How do you guys feel about setting where humans are being controlled/manipulated in the shadows?
How do you guys feel about setting where humans are being controlled/manipulated in the shadows?
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Could be a cool concept, if somewhat hard to run a game in.
Better setting
They're controlled BY their shadows
I forgot the name of this. Shit.
Help a brother out?
As usual:
Depends on the execution.
When your blurb applies equally to the Bible, the Lord of the Rings, the Heechee Series and Touhou, amongst others, it's not specific enough to spark more interest than a resounding "Meh. put your work twenty times upon the anvil and come back when you've made progress".
Why would you want a setting in the real world?
Series is Touhou. The character is Aya a blogger
Watch Dark City, movie about this sort of thing.
is there some sort of new world order conspiracy?
She writes a reputable news paper which features her wonderful and compelling photography illustrating nearly every story.
What, by some kind of silent manipulators?
I play RPGs to escape from reality, why would I play that?
She's a blogger user
Aya's newsboy outfit was the cutest thing :3
Isn't it "you" and "kill us" because it's one of them speaking?
Why is Touhou so fucking dark for a bullet hell game featuring girls in a dress?
>Expecting non-humans to be civil
Kill? kill who? theres no-one there.
I would make a lot of Xenogears jokes.
I think this pic explains it
Depends who does the manipulation.
It's them kikes, isn't it?
Who else?
Without context? Not really.
eh, more German
Stagnation and false hope
Who else happy steam is planning on releasing Touhou to the west
What I meant was, I have no idea ehat the fucking is happening. Why is a troll with a mop on its head getting chastized by a girl in a doll outfit? What fucjing bait is it screaming about? Who is "she", why did "she" tell a troll it can exist? What the fuck do the little girls care about what a homeless looking ghost has to say about them when it is clearly unhinged? Why did thr troll bite the fuck out of its own finger?
I need context, not themeing.
Too much infighting.
The context and the theme are both one of the same
>Implying there is a conspiracy
Director's cut only, don't settle for less.
Director's cut is shit
Who made this
Someone in Steam
How would such a game pan out?
by taking the redpill user.
You have to stop trusting the cucumber jew
Wasn't there a tabletop game likes this? It dealt with vampires, werewolf and other assorted things. They made a pc game about it
Yeah that
Too close to home
GURPS Illuminati for Deus Ex style conspiracy game. Though I get the feeling you meant ayys.
>what is golarion
I mean any truth be told
user it stated that she exaggerates everything.
>she exaggerates everything
Sounds like a blogger to me.
that what she is.
real life is a great setting, user
Can you expand on this
Man, ZUN is really trying to append a giant story after he let all the fanon run rampant.
He only has himself to blame
Interesting for a fan work.
Okay, I admit it, I don't get it.
What's the deal with blank image?
Yukari was the bad guy all along
He's been doing that since PCB.
The PC-98 games had no real continuity, and most of its characters were Donut Steel level ripoffs of manga and videogames ZUN liked in college. Though this tends to fly over the head of English-speakers, because most of the things he was referencing have never been translated into English, even by scanlators.
EoSD was a fresh start where he began to make some attempts at a deeper story, but the setting of Gensokyo wasn't fully formed at the time of its release. And ZUN has a lot of regrets about how EoSD turned out. E.g. he says he was trying to be ironic by filling a game called "Eastern" with Western-themed characters, but it backfired and caused people to latch onto things that were never supposed to be the focus the series - if he had a chance to start over, he wouldn't have introduced the SDM until a few games in.
isnt that why he called Rumia Youkai of the Dusk ?
>what happens in every troll thread in Veeky Forums
While I think I'm ambivalent about that picture and its variation, Iromeki does some great work overall.
I've always wondered if ZUN would/will add more characters who have their roots in Western mythology, though thinking about the series does already have quite a few.
I feel like those kinds of settings tend to run into the problem where races have one single culture. So while I'm not against it I think it's still not usually done very well.
How would you rectify this?
mokou best 2hu
She's best at getiting broken
Eat a dick
Yeah, he thought it would be funny if the character with "THE POWER OF DARKNESS!!!11!" was some random weakling who kept crashing into trees because she couldn't see where she was going.
Sometimes it's the forces of good going way to far, sometimes it's a troll trolling. Either way, kinda fun.
