What is it about traditional gaming that brings out the pervert side of people?
What is it about traditional gaming that brings out the pervert side of people?
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Occasional cute players. The more rare they are the more tempting when you come across one.
You're asking a loaded question.
Some people try to use games as an excuse to brandish their fetishes, but they are few and discouraged.
The same reason why the internet makes us assholes. Roleplay allows us to be someone else, and therefore more open about our ideals and our desires. This is why I agree with Plato that you can learn more about someone in an hour of play than a lifetime of conversation.
> What is it about traditional gaming that brings out the pervert side of people?
Nice loaded question. Fuck off, cunt.
Besides, if I want to be a pervert, I can be a pervert whenever and wherever I want, not just in a game of pretend.
And here we have this guy proving this guy's point.
Traditional gaming is like the one chance for human interaction a lot of socially retarded people can get, and one has to be socially retarded to bring their fetishes into a game, ergo.
I don't think it's about traditional game; we see the same kind of stuff in video games and other such hobbies too.
I think it comes up in tg more often because - for whatever reason - these games attract people with fewer social skills.
I think your question is actually a symptom of a bigger issue.
>These games attract people with fewer social skills
I get it for video games, but why tabletop? This is a role-playing game, why would people who are terrible at social interaction be attracted to it. These games are mostly about social interaction. If a person can't "role-play" their way through real life where all you need is to mouth a few basic phrases to people you meet without meaning them and remember not to stare why would they want to role-play at the table?
Is this the reason why there are so many power gamers, murder hobos, and lolrandom CNs?
Sex is the world's most popular roleplaying game.
it is clearly the anime's fault
Because it is all power fantasies.
Oh. Easy.
Many use tabletop as a means to practice social skills with a semi-captive audience. Others use it to live out their disconnected realities or viewpoints they'd be shamed for outside of the hyper-inclusive geek communities.
Gaming is erotic
Your mom is erotic.
>What is it about traditional gaming that brings out the pervert side of people?
Why do you use the word "pervert" to describe sexual activities (at least, that's what I got from your post)? The words such as "pervert", "deviant" etc. used in relation to sexual activities is nothing more than Victorian puritanic propaganda. There is nothing to pervert, or twist, or deviate from.
>but fetishes!
Are not equivalent to sexual activities in general.
Is it wrong to imply that the necromancer probably is into necrophilia or make jokes about it?
I don't know. I could never figure out why, but if you look at the stereotypical player, and a good deal of the actual player-base, you find a ton of neckbeards and weirdos.
Unrestrained imagination.
It feels disgusting bringing up your own fetishes with a bunch of other fat nerds you know
Roleplaying also allows for experimentation to examine outcomes, even ridiculous ones, and how it all plays out from there. The dice add a factor of uncertainty.
Loaded question aside, if you stick to board games you shouldn't be seeing any perversions emerging from players. CCGs more or less as well, although YMMV as far as hygiene and manners.
Shit, that's the only time I'm comfortable bringing up my fetishes. At least I know they have no place to judge me.
>why do fantasy settings bring out inner fantasies?
this is how silly you sound, user
I need a source on that for research purposes.
>he can't into panda
The "male:nun" tag finds it literally instantly.
There are other people you show it off to. Receiving confirmation rather than being alone generally makes a more satisfying experience.
>tfw the cute girls in your group never play cute girls
this isn't normal and has only happened extremely rarely in any of the face to face tabletops i've played since the mid 1990s.
also, your question is really dense.
>what is it about a game of FANTASY that prompts perverts to act out their FANTASIES
2/10 for eliciting a reply
>TFW my PG is a far better person than me in real life
One day I'll be like Vikke, I-I swear
>Adult people
>Playing pretend
>Sharing fantasies and ideas
Combine that.
>What is it about traditional gaming that brings out the pervert side of people?
It's the natural state of primeval man, seeing an opportunity to creep up onto the surface.
>This is why I agree with Plato that you can learn more about someone in an hour of play than a lifetime of conversation.
I hope you're just ironically agreeing with fake quotes.
Aw man is that fake, it sounds good.
Yeah, she is. So?
Paraphrasing of a misattribution:
>Take heed of playing often or deep at Dice and Games of Chance, for that is more chargeable than the seven deadly sins;>yet you may allow yourself a certain easie Sum to spend at Play, to gratifie Friends, and pass over the Winter Nights, and that will make you indifferent for the Event.
>If you would read a man’s Disposition, see him Game; you will then learn more of him in one hour, than in seven Years Conversation, and little Wagers will try him as soon as great Stakes, for then he is off his Guard.
> ~Richard Lindgard, Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman Leaving the University Concerning His Behaviour and Conversation in the World
I honestly feel like I could only share my fetishes anonymously or with people who share them/have fetishes of their own.
Oh wow, that was dumb of me. I wonder if I can do damage control by saying I was only pretending to be retarded and then calling user a homosexual of questionable parentage.
Not if they're your friends.
Just because you're bad at social interaction doesn't mean you don't want to socialize. I think most people who are socially inept are actually desperate for it, which unfortunately makes them behave even more erratic.
When you don't have any friends and find it hard to fit in with other people, you're going draw yourself into the types of worlds that RPGs inhabit in one form or another. If you like video games, reading, are or at least think you're creative, and want to try and socialize or make friends among people you think are similar, then it's no wonder you may try RPGs.
Fantasy. Duh?