What are some games that do mythical settings well...

What are some games that do mythical settings well? I want to play a game where characters encounter low-key supernatural things, often interacting with mythical beings. Perhaps they even acquire some powers themselves.

I do not want over-the-top magic like typical modern fantasy.

Examples of this would be Saga of the Volsungs, or Midsummer Night's Dream.

>low-key supernatural things
>often interacting with mythical beings
>Perhaps they even acquire some powers themselves
Make up your fucking mind.

There's a world of difference between the examples I gave and something like Forgotten Realms books - the former are definitely low-key in comparison.

In Saga of the Volsungs, the characters often meet Odin and Sigurd gains a magic wolf skin that allows him to transform into a wolf. It meets all three criteria:

>low-key relative to a lot of modern fantasy fiction
>characters interact with Odin, a mythical being
>characters acquire magic items or powers

What's the problem?

>What's the problem?

You're posting on Veeky Forums and expecting replies to not be shit.

That aside, I wish I could help you. I'd love a game that did this well. I think that a lot of it, though, would probably be more in the hands of the GM than the game because like the user who replied to you demonstrates the three criteria you pointed out do overlap with stuff like Forgotten Realms books which are, I think, fairly tame compared to fantasy coming out now.

The average FR novel protag is a lot less Sue-ish than fucking Eragon, after all.

Look into The Black Company.

>which are, I think, fairly tame compared to fantasy coming out now
Ahhh, I've only read a few of the Drizzt books and they were a but more high adventure than I'm looking for.

Even something like a Silmarillion game would be cool. I have The One Ring but it is more about rolling around in wilderness dirt than interacting with low magic myths.

Zweihander is an RPG inspired by Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay which might scratch the itch? It keeps things relatively grounded and gritty while still setting itself in a fantastical world with a lot of supernatural things around.

While I get your point, a lot of mythical settings straight out of history are more over the top magical than a lot of modern fantasy. A bit more care with your word choice and being more specific would help.

>a lot of mythical settings straight out of history are more over the top magical than a lot of modern fantasy
Can you give some examples?

Hindu myth, for one. A lot of Egyptian and Grecoroman myth reached pretty absurd levels. Heck, even going way back to the Epic of Gilgamesh.

I would say in context those are a lot less magical. Contemporary works often have a lot of explicit magic with codified rules in widespread use by mortals as a fact of life, and lots of high-concept stuff. I am thinking of something like pic related; I would rather play Odysseus.

In contrast the myths or stories I'm thinking of typically have explicitly supernatural beings doing the foundational things that set the stage for mortal life, or otherwise larger than life deeds performed by mortals stumbling into a mythic world and not out of a pervasively magical society. What magic does exist is pretty simple and more about narrative than blasting fireballs and opening portals and summoning 2d4 Greater Hook Daemons. There's also a tighter focus and subset of possibility - it's centered around one people, culture or pantheon as opposed to a huge kitchen sink mishmash of everything imaginable.

Compare Odin's list of spells in the Havamal to the spell list of Pathfinder; it's much more basic stuff.

Kill 6 Billion Demons maybe? But it's very tied to its lore and (Hindu) setting.

Changeling the Lost? Tied to the modern world but could be transplanted into fantasy, possibly. Lots of gift-giving and magic powers in that one.

I'd like to play a game like this.

Just use Pathfinder, it's good for all kinds of games!

>he doesn't like E6

You'll have to make your own OP. And you to have the right group.

When you tell one of your players that they're speaking to the man who swam to the bottom of the ocean to talk to God their first reaction cannot be 'b-but what feat lets him do that? What's his class level?!'. You can't run a mythical game with the wrong players.

Will Starfinder make Pathfinder the ultimate universal system?

Have you tried GURPS?

Black Company has exactly what you want. One of my favourite settings actually.

Granted he also happens to have a spear which when thrown, cannot miss. That's a bit beyond even a +10 magic item.

Not to mention the eight-legged flying horse.

Sounds like Aquelarre, it's about Medieval Spain myths tough. You can kill moors, other spaniards, fight (and lose your mind, live or soul most likely) vs demons, angels or fey... While you are a mook with the average power level of a CoC PC without any guns or dinamite.

Well, he is a god. Having a spear that can never miss isn't all that much compared to gods in modern fiction.

OP here. Starting to think I should just roll my own then. I've had a few ideas for game mechanics I'd like to try and something of a setting anyway.

What are some pitfalls I should avoid, and do you think Veeky Forums would be up to playtest?

>Jarl Vader, Son of Muspelheim

I like this. I like this a lot.


I feel like viking or any very northern/norse country would have some interesting lore, if thats not your cup of tea you could go greek or roman.

The One Ring RPG handles this well. There are no powerful wizards or whatever. It's a very low magic game in a lore rich setting

Unironically MYFAROG

Or just Trudvang Chronicles with a narrow focus.