Warhammer 40,000 General

I haven't played this game in years but nobody else was going to make a thread... edition.

>The dread Aeldari known as Adarki Duncini
youtube.com/watch?v=LfephiFN76E [Open]

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 204% Organized

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs on iphone, lithium on android.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempt to make the game more fun for everyone (except orks as usual)

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:


>a better list builder if you like using a phone

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (what the Lion calls Vulkan's dick pics folder)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.au/search?q=pale elf&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=974&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6vrS59b7SAhUjwVQKHZXmCKIQ_AUIBigB

First for we already had one but it was shit

Now I am just confused, there is another "fresh thread" on Veeky Forums.

Someone save me

This is the Adeptus Bredacus.

Fall in line or I'll tell Commissar sunglasses on you.

>Dark Eldar are a shooting Race

The absolute state of those thread links. I just copied them.

Finalized (I think) suicide tau list, not looking to win every game but if it goes 50/50 I'm happy. Do you think it can do 50/50? Any c/c is appreciated

What? No Riptide?

>1/3~ of list is HQ

for what purpose? You could get another Devilfish in there if you switched to a Cadre Fireblade, couldn't you? (not that familiar with Tau points costs but they're like 60~ish if I recall correctly)

He's going for a charge'em list. Commander is designed to punch something and then explode.


CSM missile Havoks. Yes or no? I already have auto cannons.

I know... I'm scared too

Yeah a Cadre Fireblade is 60 points

Depends. Do you like missile havocs, or do you at least want a chance at winning?

>Lark Eidar ar ae rhooting sace


If you need AA look at Fire Raptors or Hell Blades
If you need good high str shooting take renegades

thats one old pic

The guard one hit pretty close to home

Is the Mogrok's Boss Boyz formation still legal?

What book is it in?

GW's current stance on legality is basically "lol just do whatever as long as you own the book."

Ive been hearing that anything is legal as long as your using its most recent rules.

Does that mean you could put zogwort in a 7th ed ork list?

Has Duncan done a Drow Skin tone tutorial?

Every time I search for Pale Skin it's just their Caucasian tutorial and you then realise it's just GW trying not to be racist.

I want Grey / Blue skin like Drow Ranger from Dota 2.


Sometimes its so fucking easy to argue it's actually insane. Anyhow enjoy your IQ

google.com.au/search?q=pale elf&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=974&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6vrS59b7SAhUjwVQKHZXmCKIQ_AUIBigB

Hey, quick question. What miniature is this? Is it easily available? I don't know anything about Warhammer.


Congratulations you just show me that Drows have a range of skin tones, from Pale to Dark?

What the fuck is your point? That you can't argue for shit? el em ay yo!

i'm thinking it's the totem of Sonnia Criid in Malifaux; purifying flame. looks like the 1st edition metal model. in the background it's the metal witchling stalker

not that user, but you're such an asshole while asking for help

buffmander?... what is the point unless you plan on attaching it to a squad but it seems like a waste but I could be wrong

Hi tg brethren, rate my list. Pls.

Local store is having a single character painting contest on saturday for the Inner Circle thing

Which of my ork characters should I enter?


So we get Custodes, and Magnus is the main villain of that book. Hopefully he won't job .. except he will, sadly.

Also, Fallen are Battle Brothers with both CSM and standard Marines sans DA.

FA=same rules as before, just name change

Can someone help me with what is happening in the lore.
After KaT went down I stopped following new stuff, so I'm not sure which books do I have to read that have actually impacted the lore.
The only one I have read is Curse of the Wulfen. And the Beast series, but not yet fully.

Cadia got exploded, cadian pylons destroyed, eye of terror is expanding, imperium is working with the eldar, who are beginning to unify as the aeldari, and who resurrected guilliman. Guilliman proceeds to kick the black legion's ass off macragge and teams up with cypher and everyone goes to terra to stir up some shit and start 8th edition

from bols

Why is his head so yellow? Does he jaundice?





Age of Gulliman

Excuse me? All I wanted was a guide to light blue skin and Ive got you chuckle fucks telling me about semantics. Fuck off nerd. You are rude.

>Anyhow enjoy your IQ
>What the fuck is your point? That you can't argue for shit? el em ay yo!
>Fuck off nerd
>You are rude.

Is there anywhere I can find a fluff summary for Rise of the Primarch?

What's this about gathering storm 3 already downloadable? Sauce please if so! :)

"Spot the Gay Knights Faggot"

OK this is getting rediculous, whoever makes the next op, add some sort of Gathering Storm plot summary

Cypher, huh? What his end game.

How is nobody talking about the real big reveal?

