WIP general

Jeff edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox
youtube.com/watch?v=OyxzC5kqbyw [Open]

>How to Moldlines
youtube.com/watch?v=A4LZ8iCSkeU [Open]

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
youtube.com/watch?v=w8Tkw7ttTIo [Open]

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>In the face of death, I shall have no remorse.
youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZgyNoHtjw [Open]

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the slaughterpriest i entered in the painting competition.

not my best model, and I ran out of time to work on it due to external factors, but I hope i place thanks to the big fuck-off base i put it on


So WIP, I think I figured out how I'm going to model my sister command squad, but I would like some thoughts.

If I use pic related (Not nine) because none only are both arms open, she's wearing a helmet. I'm thinking I can stick the combi on the sword arm, and the flamer on the plasma. Would this work? I have a bunch of combi-plasma, but I need to get flamers. A regular SM flamer should work I think or maybe SoS flamers even.

Nice picture op

How the flippedy flack are the pouches and holsters supposed to fit on Space Marines? (BaC in this instance).
They seem too big to fit on the thighs and very hard to get flush with them to any extent.

i've wanted to know for a while, where is the soldiers bottom lip? it's like the helmet strap goes right into his mouth.

The bottom lip isn't sculpted, he's sucking on the strap.
I'm seriously, it's hilarous.
Same story on this guy's valhallans

All these horrified guardsmen have given me flashbacks to the desu brigade from that kiddy fiddler on PA. That was some high quality conversion work.

>desu brigade
Care to explain?

There was some weeb leaf shitposter on PA circa 2007. He made a 1500 point IG army that had horribly oversized greenstuff anime girl heads. I believe he also had tentacle rapey tech priests or something. Unfortunately the original images seem to have disappeared, but hopefully a kind user has them somewhere.

Hey WIP, how should I base my Sisters of Battle? I've been debating it for a while now and I can't decide how I want to base them. When I did the bases for my Admech it was pretty obvious, but I can't decide what would be thematically appropriate and aesthetically pleasing for my sisters.

What colour scheme are they?

Custom color scheme with white armor, bronze detailing, and bluish grey robes.

Well, my excuse is that I didn't sculpt them, GW (specifically one of the perry brothers did)
It's very nice to treat an old sculpt to a high quality modern paint job.
>inb4 someone shows me a zoom up of the worse faces I painted

Salvaged rhino with old salvaged vindicator plates, no demolisher cannon. I'm thinking I throw four identical lascannons in there and make some 30k on the cheap! Thoughts? Suggestions?


Don't worry nigga, your paintjob is golden dragon tier compared to his.

Flipped? How the hell did I manage that? Sorry guys I'm new to this smartphone doohicky

I get the feeling a dark, astrogranite base is probably a bad idea.
Maybe a desert base? Ruins are also a possibility.

Urban or spaceship floors can be trickier and/or more expensive, if you'd be interested in them.
Alternatively you could look into marble bases, if you wanted to home in on the religious aspect of them.

That's alright, as long as you actually want to get them right-way round in future!

If the door's already fucked you can go to town on making a conversion. I read a bit earlier that there was a tank called the "Sabre", an early, pre-Vindicator tank destroyer based on the Rhino, so feel free to be creative.
Good luck.

What would you recommend for silver armor and red robes? Bases have never been my weakest point.

>never been my strongest point
Tired brain

If you find a pic, post it. I love seeing weird shit like that

They've never been mine either.
The Texture Paints are actually pretty good in my experience, and the new thicc variants look even better, it's just that I don't really know what else to do with them besides leaving them in a blasted/arid/frozen/muddy wasteland or throwing rocks and detritus on them.

I think for a darker colour scheme, a brighter base like a desert or else grass is a good idea, but for a brighter colour scheme, the contrast in a darker base like urban ruins, moonscape or rocky/muddy earth can work in contrast, but you'd need to put in some amount of subtlety like pools of shade or decorations there for contrast on the base itself, so it isn't just an eyesore that functions like a black-hole of aesthetic interest, dragging down the model overall.

