I have a group of college friends. 7 in total 1 grill. One dude has BO. Its so bad after an hour you just have to open the fucking door to vent. What do? Hes just fat and wears the same shit everyday.
How to deal with that one dude
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Ask him to shower more often and change clothes and wear perfume (doesn't have to be strong just antiperspirant)
Alternatively if you are afraid to bring it up since it's a sensitive subject then do what i do and shower always before a session and perfume yourself enough that you won't notice him and sit the furthest away. It's a wonderful hobby that is sadly shared by hygienic slobs.
tell him that he needs to take a damn shower and wear some fucking deodorant. that's it... if he gets pissy let him, but it needs to be said for the good of the group.
No wonder they placed Goregantz the Breaker at the door. Bitches face is running defense tonight.
Tell him the truth. His smell is unbearable. Tell him to start showering, tell him to change clothes, but most importantly, tell him to stop being a disgusting fatass.
Bring it up with all the group present. Trust me, he'll just blow it off it you bring it to him by yourself. He needs to be shamed into doing the right thing, and it's for his own good as well in the end
We had a guy like this in our group. He wasn't fat, but he obviously never showered or changed his clothes. He also always woke barefoot, and since my city is heavily polluted, let me tell you it wasn't a pretty sight.
>Walk barefoot in a city.
Either you are spinning a pretty yarn or you live in Africa.
I'm dead serious. His soles were black with dirt, and so were his nails - dirty and broken.
He's certainly autistic, and as I suspect he might even be schizophrenic. Because he's just weird, and it's not his strangest behaviour.
That's hilarious.
Do get him to shower though.
I understand the rationale behind that but one of the worst players I've ever known could do 25 push-ups easily, and I know a couple decent-to-good players (including myself) who I'm quite certain could not.
Do what I did with our group's smokers and just thoroughly spray him down with Fabreze before you let him in.
And barring some phobia or neurosis, taking a shower is easier than quitting smoking, so it might help send the message.
>and wear perfume
also see what he would look like in an up-doo/ Versace ensemble
Not all perfume needs to be that fancy. Sure if it's something with a particularly rich floral base and maybe a subtle earthy middle tone, then you break out the Versace (or the Michael Kors or whatever. Versace is crazy high-end.) But there's nothing wrong with something sweet or fruity for a casual gathering.
The situation is already awkward. You're already suffering. The worst case scenario is, he gets pissed at you and you never see him again.
The best case scenario is, he takes a long look at his life, starts exercising more, starts washing his clothes and taking care of himself, and he stops making the hobby look bad.
In any case, the worst thing you can do is just let it slide, because it hurts you, it hurts your friends, and it's hurting him.
Confront him and tell him to either invest the minimum effort in grooming or to get the fuck out.
Anyone who has body odor that's bad enough to comment on has little enough empathy and social awareness that you forbidding them from coming unless they shower and wear deodorant isn't going to make them hate you.
The rest of you must ritually sacrifice him as an offering to Kek.
And do it properly, with a big pentagram on the floor, candles everywhere, and fancy hooded robes.
Tell him to shower or just cut him out. You have 6 other players not a big lost
>7 in total 1 grill
I don't know what's more shameful about this, the fact that you had to announce you've got a female member in your group or that you can't speak regular fucking English.
Anyway, just ask him to perform basic hygiene. Don't give him some ultimatum like, "Wash yer ass or git!", just tell him how you honestly feel and ask him to adjust his routine on game nights. If he thinks that unreasonable, you're probably better off not playing with him anyway.
>tfw being in good shape and yet my body pumps out odors like a sewage factory
It's suffering I have to keep deodorant in my car so that I can run out and reapply between games
Tell me more about your manly scent.
Would a regular hooden robe suffice or does the ritual require it to be fancy?
Not just for the good of the group, but for the good of everyone everywhere. There's no excuse for someone who won't wash regularly enough that he doesn't stink.