Genestealer cult on Terra!
Patriarch as new emperor confirmed!

Big G just wanna sleep in the stasis tank again


new day, new eternal crusade keys

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magnus is dindu, not even memeing

nice pic



Clearly that real document is the proof.

I'm new and wanna buy Tau stuff.

So does GW/FW world want to vacuum my blue money with fun stuff or do they hate Tau?
FW has some sick stuff for the low price of half a kidney

They're not seriously going with the "dank angles waz traitors all along tge fallen are the real loyalists" meme are they?

>Battle Brothers with Imperium AND CSM.

They gotta be pulling some wacky fluff for this to fly.

Magnus the Red has never once in his entire life ever done anything but job, user.

>We could do something interesting or we could have Dark Angels firing on Imperials and being generally regarded for no good reason

Hmm I wonder.

I dont actually think they'll resolve anything with it. Rules have the Gallen as Chaos and Imperial. Guess they're leaving it up to everyone's headcanon

Seems like it's just honoring the long standing tradition of not knowing what Cypher's goals are. Fallen work with who the fuck ever to advance their Alpha Legion tier convoluted goals.

And the Dark Angels have always been heretical little shits.

I accept this as fact

300 points less than Magnus!!!

Question: do dedicated transports benefit from the special rules of their attached unit? Havocs with Tank Hunters makes it possible to plasma vomit tanks to death, but if the Rhino doesn't benefit from it, it may as well use its combo-plasma on something else, or I may swap it out for a meltagun.

Army-wise the Warpsmith footslogs hiding behind the dread, repairing any damage and hopefully granting it IWND. They get cover fire from the Rapier which should attract anything that was considering firing at the lonely IC the moment it spits out a S10 pieplate. Autocannon squad camp an objective and cover Warp/dread team as best they can, or simply dakka anything within 24". The two Rhinos and Predator blitzkrieg the rest of the table.

Shut up Lion, homolust was always Chaos.

GW loves tau but Veeky Forums will hate you for going near them.

They do not, unless specifically stated that they do.

Excellent, so long as GW doesn't leper Tau like SoB/bugs I'm fine

forgeworld is always expensive.

tau got some good ways of cheaply getting playable armies.

the start collecting box is great.

I need some slutty Striking Scorpion pictures.

Thanks, yeah those Start! boxes look nice

Yeah you do realise that if you wrong someone you are still to blame right?

Like, if you kick someone in the balls and then get your face crushed in, that's called "Self Defence" and is legal as fuck.

Cools story bro. The first post "wronging you" was this one So good job "defending yourself", asshole.

left middle or far right

what parts did you use to make that deff skwadron looking ork(far right)?

Da one wi' da most dakka! >:D

Tard alert.

What's the strongest space marine chapter at the moment?

Thousand sons

Dark Angels or Ultramarines, since they are essentially not-Legions. Black Templars used to be up there, but their gigantic numbers got retconned. You also have chapters such as Minotaurs or Grey Knights who lack sheer numbers on their own but can call upon lot of resources of Imperuim thanks to their roles.

Can't wait until my Magnus arrives.

Hi /40kg/! What have you been up to? Also post your dudes. Imma gonna post some kroots.

Awesome model. Leave the armour off to make painting easier, especially if you are using an airbrush. Then sick it all on with super glue once you are done.

Also, I'm really bad at using my camera. Any tips will be welcome.

>new Trimvirate has Cypher, everyone has been saying DA will finally get a supplement or some new rules
>Its just yet another fucking mini-faction
>It can ally with everyone BUT Dark Angels
>goddamn ultramarines get yet more fluff and crunch wanking

what the fuck we got the opposite of new rules- something everyone but Dark Angels players can use.

DA should be gassed


Fallen are Dangles, so here is that

>putting armor on at all

He looks really nice in just the lioncloth imo.


*raises paw*
Can imperial knight from castellans detachment take ecclesiarchy relics?

Fuck you we're the first legion, all other space marines are just imitators.

Dangles that are explicitly forbidden from being taken with actual DA and yet can ally with both chaos marines and every other imperial force, just so that GW can print yet another tiny codex with 4 units.

>Book called Fall of Cadia
>Cadians get nothing
>Book called Fracture of Biel-tan
>Biel-tan gets nothing (though inexplicably Ulthwe gets formations)
>Book called Rise of the Primarch
>Ultramarines get stuff


I don't deny that guardsmen have had it far worse than Dark Angels overall.
I guess this is just the first taste of the pain...

Is this how guardsmen/grey knights/chaos players always feel?

>delete faction
>give it stuff too, because it just got deleted
Wouldn't that be pointless?
