Old one reached image cap, let's get a new one going
Filename bread
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Jojofags are the worst.
DIO get out
Alright I know that they sometimes fuck cars but when did they start with planes?
When they heard of Mile High Clubs.
>GM toys with low gold PC
>Wizard minmaxing
stop shilling, you dick
>[Autistic Screeching]
I don't think I get it. The filename makes it clear what the joke is supposed to be, but I'm not familiar enough with the HUD to know what happened.
I, too would like to know what's going on in 52029201 .
If you look at the cute anime girl player (gas mask) you can see them throw and detonate C4 in the middle of the group
What's the story behind this guy?
The girl from The Ring is legitimately cute. Like, seriously. Prime waifu material.
The only thing that is un-cute about her is the everpresent snarl on her face, but if she ever smiled, she would be cute, even if plain/ugly.
its always pretty entertaining to imagine her coming out of a tv into some other horrible location and getting flustered
Needs more cogs, and copper tubing glued on. Maybe some actual bells and whistles.
user, pls.
just pls
No clue. Just some random screencap of a Greybeard going nuclear.
IIRC, I found it on Virt's tumblr.
Does that have a revolving chamber and a slide? Does the chamber even line up with the barrel?
Game's called Toribash. You will never be that good.
>Virt's tumblr
That sounds like the eternal kingdom of Autism.
You'd think, but it's a lot more mundane than that. It's mostly just Virt posting screencaps of the fights he gets in and pretending he won them.
Jesus, that shit is next-level sad
Can she come out of the big screens in Time Square or baseball stadiums?
Is there more of her as a witch?
The show is called Amaama to Inazuma.
Only works with betas.
>if the opponent doesn't match your color, that cunt pays the cost
Jesus Christ...
I just wish that one user would've told us where he lives or his real name.
Ah, but it's against the rules and stuff. Idk, when you brag about getting banned from "The shittiest website in the world", specifically the fucking nerdy DnD part, I can't help but feel the overwhelming, sadistic need to dig the boot in deeper.
The nickname you're looking for is "the asshole of the internet". The world's worst website is theworldsworstwebsiteever.com
Drink deeply of his self hatred, user.
>average VtM party
Sorry but this is.
Now this is something I can get behind.
Why would you share something like this? Okay, you made the post, is it really worth showing off on your tumblr how downvoted you got on reddit? Fuck.
>the guy on the right just standing there looking totally unassuming
fuck, you're right
Goddamnit I need some slaves so bad.
If I could get those shits to do work and clean house, I could fucking triple my output.
Oh i want that to be him so bad.
But it's probably some guy just wanting to shit on all the crappy reddit trolls
Slavery is a tall order in this day and age. Get a maid.
And consider that if you stopped shitposting you could quadruple it.
Is this actually good? I keep seeing images from it here and there but the description seems like generic aussie/kiwi "humor".
I found it funny. If you are bitter you'll just say it's reddit I don't know.
I have to pay a maid.
And they won't like it if I ask them to hold this beehive for me.
He is. That's the mortal friend of the newest member of the coterie.
>which of these little girls do I have to suplex?
What the fuck.
Wait... what exactly it is you're doing?
Vast majority of second worlders will happily do any job for minimum wage if you help them get in the country. That should make the maid quite affordable.
>not both
I'm running a small business bee service, but am too miserly to hire most forms of help.
I feel like it would have been better if the first girl wasn't standing up looking creepy.