Your character gets body-swapped with a random party member.
how does it play out?
Your character gets body-swapped with a random party member.
how does it play out?
I read that as hobbyswap, and imagined instead a spell that simple changed the interests and certain personality traits of the characters, and I think it'd make for a much better episode really.
I mean, maybe the solution to the evil wizard is just to give him the paladin's gardening affection and making sure the paladin keeps his urge to build a death-ray in check.
Probably amusingly.
Reminds me that I've been toying with the idea of a comedy RPG based around the idea of transformation, body swapping and the like. Maid RPG level mechanics and such, mostly a vector for hijinks with a lot of random tables.
My current thought is that characters are represented on index cards, with a core that never changes along with cards for 'Form' and 'Role'. Getting transformed or swapped would be as simple as setting aside your current Form and getting another one, with the rules simple enough that a GM could quite easily come up with stuff on the fly. I'd still want different forms/roles to have a couple of associated mechanics to make it feel different to play, but that's where the design work comes in.
>vampire game
He's kinda a creepy nerd and the rest of the group is a bunch of girls and a shota so yeah
>shadowrun game
Hilariously enough, my character in this is a vampire too. He splurges on food, vomits it all up when he's full, and continues eating, because this is basically the only chance he'll get to eat people food again.
Very poorly. There's a small amount of precedent for bodyswapping in-setting, and it usually gets interpreted by authorities as mutual, severe insanity. Also, supernatural effects get really fucky because most of them hinge on being recognized by ancestors and spirits, which can't happen if your body and soul don't match up right.
Best case is that both party members collude to pretend to be each other until it wears off. If it never wears off, they're probably going to die or be shipped off to somewhere that deals with the insane and forgotten about.
You use an awakened mule as a pack animal?
>they cry at the monster they've become
>shazak is angry he is now short and weak
The only one he wouldn't hate being is his dog. He still wouldn't like that.
Well.... He's awakened NOW.
>Pathfinder game
>half orc sorceress
It'd go rather poorly and make her self esteem even worse.
Sorcery is bloodline, so the powers are likely tied to her body. Though they MIGHT be tied to her soul since it's the ectoplasmic bloodline? so it's kinda ghost/soul themed anyway. But she's gonna useless in whatever body she gets into and would might as well find somebody to train her to become a wizard or a cleric to Pharasma.
Rest of the party.
>male tengu ranger
>male kistune bard
>female human war priest
For for half the party she'd have major body dysphoria. Not just being in a male body, but suddenly being a damned furry...
Even if winds up in the human, that's STILL gonna fuck her up. Because the sorceress views herself as an orc first and foremost. She was raised by orcs. It's native tongue. And then she wouldn't exactly be able to go back to her old tribe.
I'd be more worried about how the pack mule is going to behave in its new humanoid body
Ironically, he's more likely to get some now than he was ever before.
If I somehow got bodyswapped with the one PC who raped my character once, I'd honestly consider suicide so that they'd be stuck in my character's body, which was, in the same instance as the rape, scarred by a demon prince and bound to his service.
>Eclipse phase
It wouldn't be the first time someone screwed up which ego to stick into which body.
Exalted we are all related dragon-blooded. I am the only guy.
It's awkward as hell as I am also the resident "don't let him talk to people" as my character has the relative social grace of a bulldozer.
My modern fantasy wants her shapeshifting abilities back and the mage is more than likely not willing to trade back. Magic is in the soul after all, not the body.
My pathfinder character is a dwarven inquisitor, he will be grumpy and will try to figure out how to use a bow as a middle aged ratfolk with dumped physical attributes.
The ratfolk wizard will be happy as shit as his quest of living more than 3 decades has been achived. It's more than likely his fault as his theme is "looney tunes abilities".
... What kind of game is this?
Did this with an NPC who we were supposed to rescue, my character, and a behir. The DM rolled randomly who got which body. I got the the NPCs body and smashed things with weeaboo fightan magic, he got my body and was dragged back to our leader and put on trial for various crimes that we discovered he was a part of, and the behir got its own body back and immediately blasted us with lightning until we killed it. I was then stuck in that body until half the party was wiped and I had to be true resurrected which got my original body back.
