From wikipedia

>For five years after leaving school, he lived an isolated existence... without seeking employment or new social contacts
>He wrote a letter to the pulp magazine Argosy complaining about the insipidness of the love stories in the publication
> The ensuing debate in the magazine's letters column caught the eye of Edward F. Daas, president of the United Amateur Press Association who invited Lovecraft to join the organization in 1914
>gets published due to the equivalent of an internet argument about the quality of a fiction magazine

Have we found, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Named a cat in one of his stories after his real cat.
> That cat was named Niggerman.

>got married
>had a wide circle of interesting friends
>achieved something with his life despite numerous setbacks


A bunch of SJW's got Lovecraft banned from my local library because of Rats in the Walls.

I am sorry.

For you and for our world.

I'm unfamiliar with that story. What's wrong with it?

That's the one with Niggerman

Literally nothing other than the cat being named Niggerman. It' completely fine.

>shit that never happened

>gobbling the bait less than a minute later

It contains the aforementioned Niggerman

He has a Cat named Niggerman. Also he has a character that shares my families last name, which is weird since it's uncommon.

In other words this is your fault.

Huckle-fucking-berry Finn has been banned in multiple areas of the US because of using nigger, you think this isn't at least plausible?

This. He was a unfortunate and kind of autistic guy, but he also worked pretty hard to make something of himself. At least in the field he was passionate about.

Fucking normie.

>tf you could be racist because the nazis weren't a thing yet

>Instantly doubt

You expect me to believe that a bunch of SJW's actually read a story by H.P. Lovecraft

I'm surprised when they read something that doesn't kowtow their pre-existing notions, let alone works of a writer who's novels are about cosmic and physiological horror.

H.P. was a weird guy when it came to racism. He didn't like Jews, but got married to one. Whenever she brought this up he would basically wave it away saying "you're one of the good ones".

I'm not sure what to make of this post.
Do you actually think people's politics have anything to do with liking media about cosmic horror?
What are you basing this on?

Man you must've been bullied like hell in school if your family's named Niggerman.

What library?

>It's a world without Nazi's
>Right wing media and intellectuals call everyone who implies there isn't an objective racial hierarchy a commie
>Commie becomes an insta-win buzzword instead of Nazi
>Donating to colonial foundations à la International African Association is considered charity

Every time I see one of these threads I wish many of those posting had actually read a biography of Lovecraft instead of repeating what everyone "knows" about him.

Yeah, he had a major depressive episode early on in his life, due to his mother dying horribly of disease, which is where much evidence for him being just a crazy recluse comes from (the fact that his dad died a raving madman due to syphilis also probably contributes to this - and probably is a much bigger source of his obsession with 'impurities in the blood' than most people want to admit), but later on he actually did a lot of traveling, and was friend and mentor to a lot of people. He definitely had his bits of weirdness, and he totally cultivated the 'hermit' image, but it's not as true as most people assume.

A lot of SJW types that would actually get mad enough about a book containing the word nigger to try to get it banned from a library don't have a lot of separation between media and politics. These are the people who can't talk about an election without relating everything to Game of Thrones or Harry Potter or some shit.

I don't believe you. You're a liar.

This is a common thing with most racists, not the ones that want to scour the earth and burn the corpses racists but most, is that they commonly make exceptions on merit or agreability. You'd think this would cure them eventually but it doesn't do much unless shit forces you to confront the shit under some major consequence they'll double think their way for the rest of their life with no problem as they're already set in their generalization of the world it's just how the human brain works and doesn't go OCD constantly rechecking if this person is dangerous based on current actions instead of past history in order of personal knowledge of individual (the trust factor), size, skin color (usually differing), and cultural signifies for danger.

He's saying SJW's banned it from their local library.

Now, usually when stupid shit like this happens it's usually not the students; most of the time SJW students like to bitch about obvious shit, it's usually about the 'here and now' and not the past (until they use the past as a justification for their behavior).

It's surprising that a bunch of rando SJW's would single out this book and ban it, it's not like Huckleberry Finn which uses the word nigger multiple times every chapter.