Fluff is a crusade to retake space lost to necrons if that helps. I don't really wanna do them in a desert cause I already did my mechanicus on red sands, but now that I think about it that might not be half bad....I agree i'm not feeling astrogranite. To be honest I like the texture paints but I'm just not feeling them here.

I experimented with some texture paint, and it turned out a little flat, even after I painted it up a little. I don't know if I just need to add more texture or what. Maybe something else on it like chunks of Styrofoam

That was probably the old variety. The new ones are supposed to look a lot more "out there".

I doubt it. The store is pretty new.

Here's a pic. There's some grit there, but idk

>I doubt it. The store is pretty new.
No, it's not like the old paints versus new paints, it's a bit more like the brush versus "air" paints.
They still sell both varieties, even though it looks to me like the newer variety will have more appeal.


Here's a PDF explaining it. GW do some decent PDFs but they could do to put them more prominently, it would help beginners out a great deal and explain their products' ideal uses so people appreciate them primarily as they were intended to be.


Ah ok. Yea. I definitely have just Astrogranite, not Debris. Thanks. I'll take a look at the pdf.

Silver is neutral and green is red's complimentary colour so maybe a something with a lot of grass or vegetation?

So i've been looking for base making ideas, and I'm seeing a lot of people using corkboard, but It seems to me like it would make getting the mini on there awkward or odd looking. Anyone have experience with this?

Hey guys.

These are mit very first miniaturs. I thined the paint like there is no tommorow and i am using a wettpalette.
I got obviously still a lot of work to do, but I would like to know what you guys think so far.

Btw, I'm going dir Salamanders.

So, I posted last thread but got drowned out in the rush of replies. I'm painting some Tzeentch Arcanites soon, and I'm trying to get a mirror-finish on the shields. I have NO IDEA how to go about this. So I've come to you guys for tips.

Any thoughts here?

First question I need to ask based on the surrounding models: you primed that before painting, right?

Secondly, I'm not seeing any loss of detail anywhere, so the coat was thinned enough. However, there are a few spots that could use another layer such as the shoulder in the right.

Keep it up.

I've seen these models more than my own that are in cabinets like 10 feet away.

We get that you're proud of them but dude...

That's what I used to do, actually. Pic related is from about 6 years ago lol. However , my skills have gotten a lot better since then, but without a good base, it's kind of wasted.

im not the guy that painted them, i'm the guy that painted this one
i just like collecting silly model faces


I've not worked a ton with cork but I never had trouble. You can often just pin your models' feet and shove the metal right in, which is pretty nice. Also allows for some pretty easy broken streets and rocks to stand on by just basing them and giving a good drybrush.

Quite glossy. Could use some more shading, either by highlights or some more shade i recesses.

Yes i did.
I'm really tacking my time with these guys, adding layer after layer.

Oh and the other marines are indeed not ready for painting.

Any of you friends have any tips for spookifying horsies into nightmares/demonic mounts? Doing some conversion work for VC Blood Knights and looking into my options. So far, I'm planning on greenstuffing some claws (if I can be assed doing it to 15 horses) on their hooves and replacing the tails with something whiplike (again, probably greenstuff).

Other than that, and obviously colour scheme, do you guys have any ideas?

Take a look at the Chaos Knights for inspiration, is all I'd say. Things like losing hooves for claws, forked tongues, fangs, spurs of bone where they shouldn't be, etc.

Of course, a good paint job can work wonders on even an unaltered horse if you can manage to give its gaze an unearthly quality.

They're gorgeous, right? I'm sorely tempted to pick up an SC Slaves to Darkness box just to get my hands on the minis to take a closer look.

