Alright m/tg/
Build a deck around this card
Alright m/tg/
Technically, you can only tie the game, as the moment the next turn ends, you lose no matter what.
Jesus, that would be such a troll deck.
Pretty sure the game ends once all but one player hit 0 life.
I guarantee though, there's gonna be arguments on that.
So still purely just a troll deck.
Uh, what? You check to win the game at the end of every phase, not the end of every turn. If your final push succeeds, you win, you don't tie.
He's right. This card is designed as a last ditch effort to burn out your opponent. You CAN win by using this card.
Although it's easier with 4 of them. and 4 of these. And 4 Last Chances.
>You check to win the game at the end of every phase
Not even. Having zero life is a state based check. As it is is the second it ends. Full stop. If something is not preventing it even in the middle of combat it will end.
two cards a deck does not make
I was just about to post that. Remember, effects resolve independent of their sources so if an opponent naturalized it in response you won't die.
It only took 6 posts this time....we're getting better.
You are right we need at least two mountains.
Wait a minute, could you even chain them? I think you would still lose after the first extra turn, even if you cast a dozen other of the same effect.
You can with sundial.
Howling Mine/Taking Turns variant designed to never end.
x4 Howling Mine
x4 Dictate of Kruphix
x4 Final Fortune
x4 Last Chance
x4 Angel's Grace
x4 Time Warp
x3 Elixir of Immortality
x3 Jace Beleren
x3 Sundial of the Infinite
x2 Time Stop
x25 lands
The comp rules aren't really open to interpretation, user.
Really? Since when? I stopped playing ages and ages ago, but I know from tournament experience that you could say, use a heal instant or whatever to bring yourself back as long as you ended a phase with at least 1 life.
Then again, I stopped playing competitively shortly after the Tempest block ended, and I know they've re-done the rules a bunch of ways since then (I'm still pissed about getting rid of interrupts)
You can pop the instant in responce to the thing that will drop you below but unless there is an active effect like platinum angel out keeping you in the game the second you are under you are out.
6th edition I think. You lose for having 0 life as an SBA:
>104.3b If a player’s life total is 0 or less, he or she loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
I actually did build a deck around that a few years back.
It was a variant of Hive Mind that used Angels Grace and Final Fortune as a win con.
It was really shitty.
The card has been errata'd to read "Take an extra turn after this one. At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game."
Learn your shit.