Why is 30kTT sooo much better than 40k? Even the player base is better, much more chill, banter without literally crying and of course less autism.
Why is 30kTT sooo much better than 40k? Even the player base is better, much more chill...
Angron is a fucking whinny bitch
He gets shit done. And tore wolfy a second asshole.
Yeah, with inferno's content you cannot really make that claim.
It was nice while it lasted.
Ruined by the shitty clusterfuck that the autistic BL authors turned the HH plot into.
Tau player detected.
Even Lorgor thought Angron was full of shit
Why is ADB so shitty?
He's shitty when he writes loyalist.
I'm totally indifferent towards the Tau.
Because his massive daddy issues make him hate the Emperor.
Who here has true,pure,god-like taste
I do.
Clearly Dorn plays Iron Warriors ...
So Perturabo must play Imperial Fists.
Regardless of anyone's daddy issues or perhaps because of them; the Emperor is objectively a shit dad and a shit ruler.
30k should have been the base setting. From a game point of view any two armies can have a good reason to fight each other. Oh no, 2 of us have loyalist armies... not a problem, says 30K.
>The hate boner has grown so large that they switched legions in order to try to out do the other using their own army
Anyone annoyed that the complete fleshing out of 30k is making the missing legions a plot hole? It was neat and mysterious when we knew hardly anything about 30k, now it seems asinine no one speaks of them or knows what happened. We know what time of day Horus had a bowel movement but we don't know what happened to two primarchs and two entire legions.
Only you, considering that it's not a plot hole.
Omission is not a plot hole
It is when it's inexplicable in-universe omissions. And no, the crappy "speaking of it is forbidden" excuse is wearing incredibly thin now.
You are not as clever as you think yourself to be. :)
>"speaking of it is forbidden" excuse
It becomes even weaker after the traitors go full renegade and still never mention them.
It's getting to be. Omitting such enormous happenings is incongruent with the rest of the setting. I can buy mysteries that large when we are speaking of foggy histories from 10,000 years ago that no one quite has the full story. I can't buy it when it's current events.
What part of REDACTED PURGED FROM IMPERIAL RECORDS do you not understand?
Having knowledge be lost is not an unusual thing for the setting.
What part of THE PRIMARCHS HAVE FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE AND COULDN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT RECORDS don't you understand? Tons of HH books deal with the primarchs as POV characters.
But all the traitor primarchs pinky promised the emperor they would never talk about it so it makes sense.
It was embarassing for everyone. Like, remember when Uncle Bob shit himself when he had a stroke, and slurred insults about 'niggers' and 'coons' before he collapsed?
No-one wants to remember that. That's why even the traitor Primarchs don't talk about it. It wasn't heroic, it wasn't memorable, and mainly everyone wish that it never happened.
30k players are always like
>30k is such a good game, so much better than 40k!
When it's the same core mechanics as 40k, and is only "balanced" since everyone is playing flavors of the same damn army. And FW even found a way to fuck that up.
So in summary:
>No difference in core game mechanics
>Not actually much better balanced
>Bland, since basically everyone is playing sphess mehreens
I'll stick to 40k.
>I'll stick to 40k
Clearly you don't get the appeal so just stick to 40k and your xenos army.
Why do so many 30k players like to jack themselves off so much about
>muh better gaem
>muh better setting
While deflecting any criticism or explanations of why they don't want to play "Marines on Marines 2: The Pre-sequel" with
>You just don't have good taste
Like Not to mention most of the ones who act like this that I've seen in real life are still using 40k shit converted badly instead of just nutting up and actually spending money on Forgeworld or even Recasts for fucks sake.
Like fucking Christ give it a break already.
You people are whinier than the folks who hop on the GW hateboner 24/7 but at least they have the decency to drop the whole setting and system instead of hemming and hawing with Forgeworld's stapling of an add-on onto 6th and 7th.
And if FW they actually had balls they'd have flipped 7th the finger and stuck with their 6th Ed re-imagining instead of the nightmarish bloat on top of bloat we have now.
God, I dislike the thought that I can't talk about niggers and spics when half my brain decides to die.
What a weird fucking society this is.
I don't see the logic there.
>While deflecting any criticism or explanations of why they don't want to play "Marines on Marines 2: The Pre-sequel" with
>You just don't have good taste
If someone begins by complaining about the blandness of sphess mehreens, why shouldn't I assume it's pointless to convince them about the merits of a marine vs marine setting?
>Not to mention most of the ones who act like this that I've seen in real life are still using 40k shit converted badly instead of just nutting up and actually spending money on Forgeworld or even Recasts for fucks sake.