It seems highly unlikely to me that some SJW's would have the patience to sit down and read this book and then have the motivation to ban it. Unless original user can elaborate it seems highly unlikely.

wow that's awfully tsundere

Sounds like your average /pol/lack.

Maybe he is /ourguy/

We've always known he was our guy.
Despite marrying, all signs point towards a pathological fear of the female anatomy.
He kept a huge correspondence of letters (aka he was a frequent poster)

Funnily enough Lovecraft actually wrote a short romantic comedy (which we assume is satire).

This is tragic as this is one of the best pieces of weird horror published, I'm sorry. Do you perchance live in California?

The only difference between a "racist" like that and a "non-racist" is that the racist is cynical about certain groups until an individual proves themselves to be better, and the non-racist is positive about certain groups until an individual proves themselves to be worse (Although that sometimes gets blamed on the influences of other groups anyway).
It's the difference between "Niggers are bad, except Tyrone, he's alright." and "Niggers are great, except Tyrone, he mugged me and stole everything except my pants."

as a self-proclaimed sjw who is friends with many other sjws, most of us have read lovecraft and enjoy his work, while still acknowledging that the dude was racist as hell.

Some of us hate his writing style but that's got nothing to do w/ his racism.

>assume is satire
Not necessarily; in recently-found letters, he was giving somebody critiques on their romance stories that implied a good amount of familiarity and interest with the genre.

Didn't he calm down about that as he got older?

>as a self-proclaimed sjw who is friends with many other sjws

Put a bullet in your brain as quickly as you possibly can.

I'd imagine you're marginally more thick skinned than most who claim to be that.

If not, why the fuck are you somewhere with so much content known to "trigger" those of you persuasion?

That's not very nice, user.

That's kinda what I mean, most modern SJW's aren't self aware enough to even fathom that the writer's work is still good despite the racism of his time.

I'm talking about the kind of students who do mass protests because "the school won't move the safe space on campus from the basement floor to the second floor" bullshit, these are the kind of people who would see the word nigger in a book written in 1928 and get triggered and try and ban the book.

That's kinda why I doubt user, that there would be enough SJW's smart enough to read over a book of a classic author that doesn't have a record of writing pro-SJW books and finding the few times this book uses the word Niggerman and then putting in the time to get it banned, instead of just harassing white people on campus for having dreadlocks or something.

Because I like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums related subjects. It's fairly decent, all things considered and I don't try to pick fights.

Also Veeky Forums's idea of how people like me act and the reality are incredibly different.

/pol/'s way easier to trigger

Being a SJW is not very nice either.

>Also Veeky Forums's idea of how people like me act and the reality are incredibly different.
So you mean all the things I see on even outside the Veeky Forums and on news sites and twitter and stuff like that are all lies? Damn, I've been living a lie.

Oh the irony.

>Goy divorced because family dislikes jewish wife
>Didn't actually get divorced, never full signed the papers
>Wife found out about this decades later, find it kinda disturbing as she has moved on and remarried

Be the kind of person you want to see in the world, user.

So pray tell how do people like act in reality? Because whenever I see anything about "your people" the stuff I see on Veeky Forums seems to be confirmed hundredfold and sometimes it's even worse than I thought it was at first.

I can only speak to my own experience, user.

I would never self identify with the SJW left.

BLM movements are run by blatantly racist people, they want to redefine racism as "prejudice plus power", the oppression Olympics ruin shit for the people who are or were actually oppressed, thinking that white privilege (if it's even real) somehow means that a poor white man somehow has more privilege than a rich black man, and that people who haven't felt any oppression need to "shut up and give their privilege to those oppressed" because I guess empathy isn't a thing that humans feel and can use to help each other.

I'm gay and a liberal, and SJWs have done nothing but regress and silence everything that I stand for.

He wasn't wrong.
Non-anglos were a mistake and fundamentally changed america for the worse.

Like everyone else does, I suppose. Live life, work, game, etc.

So you are gonna avoid the question? Alrighty then.

