What's a simple but fun system I can run a Cowboy Bebop campaign with? I tried GURPS but for me it's too much of a simulator for the kind of game I want to run.
What's a simple but fun system I can run a Cowboy Bebop campaign with...
Have fun m8
is it good tho?
Wait, hear me out.
Cowboy Beebop is a wholly character driven show, using a system other than something that's character driven and story focused is completely missing the entire fucking point of the source material.
It's pretty fun. Largely skill based, with Edges, Hindrances, and a Luck mechanic to mix things up. Closest thing I can think of is Savage Worlds, but even that's not a great comparison. Basically, it's a fast, rules light system with enough meat to it that characters will feel pretty different from each other.
Open Legend's free and I really like it for any flavor of sci-fi, maybe look into that. The core mechanic's pretty simple, but the way some of it's presented makes it seem a bit more intimidating (or at least, it does if you ask a few of the other players in my group).
I can vouch for Risus or Fate (or Fate Accelerated) being not-bad ideas.
Yeah, it's basically ideal for Fate. Character traits matter way more than shit like gear, it's basically perfect. I'd consider using the Atomic Robo variant, but core would work fine.
Traveller was made for this sort of game
It'll never happen Barkles
>the entire fucking point of the source material.
>wholly character driven show
Wow, what a major fuck you to the sound team.
mini six
space d6
adventure d6
>implying the soundtrack isn't a character in and of itself
Feng Shui is also great for this sort of thing. I don't think it has spaceship rules, but you could just use the car rules
You can do that in Fate. Have an enviro Aspect for what track is playing in any given Scene
More like Cowboy Bebop was made for Traveller.
FFG's Star Wars (just dump the Force stuff, quite easily)
Dark Heresy.
Seconding D6 Star Wars, FATE, and Traveller.
>D6 Star Wars
I'm gonna have to go with Fate on this one. Especially considering that you asked for a SIMPLE system.
>hey guys, what's a good system that would fit (setting featuring spaceships)
Every time.