The villain is really good looking

>the villain is really good looking
>really, really good looking
>even though women know he's evil, they can't help but be lead around by him
>has essentially a harem of powerful devoted servants along with legions of nearly psychotic followers

Is there a more hate-worthy villain?

Double Hitler.

what about Undead Double Hitler?

Hitler, but with a coffee mug... and a severe loathing of tables.

Undead double nigger double Hitler

I would do evil things to his dick.

We found the first boss.

That is the riddle of steel!

but what about CYBORG undead double niggler double hitler?

what then user? what then?

user...... what about mecha cyborg undead double niggler double king hitler?

>what then user? what then?

I don't know comrade user, but there is something far scarier.

What about mecha cyborg undead double nigger double king Hitler that transforms into a giant mac truck?

>AUTOBAHN-BOTS, transform und roll out!

Way back in the day, we played a 3rd ed Champions villain campaign.

this was essentially my character. Had a mind control power with a low-powered linked cumulative transformation attack. If someone stayed mind controlled long enough, the transformation would build up enough to rewrite their character.

It didn't change any of their powers, skills, or attributes, but changed their disadvantages to "Loves villain", "Obeys villain", "worships villain", etc.

Every time he met a female hero, he'd zap her and add her to his harem, eventually building up an impressive stable. The GM didn't make it easy. It became a lot of effort to keep them from fighting among themselves over him, or doing things for him on their own initiative they thought he might like to curry favor. It was actually quite a challenging situation.

>the villain himself is level 1

Eberron is fun, especially once you add in guns.

Did he fail in the end, or was the GM's magical realm too strong?


Top fvckin kek m80

Well, the power only worked on women, so he was hounded by male heroes whose wives, girlfriends, or other loved ones he'd "stolen".

He ended up taking over a couple countries and ruling over them for a while. When we were drawing the campaign to a close, most of the PC villain characters were captured by their various heroic nemesis. I went a different route and decided the mind controller actually fell n love with a normal woman. He gave up his life of debauchery and evil, grabbed enough of a fortune to retire, and settled down.

Literal Reddit thread

And you let him? The way you're describing things it seems like he deserved a bit of punishment, but then again this sort of "Letting them go" thing seems pretty popular in stories.

You mean the GM let was my character.

Oh, he certainly deserved punishment. He was basically a rapist of the worst kind, mind controlling women into being his harem slaves.

However the end of the game ended up in a situation where the villains and heroes of the world had to gather together to stave off an apocalypse. He ended up freeing all the female heroes under his control because without his coordination they were ineffective. He played a large role in saving the world, had some of the consequences of his powers thrown back in his face, There was a redemption arc of a sorts, though true redemption probably should have come only through his death in some sort of noble sacrifice.

I see.

I'm sorry, it's been a while since I've read the Veeky Forums bylaws, can you point out the relevant ruling?

>even though women know he's evil, they can't help but be lead around by him
>even though
Are we even on the same planet? Women are attracted to criminals BECAUSE they are criminals. Just look at fucking Ted Bundy: women proposed to him, wrote him love letters and when they figured out he liked a certain hairstyle a lot of women showed up to his trial with exactly that hairstyle. If you're a big enough criminal to be on the news, the only reason you're not drowning in pussy is because you're never leaving prison in time to remain relevant.

There's nothing hate-worthy about this, at least not about anything the man is doing.

Yes, we'll need to see documentation and a notarized letter describing the nature and degree of how "reddit" this thread is.