Way to ignore all the hobbyists posting WIP or completed 30k models in /hhg and WIP threads (pic of my WIP models attached).
>Like fucking Christ give it a break already.
>You people are whinier than the folks who hop on the GW hateboner 24/7 but at least they have the decency to drop the whole setting and system
You're complaining about people who are happily buying and playing 30k (except the people in your anecdote who for some reason don't even use readily available HH plastics) and you say they should quit GW entirely rather than "lord it over" 40k players.
>instead of hemming and hawing with Forgeworld's stapling of an add-on onto 6th and 7th.
>And if FW they actually had balls they'd have flipped 7th the finger and stuck with their 6th Ed re-imagining instead of the nightmarish bloat on top of bloat we have now.
I haven't seen many 30k players complain about the core 40k rules. Instead, many 40k players complain about rampant formation and rulesbloat and detachment shenanigans. 30k has no formations and players are limited to one primary and one allied detachment. There are also optional detailed rules for small battles, Tactical Strike, along with Zone Mortalis. I'd say FW has done a good job of curtailing the excess of 7th edition.
forgot attachment.
>they don't want to play "Marines on Marines 2: The Pre-sequel"
what's wrong with this when the game is designed with the marine statline as a benchmark?
HH likely still having a higher point of entry, even with the plastic kits from GW, means that not everyone and their mother can take part.
>While deflecting any criticism or explanations of why they don't want to play "Marines on Marines 2: The Pre-sequel" with
If your criticism is any variation of this then there really is nothing that is going to to convince you since the HH is mainly for people who like SM, who like the Imperium, who like the historical nature, or any combination of the aforementioned.
t. Whiney bellend
How so?
40k explained that pretty well. The fleshing out of 30k made both pretty bland. I also like cataphracti better when their models weren't a thing.
It all kinda lost its magic to me, just like the setting of mtf which was ruined by the new walkers.
I'm somehow glad for GW blowing up the old world, so they couldn't ruin it. The unexplained or half explained fluff really adds to a setting. But autistic manchildren who need everything 100% explained and an official 'canon' statement on whos tank can drive faster or which primarch can piss the farthest are probably happy with the recent developments.
Because people think it's not 40k.
You don't have to browse /hhg/ for long to see that it's the same shit in new form. Bitching about power creep, FW units are always better than GW units, some units are just flat out useless and some are OP, terribly written rules, terrible balance, people bitching about not getting better rules or any rules, and a gigantic amounts of autism regarding lore and models.
I find the 30k lore more appealing and dramatic, but I rather the 40k's army diversity.
Hence, I play both!
It's the saddest kind of elitism where the product isn't even different, it's just a different shade of color.
Why haven't you posted these in the in the HHG? I love the paintjobs and wish I could go back and paint my Word Bearers more similiar to yours instead of following Duncan's guides.
I disagree since there are still mysteries that haven't been explained and won't be.
Honestly I feel like a lot of people who dislike things being explained are just salty that they may have had an idea about something before and it was perhaps entertained as legitimate, but now that an explanation exists everyone can point out that they're wrong if they try and flout it.
I'm not salty about a single outcome so far, but the writing is just shit most of the time. The worst case are probably the newcrons, where even the model range suffered from it.
because you identify with that group?
At that point they just don't give a shit. They have better things to do than reminisce about brothers they lost centuries ago.
>Why haven't you posted these in the in the HHG?
Ah I posted earlier versions on WIP but I've been busy preparing for an exam so I stopped working on them.
I don't want to say GW's method is bad for WB, but I used the Forgeworld recipe. It results in a very different look than typical layered marines, such as what I used for my Ultramarines.
What I did:
Prime black
Drybrush in 2 stages using a darker then a brighter metallic. (FW uses Rub and Buff Pewter). Be sure to pick out the edges with a bright silver.
Wash with Carroburg Crimson
Apply a thinned coat of Tamiya Clear Red by airbrush. (I substituted Vallejo Transparent Red thinned heavily with Vallejo Glaze Medium, applied by brush. I only put a little on my brush, and sort of "stained" the metallic paint on the mini using very thin coats, to avoid pooling. It takes some experimentation to get this down, but it's actually pretty easy once you figure it out)
Wash again with Carroburg Crimson
I then went back and applied some silver weathering on armor edges and corners.
Finally I used a heavily thinned black to blackline the joints and recesses of the armor.
we see things progress and learn answers to questions that plague us in 40k, why'd he do this, why did that happen, why do they hate those guys so hard? plus a lot of the deaths have a lot more oomph to them