If GW wanted to get back into the RPG market, is there any way they could make an Age of Sigmar RPG that wouldn't suck massive amounts of ass?
If GW wanted to get back into the RPG market...
this looks so goddamn stupid...
fuck sigmarines
No, because they killed their entire setting. AoS is just a random amount of Spheres to allow armies to skirmish.
Looks BDSM-y
Yes. Focus on the new cities of Order have the players play Witch Hunters and their retinue. Focus on giving a grounding to the setting and give the players and GM tools to explore it. There is definitely potential we just need the tools to explore the setting and all the ways it can expand.
No, because the setting is just fundamentally awful.
For starters they shouldn't have even used the Warhammer name for this piece of shit.
OK, the General's Handbook ACTUALLY FIXED the rules and gameplay, but even if they spend 30 years on developing the fluff of Age of Sigmar, then it will never be as rich as what we had with Fantasy Battles.
Hell, all of this is like a excuse to play skirmish games.
All this salt and only one real answer, kek
Like this user says, yes absolutely, It would just be very high fantasy, and they would need to give us more to work work with. Sadly all the fluff has been about about the stormcasts because that's the big seller. Stormcasts, while neat, do not make good RPG protags
What would AoS be like if you began laying grimness and darkness on it, like they did with Warhammer Fantasy?
Eh... no. They have actually a set of solar systems and the cities are getting fleshed out. Hell, they are kind of doing that with SoH.
Two sets of three words:
-City of Secrets.
-Shadows over Hammerhal.
The sheer facepalm almost broke my neck: and what the fuck do you think WHFB's fluff was, you flaming dildo? But I guess your autism won't allow you to think that hard.
GW would have their work cut out for them. AoS's fluff seems paper thin from what I have seen.
Not really, there's been plenty of stuff to sunk one's teeths on.
>Nitpicks a typo.
Sure, I know it's a different tense, but you couldn't just think for a second the most likely possibility, which is that I pressed the neighbooring key, couldn't you? Geez.
>being relevant
>City of Secrets.
>-Shadows over Hammerhal.
And where is "grimderp"?
You should have kept this in the /aosg/, otherwise you will get the sheer amount of idiocy you have seen here.
>you should keep it in the safe space
No, because the setting is inherently bad.
If a safe space is a place where people can intelligently discuss things away from the buttmad shrieks of the idiots that dominate this board, then I would happily go to a 'safe space'
then go
This post should be held up in a study of how to to say literally nothing.
Oh that's cute. You think there are safe spaces on Veeky Forums. Awww. But it's wrong, even the general thread gets plagued with the same shitposting from time to time. You are just more likely to have a real conversation about your subject there than outside of it. That's not a safe space.
pathetic tone
>Game from GW not sucking massive amounts of ass
No. Remember, GW is a model company and models are the only thing they do well.
Yeah. A lot of people decry the lack of serious fluff, but this offers a lot of freedom to GMs. Personally I'd make it pretty rules light keeping in theme with AoS itself, and either integrates rules from the unit entries themselves or take notes on how 4e DnD played with abilities.
Care would have to be taken in bringing parties together, but generally rules could be done that parties have to have an Alliance all falling under one of the GA. From there, really it's whatever the GM wants to do given the infinite realms and high adventure there is to be had.
They abandoned that flawed philosophy after they booted the last ceo from office.
He's saying that, akin to AoS, Fantasy's world was too a mess in the beginning with either none or few of the things people care for now. I honestly would not be surprised if the majority of shit that made Fantasy feel fleshed out and rich came from the 2E RPG.
AoS can arguably go the same route since the Great Crusade analogue is largely over or not as big of a focus. The art and lore of the setting for Shadows Over Hammerhal pretty much comes off as an Empire city that is more high fantasy in certain areas.
>and the cities are getting fleshed out. Hell, they are kind of doing that with SoH.
Yeah great example of humans in AoS, giant city which exist on the middle of stone wasteland for no reason, except being "defense point" for sigmarines.
>They abandoned that flawed philosophy
How exactly?
I would argue there is a lot more roleplaying potential in AoS than in whfrp. In whfrp you had really once choice on what type of campaign you were going to do and what type of characters choices you had. While some liked that, it wasn't really for the rest.
In AoS, it would be like the D&D forgotten realms setting. There is so much potential for high powered campaigns, evil campaigns, good campaigns, low power, etc. Just about any fantasy campaign type you can think of running could fit in forgotten realms somewhere. Same could be said for AoS, and I think that's a point in its favor.
By reopening the specialist games again
By increasing frequency of the FAQs and erratas, especially based on customer feedback
A few examples. This is not the GW we once loved to hate. They still have a long way to go, but they are on the right path so far. They are still a model company, but with the new CEO he recognized they are also a game company too.
>lore of the setting for Shadows Over Hammerhal pretty much comes off as an Empire city
How so?
>By reopening the specialist games again
Yeah shitton of board games with crsp rules, but few good models.
>By increasing frequency of the FAQs and erratas, especially based on customer feedback
And game-design and balance are still at the same level
>but they are on the right path so far.