>anglos were a mistake and fundamentally changed america for the worse

It answered your question.

To the supposed SJW in this thread, can I ask you a question?

So was it because they forgot, or Lovecraft couldn't let go at the last step?

What do you want him to say, user? That he is against free speech because he thinks racism is bad? That liberals actually are the REAL racists?

Anyone have any recommendations on what non-lovecraft mythos to read? I'm mostly curious about Derleth but don't know where to start. Lin Carter seems like fan-fiction but has anyone read any/have opinions?

Why even identify as a Social Justice Warrior, why not just be a liberal?

When you take the SJW label, you have to realize that this comes with acknowledging the basic tenements of SJWism: white privilege, how to measure how 'oppressed' you are and how to 'give others your privilege and a platform to speak', and many other things that are central to SJW's

It's like calling yourself an Atheist who believes in the christian God, it's a massive contradiction.

Because it triggers people on Veeky Forums.

Very much so. As correctly explains, HPL's upbringing left him "socially delayed". His father died of tertiary syphilis and his mother was manic-depressive who died while institutionalized. HPL himself was a sickly child who couldn't attend school for long periods and ended up being doted on by his mother, two aunts, and grandfather. When his grandfather died the family was impoverished. HPL remained sickly and suffered from long bouts of parasomnia. He remained in such poor health he couldn't join the Army in 1917.

While precociously intelligent, his "social delay" meant he acted and thought like someone younger than he was. Putting it another way, when HPL was is his twenties, he was acting like he was in his teens.

Everyone here should reflect on how much they matured mentally between 15 and 25. Think back on all the idiotic beliefs and opinions you held with mortal certainty at 16 and how you wince when you remember them now. With HPL, the same growth occurred between 25 and 35. In his later letters, HPL looked back too and was embarrassed by some of his earlier attitudes and beliefs.

As for the simpletons currently squealing about HPL's racism, he was a man of his times. He was THIRTEEN when the Wright Brothers flew for the 1st time. He was TWENTY FOUR when WW1 began. He was a teenager when Teddy Roosevelt sparked a national crisis by inviting Booker T. Washington to the White House. He was in his twenties when Woodrow Wilson re-segregated the Federal Civil Service to public acclaim.

Holding HPL to our standards is complete nonsense.

It did not. You perfectly know that's not what I was asking, Don't be obtuse.

>What do you want him to say, user?
Anything, really. If he says things are not like that then obviously he should be able to explain how things are not like that.

I guess, I'd imagine it'd get repetitive when shitposting on /b/ and /pol/ or whatever other boards.

Arthur Machen, Robert Chambers, Thomas Ligotti (not "Mythos" but definitely inspired by Lovecraft and very underrated), Arthur C. Clarke, Lord Dunsany

I'd just say google Derleth and Lin Carter and use the Google "people also search for" feature.

>How do you people act in reality.
>Like everyone else does, I suppose. Live life, work, game

Its response was a clear answer to your question, although I can see one wanting specifics.

You asked a question in obviously bad faith, to at best compare anecdotes. Waste of everyone's time.

>Goy divorced
I see what jew did there.

He didn't want to divorce and so secret didn't finish the process. Again, he wife found out about this many years after he died and apparently was kinda creepes out by it.

>Because it triggers people on Veeky Forums.
I'm not buying it, projection comes with the territory.

I feel bad for him, he found a wife, and one of the big reasons they divorced was because aristocratic aunts couldn't bear the gossipy social scandal of their nephew being married to someone who had to work for a living.

How is this post inaccurate? Honest question.

I'm debating using my employee discount to buy the S.T. Joshi biography while I still work there.

>thinking that white privilege (if it's even real) somehow means that a poor white man somehow has more privilege than a rich black man

Saying shit like this makes it pretty clear you've never actually heard anyone talk about the concept of privilege except from people already triggered over it.

I can believe in all those completely and still be a normal guy. It's possible to hold strong beliefs about things and not sperg out about them every waking moment, user.

