What will Roboute Guiliman do now that he realized how much gone to shit the Imperium has gone?
What will Roboute Guiliman do now that he realized how much gone to shit the Imperium has gone?
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Celestine will give him a pep talk about how much hope the Emperor has in him, and he'll go an personally fix what's wrong on Terra before spread out.
If they revamp the Imperium into something progressive and SJW/millennial friendly, it will be the fucking death knell of the setting.
Guillam is going to fall and became the new Horus. All due of Ynnead being nothing but a ruse by Slaanesh.
as some anons are pointing out
The Guilliman who once became Gaius Julius Caesar is dead
The Guilliman that we see now is Flavius Valerius Constantinus I, a man who rebuild a decaying empire into one of the biggest empires of the known history.
Find his brothers:
Awaken slumbering Johnson, find lost Jaghatai, Corax and Dorn, call Russ from the warp and find Vulkan's re-formed body.
Decapitated Ferrus and beloved Sanguinius are probably beyond his reach, but he should at least have the Sanguinator around (and Cawl may know something about the former's body, at least)
The only thing you can when upsetting an empire's power structure. Civil War.
Terra will burn again, one way or another.
If you wanted to go hardcore nihilistic, the loyalist primarchs would end up being targed by the =I=, causing an even more damaging civil war in the process. Ultramar becoming a massively more powerful version of the Severans.
what said, it will be a civil war because of what guilliman will do
Yeah, because that's quote is totally not foreshadowing his futile fight to save the empire he now hates, and own heroic death.
>and own heroic death
Suicide by crusade?
>kill a newly made mini
are the old neckbeards so fucking desperate?
$1000 says Ultramar becomes a paradise. No major effects will happen outside his realm.
Ultramar is already a paradise by 40K standards
Will he make Imperium great again?
The fuck is that xenos witch going there?
>Guilliman starts to muse on the benefits of female space marines
This kills the 40k
get the fuck out of here /v/
You have to go back.
>Ultramarines collaborating with xeno-sorcerers
Is there a single non-heretical first founding legion out there?
Malcador would like a word with you.
Reviving Rowboat; if not for Mary Sue up there, the rest of the crew up there would be very dead by now and Girlyman would still be stuck in stasis.
Down the biggest bottle of alcohol he can find then get to work
>Flavius Valerius Constantinus
> one of the biggest empires of the known history.
pick one byzantinecuck
The missing ones?
Only unimportant one, deal with it, old Imperium and Emperor are going to burn in the family-friendly fire.
>SJWstine and bunch of strong independent womyns ressurecting biggest Marry Sue of new progressive Imperium
>He actually thinks this way
The Imperium may change but it'll only ge at face value.
>Eldar may start slaughtering Tau to get to Farsight's sword
>Abaddon still stroking himself to the death of Cadia
>Orks are on the verge of another Beast situation coming out of their Empire.
>Nids breaking through soon
>95% of Necrons don't give a fuck about living things
Imperium and the Eldar may buddy up a little but the others are still ravening fucking Hordes.
Is this what /pol/ actually believes?
Because Roboute is a pragmatist. He cares about what works more than ideology.
Dad was the one with a hateboner for xenos, and Dad's gone now. Now the Imperium is weak as shit, and it can't afford to keep screwing itself over by continuously stabbing its potential allies in the dick for no reason.
The Humans and Eldar don't need to hold hands and adopt a baby and go to sunday brunch, but they do need to just stop being babies about the whole thing and admit that there are problems in the galaxy they need to work together to fix.
For example: The Eye of Terror is caused by the awakening of Slaneesh. Its also the primary route for Chaos fleets into the material universe.
If we helped the Eldar with their plan to kill Slaneesh and save their people, not only is there one fewer Chaos god to worry about but the Eye of Terror would probably start shrinking. If the Eye closes up, Chaos loses its big door for black crusades, and becomes much less of a threat.
So, yes, that involves helping xenos. But the end result helps the IoM at least as much and probably more.
>The Imperium may change but it'll only ge at face value.
And that's will be enough, since Imperium (or should I said Alliance in Space?) are main protag.
>>Eldar may start slaughtering Tau to get to Farsight's sword
nuff said.
>>Abaddon still stroking himself to the death of Cadia
>>Orks are on the verge of another Beast situation coming out of their Empire.
>>Nids breaking through soon
% of Necrons don't give a fuck about living things
So what? Setting needs generic cartoonish villains.
>But the end result helps the IoM at least as much and probably more
Nope it doesn't it helps Imperium Secundus/Ultramar, Imperium of Man was build on idea of humanity superiority
being an edgedark fedorafaggot is not nihilism you idiot
t. this thread
>common sense
kys redshirt
>>Orks are on the verge of another Beast situation coming out of their Empire.
You seriously that orks or nids, or cons will be big threat for such Marry Sue as Girlyman?
