Show me your favorite bases Veeky Forums from small 20mm all the way to Warlord Titan sized bases!
Bases; like lots of bases
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping with more Base Ideas!
More Bumpage!
All of those are belong to us.
these look cool but I've always hated the idea of them. you wouldn't be able to walk on molten lava, even in the year 40,000
I am looking for more Base Ideas because I do Mini painting and want to try new base ideas for clients!
>Khorne Demons
More Bases for the Based God!
For Mortheim I bought these and pimped them with some grass.
I know that I could've easily made them myself, but I wanted to save time and I don't think they would have turned out better.
Those are nice!
Also I mad a thing guys!
Nice crater.
My favorite ever?
The floating magnetic base.
Regular bases? There was this REALLY cool resin one that I cannot find a link to for the life of me.
Thanks! Was a blast to make!
These little grass/moss stickers are very nice and adding a lot to every base.
I came here to see this. Thanks
Where from?
I started marble bases and I'm not looking back
/r/ing jungle bases like
this whole thread is pretty based.
Now I really want some cookies.
This remains my favourite basing style I ever did. A lot of work, but I think the effect is worth it.
I did this a bit ago.
My most recent base
mind sharing what paints you used for the dirt?
looks great.
Secret weapon pigments?
These are all great, but how do I make bases in a simple, but good looking way? All my minis are left unbased because I simply don't know how should I do it
Thanks user. Nice to see not everyone here is an uncultured swine.
Debasing yourselves with lame p...
But to be on topic. Some of those are nice and all. I like some of Scibor's stuff. But all those fancy bases always make me wonder : where the hell are you supposed to put the mini?
Like, if you just glue them on top, they'll look a bit floaty, won't they? So do you carve the base a bit, or do you stick them with green stuff and carve things a bit?
x base of war
that fucking awfull flying peg is ruining all your work.
I know man, i fucking hate the flying pegs :/