Okay, to cover the basics first, the man is far from as influential as he’s made out to be. A large amount of his work is basically the same Gothic Horror and suspense that had been around since the early 19th century. Consider Poe’s Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar as a Lovecraftian tale decades before Lovecraft’s birth. Also take into account the works of Bierce(Who invented Carcosa) and Chambers(Who took Carcosa and wrote Hastur into King in Yellow) who were doing psychological and supernatural horror before Lovecraft was even born. He ultimately brought little to the table, yet is given endless plaudits as “inspiring” modern horror. In reality, he perpetuated it into an era that saw a greater number of pulp readers. Even if his stuff wasn’t the most well selling, it made it more common. The man’s the McDonald’s of horror whose work is mostly known because the Cthulu mythos is in the public domain and been reprinting a million times.

The thing is, he’s barely responsible for even that. He did invent Cthulu, but the mythos around it was actually done by a large number of people who wrote into the universe and published anthologies after his death. Huge chunks of what people now attribute to Lovecraft come from August Derleth and others. He is a man whose influence has been blown far beyond what it deserves to be.

That’s just part of why I find Lovecraft annoying. The biggest part is that the central crux to his horror. The only thing that makes him a little different from any number of gothic and supernatural horror authors is that Lovecraft’s horror relies on that maddening impact of realizing insignificance against an uncaring universe.

Body horror, psychological horror, loss of control, helplessness in the face of the dark unknown, suspense and dread are all staples of horror that predate Lovecraft. He did not invent these things. Lovecraftian Eldritch Horror relies chiefly on the idea that mankind finding out they are tiny in the face of an uncaring universe and against things bigger than themselves is maddening. It will make people lose their minds to find out the truth that there are things that don’t give a flying fuck about you, and will step on you, or worse should they even notice you.

That is the most 19th-20th century optimist zeitgeist/privileged upper class white boy horror that has even been written.

Lovecraft was from an era, and from a place in society, that thought their insight and culture would conquer all, was the pinnacle. Consider the works of Wells and Verne. The Frank Reade dime novels. 19th century science and culture and human potential was boundless and everything was going to be learned and surmounted and all those strange “dark” places in the world, undersea and in space would soon be understood and explored by daring men with very English names. Lovecraft’s work requires this attitude of boundless potential mastery to be felt to its fullest. That’s why his work is oft imitated, but not reproduced. We have a society that has seen Holocaust. We have lived with a cold war. Seen injustice and true callous behavior in the past and still see it in the present. Existential philosophy kicks Lovecraft’s horror to the curb and laughs in the face of its monsters. The concept of us being nothing in the face of everything is the subject of prog rock songs. It’s hardly radical anymore to think we are naught but motes in a scouring breeze of time and turbulence.

Once a person comes to grips with the idea they aren’t part of or are the most important thing in the universe, Cthulu and Dagon are nothing more than just another kaiju.

Oh look, a failed lit student. Doesn't the Fry-O-Lator need cleaning?

They've tried to ban Stormtroopers from a Star Wars gathering. Look at this fucking shit.


This is why those people should be relentlessly mocked.

American "Free speech"

>you've never actually heard anyone talk about the concept of privilege except from people already triggered over it.

Have you talked to anyone besides your friends? Race is always place above social class, your skin color is the first and only thing people base privilege off of. It's more of a liberal idea that social class begets privilege, it's been extremely obvious in tons of SJW circles that white privilege is the strongest privilege in society. Yet, ironically, completely ignoring their own privilege.

Alright, as long as your aware of these things. But like a moderate muslim; I don't mind the fact you're muslim, but I don't want you trying to shove shariah law into everything.

I despise the pro-censorship and regressive ideas of the SJW left, and just being passively ok with things like censorship and ranking people's worth based on their skin color is still a bad thing.

I'm a liberal, but I don't identify as a Democrat because of all the regressive stuff I have to tow along with that title regardless, even if I try and just cherry pick the stuff I like.

not really, according to one letter by his wife he was an ''adequately excellent lover''.

Shouldn't you be fucking your cousin right about now?