Considering they're all aliens with different body types, plus an AI in a mainframe and a full conversion cyborg, very amusingly.
One of my first convention games was a Paranoia session that involved swapping personalities for one scene. It had pretty much no effect on the plot, but it was a pretty hilarious roleplay opportunity.
Sort of did this with his gf the party bard, except instead of bodyswapping they both Alter Self'd into each other. If it were the fighter or the wizard he would just get boring "don't you touch my body"s, though he'll definitely give a smug "so how's it feel to be a superior race" for racism's sake.
I have a lot of slaves. Do you expect me to clean my own gear, or carry my own gear, or put on my own armor or bathe myself?
It can't just be a random one.... My party is played by people and all those people are not the same person (common In life.) Meaning they would all react in totally different ways.
At that I would personally react differently based on which party member I switched with,.Then you have stuff like ,what are my current plans, how can his be good, what is my past relationship with this person, how is this person reacting, how should I act as a player and as The character, and then some.
In Eclipse Phase, we just switch back. Obviously something got messed up in the transfer the first time.
Probably quite badly. I imagine it'll fall over a lot, and that's not even getting into the horrors that will take place once it notices its new set of opposable thumbs.
>when you're a purist good christian jovian and you end up in the body of the pansexual octomorph
>and... it feels good
It depends on the type of game, doesn't it? For example, they could be running a not!Journey to the West game, and the awakened mule is just filling in for the dragon prince's role.
He looks down, realises he is no longer a flaming skeleton, and the incinerates his new body to become a flaming skeleton.
Meanwhile, the cultist shrugs and accepts their new life as a flaming skeleton.
Then they take over the world and bring forth eternal winter.
>Don't even think about it.
>Oh, I'm thinking about it.
>If you touch mine, I'm snapping yours clean off!
>You'd need power tools, baby. I bet I'm rock hard right now.
>Jesus christ, I feel like I'm in the body of a cancer patient.
>Waaah, I'm so strong! Bam! Bam-bam!
>Hey, watch where you're punching! And for the love of god, fix your diet!
>Shut up and arm wrestle me, weakling!
>Good lord, I am gorgeous.
>Hm? No, not you-me, me-me. I can't take my eyes off myself. In fact, could you turn around? This is a rare opportunity to evaluate my own bottom.
>... Oh... Sure...?
If you get bodyswich to the opposite sex, do hormones in your body change your personality? Is it like a lobotomy: personality completely changed. Does the soul adapts well to a different ti a brain of the opposite sex?
Welp, looks like it's time to take natural spell.
Fuck yeah awesome. I hang myself.
Probably the same events as the two on the right
>Werewolf: The Forsaken
So, my options are stoner samurai, ex-predator king, or urban berserker. Shit will go down.
You guys are thinking this the wrong way. OP didn't ask if your party members went through resleeving into a new morph the regular way in Eclipse Phase. If your egos abruptly swapped into different morphs without going through the resleeving process, that would be disorienting at best, extremely unnerving at worst, more so if they're all biomorphs. That means that there's TITAN/exsurgent/alien tomfoolery at play.
There's no reason hormones wouldn't change the behavior since it's likely just the brain or soul being transferred. But I highly doubt it is as drastic as you're thinking it would be.
Like when a trans person starts taking hormones, they're still fundamentally themselves. Maybe they'll start crying more or cry less or whatever. But they don't turn into a new person. It might seem like they do, but that's more transition and them adjusting to their new role and finding themselves and all that.
Though keep in mind, the gender dysphoria thing is definitely gonna be present unless they weren't cis in the first place. Along with other shit. Phantom limb syndrome. Or the brain rejecting the new body. People with transplants will do it all the time, expect that on a whole other level since it's the whole body. I could totally see a character killing committing suicide after a body swap or committing major self harm. In the very least, cue quest for an alter self scroll.