>Celestine will give him a pep talk about how much hope the Emperor ha
>hurr xenophobia and religion are bad
This is laughable, Orks and Nids posing any threat to Roboute? What a fucking joke.
Chaos is about to get its dick kicked after its first bit of success in 8000 years and Eldar are being demoted from a main faction to a bunch of cucks for the Imperium
So you realize that homosexuality isn't exactly banned in the Imperium, right? And that women pretty much can be anything a man can in the Imperium, all the way up to being a High Lord of Terra, right? And that race doesn't matter in the Imperium either?
By and large, the Imperium is fairly progressive in comparison to the modern world, primarily due to everyone at least agreeing that everybody how isn't human is a fucking dick.
Orks are getting bigger and bigger from constant fighting with the 'Nids. Thraka's already on the Warpath. And remember what happened to the last Primarch to fight a Beast?
>not SJW
Let's play a "spot GW employee" game
>Muscular blonde white woman given powers through complete dedication and worship to a man
Try harder.
>And that race doesn't matter in the Imperium either?
That's why Imperium destroyed countless number of xeno races durring Great Crusade?
>against Ultramarines
>any chances
user, if you don't realize that it meant HUMAN race, then you're a fucking disgrace to your bloodline. Consider suicide before you spread your genes.
The fuck? The Imperium literally burns millions of humans for having any faith different and you calling them progressive? Also if women and gays are so fucking equal then how come I barely ever hear anything about any of them? Try harder fag.
Also Thraka's a fucking loser, Warpath? You mean that time he lost every war he's ever launched against the Imperium? Octarius? You mean those Orks who've lost every single fight they've fought against the Imperium.
Here's an idea, bring some fucking evidence of Thraka or Octarius Orks actually winning against normal Marines in a war and I might believe they stand a chance against the the God-Emperor's own son.
Holy shit, I didn't realise how huge Cawl was meant to be.
Fucking kill yourself you fucking moron who can't even use the word race correctly
>>Muscular blonde white woman
You mean landwhale hydrocephalus (face and proportions)?
>worship to a man
Nice try Rabbi
VIII and XX Legions?
GW is probably going to have Thraka be dethroned as biggest baddest warboss after the original krork leader is released from some ancient old one prison or some shit like that
>Decapitated Ferrus and beloved Sanguinius are probably beyond his reach
>Implying we won't get two Ferrus', one clone and the other his brain inserted into a fully mechanical body
Race isn't the same as species, you god damn mongoloid.
He's literally refered to as a man, male pronouns and the Emperor's son?
What the fuck are you talking about? Now your just making fucking verbal acrobatics to escape your own retardation.
>Modern social issues:
>Gays need rights!
>Women need rights!
>Muh religion embargo!
>Fucking economy!
>Stop racism!
>Fuck you for not being part of X social/racial/religious group!
>Imerium social issues
>Worship the Emperor you fucking heretics
This is some advanced retardation.
Read your fucking books you fucking subhuman, fucking even being on here when you've fucking never read a Warhammer Rulebook in your life for fucks sake
So why the fuck were you calling them progressive by modern standards then you fag?
Now, the question is
Is it possible for one of the Chaos primarchs to go traitor to the traitors and try redeem himself? I can think of only two that might want to: Magnus and Mortarion, and Magnus just got finished burning the Space Yiff's homeworld to the fucking ground.
Thraka was a horrible biggest Warboss anyway, he was like dick dastardly levels of pathetic.
Besides with a Primarch in all other factions might as well just give up and accept that from now on all we'll ever be is either someone dying to make a Primarch look cool or someone doing something to help a primarch win a fight.
Good goy. Now go and hate all those space knights, it's so offencive and shouldn't have place in new progressive multicultural Impreium Secundus
Go back to /pol/
Once you go Chaos , you can't go back.
He's better as a really crafty ork who can fuck up your plans but hes not top tier threat material
I know user, this is the worst part. I have Tyranid and Orks and we're never going to be anything more than 'then billions died whilst the Primarch was on his morning run'
Swarmlord already lost to Calgar noway nids standing a chance against the Primarch-sues.
Because they are. Aside from the who fanatical religion deal, the Imperium is egalitarian as all fuck. If youse a human and you worship the Emperor, you're fine. Want to become a general leading a crusade, little girl? A-okay. Want to marry your childhood boyfriend and open a bakery together making pies for the Imperial Guard stationed on your planet, little boy? The Emperor Protects.
In the Imperial Dogma, it literally does not matter who you are as long as you venerate the Emperor and don't consort with Xenos.
Uh...no. Thraka's just mastered the tactic of all 40k Villains...running away like a bitch from marines whilst you cry yourself to sleep at night saying 'its okay, I still own cause I got/did X/Y, I am a powerful warlord, I am' and then promptly show up for their next battle to get kicked in the balls by Logan/Marneus/Dante/Artemis/Azrael or whoever else you want.
