/hhg/ aka Horus Heresy General

Rolled 14 (1d26)

Sell me on your legion edition
Scanon's delay subedition

Ultramarines and the other 18 legions, user's working out the word count of the Horus Heresy, Leman doesn't have IWND and more >INFERNO SCANS THUS FAR

mediafire.com/file/cxrk2978wbwkmv0/Thousand Sons.pdf
mediafire.com/file/t6y7bddxcy387yw/Space Wolves.pdf
mediafire.com/file/8ukjwhr4a8x6tet/Titan Guard.pdf (already done
mediafire.com/file/1voouhaka9bctd9/Talons of the Emperor.pdf

Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyC

>Updated rulebooks
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html

>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries, use Celestia Antiqua Std and Garamond
mediafire.com/file/q315zmyjntb4j04/LA Exploitable v1.pdf

>BoP's Paint guide

>HHG Discord

Other urls found in this thread:


first for best primarch and best legion

First for the Omnissiah's servants, bitch down you numbered mistakes.

Curses :)
Ah well, lost to second best mistake.

When's the coventry forge world exhibition? Do they do discounts on models?

I don't get why those models are constantly held up as the pinnacle of FW's mechanicum design. The bodies are good, and the guns are good, but they go together like a kitbash, like someone just stuck heavy weapons on the side of a model not designed for it.

Some number for angriest waifus

Hey Anons,

Thus far in the process, changed it up a little bit.

Primed Black
Base Coat Magnus the Red Warplock bronze
wash with nihalak oxide
Dry brush Magnus the Red Warplock Bronze
Dry Brush Sycorax Bronze
lightly wash with nuln oil

I didn't expect the nuln oil to bring out the purple hues in the Magnus the Red Warplock Bronze.

Am pleasantly surprised.

My nigga

Interesting effect. Iron Hands?

For the DG guy looking for a fancy name


Then who is best mistake?
>like someone just stuck heavy weapons on the side of a model not designed for it.
Maybe, but that's how people look at Myrmidons in the setting
>Silly priest, those halves don't go together
Why are they so perfect?

DG Destroyer WIP. Im hoping to get all 5 done, and a DG Leviathan basecoated by the end of the weekend.

Bracing for VI Legion fluff

So I'm using this guide:
And it seems to be coming out fine considering my ham hands. However, it is EXTREMELY TIME CONSUMING. I am still on the first model. Is there a more efficient way of going about this? Bonus if it looks better.

Does plasteel or ceramite even oxidise, nerver mind change to verdigris? I doubt there's much copper in a material harder than titanium.

Lol, they actually acknowledged their typos

A fine choice in Legion and Primarch!

The ZM Legion, Toxins and Terminators, suitably grimdark tragedy for the Primarch, some important and interesting Captains, Horus's most reliable lieutenant Primarch, decent but not OP as fuck, etc.

Doesn't have to be normal oxidization. Could be a reaction to some chemical weapon that had been used by either side while on campaign.

Do we really need more DG players?

Maybe it doesn't oxidise per se, but it does deteriorate when exposed to all the chemicals present in the galaxy.
We do have confirmation the Destroyer's munitions darken and corrode their plate, so they just paint it black.

I don't know, next to NL players, they seem to be really productive in getting models done.

Thats because that one guy does both NL and DG

Black shields, here is a comparison between a model that has made it to step 4 vs 6.

The force is being fluffed as 2nd generation Thunder Warriors, a new breed made from Arik's geneseed developments, most closely related to World Eaters in terms of gene siring.

Ferrus is best mistake, did his job, didn't show off about it and made cool shit for the other ones to make them less useless.

They're nice, I just wish they were sold with all 1 weapon. They take well to weapon swaps, though, so you can give them grav easily enough.
The whole point is these are the Magos Dakkarius, they're just guns on very stylish legs.

Kek, I guess I'll forgive that one.
Now on to redeem the fucking HH books...

Reposting in hopes of guidance.

