ITT post anatomically realistic/correct fantasy races

ITT post anatomically realistic/correct fantasy races

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Those wings couldn't flap.


They're also way too small.

Not in anything resembling earth gravity, at any rate.

It's weird how even people who've studied anatomy fail to realize just how fucking huge flight muscles are, they're often half the volume of the animal's torso.

There's probably more muscle-mass there that isn't apparent in the sketch. Likely, the flight-muscles would be quite large, and would anchor to a bony structure where the sternum is/would be.

Here's a good example of what I mean

Would a lamia really need a lung that large?

Mostly that's actually great, but I question how likely it is that the eyes would evolve on stalks like that. It just seems like an invitation for them to get torn off by predators.

Those eyes look like they're augments, not natural.

Maybe they are all great opera singers, it's just that no adventurer has ever given then chance to prove it?

Or they retract into the head

What even is that? Those slaver tick people from 3.5?

Short answer: Yes

Long answer: More body mass needs more oxygen, so yes.

>In that one DVD extra short where Centorea stomps on Miia's tail, she was actually stomping on her uterus and ovaries
How horrible

Why would a lamia need two hearts and three lungs? Wouldn't it be simpler to have the "human" part be just a curiously shaped anterior part of the body that internally still has the snake anatomy?

Well, if the species had a more magical than natural origin (I.E. a wizard/the gods put a chick and a snake together), then it's probably just an evolutionary leftover that made more sense to keep than to get rid of.

iirc, even with hollow bones a winged humanoid around average human size would need something like a 35 foot wingspan and a 4 foot sternum to anchor the flight muscles.

And Giants would cook their organs from the inside and collapse under their own weight, and other boring unfun stuff.

Whenever I run fantasy, I like assuming that the square-cubed law isn't a thing. Makes things better.

The recent estimates of azhdarchid pterosaur proportions place their wingspan at 33–36 ft and their mass at 440–550 lbs. Based on this, a winged humanoid weighting 1/3 of that and with similar wing shape would have a wingspan around 20 ft.
I can't say anything about the sternum.

I wonder what the reasoning behind that ribcage is. On the topic of winged humanoids, are there any other depictions of how a "correct" muscle structure would look on an individual?

Here are other images from the same source, The Resurectionist.

There is a reason it's an eroge zone for her

Mother fucker, have you never seen crabs? Lobsters? Shrimp? Slugs? Snails?

>image says harpy
>clearly an angel: has arms like a human plus wings emerging from the back


Considering the raw mass of the critter in question, a human sized heart is not enough to keep that much blood flowing.

Unless the heart was just weirdly large.

I am, however, concerned about that massive looking posterior lung. If for some reason you were to squeeze that, it would force a hefty jet of air out through that reeeeally small trachea.

i'm not an anatomatician

Would having only two wings and somehow stick hands and thumbs into them make more sense?

Of course a human-sized heart would be insufficient. I was talking about a single heart sized for a snake of comparable length to the full length of the lamia (together with the human part).

Regarding the posterior lung, presumably the snake part ribs would protect from such an eventuality.

Why not just have dozens of small wings all over the entire organism?

Instead of feathers, whole wings.

All flapping at once.

This would likely not work at all.

>post anatomically realistic/correct fantasy races

Git comfy, you'll be browsing his stuff for a while.

Holy shit. I know that guy!
Got into a huge political discussion with him on FB. Guy is a masive leftist.

>For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward

I fucking love Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials.

I could have told you that. After Trump won he had a fucking 'tism tantrum on his profile.


With a poison sack, would allow for a serious spray of poison.

And the OP angel have 3 sets of limbs such as a dragon (instead of a true harpy, more akin to a wyvern). What other kind of animal would develop from an early 6 limb ancestor? Aurunvorax? Displacer beasts?

>tfw can't find anatomical diagrams of kobolds


I like this person's interpretation of centaur anatomy.

But that's clearly the bone structure of Morrigan's wings, not a harpy's.

I always wanted to join the SFBC because they always advertised it as one of the books you could get for, like, a quarter when I was a kid.

I've always loved the design of this thing, but it's not going to become an intelligent species. It has no manipulators. You can't have an ungulate become sapient without the hooves turning into manipulators. I can't buy them as smart, only as pack animals that are "clothed" and given burdens by their masters.

>It has no manipulators
You see those two folded up limbs on the front, lifted off the ground? Those are the arms.

He never shows them very well. I guess I have trouble accepting three fingers (on arms that can't even reach some places on the body) in that shape are sufficient.