Hey guys,
I already asked, but what you suggest for sword handles to work with the yellow/white enchanted blades? I made a few tests to be marble like, wood and I was about to try bronze but I just gave up. I like marble but it's a punch in the eye with the yellow blade...
What do you suggests? (Basing is WIP, so don't look at that)

Are there any good star wars RPG miniatures? If not, how would y'all recommend converting a Zabrak?

There were, but they are out of production for a while now.. Not sure if they inculded a Zabrak.

You could check ebay.

Apologies for the big image but it's 5 in 1. Plaguebearers basically done now barring a couple of touch ups, the instrument and icon of chaos. And a pic of my fledgeling army of nurgle wips at the bottom. Not doing any more before I go away on holiday tomorrow.

I like the turquoise actually, important to have some colour in there.

More work on the half trukk conversion, mostly just washes.

Tauanon back again. He's finally done, /wip/!
Now I can sleep and paint drones.

Can we expect to see your minis in a future White Dwarf magazine?

fucking Aces, my man!
From one Nurgle-follower to another, how did you paint them? lots of washes?

>those rear pics


Large photos phone posters pls go

Some wip terrain. Just waiting for some clear resin to do the water/mud effect as I have completely fallen out of love with water effects.

This one is nearly finished, again just waiting on resin as clear water cracked everywhere.

This one is done. Bought cheap with a huge burn down the middle but tried to redeem. Unfortunately the varnish misted,

Sorry for shitty pics, they don't fit in my lightbox.

You can either try Earth/Sky NMM or look into some of the thing metal foils you can apply. I've seen it done with some japanese gold foil on the Beaconite Pilgrym models and I assume there's a silver version. Being actual metal they reflect light very well. There's also the rub&buff metallic polish range to look into.

Possibly an easier alternative would be using the brightest vallejo air silver colour you can find over a glossy light blue basecoat, and then copious coats of gloss, but that won't reflect light in the same way a mirror does.

I really, really like the effect you've gone for here. It's like a modern version of the blending on the old Realm of Chaos miniatures. Your greenstuff work is also great, really brings personality to the models. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

Neat. How did you paint it?

Also, what's the best way to do checks?

These are top-notch. They look "real", especially the landing pad.

Why did you write ascension like a toddler on it?

i have very poor handwriting and not the patience to calligraphy it

Thanks amigo. Was trying to copy a lot from WW2 diorama makers. Not quite up with those dudes but think they work for gaming pieces,

Amazing work, really inspiring stuff i gotta say.
The first time i saw a picture of your great unclean one i thought i was looking at concept art and now you're making me wanna paint some plaguebearers, any chance of a rough tutorial?

Nice work bro, post updates when you finish one.

couple drybrush passes on metallics, basecoats, then just a nuln oil bath for the red parts and metals, and evil suns scarlet glaze on yellows.

oh, and i freehand the checkers and every other pattern

first paint in years. is the contrast of shadows and highlight too strong? if so, any tipp on how to fix it except of dumping it in alcohol and starting all over?

I think that'll work ok. Maybe add some outlining between the painted regions to make things pop a bit more.

Otherwise to increase the contrast, well, simply paint on darker shadows and brighter highlights. To reduce contrast add filters, ie a very translucent (often dilluted until they're very wash-like, but you could dilute with clear varnish as well) paint coat applied evenly all over. This pulls everythign towards the colour of the filter, reducing contrast.

Top notch, but the sword and the fly monster are awfully painted

Amazing work!

>I think that'll work ok. Maybe add some outlining between the painted regions to make things pop a bit more.
thx will try that out later when other pieces are painted

Posting from work on my phone so sorry if it gets flipped, and the quality is kinda shitty but oh well

Making some stormcast into a minotaur honor guard for when my moloc gets here

Models still well a wip but thought i might try to get some input

And of course i forget to post the image...

Man I wish I was good enough to do stuff like this

Not unless you know something I don't!

