Stat him, Veeky Forums
Stat him, Veeky Forums
Odds cat
Evens bird
Decent character trapped in a shit series.
Skill (weapon calibrating) +20
What's a good system for a ME settings?
GURPS can run anything, and space games are one of its strong suits.
FATE can run anything, and there's at least four full versions (Diaspora, which hard sf; Bulldogs, which is soft actiony star wars sf; Starblazer Adventures, which is mostly generic rules; and Mindjammer, which has a lot of transhumanist flavor) that are based around doing space sf right out of the box. There's some homebrew around on the internet for doing Mass Effect in Diaspora, too ("Hacking Diaspora to Mass Effect").
Open d6 is a free universal system that was used in an official Star Wars game, and there's a full unofficial Mass Effect book for it.
Modifying Traveller or one of the Star Wars games would probably work well, too.
The Open d6 Mass Effect game is at masseffectd6 dot blogspot dot com, and the sidebar has several links to Mass Effect homebrews in other systems.
Hes my favorite character from ME by far with Tali being next up for being cute as hell and reminding me of my gf
+10 Not As Good As Commander Shepard In Anything
He is clearly descended from a pterodactyl of some sort.
> Stat him, Veeky Forums
Can this wait a moment? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.
Star Wars Saga Edition has a conversion to Mass Effect if you're willing to risk Giantitp.
>tfw no games online that fit my timezone
God damn it
Best alien bro since Chewbacca.
5/10 face
Marksmanship 10
Being a bro 15
Calibrating 20
Rather than stat him, let's just do what OP really wants and take a moment to lament how much Bioware let down this awesome character with ME3.
As a Vanguard, he's an auto-include in my squad all the time. Garrus space cop adventures would actually make for a rad game.
Isn't there a d20 system for NE?
ME3 is the reason I've not given a single solitary fuck about Andromeda. I used to be such a fan leading up to 1 and 2, then just... pssshbt.
Oh, shut up you crybaby. ME3 was a perfectly enjoyable game. Not as good as ME2 perhaps, but still worth the effort. Just because the ending sucked doesn't mean the entire trilogy was a waste of time.
It's not just about the ending. ME3 had the best gunplay, yes, but the storyline was just a shadow of its former self and the waste of potential was tangible.
The gameplay was good, I'll give you that - my Engineer was never stronger, between 2 friendly murderbots, Overload ripping away shields and barriers, and Incinerate Bombs, but at that point, it really had lost it soul. The way Javik was handled, the reporter chick onboard your ship, and the absolutely dreadful story beats in between the gunplay was all the evidence you need that EA money-fucked the quality out of Bioware.
I played the first two (and a few hours of ME3) many moons ago, so I'm mostly doing this with the wiki.
WS - 3
BS - 4
S - 3
T - 3
W - 2
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 8
Sv - 4+
Kinetic Barrier - 3++ invulnerable against physical ranged attacks
Assault Rifle - 24" S3 AP5 Rapid Fire
Sniper Rifle - 36" S3 AP4 Sniper
Frag Grenades
Snare Mines
May choose one of the following at the beginning of each turn
Decryption/Sabotage - Give one enemy unit within 24" Gets Hot on ranged weapons
Damping -
First Aid - Gain It Will Not Die
Electronics/Overload - One enemy unit within 24" with a technology based invulnerable save must re-roll successful invulnerable saves
The last good BioWare game was Neverwinter Nights, and even then, it was more of a toolkit than an actual game.
>Repeatedly calibrating will increase the possibility of a wider spectrum of results thereby making any specs you are working towards increasingly likely to be unmet
>liking Tali
Literally all female characters of ME suck balls compared to male characters.
Literally all human characters suck compared to alien characters.
Legion, Garrus, Wrex, Mordin are my fucking niggas.
You can't prove me wrong.
I confess I liked Miranda.
Mostly because I have a weakness for hot rich girls.
You're 100% correct.
Also Renegade Shepard is the only way to play.
The gameplay was fun, the story was trash all the way through.
It really bothered me how there were basically no consequences to any of the story elements in your past games.
Kill the rachni in 1, because they admit they can be mind controlled any time? No problem man, they'll still show up in 3 somehow. IIRC, it was the same for any major decision. The only difference was a slightly altered cutscene and intro paragraph explaining the mission. I half expect that if you killed everyone in 2, they'd just be resurrected in 3, though I'm too bored with that game to even try now.
And then those morons had the audacity to word of god the one redeeming theory about their shitty ending: indoctrination.
Fuck that.