Yeah noblebright family-friendly hammer with McDonalds figures such a good direction.
Not him but the reviews and previews show it as a bastion of order in the mortal realms. A forward base to Azyr's home base, as it were. It is a grand city populated mostly by ordinary humans and has its own military and regiments of free peoples (non sigmarines). It is also a forward base for the stormcast eternals, but it's meant to be one of the first great cities for the mortal realms' healing from the age of chaos.
I haven't read the box game's books yet, but I am looking forward to it. Also there is a novel supposedly coming out centered around the normal humans in their fight against chaos.
So how it's "Empire"?
>It is also a forward base for the stormcast eternals,
So that's the point why they build giant city right in frontline, yeah, just like Empire, where Altdorf was builded right near Chaos Wasteland.
Its mostly humans and its really .. dirty, grimy, gritty. It feels more like lost glory than it does some triumphant bastion of blue skies and white marble stone and gold filigree. The little sketches they did of human commonfolk looked like they walked straight out of WHFB, even the fat and oafish gryphound wrangler.
>So how it's "Empire"?
Well it's not the exact same as the empire of the old world, but it is a human city of order. An it's not necessarily on the border of a chaos zone, just an important order city that will help in conquering the mortal realm it's on.
>Its mostly humans
>twenty chambers of stormcasts
Top fucking kek
>human commonfolk looked like they walked straight out of WHFB, even the fat and oafish gryphound wrangler.
Nope, they looked like were made by the same artist.
They look like WHFB characters, you pissy contrarian neckbeard.
My issue is that GW sucks at making rules, and I can't trust them to ever have a good team to make RPGs. They should, as before, license it out to another company. They have enough clout to the point where they could get WotC or someone to make the RPGs for them.
>, but it is a human city of order.
So as Stormwind (for example).
>An it's not necessarily on the border of a chaos zone
But fluff says that all realms axcept Azyr were controlled by Chaos. So what's the point in giant city, instead of just sigmarines stronghold?
This totally looks like Age of Sigmar. Yep totally.
Nothing bizarre or medieval grimdark looking at all.
>They look like WHFB characters
How exactly? They doesn't looks like fantasy Renaissance, I recognize the same artist, but not design.
They would match up perfectly with Sigmar's Sigmarines in their Sigmarite armor!
Couldn't tell them apart in the least!
Where is "medieval grimdark" or Empire here?
Not to kention that they are still irrelevant even in SoH.
>They would match up perfectly with Sigmar's Sigmarines in their Sigmarite armor!
Yep, especially those two guys with MMO-like weapon.
The point you are missing is that they don't look like the civilians in WHFB. Though they don't look like sigmarines either. Regardless they are only a small part of the greater setting.
>So as Stormwind (for example).
Altdorf would be another good example.
>But fluff says that all realms axcept Azyr were controlled by Chaos. So what's the point in giant city, instead of just sigmarines stronghold?
Well Sigmar knows the realms are worth saving for the mortal humans and races of order. The SCE are not fighting chaos only to get back at them, they are fighting chaos to restore the grand human empires and cities that were established allover the realms as in the age of myth. This city, hammerhal, would be a first step toward that. Make big cities, let humans and other order aligned races live there, also let them organize a military so they too can join the fight, and also be a good staging ground for the stormcast eternals. It's a city of hope for order after so long of tyranny under chaos.
>dual wielding giant axe and bastardsword
>huge iron/wooden scales on his back
Looks more like Sigmarine without armor
Not nearly enough HUGE and roided up Space Marine anatomy.
>Well Sigmar knows the realms are worth saving for the mortal humans and races of order.
That's why he sends them to build giant city on the middle of warzone in the lifeless realm of metal?
>It's a city of hope for order after so long of tyranny under chaos.
So, local HQ for sigmarines
One SCE model has the skull mask. No SCE models have scales on their backs. Dual wielding large weapons is not limited to only SCE. Keep grasping, I'm sure you'll find the crux of your argument.
Such contrarianism. /v/ would be proud!
You're missing the point, but I really don't know how to explain it to you without repeating myself. So I literally have no argument against your post.
Thinking about it, the Order cities are probably around safety level in comparison to the Empire's. It was emphasized that the Empire wasn't a cohesive nation, but islands among a sea of forests. Whereas the Empire cities and villages largely had to deal with Beastmen, mutants, cultists, orcs, goblins, and maybe raiders and Chaos Warriors if they were close to the north or a body of water, Order cities have to deal with Beastmen, cultists, raiders, Chaos Warriors, and orcs.
Shit, somehow missed Slop in this picture.
They may not be average citizens, but the Empire had people who looked like that in its art. The artist himself did plenty of concept sketches and art for both the Empire and Bretonnia which appeared in books that look similar.
>No SCE models have scales on their backs. Dual wielding large weapons is not limited to only SCE.
Yep, but looks a big weight for usual human. Reming since when "Empire" humans were able to wear and use weapon for Diablo barbarian/templar?
>You're missing the point
How I missing? The whole point of this city is "be under sigmarjnes protection".
