Ojutai's command is fucking trash and if you think your special cause of your retarded "super secret tech" then eat a bottle of aspirin, you disgust me.
What is everyone playing?
Is everyone happy they the 14 year old mono red burn and goblin players are now going to be packing sideboard blood moon?
Do you think any decks are going to make a come up?
When did Elrazi Tron get good, and fucking why?
What are you gonna get for the low low off MM2017?
>Buying boxes
MTG Modern General
I'll probably pick up some craterhoofs while they're cheap since it's unlikely to see it reprinted again soon. But those are more for EDH than memedern.
>tfw I like Seance
It's a fun card, shut up
I really don't get why commander gets great reprints and shit literally every set
Wow, what a shitty, negative op. I'm not in favour of the shitty command but just kill yourself
Goblin Guides. Heck yeah
We got a few packs for sealed.
commander appeals most to stupid casuals. Stupid casuals buy incredible amounts of sealed products to get commander playables
like, I know dudes that buy a fat pack every week just to crack the packs and see what they might get, and it's always a pile of trash worth $3.50 with maybe one $5 rare, but god damn are they excited about that $5 rare. and they're fine with spending $40/week to crack boosters but holy fucking shit you tell them to buy one $20 staple and you're fucking insane for spending that much on card board. Then you have the faggots who have a "good job" as a zone manager at walmart who order multiple fucking booster boxes of each set so they can sit on their sofa cracking packs for hours, because it's "fun"
So WOTC makes sure these people have jank ass over costed rares to look forward to each and every set.
I'm a fucking commander player and even I think it's god damn stupid.
a bloo bloo bloo ;_;
Personally I like cracking a fat pack now and then, they make good deck boxes for shit
that's understandable. I keep my decks in a deckbuilder tool box personally. but these guys buy this shit like they're fucking addicted to it. one of them has a room in his apartment literally fucking FILLED with cardboard boxes that are stacked full of garbage commons/uncommons. and because he's a fucking casual with no sense of value there's actually probably some good shit in there if some masochist was willing to sort through it all, but I am not that person. and despite having all this unplayable garbage, he still buys a fat pack every fucking week like some kind of ritual.
But this motherfucker has the gall, the sheer fucking AUDACITY to scoff at me for spending like $500 putting together my valakut deck after I got my tax return last year when I'm sure he's spent a cumulative total of THOUSANDS and has nothing to show for it.
So my friend is making a mardu list that's tons of removal and some token generation (bitterblossom, lingering souls, etc) with pic related as the finisher. How bad is that idea? Obviously it's not T1 but maybe not complete garbage
If that card said hexproof instead of vigilance I would say cool, but it seems kind of bad to just get pushed. Someday we will have mardu goyf, don't you worry friend
How do I into sideboards?
I'm a trash EDH casual who somehow has enough parts to slap together a couple Modern decks (Titan Shift/Valakut Breach and Burn), so I figured I'd try my hand at 60-card after a long-ass time, but I have no clue how to effectively sideboard.
>Someday we will have mardu goyf,
LOL no you won't
Side boarding is pretty easy for burn. You run some artifact/ enchant removal, you run path for shit you can't burn, and you run other stuff to fit your meta. I can't speak for titan shift as I haven't played it.
They tried with butcher, I'm hopeful someday they get it right
Burn player here.
Destructive revelry, lightning helix, path, deflecting palm, smash to smithereens are the usual options. Depends on the meta and what kind of burn you play tho.
What's the best X value for Chalice?
1 or 2
just you wait
just play a couple games with other people and watch other games while thinking, "What do I need to push me over the edge against him".
No thanks. I'll just keep playing my goyfs
Hey guys, this thread seems a lot nicer than the one I last posted in last time so I'll try again.
I'm making a modern kithkin tribal and I was wondering if you guys had any tips? I'm already considering splashing green for CoCo and gaddock teeg+ kithkin mourncaller. I'm running path now but here's what I'm working with
>I was wondering if you guys had any tips?