Sons of Horus using Long March RoW, 2440 points total

Praetor- Cataphractii termi, paragon blade, digital lasers (175)
Legion Primus Medicae- cataphractii FW one (130)

Contemptor Dreadnought - 2 Kheres Assault cannons (200)
Rapier Laser Destroy(3) -(165)
Rapier Laser Destroy(3) -(165)

Tactical Marines(10)- artificer armor, combi-plas, meltabombs, nuncio-vox, rhino (200)
Tactical Marines(10)- artificer armor, combi-plas, meltabombs, nuncio-vox, rhino (200)
Cataphractii Terminators(5)- combi-plas x5, LCx5, grenade harness (235)
Tartarous Terminators(5)- combi-plas x5, LCx5 (225)

Heavy Support
Heavy Support Squad(5)- Autocannonx5 (160)
Heavy Support Squad(5)- Autocannonx5 (160)
Leviathan Dreadnought- Armored Ceramite, Phosphex, Siege Claw, Melta Lance (325)
Dreadnought Drop Pod(100)

-Going to get more Cataphractii Terminators soon or get Justaerian and drop the Cataphractii completely.
-have 20 more marines unbuilt

In my mind, its supposed to emphasize lesser materials being used in the construction of the power armor.

Perhaps it isn't ceramite, but an alloy that has been cut with weaker minerals that can in fact, oxidize.

Hey look, Bangels can take SSs now.

>ss and asscannon termies

Please FW, make this a thing.

I doubt MarkIII would get made with anything but plasteel since it was produced in teh great crusade era. Maybe if it were some post-heresy mark.

The thicc is gud.
The thinn is evil.

I may have responded too late in the other thread - I lamented that your characters weren't in Tartaros, but model availability is the problem there. Get as many turn 1 pods as you can for that RoW.

This is going to sound dumb and autistic, but based on the description of the Kharon, , it should be black and/or shiny.

Also you will either not see it coming, or you'll be fearful of it.

MKIII's production process was strapping additional plates to MKII power armor.

The premise of MKIII was to provide a solution to the MKII's difficult to replace layered plating while increasing the armors viability in Zone Mortalis engagements.

In my mind, if you have the base power armor, strapping additional plating to it and creating MkIII armor seems more tenable than producing MKII armor.

Really, despite MKIV being produced as a ramshackle of different MK's, MKIII would probably be easiest to produce as a byproduct of the minimal differences between MKIII and MKII.

"where we're going we don't need faces"

Ablative armour doesn't need to be of such high standard.

>any IF model that can take a Heavy Flamer may exchange it for a storm shield for +10 points, a predator may exchange it's cannon for a twin-linked storm shield

A big black Kharon, huh.

If you want faster AND better, your best option is to eat the brains of an MKA member and learn their secrets. They seem to have some clever airbrush-dependent technique that's relatively quick but also faster than brush painting. Probably based on zenithal highlighting but they pull it off really well.

With a brush, no, you're screwed. Especially with white. One option is to do a very dark wash over the gray primer and then spray almost-white over it. The wash will show through as pre-shading. Or just start with almost-white, wash, then highlight once. Won't look as good but it'll be faster. Basically the Duncan way - look up how to paint WE or WS on the Warhammer TV Youtube channel.

>twin-linked storm shield
3++ rerollable predators? I'll only allow that if you literally make the hull out of shields. Ogryn shield plates, smaller Custodes ones for the diagonal panelling, etc.

Now I want someone to photoshop that.

That does operate under the assumption that the force began with MKII power armor. In my case, blackshields logistics is tricky, somewhere between fixing their gene cancer and making it offworld, they obtained 150-400 suits of MKII power armor for their equivalent force.

Assuming geneseed cultivation takes somewhere between 2-4 standard months and beginning with four functioning Thunder Warrior Gene Seeds (optimistic), obtaining 256 suits of MKII over the course of sixteen months isn't too unreasonable.