Scale it to the quality of your dark temple. If you're sacrificing Mr. Fatty in a college dorm room, I think you're going to be okay with a recently laundered bath robe. If you're sacrificing him in the ruins of an abandoned cathedral in a haunted forest, spring for nicely embroidered silk robes.
When in Rome, make lemonade. Assign him as your Nurgle or Blank player. It will help with the roleplay.
>since it's a sensitive subject
It's not a sensitive subject. It's basic fucking hygiene and good manners. Soft-hearted fools like you are the reason so many of these people are stumbling around there days.
Listen , you need to tell this moron he's an adult and it's long past time he began acting like one. Tell him stinks and his clothes stink. Tell him he's no longer welcome until he has the basic courtesy to meet basic hygiene standards.
The guy who owns my FLGS actually has a 'sniff test" roster. The grown children on it cannot come in and play unless they don't stink. It only takes a few months for even the biggest sperglord to learn that they need to bathe and dress in clean clothes before going to play MtG or WH40K.
If you can train dogs not to shit in the house, you can train autists to shower. You're not worried about the puppy's "feelings" during house training and you shouldn't be worried about a sperglord's during adult training.
When he enters your house empty pic related on him. Concentrate on the head, armpits, crotch, asscrack and feet.
Then stick pic related under his armpits. If he has bad breath too, make him eat one.
You can also lock him up for 20 minutes in a small with an ozone generator.
Fucking so much this.
> TFW can't do more than a handful of push-ups because of fucked shoulders
> TFW can lift 40-50kg from the floor to above head height without issue, and keep doing it for a couple of hours, because manual labour builds muscle like crazy
Some people just don't seem to notice their own smell.
Tell them, shame them in front of everyone (which is better than if everyone is talking about their smell behind their back) and they will shower.
>The guy who owns my FLGS actually has a 'sniff test" roster. The grown children on it cannot come in and play unless they don't stink.
So, you have to show up smelling bad repeatedly to make it on the list, and then ONLY the people named and shamed on the list are checked?
I'd just accept that hygiene is a problem, and put up a notice saying that EVERYONE has to fucking shower or they can't enter the store.
I really don't get why people don't wash. Can't they smell themselves? If I skip more than a day or two, even in winter, I can feel the dirt and feel self-conscious about it. Any longer and I notice the smell.
Even if I'm literally not going outside all day because fuck reality, I will shower because I don't like being dirty.
>shame them in front of everyone
What no, just tell them they have a problem in fucking private jesus.
>So, you have to show up smelling bad repeatedly to make it on the list, and then ONLY the people named and shamed on the list are checked?
Yup. Stink up the place and you're on the list.
>I'd just accept that hygiene is a problem, and put up a notice saying that EVERYONE has to fucking shower or they can't enter the store.
Fuck that shit. It's that kind of soft-hearted, soft-headed "thinking" which has created the problem in the first. Just because we need to tell one sperglord to shower it doesn't necessarily follow that we need to remind everyone to shower.
ADULTS already know they need to shower and wear clean clothes before going out in public. ADULTS already know they need to wipe their ass properly. ADULTS don't need a sign reminding them of those things.
This isn't kindergarten. Some of us can have gum without all of us having gum. Everything doesn't need to be "fair".
>What no, just tell them they have a problem in fucking private jesus.
Because that doesn't work, dumbass. If you pull an autist aside and tell him in private that he needs to shower all he'll think is "user is being mean to me."
If a group tells him he stinks and needs to clean himself and his clothes he may just understand rather than make excuses.
These people are socially defective and they are that way because soft-hearted fools like you have been too worried about hurting their feelings than teaching basic life skills.
If one guy has a problem, everyone has a problem. Collective punishment. The fact that X amount of people cannot be trusted not to stick gum under tables shows it has to be banned.
I'm not saying The List is bad, just that it's indicative of a larger problem that needs to be solved via policy. Fuck repeat offenders; if you smell even once, you're not allowed in until you don't smell.