We need to build a gate
Oh yeah, forgot about him. He might want to go back as well.
Well I'm not suggesting the Daemon primarchs would get restored to their saint status among the Imperium and start crusading again, but
Well, GW love to steal from Blizzard now, so may be you get your own Kerrigan.
Being DA and IG player are much worse
So where are all these fucking trannies, fags and whores in the Imperium? Last I checkd 80% of every important position in the Imperium is good honest Men, so fuck yourself or provide evidence.
>Durr I posted meme cause not know how to say anything back
But I don't want a human. Why can't a non-human matter or be Primarch-tier?
I play Nids and Orks and so I wanna play Nids and Orks. I don't want Nids to be strong just cause they absorb some Primarch and now that Primarch takes over and is better than the Hive Mind.
It's not a meme, you really should go back, tumblr.
>Impeurope is weak and failing, it disgusts me
>we need to bring in billions of xenos to enrich our culture
>t. Angboutela Gerkelliman
>the embodiment of the strongest man in the imperium
Nah try again
>Why can't a non-human matter or be Primarch-tier?
Because GW wants new audience.
Read Ciaphas Cain you fucking inbred.Two of those three things are within the first collection alone, on TOP of there being both a female IG Colonel and a female Inquisitor.
Orks actually had 'Prime-orks', one of which killed Vulkan and the entirety of the Imperial Fists.
I play Eldar and it sucks even for us now. Now we're just the Roboute's cocksucking squad. I was hoping Ynnead would mark a major moment of resurgence for the Eldar but all it led to was us becoming Roboute's sidekicks/slaves.
Starts to feel like if aren't a Primarch your just pointless or dead.
Trannies, Fags and Whore are not capable of running an Empire.
>Orks actually had 'Prime-orks', one of which killed Vulkan and the entirety of the Imperial Fists.
And he still lost like a bitch
>Starts to feel like if aren't a Primarch your just pointless or dead.
Just like in another GW game
This is Carnac.
>>the embodiment of the strongest man in the imperium
>and it is a jew with multicultural program
>not SJWstine
top kek
Well I mean Magnus is psychically more powerful than the Hive Mind so maybe its not that far-fetched. I mean AoS did the Pantheon thing maybe that's the new direction, each faction gets on Primarch.
Vulkan's already shown he can control the Waaagh better than Orks so he gets that, Sanguinius probably gets the Necrons cause they've been hinting there's a friendship there. Roboute's obviously got the Craftworld Eldar, Jaghati probably gets the Dark Eldar after he kills Vect.
Actually could work pretty easily.
It's the year 40,000. They got advanced gene therapies and shit.
A bunch of the novels have had gay relationships. I think Ciaphas Cain had a few, right off the top of my head.
Real goddamn classy. Again, Ciaphas Cain has women in command AND in the Inquisition doing perfectly fine. Females in command are all over the Horus Heresy series as well; the commander of Angron's personal flagship was a woman and she was bloodthristy enough to be a perfect match with the World Eaters.
It's a goddamn empire that stretches across the whole fucking galaxy. Why are you getting so buttmad that the Human Uber Alles empire is actually drawing from all of loyal humanity to survive and grow?
Honestly, but it feels kind of good.
>And he still lost like a bitch
Yeah, after planting his balls on Holy Terra and laughing as an entire First Founding chapter got crushed by them.
That's something even the Daemon Primarchs can't do.
> Last I checkd 80% of every important position in the Imperium is good honest Men
Learn to fucking read you mongoloid.
It's a pol just found out about 40k over the last two yeas and thinks they know anything about the setting episode
>That's something even the Daemon Primarchs can't do.
Not saying much is it? They've never been competent.
Agreed, so certain fucking losers should stop acting like they do
>I think Ciaphas Cain had a few
Nope it was mentioned of movie about Cain where he was a gay
I hope the Ultra-fags try and break away, I'll enjoy hunting them down with the 8 loyal Chapters.
Oh really? So then why is almost every major commander a man? Almost every High Lord of Terra? For fucks sake your token 'BL' bitches and fags don't change shit, 90% of everyone important in the Imperium of Man is a Man! Its in the name!
Wrong again, tumblr.
Ciaphas Cain fucked more women in a single campaign than you will in your entire life.
There's also that cute lesbian relationship between two corporals, I'm pretty sure.
Beast Waaggh showed exactly how much Orks suck. Even all united and with the Imperium completely unawares Orks still got curbstomped and all their conquests erased in just 1 century. Beast was a joke.
>I can't disprove him so here's a meme
>90% of everyone important in the Imperium of Man is a Man! Its in the name!
user, ironic shitposting is still shitposting. And it isn't ironic.