>the bbeg has managed to recruit the luckiest being in the world
The bbeg has managed to recruit the luckiest being in the world
Wasn't there some extra dimensional x-men villain from the 90's who kept trying to do that? Anyway unless the lucky one can really control how it works I could see it backfiring. Good luck often means someone else is having shitty luck, and being next to the lucky guy all the time could be a liability
Join the BBEG. He's obviously on the winning side.
So my last Abberant Campaign?
I had a character who's only super power (besides being kinda superhuman in everything) was luck. He allied with a group that eventually became antagonists for a different party, and was the dragon to the BBEG for the campaign.
The most bullshit fights.
Impossible. Getting recruited by the bbeg is really unlucky, so the luckiest being in the world, by definition, wouldn't be recruited.
Unless of course, the luckiest being in the world is going to somehow disable the bbegs organization from within, either consciously or unconsciously.
Either way, I don't have to worry.
>What the BBEG doesn't know is that recruiting someone with extremely high luck doesn't prevent him from associating with the cripplingly incompetent
> >the bbeg has managed to recruit the luckiest being in the world
Except luck cannot be measured via any standards.
Chance? Sure. Luck? Nah.
Saying that the being is "the luckiest in the world" implies there is some sort of objective basis of "luck", upon which the beings are compared. And there isn't one.
Oh no, you really have to worry. Because if
>Getting recruited by the bbeg is really unlucky
is true, then whoever recruited it is not the BBEG.
I once dubbed a player 'The God Of Luck' Because he basically only rolled over 15. A second player became 'The God Of Un-Luck' when his average rolls hit somewhere around 3. (D20, different dice, this over several years)
Luck may not be quantifiable with our current level of tech, but some people are just going to have good things happen to them. Constantly. That's luck to me bro.
>Except luck cannot be measured via any standards.
I'd say you can express luck in a TTRPG through rolls. Under D&D 5e rules, you
>normally roll a die for most checks and attacks
>when you're at an advantage, you roll twice and pick the highest
>when you're at a disadvantage, you roll twice and pick the lowest
For an 'exceptionally lucky' character, I'd change these rules to the following:
>For normal checks/attacks you roll twice and pick the highest
>For advantage checks/attacks you roll four times and pick the highest
>For disadvantage checks/attacks you roll once
This severely reduces the chance and impact of bad results, considering even a "worst case scenario" for this lucky guy is the same as normal circumstances for normalfags.
That's chance manipulation, not luck manipulation. Those are two different things. We already had a thread about this.
Chance manipulation is rolling numerous times until you get nat20.
Luck manipulation is rolling only once and getting nat20.
So you'd be looking at the D&D 4e feature for the rogue epic destiny that lets you just steal a guys luck? 1/day they can just go 'No, your roll was a natural 1. Go fuck yourself'
Wowee! I can't believe that when the PCs glassed the BBEG and his lair, I was the only one to survive! How lucky! I wonder if I'm lucky enough to be able to join them...
The problem with luck is that it's hard to define accurately.
For example, I'm playing dice.
Loading the dice so that it will land more on one side than the other is manipulating the chance.
Setting a throwaway bet and accidentally winning is pure luck.
Luck means getting a favourable outcome, despite the numerous unfavourable outcomes being just as likely.
I can't even think of an example of someone being exceptionally lucky. Quantum immortality, perhaps?
Luck is the result of chance you fucking troglodyte
"Good luck" just means "beneficial results of chance", and obviously "bad luck" is "detrimental results of chance"
Manipulating chance in your favor IS good luck
Nevermind that, what the hell is going on with that guy's hand?!
>Manipulating chance in your favor IS good luck
Counterexample: I'm studying chess. By studying chess, my chance at winning a chess match increase. Can you say that me winning a chess match is lucky, despite the fact that I clearly put in the required effort?
The think is, chess doesn't have any room for luck. It's a game designed to be completely skill-based.
>By studying chess, my chance at winning a chess match increase
Now you're using the other definition of the word. Welcome to english, our morphology is shit. "Chance" can mean the possibility of something happening as in this chess analogy, where it's synonymous with "probability". But when talking about luck just now, I was using another definition, of "something happening by accident or otherwise without design", where it's synonymous with "fortuity".
In different contexts, the word means two damn things.
>The think is, chess doesn't have any room for luck.
You used a citrus-based perfume before the game.
Your opponent has allergy to citruses.
His concentration wavers and he loses the match.
>I can't even think of an example of someone being exceptionally lucky.
There was a Marvel heroine with that as her power (She was irish. Of course). She had zero powers but managed to take down a mind control plot that had gotten literal gods, genius engineers and master sorcerers. Because she was in the right place every single time it mattered due to coincidence and chance.
People tried to gun her down. Every single one of the guns jammed.
The luck-based 4e sorcerer powers gave rerolls to represent being lucky.
Fool’s Luck
Sorcerer Utility 22
“What can I say? Things just turn out my way.”
Daily Arcane
Free Action
Trigger: You roll a skill check, ability check, or attack roll and dislike the result.
Effect: Reroll the triggering roll. If you roll a natural 20, you regain the use of this power at the end of your next turn.
I believe that's called 'Cheating' if you get caught.
Then that had nothing to do with your studying. Lucky.
Unless you knew that and it was an act of sabotage. Not lucky.
Strategy = manipulation of nonrandom chance (actions which are reasonably expected to improve odds)
Good Luck = "manipulation" of randomized chance (does not truly exist in real world) (actions which have no correlation to improve odds, e.g. praying to RNG, hopping up and down on one foot, "rolling the 1s out")
That's my point. Definition of "luck" is hazy as fuck.
Being super lucky does not necessarily mean your a nice guy
The bad guy is just so absurdly lucky that he absolutely must be stopped, no matter the cost
There's no haze to it. It just means that randomized circumstances will unerringly occur in the supernaturally lucky person's favor. They will not deliberately or knowingly improve any odds, but the odds will nevertheless skew. Happenstance will arbitrarily work out positively.
It's not complex, but it is very subjective as to what people can consider lucky in various circumstances. Presumably, it would be lucky by their own subjectivity.
If you can find a non-game breaking way to represent luck manipulation, be my guest. Until then chance manipulation is our best bet.
Didn't work out.
The first player was cheating.
cheating bastard
Please stop samefagging thread after thread.
>tfw you're High Luck character is assisting a ritual led by a Low Luck caster and you get blamed when a noble's house blows up as a result.
God, Fortune's Friend sucked, but hell if it wasn't fun to play.
Konosuba is a great series that does unfortunately make some animation goofs due to it not obsessing with staying on-model like some series. Sometimes that idea works, sometimes it doesn't.
I don't think you know what samefagging means.
I'm also weirded out that you think pretending it's only one guy makes any sense at this point.
>that does unfortunately make some animation goofs
WebM related is what studio DEEN considers high quality animation. Then again, DEEN animations are full of QUALITY because they operate on a shoestring budget. Luckily, that actually works for a comedy anime like KonoSuba and it might even have been a lot less enjoyable if the animation was top notch.