What dose your character fear the most?
What dose your character fear the most?
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A dose of reality.
2 needles filled with condensed D&D 3.5 edition.
Or centipedes and the dark.
"Actual" criminals like arms smugglers and hitmen. Roided up trolls. Grid overwatch division.
My wizard burned down an Inn because he saw a centipede under the bed.
That thing, OP. That thing.
Is there a good way GM can bring your characters fear into the game or is it always being forced/That GM territory?
I'm a ForeverGM. Unless you list it as a paralyzing, physical phobia (or took it as a flaw for some mechanical benefit), I'll make mention of it but nothing crunch-wise. If you choose to roleplay it I'll happily feed into it, though.
If you DID get a bonus from it, or it is a "phobia" tier fear, generally there's some form of Fear or will test involved to handle it/things near it.
As long as it's not "out of the blue" and makes sense to appear, there's nothing wrong with characters' fears showing up in game. Players include details for a reason when they make characters- I like to nod at them.
Why was he under the bed?
He's paranoid and places the pillows under the covers to look like he's in the bed while he sleeps under it.
Cats. She was attacked and mauled by werecats as a child. Only the noble sacrifice of her grandmother saved her from the curse.
So his real fear is being murdered in his sleep
Fear itself.
Arctic ice, the character was on an arctic whaler and the ice kinda formed around the ship and he had to starve for about 6 months on ice.
Had to resort to cannibalism, the crew gambled who get eaten next.
Ended up eating almost everybody but the captain and the cook. before the ice thawed
Being tied up in the same room as a genestealer, without my carapace armor.
That's why I take so many ranks in escape artist....
Assassin: Caves
Witch: Clerics
Wizard: Failure
Warlock: Books
Bararian: Doors
these are all rational fears i swear.
>Wizard: Failure.
Are you me?!
Why do assassins fear caves?
Malicious gnoll fighter: dying alone.
this one specifically hates caves because the first cave we entered had a troll, a collosal slime, a collosal spider, and a dragon. half the party died in that cave. no more caves please.
on a side note, I the player have a terrible fear of GOD DAMN PUZZLES, NEVER AGAIN!
the GM's plot hooks
Jedi - dying before the order comes back
Warlock - his body being taken over by the demon that he shares it with
Death is the most common one, I notice I have a tendency to make characters who either are or are training/researching to become immortal.
I suppose from a personal perspective it's because I'm one of those annoying nihlistic cunts and as a form of escapism I make characters whos lives aren't going to be so pointlessly short and meaningless.
Even the sexy snakes.
Especially the sexy snakes.
The spores that were left in his body after dying to a Violet Fungi spreading and infesting him.
He's a fucking cleric of Chauntea by the way, so extra squick factor.
Succumbing to insanity. Hey, it's why he moved away from home.
That he's still inside the simulation.
>Implying we're ever not in the simulation.
Dark magic.
Women with dark magic.
Women getting hurt.
Women pursuing him.
Being rejected by women.
Accidentally hurting women.
I am really enjoying this Cold-War era Spycraft
Death and cybernetic implants.
Returning home
I want to know how a barbarian is afraid of doors.
So stealing that.
I am equally intrigued.
Is sense a commom theme here...
Failing to live up to their duties.
The wizard fears anti-magic zones because she'd be 150% useless. More mundanely, she fears something happening to her normie husband while she's away.
The paladin fears lawlessness taking over.
Even after reaching pseudo-god levels of power, he's deathly afraid of butterflies. Long story.
you're trying awfully hard to make your shit sound interesting.
if it were remotely interesting, I'd have told the story.
Fear of people finding out he's a robot
>he is quite clearly a robot, but it's so obvious that almost nobody points it out
Being unable to go home and be a family man
D-don't say such things, heh. This is real. I-I'm not a brain in a jar!