>Play Paragon, and be a limp-wristed doormat who lets Martin Sheen walk all over him
>Play Renegade, and be a confrontational sperg with anger issues
Renegade was slightly better, but they both dropped the ball. I get the sense they wanted the system to give you the choice of playing Picard or Kirk. But it really came down to Geek or Bully.
Bioware's always had an issue with presenting morality as two diametrically opposed choices. Paragon/Renegade and Light Side/Dark Side is really no better than Alignments.
Don't forget Kai "Nothin' Personnel" Lang.
Aliens are the absolute best things about ME, no question. The humans should've been a minor race, with only Shepard and a couple others as exceptions to their diminutiveness compared to the hulking Turian Hierachy, the Ancient Asari and whatever Mordins race was.
Paragon for life. Mainly because I was absolutely sure that it would allow me to build a larger coalition of allies to fight the reapers than Renegade would. Being Space King Arthur also seemed rad. Too bad none of that matters when you've got colored space lights magically saving the galaxy
I was hoping Andromeda would be interesting, like a new set of colonies connected to the Milky Way. Instead its totally separate, has nothing to do with the previous games and is just a reset so the developers don't have to deal with their previous idiocy.
>be a confrontational sperg with anger issues
Only if you were the dumb kind of renegade who chose the options every single time they were presented.
It was pretty clear when the option would go over the line, so to say. Leaving those be, renegade was the soldier who doesn't needlessly muck about and actually gets things done. Shepard was always meant to be a hardass and being paragon makes a jarring discrepancy between the character you play and the character that speaks during dialogues.
It had its few moments. Genophage subplot resolved nicely, but even that wouldn't be there for everyone, since not all might agree to cure it, and as unimaginable as it is, some people actually let Wrex die in the first game.
A few of the missions were pretty okay too. It's been years though so I can't remember the specifics. I think Mars might have been one of them.
>Only if you were the dumb kind of renegade who chose the options every single time they were presented.
The game kind of punishes you for not going all out though. There are multiple points where you can actually resolve a situation in any meaningful way unless you have a lot of points in one or the other.
That said I do agree with you Renegade is the way to go, though I usually prefer avoiding the less tasteful situations. Like punching the reporter. I don't find it satisfying at all, I just think Shepard is a jerk no matter how much that lady has it coming.
Sexiest voice/10 would let him read me the desert menu any time
I may be wrong but I think it was only 1 that does the thing where you raise the paragon/renegade through dialogue choices and 2 and 3 had it rising only via the stat.
That said 1 had significantly less off the scumbag renegade moments. In their core both paragon and renegade stayed mostly the same through the trilogy but 2 gave more options of being a jerk. I don't know/remember whether something similar happened with paragon but I'd imagine not.
Guess what, extremes are spurgy. Very few players play through the game as a pure Paragon or Rogue and if you play through the game making reasonable decision based on what you think is right at the time or the goal your Shepard wants to achieve the game is a much more enjoyable narrative. I played through the game as a good guy with a strong tactical sense and refusal to roll over for assholes. Ended up about 3/4 Paragon 1/4 Renegade in 3/3 games and the games rewarded me for it. I felt like a "Big Damned Hero" and the sacrifice myself to save the galaxy ending felt so natural I didn't realize what everyone was bitching about for a while when 3 came out.
your gf is living in a bubble? Or is it that one girl that is allergic to modern life?
>the reporter chick onboard your ship
The first time I played the game, I told her she was not welcome on board. NEver saw her in that playthough. Wasn't aware she was helpfull in any way.
I also kind of liked miranda('s butt) and the justicar
Personally prefer 100% paragon femShep. IRRC you get the most possible options from paragon, I think renegade shuts out too much stuff. Also the lady shepard's voice acting is much better imo
>Literally all female characters of ME suck balls compared to male characters.
>EDI was GOAT in ME2
>turns to shit in ME3
Don't remind me of those painful memories, user.
>Kill the rachni in 1, because they admit they can be mind controlled any time? No problem man, they'll still show up in 3 somehow.
With the mind control, user.
They show up and sabotage everything.
>And then those morons had the audacity to word of god the one redeeming theory about their shitty ending: indoctrination.
Fuck that noise.
When I played through the first time I did the same thing, nuetral shepard. The only problem is that the only way to ensure the best possible outcomes are from playing 100% ass or dork. Like I dont think you can be a normal person and save wrex for example.
That might just be a limitation of the medium though
>lady shepard's voice acting is much better
It is. Jennifer Hale is a voice acting veteran. The male was pretty much a nobody, only appeared in Bioware games.
I also prefer femshep, because of the acting and because tough soldier women push my buttons.
>and 2 and 3 had it rising only via the stat.
