Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

What the hell is that edition


>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE

>army builder

Old thread:
No steamhead next week?

>What the hell is that

Reveal at Adepticon, will any anons go there?!

Tell me oh wise lurker anons

tell me of the coming duardin

what of the death releases?

is it new stuff for soulblight ?

>Undead eyes

Settra confirmed

It's like poetry, but it doesn't rhyme
Plus your meter's off. It's supposed to be consistent, but you dropped two syllables.
5/10 you tried.

Anyway, we don't know. We can only guess at rumours.

Tell me what your dudes did this week /AoSg/

>group of Palladors narrowly killing off crew to save the day!
>enemy general holds objective, if I kill it I score enough to win
>charge with my general, must do 4 wounds to a frostheart anointed with witness to destiny
>do 2 wounds after saves.

It was really close.

>is it new stuff for soulblight ?
Boy, I fucking wish.

So here is the rules packet for the Adepticon AoS tournament. I wonder what you guys think about their rulings on some of the things.

What's your opinion on the palladors, when stacked up to the dracothian guards?

what changes beyond restricting the summoning pool and the 5 errata at the bottom?

Anyone know if city of secrets has an audio book out?

Bet it's a/the symbol for the dorfs.

>Reveal at Adepticon, will any anons go there?!
It's kinda moot if anyone here goes or not. Someone, probably Atia, will give a play-by-play of the reveal.

>is it new stuff for soulblight ?
I hope. Primary Death faction I love.

I sure fucking hope its not the symbol of the duardin. It doesnt look dwarfy at all. I am defintiely seeing an aelf vibe, and they did say they will be doing reveals for things a long way out, not just nearby releases. So my bet is aelf stuff.

Looks like sigmar influenced eyes with the dwarf beard etc cropped out

It's Settra my dudes. He's got undead eyes.

Guise. What if. Just spitballing here...

What if it is Settra, and...

>Settra rules the Realm of Light
>Malekith rules the Realm of Shadow

The armor looks pretty "sun-god" to me, and it does look like undead eyes.

I'd put my drakegun in that gyrobomber if ye ken my drift.

Its Dwarven fo sho just imagine a massive beard of stone and check the little sguiggly details.

Hope that airship builds the rumoured golem from years ago.

I just noticed the runes in the back behind the mask. Any of those look Dwarven to anyone?

I dont think they are runes so much as they are just carving or paneling. Could be dwarven. Everything about it seems dwarven, except for the eyes. The eyes just look too alien. If anything I would say either seraphon or aelven.

Rolled both in that game. Dracoth are much more point efficient, that being said, I ran the Palladors to kill Dwarves crew first turn, and that's what they did.

>steamhead duardin
>all duardins are actually metal golems

What would you guys recommend for protecting all the cardboard pieces in Silver Tower? Would Purity Seal screw it up? Should I go for some kind of polyurethane spray? Any other ideas?

I can actually see that. Realm of Metal and all.

I'd be okay with it.

We had discussed that in the days of yore early in these generals.

A possible story arch is somehow the duardin trapped outside of the gates of azyr in order to survive the age of chaos, they transfered their souls into machines and golems. Then at some point during the age of sigmar, Grungni finds them and awakes them like a bunch of necron tombs in the fight against chaos.

TLDR: duardin are necrons

post YFW you grew out of dwarf and dedicated yourself to the true masterrace

The tabling win condition seems kind of stupid in how it ruins the possible caveat that you can get tabled and still win.

But I don't think it's a win condition. I never says they automatically lose, it just says the game ends. Implying as soon as the last model is wiped out from a side, the game immediately ends, and points calculated. I don't know if they are just using the GHB scenarios, or providing their own, but I think it's very reasonable.

It isn't instant death, the game just ends.

Might actually be worth suiciding if you have a VP lead that you think you might not hold on to in some cases.

Ok guys, here's some more deductions. Tucked away down here in this enigmatic image are some symbols of the mortal realms. What does this mean? I am still thinking aelfs because of their affinity for magic, but then again the emblems have become less symbols of magic now and more of settings and locations. It could mean eveything, and yet nothing.

It is definitely for AoS though, and not 40k. Guess we are going to have to wait for adepticon to find out.

>a bunch of pointless restrictions
>half a page of house rules
>having to list out common sense items
tournaments: not even once

The image is just a backstory-related how Grungni helped Sigmar forge the Stormcast Eternals.

Nothing worth being hyped for.

gday, just started painting up some lizardmen on new round bases, anyone be able to let me know exactly how the whole mixing and matching units in an army goes? i understand the four sort of allegiances but the idea confuses me in how to actually put it into a game, any help on that or the use/restrictions on hq would be obliged

Most seems reasonable if slightly overwrought and pointless.
That said:
>Disciples of Tzeentch and Forge World units/rules will be allowed in this event.
What? Did the organizer get ass-ravaged by a Lord of Change or something? I mean, I sorta get the FW exclusion, maybe, but with Disciples of Tzeentch it seems arbitrary.

tl;dr: It's stupid tournament rulings, as expected.