I wonder how a race that could fly would would function in terms of architecture, roads, warfare etc.

assuming they flew "realistically" as in minimum 60 foot wingspans, needing the proper wind conditions and room to take off.

That gun looks like it has a terrible ergonomic for that bug.

This is why hang gliders are so big.

Maybe this thread should be 'fantasy creatures with arbitrary justification for the fantasy bits'.

>He likes harpies armless
Go back to your anime, son.

>on arms that can't even reach some places on the body

pot, meet kettle.

>he doesn't like his harpies magically changing their arms into wings and vice versa


Can normal people not touch every part of their body with their hands?

Try to touch every inch of your back

Okay I've checked and I can absolutely do it this, fingertips pad down and everything.

Freak of nature confirmed?

I think that user just needs to stretch more.

I mean I really don't know, I'm skinny with big hands and long arms, I've just never considered the problem beyond scratching itches.

Oh my God is this why back-scratchers exist?

You are now imagining small insects burrowing into the flesh of the middle of your back where you can't reach.


>the middle of your back where you can't reach.

There is no such area for me, I've got a hand above and below touching fingers. There's not place I can't go, I'm willing to accept this is not normal but this is my situation.

Eye stalks gave a greater field of vision, allowing predators to be spotted easier and so the ones that had better vision and more flexible eye stalks were the ones breeding.

Alternatively, there is no predators for it to fear so more wasteful and extravagant adaptations.

Or even something like a Peacock.
Peacock tails are thought to exist as to advertise how succesful the male is Despite having a massive handicap in the form of a tail that weighs almost as much as itself.

That's actually a 'normal' range of flexability for a human.

News flash: The uterus and the ovaries are not an erogenous zone.

Which one? The ability or the lack thereof?

>he doesn't like getting hugged by both arms and wings at once


>his harpies aren't barely sapient horrors of the night
Go back to your anime, son.

It's time for you to go back to reddt baka.



>all those ribs
>not protecting the stomach

They are absolutly my favourite 'hard' depiction of aliens.

Nah, you just had a run-in with a trex on a keyboard

>Oh my God is this why back-scratchers exist?
Yes, you double-jointed freak, that IS why back-scratchers exist. Most people cannot reach all of their back.

I can just about reach. I'll try properly when my shoulders aren't stiff from motorcycling.
My spine's flexible enough to get one hand to reach just about everywhere, though.

I know, right. Don't you just hate it when people can't keep their facts straight?






>massive leftist
how does that matter in any way aside from attempting to derail the thread?

something something "cucks" something something tribalism

>heart that low

This horse woman'll never make it as a jet pilot!

>no way of steering
Would small butt wings permit steering?

pitch control by constant farting.



>user makes offhanded comment about artist who's being discussed in the thread
>a different user gets butthurt and accuses him of trying to derail discussion
>a third user accuses him of being a tribalist for basically saying "I disagree with his worldview"

Pure poetry. Enjoy this crustacean with an AK74u, friends.

Shit, you're right, sorry my guy

>Is so offended by his worldview he not only brings it up without provocation in an unrelated thread but also posts to bash it
>"I'm just disagreeing with his worldview"
>"You're the derailer, not me"
>"Stop being offended by my thread derailing"
You can't have it evey way at once.

Stop derailing the thread! /s

Fun fact, this alien is a drug dealer
They sell those stick-things on their head, and those wires on their eyestalks are a retro form of communication (ie, a flip-phone)
Or maybe it's that thing on their leg, I can't remember

Is it not normal to be able to grab your opposite shoulder behind your back?

>her vagina is halfway down her body

I always love it when humankind is in a federation with a total different alien species.
The Humanx Commonwealth for example

That is terrifyingly hideous. I always saw Puppeteers with smoother lines and more herbivore-ish 'heads' that are a cross between a snake and a cow, with added comedy lips.
And that rear leg is nowhere near powerful enough, and lacks the pointed hoof for kicking.
Also, that 80s sci-fi haircut/mane is awful. Nowhere near enough decoration.

No, calf wings

This is why I come here.

You would think that such a creature would have a hard time breathing (among all the other problems) without sounding like a massive pumping bellows. That kind of volume to be exchanged through such a long and narrow apparatus?

Lick the end of your own elbow, and no, not the inside of it.

Why is that thing covered in nasty pubes?

Huh, very interesting, I always thought of them as two headed, three legged, cyclops ostriches.

You start.