Don't play meme decks
Kithkin fun continued
Anyone here autistic?
Last one
I'm also considering aether vial and ancient stirrings to dig for it or lands, do you guys think that's a good idea? I've never really built a tribal before
It might not be tier 1, but it can certainly compete with a lot of decks, I wouldn't be surprised to see it do well in a GP setting with the right meta.
still desperate for twin?
>upset about negativity
>on Veeky Forums
You don't belong here.
This, desu.
Oh sorry, this isn't the standard thread
the thread is nicer because people arent posting kithkin table decks in the competitive thread
You don't have enough good kithkins to make a deck.
>They banned Twin for literally no reason other than "muh competitive diversity" and "outshines other blue decks"
>Literally murdered and raped all blue decks and they're all shit now
The thread says modern general though? My deck is modern legal and I'm looking for advice to make it more competitive than it already is. I can win as early as turn 6 but I think I'd like to make it a bit faster than that that which is why I posted it here.I also would like some card suggestions too.
I don't see what you're problem is I'm just looking for advice on my deck
Your deck is also vintage legal, take it to the vintage thread
Affinity is blue :^)
Ebin meme bro!
Your problem is that the deck is bad at its core, and if you try to make it good, it will stop being this deck and become something else.
If you really want to make your shitty decks work, put in the effort yourself instead of expecting people here to do your homework.
But you're baiting anyway, right? The "as early as turn 3" part is kind of too obvious. 6/10 you got me to reply
There's no vintage thread up and I doubt it would survive in a format of turn 1 kills and p9.
gaddock teeg is pretty good and so is figure of destiny. The other kithkin provide tons of synergy too.
I don't know why you guys can't just help a guy out, I'm trying to make my deck better and ask for advice and I'm not getting any.
Can you already take all your shits and go away. It got old the first time.
How do you go about accusing someone of theft at FNM? I'm new and I'm certain this little kid swiped one of my cards. Do I try to catch him again?
I didn't want to get thrown out for causing a scene.
I'd just find out where he lives and break his knee caps
>When did Elrazi Tron get good, and fucking why?
Turns out that fast mana combos extremely well with undercosted colorless creatures that almost always 2 for 1 you. Whodathunkit?
I bought a box of MM17 for $180 and am going to flip it for $240. Then I'm going to buy some singles with that as well as put some money towards a trip.
You take your lumps and shit up about it. Pay better attention to your cards and stuff.
Now , I don't say this to be mean. However, if you do go around accusing someone of stealing, even if you're right, you're going to get called a shitter and ostracized from the shop. No one wants to play with a little bitch snitch.
Beat him up. He's a child. Surely you can take him. He wants to act like a thug he'll have to pay the price
This guy is a faggot and is wrong, no one fucking wants to have to worry about their cards, and anyone who is the thief will get the shit and not you, seriously fuck yourself man, you're a faggot, this isn't prison
t. card thief who doesn't want to get called out
dont tell anyone. they'll never believe you. they'll all turn on you. its your word against his. youre wasting your time. nobody will want to play against you after.
t. rapist
Unless you think you can get like, the store owner to force him to take his shit out of his bag you're pretty much fucked.
I don't think he really wants the shit back he just wants to get the kid fucked
Have you ever had something stolen and filed a police report? They waste several hours of your time taking a statement and recording whatever, give you your copy, and then nothing ever happens. It's the exact same thing with any personal property. You'll never see it again and either you shut the hell up about it, or be a whiny both about it.
You're being sarcastic, but this is actually true. No one cares about your stuff. They only care about their stuff.
The only way to get the kid fucked is if he can actually SHOW that the kid took his stuff, which would generally involve finding it.
So I'm building Elves. Right now it's monogreen standard build.
Should I expand into BG for Shaman of the Pack? I'm running Chords and CoCo to get it out otherwise, but it seems very win-more.