True, but even then, PC98 had a story (if silly), like waking up Yuuka, or that scientist lady getting THE CHAIR FROM JOHN CENA, er, her assistant.
A big issue is that he's subverting fanon (even retconning previous canon to subvert it) and making things less ambiguous - even SOPM lacked the "as always, this may be untrue because I don't really give a shit outside of the human village. If you want your entry taken, clean my room" shit the previous compendium had, save for everyone getting drunk during the Kanako/Miko/Byakuren/Reimu discussion.
Does Clownpiece count? iirc it's implied there are other places like Gensokyo, and I've seen some fanon where other East Asian shit got into Gensokyo.
Is this on the same level as FUCK YEAH SHE'S DEAD? Does it have "lel mokou is more perfect for keine but she's being cucked by evil rapist kaguya who is hitler"/
>Human gets the power to become a youkai
>He gets killed instead of befriended like usual
>Not because he's a threat in and of himself
>But because they don't want humans to rise up and become stronger
>Making things less ambiguous
>The extremely powerful magical human, who lives a life of leisure punctuated by brief periods of fighting uprisings to maintain the status quo, and shows an obsession with easy money and appearances to the human village, executes the youkai-ascended human who simply wants to continue his study away from other condescending and unappreciative men
>Readily anticipates the execution of an innocent librarian girl who collects odd books and has the ability to read anything if she continues to manifest supernatural abilities
Reimu turns into a greed/tyrant youkai when?
Reimu is a strong independent women. Stop being sexist
Reminds me of some stories on THP and doujin shit where Sanae/Reimu/Marisa/Alice/et cetera turn into a youkai for being eager in canons where extermination IS youkai murder.
Is there a wiki or cliffnotes for Touhou?
All I know is that it's a video game series and it appears on sadpanda a lot.
I don't know, but I can say as someone who hasn't played any of the games and is reading Forbidden Scrollery that it's a pretty fun mango and worth the read either way.
ZUN doesn't write the comics directly, doesn't he?
>turn into a youkai
I thought she already was a youkai.
He does write the manga. Its atrocious
She is a youkai. She killed her entire group for unlimited power
There's always a wiki
Aya isn't just the fastest Tengu, she is also the cutest!
As said, many of the characters are youkai who typically don't share human values. However I don't feel that Touhou is too dark or edgy, throughout the games and mangas a majority of conflicts are ended peacefully with danmaku, compromise, or trickery. I think that Touhou seems like its super dark because of the setting's potential, along with numerous fan works featuring Gensokyo as a much darker place.
So you mean like in real life?
No such thing
She's pretty good.
With regards to subverting fanon, it's possible that over time his opinion is changing and/or people have done so many things that he either doesn't like or didn't intend that he sees no other option than to put his foot down.
Another possibility is that as Touhou games of one sort or another have begun to be officially licensed in the Western world, he sees the potential problem where some ideas that emerged from the fandom have become so popular and ingrained that for newcomers it is hard to tell what came from ZUN or people around him and what came from someone else.
Honestly I'm neither a Touhou or ZUN buff, so at best I'm just spitballing at what his motives could be.
As for Clownpiece, she is supposedly inspired by a lampad, so she would fit the bill. As for East Asian characters, they never really jumped out at me as being radical inclusions, however I could be wrong and the Touhous I thought came from outside of Japan could actually be just as much Japanese.
Yes to all of them
The man has no one else to blame but hinself. He could have nip the bud early but didn't.
>Tfw kaguya is space hitler and humans are jews
While this is true, the fans also did a lot for Touhou so it's possible he held off fear of seeming ungrateful. Alternatively like I said he could have had time to reflect and his opinions of what he wants Touhou to be could have changed. Where once he was hands off and was fine with fans having a large voice, perhaps now he wants a firmer grip in order to better convey his thoughts and ideas past, present, and future.
