti
>cast daretti turn 2 and pitch ugin to the graveyard since i can't even use him at the moment
>everybody thought I'm being weird
>turn comes along again, cast chandra flamecaller, use ability, and cast a shit ton of mana rocks, from star compass to grim monolith
>group is worried
>some guy unleashes marit leige turn 4
>i get ignored and people focus on him
>turn comes again, cast decree of annihilation
>I'm in control of the board through daretti and chandra
>atraxa only had teferi planeswalker
>jori en only had lorwyn jace
>mfw they conceded the game
I fucking love MLD

They never see the decree coming.

Allrighty, made my first round of changes, included a trading post.

I lowered my land count to include some stuff, is 31 lands +15 mana rocks/dorks +3 mana-rock-centric cards too low? Average CMC is 2.62, so I normally don't go below 34 lands unless it's sub 2.4 average, but I've been finding myself playing out fine only ever having 3 or 4 lands out, and late game land draws have lost me a round or two. Or am I letting a legitimate unlucky topdeck tilt me?

Alright lads I could use another set of eyes on Godo


Trying to keep the CMC low-ish so it stays fast and I can just power stuff out after blowing up lands

>tfw trying to turn mazirek into prosh
>tfw no fucking money

Yes or No?

What's the goal of playing this? Is it a randumb chaos deck?

To destroy big dudes or little dudes, it's like shitty Austere Command but red and only cost 3

"Crux of Fate"? That's already in the decklist. But thanks for your input.

You're just going to get fucked by this thing more often than not. At least Boompile gives you additional flips until you achieve the wanted result.

Is it worth it?

Forgot pic related



>A Plaguewind combined with a Decree of Pain for 2 less mana but no cycle ability


I'm surprised that this card is only $60

that being said Decree of Pain will draw you more cards for the same mana cost, has cycling+soft wrath versatility, and will save you ~$55

> mfw opponents let my Caged Sun/Power Gauntlet hang around and then I hit them with Worldgorger + Obliterate/Decree/Apacolypse

It's for Erebos. The cost of the card is of greatest concern

Judge promo is like $13.

Read the card carefully. It only targets one opponent.

Then I say definitely yes. Politicking has never been so fun.

Personally, i don't go that low but it looks like your deck can handle the low land count.
Looks pretty good. You should consider this guy
Kitchen table, yes. Otherwise, no.

Liliana was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, but it's not fun for anyone else.

Tana and Tymna is a blast. The first time landed Breath of Fury, even my group was shocked because they had never managed to pull it off. All the stupid internal reactions make things fun a hell while also being strong. Fallen Ideal is hilariously strong on Tana.

What would you take out for that? I was also thinking of finding room for Staff of Nin or Font of Mythos too, for more draw

I have seem someone cast it with Hive mind out and reverberated it.

Game couldn't go on.

My head hurts just thinking about that. Fuck.

For stranglehold, i would take out inferno titan. Since you're on a clock and they have the same mana cost, you'll most likely cast godo first over titan. As for the font and staff, i would consider the staff over the font. Font is good but not all decks can use it well since 2 cards is a lot of advantage for your opponets as well.

hey sheldon, could you ban sol ring soon you simpleton?


Shit, that response was meant for this post

>Commander 2017
>Decks are allied colored.
>"Face" card of each deck is a legendary creature with level up, with the clause that level counters stay on if the card goes to the command zone
>Mono color legend with partner that has a way of generating experience counters
>Mono color legend of the other color with partner that gives you a benefit for having experience counters
>Each deck contains an allied fetch and an allied shockland


I'd personally like it, even though the fetch part is too good to be true.

Buy one. Blue black probably unless Azorious or Gruul blows it away


Alternatively, Brion Stoutarm. That's one fun jamaican.

Build something else, buy whatever singles look good. Maybe buy the Gruul one if it's suitably rad


Need some advice on this, freshly remade outside of maybe 5 cards any rec's appreciated but don't want to go crazy on prices

This is actually not complex at all, since it is simply someone's next turn, you don't stack them. Figure out which one resolved last for each set of players. The reverberate seems like a complete waste, the whole thing only lasts for one turn order.

>that guy that scoops after you swing once on xmage


>that guy who gets triggered when you "pick on him" and autisms out even though he had the strongest position
people can't keep it together online ffs


Rate my shitty jank Veeky Forums

Hmm. I don't think this would be too hard to figure out.

Assuming nothing else on the stack.
Cruel Entertainment is cast by Player A, Hive Mind Triggers and is put on the stack. Player A may now do two different things. he can let the first Hive Mind trigger resolve, or, having held priority, cast Reverberate. Functionally, they both result in the same outcome: Reverberate is put on the stack targeting Cruel Entertainment, hive mind trigger for it happens, and resolves, and now every player except Player A has a reverberate copy that they can either target reverberate with, or Cruel Entertainment.

If a player targets their reverberate copy at another reverberate, it has no functional effect. A new copy of reverberate is put on the stack that that player controls, and it can target Reverberate or Cruel Entertainment, the exact same spot they were in before. .

Eventually, the players have to target Cruel Entertainment to advance the boardstate. So let's assume for now that the players all copy Cruel Entertainment a second time. Remember, that the stack is from top (first resolving) to bottom (last resolving)

Reverberate copies
Cruel Entertainment copies
Cruel Entertainment

The copies are put on the stack in order from left to right of player A. So if Player B is to the left of Player A, and continuing on down through C, D, etc, we can order the stack. Let's assume 4 players, A,B,C, and D.

The stack is now:

Reverberate Copy D
Reverberate Copy C
Reverberate Copy B
Reverberate A
Cruel Entertainment Copy D
Cruel Entertainment Copy C
Cruel Entertainment Copy B
Cruel Entertainment

Since we've already deduced that all the reverberates will just become cruel entertainments upon resolving, we can resolve the stack.

To do this, see next post:

gA that Ork deck fucking sucks dude

Cruel Entertainments stack easily. If Player D resolves his, targeting Player A and B, then they each control each other's next turn. If Player C then decides he wants Player A's turn, he just has to target his cruel entertainment at Player C and Player A. Player A will control C's and B's turn now, and Player B will control no turn, and Player C will control Player A's turn.

So basically, to resolve the whole tangle, you can just write down on a piece of paper in pencil each player's turn. Then resolve D's entertainment by reverberate. Mark who control's each player's turn. Then resolve C's reverberated entertainment, overwriting any applicable turn changes by D. Continue to Player A's reverberate, and then start resolving the real cruel entertainments, starting with D, and then on to A.

As you can see, the only player who gets a Cruel Entertainment guaranteed to work exactly as planned is Player A. All other players are subject to modifcation by deeper Cruel Entertainments. D gets the worst of it.

how good is xmage for EDH? I really like the flexibility of cockatrice, but having some Rules Enforcement to resolve the autistic disputes that happen on cockatrice would also be nice.

No one is going to want to work through all this.

All online MtG platforms are bad. OCTGN is probably least cancerous, but there's usually not much choice of games, haven't checked in a while and the game is hassle to install, if you want the card images.

It really isn't hard to work through once you get to that point though. The actual resolving of the spells would take about a minute, assuming nobody is autistic about strategic decisions in such a silly game.