Other way around
1 had it as a stat, that the cap raised after Story Events and other things, 2 and 3 it raised via dialogue.
>Like I don't think you can be a normal person and save wrex for example.
Get his family armor, seriously. That makes it incredibly easy to save him.
Ah. In that case it must have been that 2 and 3 simply didn't have as high requirements, because I don't remember that the games locked options away from me as much as 1 did, even though I didn't play pure renegade or paragon.
This. If you do this the convincing doesn't require any charm or intimidate points at all.
See I do think Jen Hale's voice acting is better but for some reason I just can't play FemShep.
Like I dunno, I have no problem with the warrior woman angle. In fact I play women in video games fairly frequently. But when I looked at the game, I just couldn't see Shepard as anyone other than a dude.
I was able to save Wrex with a Paragon option but I don't think I went full Paragon. I do remember my friend told me he wound up having no other option but to kill the guy and this bugged him so much he actually started an earlier save so he could farm up the points.
Then your friend never did Wrex's sidequest, the options to save Wrex require almost all the points in Charm or Intimidate(1 point less than the max to be specific), OR they require you to do his sidequest. In which case they require nothing.
You can't mind control dead things user. If you killed the rachni in 1, they shouldn't be alive to be mind controlled in 3.
>If you killed the rachni in 1, they shouldn't be alive to be mind controlled in 3.
The explanation was 'lol Reaper clones'.
ME3's ending should have reflected the progress on your war assets bar with good/bad ending cut scenes based on individual decisions.
Also no "Geth have to die just because".
Anything less than 33% is the All Purpose Contingency Plan that just shows everyone dying heroically and an age later some Yhag dig up Liara's black box.
90+% is Shepard forging the Galaxy into an iron bar and smashing the Reapers till their heads resemble chunky salsa and by the time the rebuilding is finished everything is better than before.
Either way Shepard dies in the final days of the war.
[/spoiler]99 - 100% completion Shepard is hauled from the wreckage by Garrus and Love Interest all manner of fucked up and broken but still just about alive[/spoiler]
Best bro in the entire series/10
>requested to join a mass effect game on roll20
>only one slot left
>dm hasn't responded to anything I said
>game is in a week
>other people are starting to request after I did
Worry y/n?
He's doing you a favor
i just wanna play as a broken shell of a turian that just wants a quiet life after all the shit hes seen in the army, but keeps getting pulled back to do crazy shit because he really wants to help people
Find real friends.
We should try to start our own
>wants a quiet life
>wants to help people
Well, which is it birdman?
I don't know why people in this board have such an autistic aversion to roll20
I guess if everyone is playing a Krogan
Citadel setting, please, need some space-cop drama
Does anyone have that screengrab of some guy's Roll20 game where he was basically just subcontracting his novel and planned on using the PCs as side-characters?
Despite what Veeky Forums memes may tell you those games are extreme outliers, and you can usually smell the stench long before sending an application
Nobody is going to force you to join a pathfinder anime adventure, just use common sense and don't join shit games
Drone like bastards who have nothing to live for
>Had less than five fingers on each hand thanks to a cake-eating related accident.
If you ever gave a fuck about storylines you wouldn't have enjoyed 1 and 2 either, ALL BioWare games have crappy storytelling.
The ending WAS the only problem with ME3. Sub-par writing was not unexpected, we always accepted sub-par writing, and even sub-par gameplay and animations and everything, because in the end it was still fun. The stories were garbage, but they were an unique kind of interactive garbage and that made them good.
ME3 started dropping the interactive in favor of allowing the devs to feel like movie directors and then they shat with the ending by trying to feel like "omg so smart director, ppl cant even undrstand me". If they didn't shit the ending no one would have complained about anything else, not even you.
>Mars was okay
I mean, you had to deal with Kaiden or Ash being a pissbaby and Freddie Prinze Jr quipping at you because you don't have any alien crew yet. Other than that, it wasn't terrible
I didn't quite get why that wasn't an option anyway. The way the codex entries are written, a half-dozen heavy ships is quite capable of killing a Reaper, and when you amass the full fleet for the end, you've got a fuckload of them available to you.
You'd take uncomfortable losses, but they're definitely not unbeatable. Part of the whole plot of the first game, and the Protheans in the previous cycle, is that the races of the galaxy have advanced far beyond the point where the Reapers would normally start the culling, so they're having a lot more trouble than they otherwise would.
why'd they even bother giving the choice up to shepard?
they're supposed to be this super intelligent entity that can only defeated because they "allowed" shepard to destroy them all
but they're still too dumb to think of any solution better than kill everything, its even the first thing they offer to him
He's bs 5 at least