Sixteen months would be the amount of time it would take (Assuming cultivation periods are accurate) for the gene seed to replicate a total of 256 times. With rapid implantation and pyscho indoctrination astartes where being churned out in about nine months after initial implantation?

We are looking at 25 months to create a force of 256 Thunder warriors. Nice! Logistically viable, assuming there weren't too many hick ups in resource acquisition.

So, Girlyman has changed in the last few millenia.

>Assuming geneseed cultivation takes somewhere between 2-4 standard months
Where's that from?

Mix of model restrictions and I like the look of cataphratcii armor. For the apothecary model, I just have the one GW stores were selling for a while. Dreadclaw or vanilla pods?

Arik talks about cultivation time during Outcast dead, (I think) Fabius Bile does as well during the Fulgrim Horus Heresy novels.

Also, within the Space Marine Codex they go over the entire process of space marine production, it also gets covered in some of the Horus Heresy source material, the Iron Warriors fluff talks about implantation and geneseed cultivation as well.

Shield bits are cheap enough to do that. Hell, I'm tempted to do that and just grab a cheap predator off ebay and go at it.

I don't see Eternal Warrior in there anywhere

I'm pretty sure cultivation is the process of turning a mature, harvested progenoid into the 19 implants that will be put into a new marine. Not the act of maturing a progenoid to make a new progenoid. Otherwise, what is the 5 and 10 year progenoid maturation process?

Or fearless.

That's a stupid recipe. Pallid wych flesh is a terrible paint. One of the very worst GW made.

Just get primer white, a thinned coat of Ulthuan grey, and then use wash of choice, sepia, black or brown.

This WS is white primer, uthuan grey, AP sepia soft tone wash, then cleanup with Ulthuan grey.

Probably because he comes back to life on a 4+.

>most vanilla primarch
>stats are just 6s across the board
Good work design team.

Also, I guess it's kind of interesting to see what Emps's sword does in 40k, although it'll almost certainly have different rules in 30k if custards and sisters are any indication.

Those additional implants are independent of the Geneseed. The Geneseed is required to orchestrate the overall change from regular human to Astartes.

That is why you can't just implant a human with all the different implants and have a space marine, without the geneseed the implants would kill the implantee.

>Armor of Fate


Vanilla pods can’t carry Terminators. I was thinking Dreadclaws for units of 5, but your characters+squad will need a Kharybdis. If you take one each, you’ll have three pods (including the Leviathan’s) so you’ll get two on turn 1.


While you are correct, you're using words badly.
It would be 'regulate' rather than orchestrate, and geneseed is not a word that is interchangeable with progenoid glands in all phrases, which you would have been better off using.

They didn't show his generic special rules, but it's assumed to be the same as 30k primarchs.

That's...not at all true though. A mature progenoid is broken open and the inside of it (ie. the geneseed) is used to grow all 19 implants from the progenoid. They are not independent. And in fact the progenoid is the second to last implant, meaning a recruit spends approximately six years without its supposed regulatory capability.

What's wrong with pallid wych flesh? I need some (or something like it) so I was going to get a pot of it this weekend.

I agree.

I honestly don't have any recollection of that particular fluff. Do you have a source?

With the Ultimate Sword of choppiness, why would he even want the Hand of Dominion for?
It's probably somewhere over there. But he could still be brought to T2 using Enfeeble, the Thurible and rad grenades & furnace.
But srsly he's such OP shit, it's like all the Tau condensed in a single blue guy.
I guess that explains why he looks like a fucking TS.

>our dream
>literally built an empire by conquering everyone and enslaving those that resisted

Fuck you Guilliman.

The classic Creation of a Space Marine article. There are 20 zygotes inside a mature progenoid. These are the seeds for the 18 implants, plus 2 progenoids. But to go from those zygotes to implantable organs takes a few months of lab growth.

>With the Ultimate Sword of choppiness, why would he even want the Hand of Dominion for?