>What? Did the organizer get ass-ravaged by a Lord of Change or something? I mean, I sorta get the FW exclusion, maybe, but with Disciples of Tzeentch it seems arbitrary.
I think you need to reread that entry.

OK, I stayed away from AoS long enough for it to get it's shit together. I've got a semi-complete Khorne based Chaos Warriors army from WHFB sitting around and whilst the weather is too shit to prime my HH dudes, it might be time to pull these guys out and see what I can do with them

TL;DR School a newb on AoS

Well, ignore me, I'm apparently illiterate.

Read the rules, then read the General's Handbook and your warscroll. Report back to us when you're done.

Sir, yes sir

Woops, guess I'm too used to 40k.

face of metal dwarf golem?

Nice spot senpai, it definetly looks like a death mask of some kind

>YFW its Balthasar Gelt

Od anyone rules the Realm of Light it's Tyrion and Teclis.

Might be something aelvish, dwarfish, undeadish or anything, maybe even more SCE or Tzeentch

I think the important bit here is the relevance given to the eyes which ties with the connection between tyrion and teclis

realm of light is in the hand of the elves and so is ulgu because gw wants to push the duality of elven ways and ends.

if anyone deserves to rule the metal it's either grugni or settra

Which realm is best realm?

I'm definitely getting a vibe of it being connected to Hysh and its elves too.

>Which realm is beast realm?

Especially when you consider that the angular details of the mask, which would suggest it's not elven, can actually be a parallel with the only sight of Hysh we've seen so far

>no blood or gore shown

Ghur is the most interesting by dint of being the most varied and diverse. It's also Monster Hunter: The Setting, which is a bonus.
Close second is Ghyran, mostly we now know a lot about it.
As for the others, Azyr is nice but boring as of yet, Chamon is curiously mundane despite its alien nature, Aqshy is just all fire at all times, Shyish just sort of is there and both Ulgu and Hysh are still largely mysteries.

Played Seraphon against two Daemons of Tzeentch and Khorne, equivalent points.

Tzeentch advanced to the middle and tried to shoot and magic me down, while Khorne ran down the side and used a realmgate to move a pair of bloodthirsters behind me.

My trusty Bastiladon lasered them all to fuck all by himself. (And some buffs, but that's neither here nor there). I love you, laser lizard.

No it does not

why do people think this is elves related? it looks more like a preview of some kind of female SC.

Do you see the eyes? Those are way too alien to be SCE or duardin. Aelves however are not far from having their eyes look like that. And those are not gems or lenses, that's flesh surrounding them.

And SCE have normal human eyes as we have seen on artwork and minis.

So after such time... How is Age of Sigmar? Both gameplay wise and lorewise

Depends on the person, but for me I'm loving both aspects.

okay then why is Tyrion wearing a SC mask?

There doesn't have to be. The flesh eater courts book has plenty of that.

How is the gameplay? Is it faster than what WFB used to be?

we dont know if its a stormcast mask

You could play fucking Europa Universalis against a dead person and it'd be faster than WHFB.
So, yes.

Got my second start collecting syvaneth box and I'm trying to decide if it's worth converting the wych into a wraith, how much use am I likely to get out of a wraith compared to a second wych?

I wonder if they ware going to release more stormcast except slightly smaller and more elegant looking and call them elves.

The symbols on the left side look like the symbols for the realms/winds of magic. Not to sure about the ones on the right though,

Our seraphon player moved out of province. I'm so happy I don't have to deal with Bastiladons anymore. Sounds like hell on four legs

Yes. Try a game out and see for yourself. Get with another aos player and try out one of the ghb scenarios


Scenarios is one of the things that really made me interested in AoS (and Campaigns)... My brother have 3 armies so I am willing to try it, I used to hate it at the beginning but as my brother tells me more and more about the game I feel like it is something I may enjoy, as long as battles won't take 3-4 hours.


I've done this now; it's a lot of information to cram in so far

What do next?

Chamon sounds pretty cool to me. The Realm of Metal, where all living things are clockwork machines and stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.

Yeah, Battleplans are the way AoS is intended to be played. It adds more complexity to the game, and adds a nice amount of flavor.

New Age of Sigmar player here, previously posted in a thread last week.

Extremely interested in clan Skryre, so I went to the new Games Workshop near where I live and asked more questions about the game, got a free rules printout sheet for the game, and my friends and I are hyped.

He explained I can go all clan skryre but my standard troops will be the Stormfiends or acolytes.

We will probably be playing at 350-400 points at first tops so Stormfiends are WAY too expensive. Acolytes I'm not sure I feel good about...

So far I have two arch warlocks, and a grey seer. In retrospect I'm not sure if I need other leaders to keep clanrats in line or what.

Would it be best to just take clanrats for infantry?
I just want to know what a good troop choice would be. I'm thinking I will just use clanrats and then use some warp lightning cannons, jezzails, etc.

I will be fighting Sylvaneth starter box and Fyreslayers most the time.

