How would a bard work in a sci-fi setting?
How would a bard work in a sci-fi setting?
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Something like this I guess
He just torrents the music directly into the parties brains.
Go watch Macross 7
Easy: Bards in Sci-Fi are celebrities for- eh, reasons.
In a fantasy/sci-fi setting, a bard goes to distant worlds, finds new cultures, and exploits the shit out of them by adapting and broadcasting the best of their history and culture as their own copyright held material.
SDF Macross; a bard saps the will of culture deprived space giants to fight.
Macros 2: space giants get their own bards to inspire troops
Macross Plus: Evil AI Bard takes control and holds entire planet of blended Human and Space Giant society with their enchantment.
Miku, but an actual AI with hologram projector
In hard sci-fi, a bard would be similar to a YouTuber or Twitch streamer.
"Good evening fan club! It's 15:30 ship time, so you know what that means! Time for another xenoflora cuisine special! Now, today we were lucky enough to find a Tarakki pseudo-algae species that propegates through spore expulsion, and those spores are *crazy* spicy! So, I'm going to huff these spores while reading some viewer mail. Oh, we just passed one trillion sapient viewers, so if I don't read your T-Mail, blame general relativity."
You could have them make speeches about defending the homeland / destroying the enemy / protecting the innocent. Though they may not have an instrument the speech could give inspiration.
A science fiction bard would be a hacker with a wikipedia.
Pic related is how.
The comms guy, he manages communication of strategy from ship to ship, keeping everything coded, while trying to break the enemy fleet's code. The Cyberwarfare guru.
I love noise marines.
The phrase "social media guru" comes to mind.
what do you mean how would it work?
you think there is no entertainment, no music, not storytelling, no speeches, in the future?
it would be exactly the same
Strap some LRAD and you've got something
The same way they do in a fantasy setting, but with aliens.
So Jack Harkness, basically.
Either Macross, Miku, Jack Harkness, or that blue opera lady from 5th Element.
Maybe a combination of some or all.
i want to fuck captain jack
100% no homo
>Not making him a travelling, rock & blues star looking for a place to settle.
mein negro
Same as a normal bard, dresses like a "young hip stud"/ retarded looking punk. Probably have rainbow hair slick back as fuck. He would have fact speakers on him and carry a DJ board and play dubstep.
Spending most his time trying to pic up space babes, cyborg chicks. When doing party/plot relevant stuff he makes jokes and acts as a moral support/dumbass.
watch some old episodes of silerhawks.
this dude would play and sci fi magic notes would shoot out and zap dudes.
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Self aware MP3 player.
Classical music.
I still refuse to believe he's actually dead. He just ascended to a more awesome plane of existence.
They claim it was sudden incurable brain cancer, but really? He'd just ingested enough alcohol and played enough bass that he became one with the metal and ascended.
I just wish he'd hung on another few months and completed the gig I was going to see him at.
Even if I did miss what would have been his slot and his memorial because I got soaked to the bone and had to head back to my tent for dry clothes.
Same. I was going to see him. He was the greatest.
Go read Samuel Delany's Nova. It has a literal space Bard in it.
I know she's an alien, but there's no fucking way a singer can afford to put a goddamn brick in her gut.
Like this.
Reminds me of Joe Rogan or something.
maybe she can't afford NOT to
>Joe Rogan
>No mention of Rhysling I'm disappointed in you.
Ever read Asimov's "Foundation" series? Ever hear of "The Mule"?
He has the power to control minds and adjustments, either through subconscious suggestion or outright "adjustment". He even uses a device on which he plays music and projects a light show that allows him to 'adjust" more people more quickly.
I wanted to like this scene but it was pretty cringe.
A certain commissar comes to mind.
I sure hope someone shoots that thing in the fucking face in whatever game it's from
Macross 7: High level bard is the only one who can stop space-Cthulhu from eating humanity
Honestly, I enjoyed it. I'm glad to see nu!Trek just embrace the shark jumping, instead of trying to go "b-but we're not just a tribute, we're just as good as the real thing!!1!eleven!" that we had throughout Into Darkness
I wish they would have fleshed out the villian more than having 3 seconds of exposition near the end of the movie but otherwise I agree. nu!Trek needs to forge it's own path and that scene, for what it's worth, was pretty damn awesome.
Sci-fi bard is a Communications Major with heavy focus in project management. They use words like "Soldier! Recontextualize your aim to truly push the envelope on these aliens!" "Druid! Achieve transformational change!" to inspire courage.
Okay so oyu remember that guy from neuromancer with the holographic knee lazors?
The fucking kpop bard that crowdsurfed all the way to the lich she had to fight?
Maybe the bard is also a hacker who organizes guerrilla lives via deep web BBS away from prying eyes of big brother government who frown upon anything not related to working and being productive for the sake of the country.
No, there was literally a guy in William Gibson's Neuromancer who was a "performance artist" who used holograms including cybernetic implanted holographic knee lasers to pull tricks and ruses on people in combat, as well as to blind opponents.
A high tech bard is basically a full on illusionist more than a bard.
Sounds like a rogue. And the laser's in his chest, not his knee.
Beat me to it.
That guy had the coolest job in the whole horde.
Too bad he was blind and seemed retarded, the price you pay I guess.
I distinctly remember he ALSO had knee lasers.
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