What else does elves use black for?
What is the best deck right now for "cheat huge creatures into play?" My friend has a boner for this sort of thing, and he wants to start in on Modern
hey cool deck man, you should try getting some vials to get your kithkin in faster. you should also try to get some declaration in stone to take care of your opponent's dudes
so /tg, rate my brew. in my extensive deck testing it crushes every T1 match up except burn and tron and those seem to be about 50/50, at worst. favorable after sideboarding.
Here's your reply. Enjoy
>No storm crow
Yo, user. Tell me where's you LGS. I need to get some mythics/rare for my collection and your store seems to just let people take other people's cards, so it would be game for me.
I think you actually are the only one that would be called a little bitch, ebcause that sounds more like somehting a group would do to the annoying kid;guy so he'd either go away or either get somehting from having you around .
That is just Aristocrats. It's absolutely a good idea and a t1,5 deck on a good day, but take a look at Falkenrath Aristocrat and compare it to this.
Best? Tron (though it's not really "cheating" if you're hardcasting).
Most fun? Probably Grishoalbrand.
>swords to plowshares
It's the little things that make the perfect OP images.
Evolution Gifts
>Opponent casts gift
>Searches library for 5 fucking minutes
People should have to be licensed to play shit like gifts and top.
Anyone know that guy MrFrenchy who 5-0d some modern dailys? Well he was in this position, he knows his opponent has pact of negation, and his opponent knows he has dispel. What is the right play? Keep in mind blood moon and the opponent cracked his bloom.
pretty sure you fucking lose
Isn't the correct line to ritual morphose and hold up 2 counters?
desperate ritual is your only path to victory. Then you can manamorphose to get UU foating R, with untapped island and be able to remand Ad Nauseam and Negate after being pacted, but this is only if AN player knows to counter the desperate ritual
>had to wait 3 minutes during an edh game for our resident hambeast to choose how she would stack two triggers when neither did anything differently regardless of the way they resolved.
>She's dead on board anyway
>scoops at my next upkeep.
I was really close to losing it.
>declaration in stone
Why would I play that over path and blessed alliance?
Also how does that deck work lol
yeah, I thought ritual was a sorcery. ritual to 4 mana, morphose double blue, remand ad naus and negate the pact, but then idk if you can do anything your next turn. you'll have 3 lands and no action in hand unless you top deck a land, and you'll still probably need another turn to go off.
I think you still lose.
I'd say it's the wrong play to counter the ritual, at least if they know you have dispel. But yeah, that's what I said, and he was like, oh no no that's wrong, and I was thinking it's not wrong.
Well there's a blood moon, and you're taking him off everything except white mana, and you're drawing at least 2 cards from morphose and maybe remand, personally I would remand after negate cause the extra card is more important. Also his pact would kill him if he doesn't have angels grace, so there's that
there is no dispel in that screen shot.
No, I'm saying that it was cast game 2 and they know you have multiples in your deck, not that they know it's in your hand, just you have it
We know butcher isn't as good but it's a pet card since my friend played mardu back in the tarkir block
Riding the bus to hose town.
Unban git probe ffs
Thanks for ruining the thread
fuck off (((rudytor)))
Well played back there.
Has anyone tried an evolution deck with 4x voice and finks plus a rallier or two?
Throw in the thune feeder combo and you've got a deck.
Make it Abzan so you can have hate cards for unfair decks
>opponent silences you on upkeep followed by chalice on 1 then SSG into chalice on 2 next turn
What do you do?
Why is foil ROE Emrakul's price 2.5 times MM2 version's price?
Play liliana of the veil and win?
cascade into living end next turn
I legitimately had a RW prison player slam chalice on 1, in game two when I was playing living end. I didn't say a word, but I lmao'd internally. like holy fuck my man.
The border. The new borders ruin the transparency
Besides the bottom being fiiled a bit, I don't see a lot of difference.
MM2 foiling is notoriously shit