Pure skyre is hard to play against and very expensive considering you need three boxes of storm fiends to create one cohesive weapons unit. You end up spending 180$ per unit. Acolytes are also expensive since you have buy them 1 at a time at 12$ a pop.

I'd recommend going a combined force and the spire of dawn set is fantastic for it. Grab two of them to get all the clanrats you'll ever need. Convert the second warlord into a chieftain with banner. Then buy two boxes of stormvermin. You can use some extra cantata to make jezzails instead of buying them kr you can grab a few warplightning cannons/catapults to round out your ranged attacks.

T. Guy with 5000+ points of skaven

Shadow elves a go

Are my arch warlocks/grey seer worth fielding? They seem pretty awesome and I'd hate to just use them as nice looking proxies for thing.

Skaven are currently cursed by not having very good generals that aren't big demons. However if you run the Bernini's clawpack you can make the grey seer your general and the warlord will still use his ability, allowing you to mitigate the rats that run while maximizing attacks.

As far as warlocks go, they are certainly good although two of them in a clanrat inclusive list is a but hard to fit. I'd definitely run one of them and I don't think you'd be amiss to run two frankly.

Having more warlocks opens you up to rubbing the clan Skyre battalion, which is their best build.

Here's an example list I pit together for you. I run a similar list at 2k points and win most of my games. Keep in mind , contrary to what people might say Skaven require a Letty serious amount of thought to pilot properly.

+++ Meh (Age of Sigmar v8) (2000pts) +++

++ Pitched Battle (2,000) (Grand Alliance: Chaos v18) (2000pts) ++

+ Uncategorised +

Alliegance [*Chaos*]

+ Leader (480pts) +

Grey Seer (120pts)

Packmaster (60pts)

Skaven Warlord (100pts)

Warlock Engineer (100pts)

Warlock Engineer (100pts)

+ Battleline (540pts) +

Clanrats (180pts) [3x 10 Clanrats]

Clanrats (180pts) [3x 10 Clanrats]

Clanrats (180pts) [3x 10 Clanrats]

+ Other (920pts) +

Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60pts)

Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60pts)

Rat Ogors (120pts) [2 Rat Ogors]

Stormvermin (280pts) [2x 10 Stormvermin]

Stormvermin (280pts) [2x 10 Stormvermin]

Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60pts)

Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60pts)

+ Battalion (60pts) +

Battalion: verminous clawpack (60pts)

Is slambo a limited model? Or is it sticking around?

sticking around. like cannoness veridyan for 40k

I just wanna see Balthazar's reincarnation already.

Is general's handbook worth having if you have a pdf of it?

As a WHFB player with several small armies what would you suggest I get bookwise?

I havent played WHFB since that edition with Island of Blood

Orcs and Goblins
Chaos (khorne)
Small force of Dark Elves.

Oh and skaven but just the contents of two island of bloods and a unit of storm vermin.

Thanks for the advice, I'm only looking at 500 pts or less at the moment but I appreciate this info!

Do you have a smartphone or a tablet? Just use the app for rules if so, that's what I do. I know someone who made some pretty nice cards as well with all the rules on, though that's a little more effort. Also, you don't necessarily need it if you have a PDF, but I bought the version you can get through the app as it was cheaper than buying a physical copy.

>rotten blue/green skin
>yellow iris-less eyes
>fancy mask/helmet
my bet is on undead guys, tomb-king like in asthethic, fancy pharaon mask, on rotting body

I want to run a demo game of age of sigmar.

What would be a good force I could make out of a battle for skull pass and a skaven side of island of blood set.

Should I just do straight kill eachother or a scenario?

I just wanna try to get a 40k friend of mine interested.

show him 500-800pt game, with 1-2 heroes and 3-4 small units, show how shooting, charging, combat and battleshock works. Explain shit with random effects of terrain. Just basics.

I run demos on AoS starter and works fine. I skip part about battalions and and scenarios.

Well undead is better than the duardin players trying to convince themselves this looks dwarvish.

I have a friend who is looking for pointers on getting a Skaven army started. I know those rats can be a top tier army, any suggestions for her? She currently has 40 clanrats, warp lightning cannon, doom wheel, warpfire thrower, and the hero with the pistrol (dunno if that helps). I recommended Verminlord, but I'm a Khorne BB/Sylvaneth/SCE player.

Is there any point in starting Death army if I don't like flesh-eater courts?

You could build Soulblight and become a cunt.

Stormfiends are pretty key to melting through stuff with their warpfire throwers

Are there any rumors about armybooks?

Will Tomb Kings ever appear? Dark Elves will get some love or Daughters of Khaine?

Is it safe to collect any army or just better get the ones that got armybooks in Age of Sigmar..?

call me skeptical but that doesn't look elf to me. skin that dark isn't a warhammer elf trait.

I have some questions about death.

Is the Mortis Engine as good as it seems? Because it seems pretty nuts.

Also, I want to build my force around a big group of skeletons, are a Necromancer and a Wight King a good choice to roll around with them, or are there better options?