For all those turns he can't be in melee.

He's Scoria 2.0, except worse. He is a Monstrous Creature with mediocre shooty and a bubble of 12" buffs that force the army to slog with him or lose "Value". He's a distraction Carnifex, really. Doesn't matter how many rules he has on that sword if he never swings it at anything but a Conscript or a Skitarii Vanguard. He can do an AoE hit, but even then he'll struggle with big enough tarpits as he can't join units.

>why would he even want the Hand of Dominion for?
Backhanding fools, pimp slapping, brofisting etc.

>But srsly he's such OP shit, it's like all the Tau condensed in a single blue guy.

How's he going to avoid getting shot if he can't use a transport or use Look Out Sir?

As in, the actual power fist rather than the underslung bolt weapon. The sword is S10 AP1 Armourbane and with situational D
Guilliman: Horus sent us to hell - but we're going even deeper - take back everything that we've lost!
Sanguinor: Bob... I'm already a daemon...

>With the Ultimate Sword of choppiness, why would he even want the Hand of Dominion for?
Consider that is says they are used together in one profile.

Sword and Fist are combined into a single weapon profile for pimpslapping daemons back to the warp.

I'm just realizing how fucking HUGE Belisarius is.

Punished Guilliman shop when?

Can't do it right now, I'm still at work.
Besides, what would the shop be? At best I can adapt quotes and grimdark songwrite

eyepatch, scars and shrapnel 'horn' I suppose

Ooh right. Yeah, I did Alpharius', leave it to me.

it is a little too transparent so it's slightly chalky, but you just need to be patient with it. Pic related is Celestra Grey, probably the best white base around, with nuln wash and then one coat of pallid wytch and a white scar highlight.

It's a shame you can't make out the effects of that paint combination because the highlights on your picture are more blown the fuck out than the Space Wolves at Yarant.

What's that red? I've been experimenting with trying a metallic red based on the "metallic gold plus artificer tint" method, but I can't seem to get it right.

>we joked about Sanguinius getting D in melee
>Guilliman actually gets that rule

In case anyone needs photography-speak translated, "blown out" means the photo's overexposed so a range of bright areas have all hit the film/sensor's brightness limit and show up as pure white.

Sanguinius is going to be broken. Calling it now.

Just Mephiston red with a evil sunz highlight, personally I find metallic schemes are distasteful especially for the sons. Egyptians didn't paint in candy red either, they used ochre and othe iron oxides which have that striking blood red.

Well, he is every time you try to transport him. Dem resin wings man.

>Dem resin wings man

They should just make him a hybrid metal/resin kit and cast the wings in metal.

>Where will you be when the Phosphex hits?

Speaking from experience with Corax: You'll want a specifically cut foam carrier (I made mine using a hotwire)

Where are the rules for him?

Fuck you, xenos scum

Don't do that method, it's irregular and costs too much, esp if you have vehicles etc to do.
Just do clear red over gold (not silver like that other guy was saying earlier) if you want the superior shiny TS red.

Isn't he supposed to be ancient, like he might have been around during the heresy (though obviously a much smaller and more junior magos)

>Just do clear red over gold (not silver like that other guy was saying earlier) if you want the superior shiny TS red.
Unfortunately, I don't have an airbrush, and I wouldn't have a good place to use it in even if I did.

You don't need an airbrush, airbrush just makes it simple.


>Unfortunately, I don't have an airbrush, and I wouldn't have a good place to use it in even if I did.

I use hand brushed Vallejo Transparent Red thinned with Vallejo Glaze medium for my Word Bearers. It doesn't have the same candy red finish as Tamiya clear red but a coat of varnish may help with that.

>Lord Commander of the Imperium

I guess this means he's not becoming Emperor 2.0?
Thats a relief.


Nooo... all my hard work!

Tamiya clear red works fine as, I think. You need to use gloss shading. Pic related shows at least one mini in every step of the process as I can't work on one unit to completion at a time apparently.