There is an idea for a setting i had that was "Elves are Illuminati" kind of thing
Dwarves? Their wondrous technological might and rune magic did not protect them from social engineering attacks that reduced their holdings to cinders in ever-expanding tantrum spirals and etertnal grudge balancing
Goblinoids? Their mastery of the transformation of the living things, that gave birth to their client races of orks, ogres, centaurs and other beastmen up to their ultimate weapon of dragons was turned back of them, as forced botched uplifting of dragons into sentience led to them tearing everything goblinoids built apart, before turning on themselves for their hoards and removing themselves from the equation in their lairs. Then orks becoming their masters sealed them from coming back into true power and it is likely extermination is the end for them
Humans? A mistake was made with them once. But it has been corrected, and atlantis lies under the waves, after being misled into middling with powers they should not have
Now, for millenia, human kingdoms are locked in virtual stasis, never to break out of their constraining culture, never to ruin fields and forests with technology, never to multiply and fill the earth. Half-elves in the royal dinasties and sleepers, that have been torn from their time after spending a century or two as children in the domains of immortals, see to that.
And so, the forests, and the fields, the wellsprings of magic and life eternal and power unbreakable are safe. Forevermore
Go on
>He actually has the balls to take jabs at yukari.
the madman
Is this set during middle ages or modern?
Well, not that much to go on.
Only a couple of related things
One was the secret of dark elves
It went like that: "elves are benevolent friends of humanity, who shielded and helped the from calamities in the past. Now they ask you, noble souls for help. A corrupting force is abound and it strikes at our hearts. But our brethen can still be saved. For the safe our our past alliances and oaths, please capture and deliver to us those we know to be Dark Elves"
What really goes on: those are not dark elves, not yet. They are at the momnent dissidents and outcasts of elven society (no immortal can be truly sane and focused on the task all the time). When delivered, they undergo transformation to their trule roles as archiects of restructuring of the elven society to gear it up for the total war. Because it is time to wipe the slate clean once again
That was somewhat of a ripoff. Elves, as immortal, tend to change their personality from time to time, adopting new habits, inclinations and so on. At a given peaceful time, number of them just wander around goofing off (young elves are usually more human-like in their demeanor, still focused etcetera). But they can concentrate and transform from a bunch of hip doofuses to an iron-clad war machine, disciplined, extremely powerful, disciplined and efficient. They need some time for that, though
Well, way i see it, humans (now majority of the setting, so to say are stuck in true medieval stasis, as their elven handlers work diligently to ensure progress does not go too far. Why? because population needs to be thinned out, and they do like nature. When one can watch for 50 years as a tree grows, one could get attached to it somewhat, so to say
how the stasis can be achieved? Quite simple. Either true prodigies are taken up/adopted into elven society, where they become illuminati (of lower orders) themselves, so to say and no longer have an interest in progress.
For other things, carefully managed dynastic crysises, undead/magical calamities, deadly plagues (where cure is eventually delivered by friendly elves to the most deserving) and orkoid invasions (which can also be predicted if not managed) ensure that manuscrupts that need to burn - burn
So, it goes like this:
dwarves - fractured and rendered impotent by their internal strugle. They probably have the very best tech, but never resources to capitalise on it. goblinoids - masters of biological, mutation, selection, evolution - you name it. At height of their power created number of servant races for themselves, but due to outside influence were overthrown, scattered and now live as lowly slaves of their former soldiers, orks. Overall they are driven to fringes, and at somewhat close to extermination.
Dragons were bred into might by goblinoids and uplifted to sentience by elves. However sentience does not mean wisdom, and in their greed, pride anf anger, they mostly destroyed goblinoids and themselves, and now live isolated, paranoidally guarding their hoards. They are also marked for extinction, and inspired by legends, humans try time and time again try to slay them, which often has a hilarious side-effect of kingdoms being reduced to black stains on the map
Ancient humans, great magi, achieved much and their artefacts remain prized to "this" day. However they managed to wipe themselves out in a magical catastrophe of epic proportions, aftershocks of which still reoccur in different forms, including undead calamities. They were probably manipulated into that
Elves themselves have one principal natural talent (they pick many others over the course of their log lives). They are very good at socializing. They can be anybody to anyone, able to station themselves anywhere in the fabric of society. Then they with carefully crafted stories, words, legends, songs and other things steer it into direction they need or want.
It is said that once an elf told a bedtime tale to twins, which caused one of them to kill the rest of the family ten years later, and the other to kill him in return. That's the true power of the word
As to what they want: mostly for everything to remain as they like it. That means that those who can or would reshape the land should all, eventually, go