Thanks a lot guys. As for a rough how I'm doing them:
>Base with one of off-white, pink (Emperor's Children), Yellow, OR light blue (Vallejo Sky Blue)
>Drybrush white for highlights and texture, needed for the smooth CAD scuplts
>Wash all with a mix of brown (Seraphil Sepia), blue (Guilliman Blue) and water. Mix them on the model, some areas should stay blue, some brown some clear, some a mixture to give variation. Chuck it on and push the paint around.
>When still wet you can put in some other colours, red, green, yellow to push the colour in a different direction.
>When dry use a dark blue wash to shade, just on the undercarriage, legs, under arms etc. Make sure to blend out the edges with water to avoid tide marks. You may want to highlight some of the areas with the original base colour to bring them back a bit.
>Layer Carroburg Crimson and Casandora yellow glazes over pustuled and gorey areas. When layered they give a really nice orangy brown colour. Casandora yellow in particular is a 10/10 paint.
That's basically it for the skin. Its all been a bit of an experiment so each one is done a bit differently, skipping steps and adding extra glazes here and there.

Har har. Finishing the GUO will be the next job, and rebasing him. Then the rotfly daemon prince after that.

These are really great. Historical modellers and even model railwayers are such a good resource for realistic scenery and tank modelling, makes your stuff look a cut above for gaming.

Love this. Are you the guy posting DKoK too? Don't know if its just the camera quality but the painting looks very similar.

Ive posted him, maybe 3 times.


Cleaning it up, also metallics. Pics now include gunner, who is obv wip.

>Mad Mork: Orkky Road

could you do a quick sketch of how you'd like it to look? i'm struggling to see how thr combi would work

>More than 1MB image
>focused on the pots behind
>blurred as shit
>shit light

I must say user, I'm impressed.

My first two miniatures, ever.
I tried my best and the red spot on that one magazine has already been fixed.
Also didn't know which lighting was better, so have daylight and my work lamp.

haha, the fact that it brought mad max to your mind is the highest for of compliment to me, since it was my inspiration.

Is there a good tutorial to paint the Empire's Griffon?

I really don't want to fuck it up

Throwing together a 30k Dangel in honour of the new Fallen dropping soon. He's still wet glue and blutac, but how is he looking so far?

Yes thats me! Thanks man, appreciate it. I think its mostly the camera, makes everything look chunky and highlights metalllics too much. Darkness wont help either since im from scandinavia, not much sunlight to go around, when i have to work full time.

Every time...

I've tried fiddling around a bit to try and find a Genestealer cult scheme that I enjoy. I like them all, but am Mostly torn between Yellow or Green.

which do you think looks best?

how do you do that stuff anyways? im not a big photoshop guy so I don't know how to do it. and personally, I like the purple or blue.

I would go for yellow, green feels too... nature.

Anyone know how to paint walls colored like this?

I'm working on anor londo inspired church building but have no idea how to get the color right.

Should I prime and then drybrush? Use washes? Light layers on top darker ones? I have no clue.

The material I'm using is thin foam board.

Did you dip parts of the model in glue? Nicely done however.

Many send in their minis to GW and I think yours are good enough to be featured in White Dwarf.

open up photoshop
make a new layer on top of your image
Choose a color, and color over the parts you want different
change the layers properties to "hue", and you're done.

it is easier to add "hue" first, as that will let you see more clearly.

Can anyone recommend me a good hobby drill? Looking to magnetize my Knight now I have both magnets and greenstuff, so I need something to make holes that isn't the slightly overpowered DIY power tools I normally use for this stuff, especially since those bits are all pointed.

Also, is there a way to make a clear tank look water-filled/something to fill it with for that? Had the idea of making a Dune Navigator-style Admech Psyker for my army, who'll double as a Heresy Magos. Is there a way to get the coloured fluid effect for the inside of the tank done at all well?

does this mean sending the actual mini or a photo?

Prime white or sand coloured and then do off-white/bone. Shade with light brown wash then do a layer of bone white do a sand wash.