Why is the delicious brown woman shouting hams?
its a webcomic thing by a dude named Vanheist. its both extemely awful and extremely hot if you go by anyone that has looked upon it. its pretty competent for a story about hot amazons kinda meh
>undead Gnome Wizard with a single buff as fuck dwarf arm
I'm sure whoever gets swapped into that body is going to have quite the unique experience.
Arnie, is that you? Or is it Usidore.
>party's full of clerics and paladins on a road to fuck evil up
Deus Vult continues
Great. I'm the brain and the face of the party, with most of the points in knowledge, diplomacy, medicine, craft, etc, while the rest are more physically capable. Given most part of teh weapon training is reflex-based, i would have their combat skills as well. Pirry the dumbass who'd got my frail weak body with no brains or silver tongue to make himself useful.
That got me thinking.
It's kind of weird how all magic-heavy settings usually adhere to some kind of warning about toying with the undead, altering time and space or all that clearly dangerous nonsense, but they never emphasize how greatly you could fuck up society if you used your powers for lewd. This might be specially jarring in settings that deal with teenagers as central characters, like Harry Potter itself.
>random party member
The set can't be too large - there can only be so many dongs wearing party hats in the world.
Still don't get why everyone claims it was just the fault of the venetians. It wasn't an old blind dude who sacked Constantinople.
Well what's the harm beyond going overboard like some sort of magical auto-erotic asphyxiation or creating a self propagating fetish spell where honestly the fact that you're transforming everyone on the planet is more horrifying than the fact they turn in to diaper furries? Short of that, sexy stuff seems less dangerous than "they-come-back-wrong" and "oops, butterfly effect".
Party consists of:
>William: jacked as hell northman ranger with the social skills of a brick
>Zin'zett: frost troll seer with decent physical stats and an insane wis score. Also has the charisma of a brick, but a bit smarter than William
>Fortuna: the loli the two of them are escorting out of Imperial lands. Has enough luck to make a leprechaun blush
>None of them share a common language
Ooooh boy.
Best case is that Zin'zett and William swap and Fortuna gets to stay herself. Zin doesn't have Williams bonkers physical stats, but he's beefy and dexterous enough that the ranger's skills will carry over. Assuming magic-related stats are bound to a character's soul/mind then Zin'zett will have gotten a straight upgrade to his physical body, though being something other than a troll will take a lot of getting used to.
If Fortuna swaps with either of them it would be best on paper for her to swap with Zin, since he won't be as hamstrung by the loss of strength/con though it's less terrible from a psychological standpoint if she swaps with William, since they're both human. It's horrible for her either way, but slightly less horrible if she swaps with William.
Also, watching William get used to being a shrimp after being such a power house would be really funny. He straight up tackled a charging horse once, so being a nine year old kid will be quite the change.
Communication in any case will be a nightmare. Fortuna doesn't speak a word of the Northman language and Zin'zett is only fluent enough to speak in broken sentences. Neither William or Zin know Imperial, which is all Fortuna speaks.
She's been bodyswapped with the little blue thing on the left. That's probably the sound it normally makes.
What always made me wonder was why the time turner had such a strict rule about not revealing yourself to yourself. Yourself from half an hour ago knows that you have a time turner and knows its technical limitations. Watching your (slightly) future self step into the room shouldn't be a shock unless you came back to before you got the device in the first place.
If you revealed yourself to yourself from half an hour ago you would remember doing so. If you don't, you just caused problems.
But because it's a closed time loop, it's not really a problem. The you who just walked in would remember you coming back, and then when you jump in a half-hour, the one who just walked in would continue with your life while you get to be the one who just walked in on your previous self.
Keeping it short and continuous makes that particular time travel pretty stable. It's just a little verticle loop on the timeline instead of a terrible ouroboros.
Harry remembered seeing himself across the lake, even though he didn't recognize himself at the time.
>fucking up a body that straight up belongs to someone you know and are in contact with
Dude, dick move.