The party finally arrives to the town of blackhallow...

The party finally arrives to the town of blackhallow, tired after a 14 day travel they want nothing more than to just rest and spend their hard earned coin.

But as they reach the from gates there appears to be a line of people built up, theres something preventing people from entering.

Your party decides to investigate the disturbance and finds...

The party finds a man trying to get his cart inside the city but the guards refuse to let the man in.

They claim he has brought in dangerous animals in the past.

The man claims he only brings in harmless exotic creatures for household pets. But the man won't take no for an answer and nobody else is able to get by.

The party finds three guardsmen in front of a cart of valuables, in front of them a man in armor holding only a sword in his hand.

The guards are demanding everyone pay a tax upon entering the town because they get so many adventurers coming in every day causing damage and then just fleeing the town.

The mans only possession is his armor and sword but he refuses to give it up.

for those of you who are confused, long ago in the old days of Veeky Forums before we kicked out the creative /qst/ers we used to have threads where people told stories and gave cool adventure ideas.

90% of them involved creative versions of giant rats, but still.

Why did you post a picture of Damascus Gate?

theyre crowded gates

Is that where you got all this garbage?
Hurrdurr adventures messing up everything is ancient meta 'humor'.

Nothing slightly interesting about a bunch of guards playing tollbooth for people who shouldn't be let in anyway

and complaining is interesting? cool. glad we got that straight, is is Veeky Forums after all.

The OP doesn't say it has to be tollbooth. it could be anything, why not actually think of something instead of being a shitty player.

A disgusting assbaby.

Are you trying to GM a tollbooth?
You could at least play it straight

The Ranger ask a merchant.
"What the hold up?"
"Some crazy lunatic bite a guard and was put down."
"Shouldn't not be clear by now?"
"They are questioning the lunatic family"

>zombie low level campaign start

Threads like these predate quests, questfag.

Guards won't let in traveling merchant because he has giant rats pulling his cart of baby giant rats

Maybe stop samefagging your own thread and just go post on the quest board?

oh my god who would have guessed that exactly what i said was what you're calling me a fag for!

WOW! maybe you think for just one second, i know it hurts but give it a try.

creative threads that aren't just mechanics based were started by people who liked to tell stories, those people were the first ones to create quests on this board, Veeky Forums got all angry and kicked them out because...??? oh right there were a lot of them.

so Veeky Forums kicked out the people who started these threads and then they became /qst/ Wooooooow

see that, logic! i know i know you dont use it often, but its nice.

I like it.
I'm a sucker for cross genre fiction though.

hahaha faggot...

Yeah, nice myth, questfag. Back to your 'creative' Waifu Anus Quest pt. 600 then, right? I'm sure your fellow creative types miss you.

Only on Fridays.

I'd argue this could hardly be called a quest.
It's like someone just woke up out of a coma and thought he could be a one man flash mob with the most boring plot hooks ever

This isn't a quest and I'm not calling it that. It's basically a writing prompt.

>What is phoneposting

What have my zombie hook got to do with samefagging and rats?

Two wagons trying to cross in opposing directions at the same time, with stubborn mules and even more stubborn dwarven merchants, who will take having to back up as an affront to their personal honor and who can raise a huge fuss with the town council. The guards don't want any part of this and hope they'll get tired or something.

The party finds a man trying to scream and cry like a child for no reason.

The guards have decided that this sort of butthurt could be dangerous to the whole city.

When they hit the bar have them over hear rumors of various "attacks"

Strangely uncommunicative guards have dropped the portcullis and are hedging back civilians with halberd butts.
(A foreign force have subverted or replaced the guards to further an evil plot)

For those of you who are confused, this user is wrong. Back before we kicked out quest threads, nothing could be said because moronQuest #245345633 kicked your thread off the bottom of the board before any discussion got going.
No, the containment board is fine, leave them there. If you want quests, go to /qst/ and leave Veeky Forums to Veeky Forums,


Yeah, pandering to shitposting waifufags by making corny spin-offs of anime series and vidya sure is totes creative m8 :^)


oh so everyone who likes quests must like the shit quests, so you must LOVE myfarog and Nechronica am i right?

i see two people here, faggots who keep complaining and can get the fuck out or fucking suck it up.

and then there people here who are actually having FUN (ooh buzzword) contributing.

Nah, I'm just trying to get fun ideas going

Shove him out of the way and push his cart off the road for being a cunt and wasting our time.
Tell him to pay the toll or get out of the way, if he refuses shove him out of the way

The gate is unable to move, the chains that would normally raise and lower it have been melted through (upon further investigation, some form of magic seems to be the culprit, either conjured flame or acid or somesuch). It's the final straw for the local lord, as this is just the latest in a series of pranks, sabotages, and magical mishaps that have plagued the town. He suspects that some student from the mages' guild has been causing the mischief for shits n' giggles, which may be true. (Or there could be a deeper motive, or it could even be someone/something else entirely!) The party simply HAS to help them get to the bottom of this, as his guards have been unable to make any headway.

A reward awaits the party if they can solve the mystery, and this can segue into just about any sort of quest the GM/party might want. Casual prankster? Saboteur preparing for an invading army? Maybe just a good old fashioned monster-hunt, as it turns out a nest of [____] has been forming under the city. It's open-ended.

A humble cabbage merchant blocks the path. The guards are harassing him.

The best "quests" were the ones that didn't start out calling themselves quests. The zerg cerebrate quest of ancient times was great fun because it wasn't "OH MAN I'M ACTUALLY JUST WRITING MY STORY WITH VERY LITTLE INPUT ON THE PART OF MY QUESTERS", it was just a dude saying, "we are cerebrate, what do" and continuing from there.

The absolute dogshit that quests became (and some will say started out as) is the reason /qst/ was eventually made. For every great quest, there were hundreds of dogshit quests, usually in the form of waifu anime. The premise could have been great, like the Hollow quest's, but it was ruined both by the quest writer basically just writing his bleach fan fiction as a CYOA (cyoas are not quests), and it also being a waifu quest.

The Tarrasque is having a bad first day of being a town guard.