Geist edition
Thoughts on the current meta?
Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
Current Modern Metagame
Geist edition
Thoughts on the current meta?
Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
Current Modern Metagame
Other urls found in this thread:
spamming my meme while it's still somewhat relevant
This is pretty good. Would you consider making more spicy modern memes?
>tfw you Secure the Wastes for 10+
feels so good every time
>can't decide between Grishoalbrand or Titan Shift
Titanshift is for plebs, if you can't combo off on turn one why even play?
Is getting placed in new player table something normal? Is it due to score or just LGS favoritism?
It's retarded I'm placed with children every single FNM pod. I don't wanna play kids.
You playing esper draw go fampai?
you fucking know it my man
you know what's more fun than having 4 esper charm, 4 cryptic?
Both. Although there share feck all cards between the 2
I know. I just really like Scapeshift
Grishoalbrand can go off on turn 1? God damn I might have to take the plunge
maybe later. I was hoping to finish the deck chart this weekend but i don't even know if i can get around to that what with the studies i've been neglecting
does pic related help you decide?
matchup is actually p bad you need to topdeck like a G. never played valakut.
Me too. Thats why i built it
Posted the list at the end of the last thread. Deck is awesome
>does pic related help you decide?
I can't really see anything... Were you about to Breach in an Emrakul?
>playing on Cockatrice
>people bullshitting and deliberately misinterpreting cards to cheat their way into a win
You're better than that, user
Here's a Geist brew I've been messing around with. It draws a lot of cards.
also in my experience turn 1/2s are really rare, t3/4 is what you should expect unless you mull like a madman
i mean, the actual outcome of game isn't really important, it's just reps, learning matchups, etc.
uw jerks aka death & taxes: standard all-stars edition
no events on sunday
>Thoughts on the current meta?
Needs Pod and Twin
>Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
Pod and Twin
I'm really enjoying Bant Spirits right now. My build is testing fairly well, I'd just like the opportunity now to test against some of the more prevalent builds like Deaths Shadow and Scapeshift. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of that locally.
Ripping fat collected companies gives erections I haven't had since Standard Miracles.
>thinking that competitive players try to bullshit matches when we are all there to grind out matchups
>thinking that you wouldn't just leave that one game out of the ten games you have running concurrently if that were to happen
Gee, it must be really rough being that casual.
Has anyone given Saheeli Rai any thought as the new Twin? Or is the three colors really too much?
Who the fuck is going to cheat on Cockatrice? You waste somebodies time and they leave. The only person you are cheating is yourself when you go to actual events and people don't get tricked by misrepresenting things.
I've been trying saheeli. It's not as powerful as twin once was but it's definitely got some game to it. Sun Titan is pretty nuts in the deck
As an addition.
Any thoughts? Would love to discuss my choices.
Affinity, Gifts Storm, Titan Shift & Eldrazi Tron
Not being able to get to enough events
Mono U Eldrazi for standard, havent played standard since Shadows over Innistrad release weekend & have an opportunity to play next week while i am away for work in Sydney
>Thoughts on the current meta?
Current meta is fine, but i miss Splinter Twib
>Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
Twin & Pod
>when you CoCo into Spell queller + Drogskol into topdeck drogskol
That CoCo roulette in that deck is just gas, I really should put it together in paper and bump some O.T Genasis
How's the extra birds? I like having two godhead but enabling t2 quellers more often seems dank
An issue I was running into often is not having enough mana early enough. The build is a bird up from proven builds, because of preference. Replacing a godhead. Steel of the Godhead is a excellent card to draw into but I never want it in an opening hand.
Numbers having already been crunched on the 2 vs 1 argument, statistically speaking having one less doesn't hurt that badly. It's a win more card that helps with racing or in weird spots, or can just be a random life saver.
The extra bird is there to get my stronger turn three plays live more often. A game that lets my mana dork live the first turn is a much stronger one for me than one without, naturally.
In an ideal playstate, I would turn one fetch and mana dork. Turn two Geist, turn three swing for 7. Turn four coco into gas, and we can be flexible from there on how we kill. In our worse case scenario, our opponent is killing the dork and the game is longer, which plays into your favor anyway, as you want the draws and land drops. Being able to hold up quellers faster is ideal also, as it makes being on the draw sting less.
Lately taking account of the current meta, and the addition of more targeted removal, it might become fruitful to test Kira, Great Glass Spinner again as the one off. As Death Shadow having fatal push makes the matchup a lot harder. But I wont know of the necessity until I test it. Kira can be... awkward sometimes with other card choices like Phantasmal Image.
Which by the way, my biggest hard on is when I collected company into a phantasmal image that becomes a Spell Queller. That really gets my jimmies going and the salt a flowing.
Which version of Gifts should I build?
Ur storm
Affinity: people run so much artifact hate fearing affinity
Ways to play pod without pod
>Thoughts on the current meta?
Pretty healthy
>Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
>haven't touched modern in 6 months
>mm17 hype got practising again
>queue some games
>face some rg zerg deck
>face three death shadow decks
>face some t2 blood moon bullshit
Nice to see this format is still a fucking meme.
>wah, mommy, why can't I play my 4 colour good stuff deck
RG Tron
I have trancended above and beyond the emotion of anger
Testing out different pieces for my meta such as Slaughter Games
>Current Meta
Excited to see how Amonkek shakes things up
Unban Twin and Pod
Hey Modern friends. I have two questions, as a complete outsider to your format. (Primarily Limited, also Standard and Commander player here)
1) What kind of decks run Geist, and are they fun/good/affordable/etc.
2) Do you think Modern Masters 2017 is going to be worth a draft or two?
bant spirits runs geist. if it's fun/good/affordable is entirely subjective. expensive dick ass mana base like every other 3 color deck in modern, rest of the deck is moderately cheap.