Also, set up air conditioning so the store doesn't turn into a sweat lodge.
Hippies still exist user
>If one guy has a problem, everyone has a problem.
No. If one guy has a problem, everyone has a problem with HIM.
>Collective punishment.
Fuck that. Life isn't a commune or boot camp. Your fuck up is not allowed to effect me. Your fuck up is your fuck up. Own it or go away.
>I'm not saying The List is bad, just that it's indicative of a larger problem that needs to be solved via policy.
And the policy is offenders are put on the "sniff list" until they can be trusted not to stink.
>Fuck repeat offenders; if you smell even once, you're not allowed in until you don't smell.
That's exactly what the "sniff list" is all about. Stink and you're on it. Learn not to stink and you can earn your way off it.
ADULTS never get put on the list in the first place.
>plays childrens games
Wowie mister!
Nope, because then they will just shrug it off. It can work if 2 or 3 guys pull him aside but only one guy? The smelly fatass will just assume that there is something wrong with that one guys nose and thats it. The whole group has to address the problem.
Push him in the shower, turn the shower on, and throw bars of soap at him until he doesn't smell bad.
Put soap bars inside of socks, forcibly shove fatty into the shower, turn the water on as hot as it can go, and beat him with the soap-socks until he dies.
TFW when I'm a fat slob who plays Nurgle but loves to shower/bathe.
Pic is probably me in a past life.
Is this seriously a problem with adult people?
I know that when I was a teenager I had a friend who smelled bad (skinny fuck though) but he sorted that shit out when he got older.
I just can't fathom how grown ass people can walk around smelling horrible. It's not like it's a pleasant experience for the smelly one either.
You were an elephant seal with a fancy science hat? Cool.
I too am a big guy, always been tall and stocky but recently put on more weight after my divorce. And I too try to be fastidious about my hygiene (I'm the sort of guy who puts the effort in to shower twice over the course of a weekend Larp) and lucky enough to in that gain not develope folds or have to deal with the problem of the problems they represent to maintain.
This is correct just do it privately. No reason to humiliate his stinky ass in front of others.
We've a good friend who games with us who stinks of sweet. How the fuck do we get him to not stink?
Sit him down and say "Look, dude, I need to tell you something hard, and I'm not doing it to be mean or make you feel bad, but you have some hygiene issues. You need to take a shower and put on some clean clothes before hanging out. It's not your fault, there's a lot of really basic shit that people don't get taught by their parents. This is one of them. Take a shower at least every other day if not every day. Don't be embarrassed, everyone already knows about it, and they're enabling this shit by not being straight with you, but everyone will be a lot happier if you shower and put on clean clothes before hanging out."
>I just can't fathom how grown ass people can walk around smelling horrible. It's not like it's a pleasant experience for the smelly one either.
People end up nose blind to their own stench. Shit like that happens for the same reason you end up with so many fat fucks: parents are just really bad at explaining basic shit about life.
Fucking sensible responses, on MY Veeky Forums?
It's more likely than you think.
What I don't get is how anybody could go through life without enjoying a nice hot shower at the end of a hard day.
Crack a beer, light a joint, turn on the hot water, let the steam build up, and just fucking relax as you scrub the day's dirt away. Come away refreshed and squeaky clean.
Feels good man.
>. 7 in total 1 grill. One dude has BO.
The fact you felt the need to mention there was a girl means you're a biased cunt.
Tell the dude with BO to shower and kick out the girl.
The fact there is a girl in the group is probably the main reason you even care, judging from your need to even mention it when it has little relevancy.
That's not how psychology works, user. If 2 or 3 trusted people discuss it with him, he might be able to discuss whatever issues are affecting his hygiene. Attack him with the whole group present, especially the grill, he will go straight to denial/defensive mode, and probably cry. Which is fine if you're just trying to get rid of him, but less likely to provoke a positive change.
You might have a digestive issue that can be addressed with dietary changes or probiotics.
Have you spoken to a doctor or pseudo-doctor?