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I'm looking for female warriors.
Classic greek amazons with spear and shield in particular but I'm generally interested in classic fantasy art of female warriors of any kind.
Feel free to make requests. I'll see what I have.
here, friendos
I thought that thumb was the D2 Amazon.
you don't say.
>tfw made this photo for a friend in F-list
I'd show you my PSD if it didn't vanish with my hard drive three years back.
Looks nothing like her upon closer inspection though.
Not angry or butch enough.
Requesting Undead Rogue-types. Whether it be leather-clad assassins, swashbucklers, classy nobles, or regular everyday citizens. I'll take whatever you got.
>tfw no short hair elf gf
Need a young female blacksmith with black hair
Requesting Tiefling girls with middle eastern aesthetics and attire
I'm looking for a rogue with the standard rogue setup (dagger,rapier,hood) but with a pistol on a leg or belt holster. I'm trying to make a Rogue/Gunslinger character in an upcoming campaign and would really appreciate the help.
Need a coal miner type for a steampunk game. Preferably female.
What the hell is this now. She's obviously never done any actual smithing if she wears that apron. She should be full of scars and burns wearing just that. Probably some medieval hipster-faker that spends all her time at the gym to look the part. Just one wrong movement and her breasts flop straight into the fire.
Does anyone have any characters that look like they would come from the desert? Preferably something like a wizard?
A few
More of a druid really.
Requesting more tacticool renaissance if anyone has it.
Thanks, I should have specified a dude though.
God i'm so sad he took down all his art
Need art of sultans and arabian wizards
What are you, gay?
I'm looking for some not!persian and not!roman nobles/royalty. The hairer the better!
Need art of girls with short, spiky hair. Preferably rogues.
Half elf wizard please.
this guy might count for half elf wizard
My nigga
I'm done for now keep this shit alive lazy anons.
I need tundra explorers, vikings, and any frost giants.
>Classic greek amazons with spear and shield in particular but I'm generally interested in classic fantasy art of female warriors of any kind.
Do you yourself have any Greek amazon art? The ones I find are not the style I'm looking for.
closest I've got
Lads, I'm looking for living armors, or generally something that could pass for it.
I need a big guy covered in futuristic armor, face included, something along the lines of mass effect or 40k kind of armor.
I need art of characters/npcs with strong African tones for a Lamentations of the Flame Princess game.
In return, art!
requesting elf mob boss
Need Anti-Paladins
Will post what I have, or requests
I need a picture for a space opera guy who's a bit of a pretty boy just hitting middle age.
i've got armor robots, dunno if it's good for you
>Lance pile-bunker
.... I have a deep need.
Looking for images of the Nameless One pre-zombie state. Or, kind-of-but-not-really-a-zombie-just-really-scarry state, anyway. The kind where he looks as though he's had the world's most unpleasant life.
Any good? Short on actual scifi stuff.
I'm looking for artistic references for my retainers for my Noble background alchemist.
Bit old, but thanks.
To be fair, he got a lot better once he turned from Paladin to Oathbreaker.
I'm looking for mostly Noir/Crime styled to expand my folder. I'll post what I have.
Too young? I'm just trawling pinterest, all the bits I have of 'aging man' are pretty clearly fantasy or definitely too old for you.
I have a hard request, anons.
I need a Female Dwarf warrior. Either with a lance/axe or a bow. Shit's impossible to find. They're all either paladin-esque or mages.
I'm looking for cultists, esp magic wielding cultists.