No sjw identifies as one when asked or accused or throwing around moderation abuse on forums.
They will identify as one among other sjws, on personal blogs or at universities and liberal companies.
The funniest way sjws reveal themselves on mainstream sites is when they lose their shit uncontrollably over the three letters and anyone that realises that the person doing is actually a sjw gets banned by sjw mods. Since sjw seem obsessed with infiltrating every fucking site in the net.


Veeky Forums BTFO again

If by pro-censorship you mean like stories in this thread of getting Lovecraft or Stormtroopers getting banned, then yeah, that's pretty fucking stupid and I don't agree with it either. But if by pro-censorship you mean "I can't be a racist edgelord anymore without getting called out for being an asshole" then lol

Most of the reason why race gets talked about more than class in terms of privilege is because the fact that poor people are disadvantaged compared to the rich goes without saying. No one outside of Veeky Forums copypastas thinks that a poor white man is completely better off than a rich black man, but the rich black man does face problems the white guy doesn't because of his race, just like the poor white guy faces problems that the rich man doesn't because of his class.

What if they had to read it for their english class?

>but the rich black man does face problems the white guy doesn't because of his race
People that think things like this need to be lined up and shot.
The whole idea someone who is rich is disadvantaged over a homeless person is the opposite of reality and dishonest idiocy. Its literally just racism against the poor.

>No one outside of Veeky Forums copypastas thinks that a poor white man is completely better off than a rich black man
>literally the sentence before

this may be difficult for you to understand, but it's 2017 now and your bullshit identity politicking has been thoroughly eviscerated

If you think Trump is gonna last the year you should spare yourself the disappointment and just kill yourself now.

Did you just stop reading the rest of the post the second you saw a sentence you could be outraged by or what?

>thoroughly eviscerated
By who?

Censorship as in prohibiting words, books, film, etc. through government intervention.

Like, if I get banned for calling someone a nigger in a chatroom it's because I didn't follow the rules the mods set up in the chatroom. However, I shouldn't be arrested and jailed for saying nigger in public because uttering that word is a punishable offense. I like freedom of speech because you're not entitled to a platform, but you can't be arrested or banned for your words. It's the difference between a bunch of people thinking I'm racist and treating me like shit, and the government destroying my freedoms over a single word.

Also, those books should have never been banned from a local library, if the library is funded by the government then it shouldn't censor books for using the n word.

And because people have argued this to me before; no, I don't think being detained for death threats is censorship, threatening someone else is in violation of their freedoms to life and liberty. There's a clear distinction between "If I had a gun I'd shoot your right now" and "I'm gonna kill you right here right now"

Also I feel like this debate is going nowhere, it's gone from an argument about policy to an argument of semantics.

That's a fair point

Brian Lumley is certainly inspired by Lovecraft and I didn't see his name in either of the other replies, his works are certainly worth a look.

> if you think trump is a serious candidate you're delusional
> if you think trump's going to win the republican primary you're delusional
> if you think trump has a chance in the general you're delusional
> if you think trump can break the blue wall you're delusional
> if you think trump is going to make it through the year you're delusional

notice the pattern?

the sooner you realize that you're a fucking idiot and start re-evaluating your ability to make sense of reality, the easier your life will be

the voting public

when you turn 18 and stop browsing tumblr you'll understand

Finally someone claiming to value freedom of speech who actually understands what it means.

>the voting public
Hilary won the popular vote. I don't like her any more than I do Trump but he won because of electoral votes.


BUT then you qualify your thoughts by saying they do. So you DO believe a white poor man is more advantaged than a rich non-white man ie literal racism. Kill yourself you dumb piece of shit. Rich people have zero disadvantages in society.

>you're not entitled to a platform,
>You're not entitled to a platform but I am.

Fixed that for you.

That's the SJW mindset in a nutshell.

1. SJWs always lie.
2. SJWs always double down.
3. SJWs always project.

I'll just leave this here:

addisonindependent DOT com

And they call other people fascists.

If the president of the USA was decided by popular vote, whoever California votes for would pretty much decide the election.

Electoral College is a far better system.