I suppose 'fun' means 'is it playing the exact 3/4 cards in the exact same way every single game, or is there some interaction/playing around the opponent from time to time'.
Good is 'can it stand up in the meta'.
Affordable I just threw in because I'm technically on a somewhat limited budget.
Also that decklist looks pretty dope.
well, like all competitive decks it has some repetitive elements, from what I've seen in person the collected roulette can be a pretty fun part of the deck. shit like spell queller and rattlechains let you react with and counter-play your opponent while giving you impressive tempo swings
AFAIK it still gets shit on by tron but such is the fate of decks that want to cast 3 drops.
what are you talking about dude
If you want an interactive deck, why are you basing your selection on whether it plays Geist, an uninteractive, inefficient creature?
Nearly every deck is linear as fuck in modern. what you're looking for are t2 or t3 decks like 4cGifts.These interactive decks can compete, but the potential for mistakes is huge, so most people don't play them.
It wasn't so much a selection as it was curiosity. The theme of the thread is Geist, so I figured I'd ask about Geist. I'm honestly pretty new to contstructed to begin with, my Standard deck is a wonky shitbrew that's constantly being modified as I run smack into new cards that blow me out.
Garbage gifts. It's fun
Some BTL build desu
So my buddy is making an infect deck.
What's the best way to counter him? I had used bogles to make him scream before and now I want to do it again.
burn or jeskai control. So much spot removal that he'll cry
Anything with red so you can use sudden shocks.
You're a shit human
>lili otv
>blessed alliance
>sudden shock
>nobody plays mono blue
>engineered explosives
Anyone got any others I missed?
Pretty much any deck that has removal > his infect creatures. Normal lists run 4 glistener elf, 4 blighted agent and 4- 6 mana dorks (noble hierarch and bird of paradise). Although, they also run counter spells and can ruin your day. If you want to be really cheeky, bring Volcanic Fallout and Exquisite Firecraft.
You missed Night of Souls' Betrayal which just locks infect out of the game
Yes I know.
I'll look into jeskai.
I want to be really cheeky.
Without earlier interaction you're dead before it hits the board
well you ain't exactly gonna keep a hand of 6 lands and a four drop are ya? I'm expecting you to do other things while you try to hit turn four/
Jeskai comes with path, lighning bolt, mainboard lightning helix, and snap
all mainboard, it's a slog to try and get through all this fire
>really cheeky
Play Jund Super Removal control. Bolt, Terminate, Fatal Push, Abrupt Decay, Exquisite Firecraft, Thoughtsieze, Inquisition. Throw in no more than 6 late game wincons (Tasigur and Kalitas is a good choice) a few ways to refill your hand, something like Grim Lavamancer.
Basically, remove everything and rev for 15.
So why is mardu burn bad? Standard red package, mainboard helix and path/palm, bump in the night, and crackling doom seems pretty ok to me.
>3 mana for 2 damage
>Seems okay to me
Stick to standard retard
wouldnt be too bad if blightning was instant or cost 1 less
Also gets rid of a threat.
>Discard two cards
>deals three damage
>For two mana
glad nobody on this site works for wizards
Instant speed discard is oppressive. I'm surprised k command was allowed
so where would i get started on building zoo? is black worth including for death's shadow, or are there better decks out there?
What do you guys think? I'm thinking about going up to 4 flayers
I preferencia entreat the angels
Cuz i'm am angelfag
Death's Shadow is currently the best deck. I was working on it before GP Vancouver, and it was well worth it.
If you can build it, do it.
Maybe just cut a lingering souls for the fourth flayer? Since you can flashback souls
>tfw shitty mono-G Belcher build went 3-1 last night
Lingering Souls is so integral to the deck though. the spirit beatdown is actually real.
Idk then senpai maybe one of your 1 ofs?
It's possible to combine Nahiri and saheeli to make the Ultimate jeskai meme deck?
Nahiri is a value train all by herself.
>saheeli scry nahiri draw
it might be okay. it's hard to run saheelis wincons and also protect nahiri enough for her to go off. but I like the + interaction.
also too many 4 drops. maybe a 2 of nahiri/emrakul in copy cat, but that still slows it down a lot
>running additional mediocre cards in an already mediocre deck
Sounds like an awful, just awful idea desu senpai
So, how would 8whack hypothetically work in an environment full of storm/delver and other UR combo decks
>UR delver
>Combo deck
Fuck, I don't know what I was thinking. UR Delver and mostly combo decks, although one guy is running Eldrazi & Taxes and I don't know how to handle that with anything
By being faster. Decks like delver and storm arent good on D
the meme deck claims another victim through a surgical
sorry, through a surgical, a grafdiggers, and a leyline
Fine ill bite, post the list
you dont change your strategy against delver. it has a bad matchup against you
against storm you might want to side in more removal. dont let their electromancers and barals stay on the field
Flayer is not good in the current meta desu, gets brick walled by eldrazi and giant deaths shadow creatures too often. Cut all your flayers and the two maindeck artifacts and play 3 bOb and 2 more proactive spells
you're faster than most of them. Goblin kings in the side for muntainwalk funzies.
so is this unplayable?
Saheeli decks are worse than mediocre, they're bad.
Oh well that's literally all I need just to troll him.
But how do I protect her properly?
That's a good idea. I can even use them white-bordered to trigger people
Isn't there a dredge variant that plays it?
How shit is this deck?
A shit variant
Dank as fuck/10
Also if you're gonna run 4 resto and other good ETB creatures then you might as well run at least 1 kiki
I want a very non linear deck, preferably not too expensive but I guess I don't really care. Which one is the best? The most fun?
I'd like to see a no mana deck.
aka no lands at all.
Could it work?