>but the Empire had people who looked like that in its art.
Again, tell me please tpwhere they are simmialr to your previous pics? Except the artist.
>but looks like a big weight for usual human. Remind since when "Empire" humans were able to wear and use weapon for Diablo barbarian/templar?
>Such contrarianism.
It's definitely the same boat for sure. The mortal realms are a dangerous place. When the story eventually gets around to the free peoples and they get their update, I am sure we will be seeing different cities and empires. While all independent, they would all share a common enemy and have an alliance with Sigmar, to some degree. I am sure there will be a city or 2 who feel betrayed by the SCE in some way or another and declare them enemies, while still considering them a faction of order. The point is there will be a variety of them with different themes, cultures, and styles. Mortal humans. People who think all AoS has to offer is sigmarines, are really not seeing the bigger picture of it all.
>When the story eventually gets around to the free peoples and they get their update,
>source my ass
>The point is there will be a variety of them with different themes, cultures, and styles.
>People who think all AoS has to offer is sigmarines
No-no, all AoS has to offer is fantasy marines (not only sigmarines).
>not seeing the bigger picture
You mean..?
>How I missing? The whole point of this city is "be under sigmarjnes protection".
The whole point of the cities it to provide a place where the order races can grow and thrive again as it was in the age of myth, before chaos invaded the mortal realms. They are also tasked with providing their own protection in the form of free peoples forces. The SCE are there to help and push the boundaries.
>The whole point of the cities it to provide a place where the order races can grow and thrive again as it was in the age of myth
So no clear point to build city outside Azyr.
>They are also tasked with providing their own protection in the form of free peoples forces
So just zerg-rush support for SCE. The point was that mortals are irrelevant in setting since SCE can do all waht usual mortals, but much better.
>When the story eventually gets around to the free peoples and they get their update
Yeah, like Imperial Guard in Fall of Cadia.
I'm out. I don't know if I can explain it any better without constantly repeating myself. Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough, or maybe you really aren't interested in the answers. I don't know. I just think this discussion has exhausted itself and we are going to have to agree to disagree. :)
>I don't know if I can explain it any better without constantly repeating myself.
Try to bring more details.
>So no clear point to build city outside Azyr.
Take and hold the land.
>Take and hold the land
Then build stronghold.
They did.
People then flock to the Stronghold and build their homes around it.
>People then flock to the Stronghold and build their homes around it.
1)Why they would move from Azyr to build homes around sigmarines stronghold?
2) How the fuck giant city appears on the middle of lifeless stone desert?
Following conversation. You are getting trolled, buddy. This guy gets it. The only winning move is not to play.
>1)Why they would move from Azyr to build homes around sigmarines stronghold?
Not everyone is from Azyr.
People would come from around.
Once the city grows larger it inceitivises more people to come to sell goods and services to people already there.
>2) How the fuck giant city appears on the middle of lifeless stone desert?
It's not in the middle of a lifeless desert.
>4 different teams for Blood Bowl
>Actually posting FAQs and rule clarifications
>Abloo abloo, teh fluffy wuffy doesn't match my autistic grimderp!
Go get bent, you dingus.
>You are getting trolled
>Not everyone is from Azyr
Okay, bunch of Chaos barabrians, aren't from Azyr.
>Once the city grows larger it inceitivises more people to come to sell goods and services to people already there.
Yeah, and that's why it's larger than modenr cities.
>It's not in the middle of a lifeless desert.
It is, look at map.
different teams for Blood Bowl
Or yeah, new BB, old ruleset for 100$.
>>Actually posting FAQs and rule clarifications
And it doesn't fix their rulesets, just compare TSons rules with Ynnari.
>Okay, bunch of Chaos barabrians, aren't from Azyr.
Nope, normal people still exist in the Realms.
>Yeah, and that's why it's larger than modenr cities.
Why not?
>It is, look at map.
It's not, that you think there is only a single map says to me you don't know as much as you think you do.
Hammerhal is called the Twin Tailed city because it exists on both sides of a Realmgate. Hammerhal Aqsha is more barren, but not lifeless.
Hammerhal Ghyra is bountiful.
>Nope, normal people still exist in the Realms
And how they existed during the Age of Chaos (totally not a Long Night, kek) in such large numbers?
>Why not?
Dunno, may be because they don't have such technologies as we? Not to mention that there is still no reason for such a large city.
>Hammerhal Aqsha is more barren, but not lifeless.
Then why map says that there is only stones and lava-river near Harmmerhal?
>And how they existed during the Age of Chaos
Running, hiding, resisting.
>Dunno, may be because they don't have such technologies as we?
You don't need technology to have lots of people. All you need is space and resources and the Realms are far richer in both than Earth.
>Not to mention that there is still no reason for such a large city.
People having babies is reason enough for a large city.
>Then why map says that there is only stones and lava-river near Harmmerhal?
Because maps don't tend to track all living things but rather just the geography.
>You don't need technology to have lots of people
Actually you need, that's why modern cities larger than medieval.
>All you need is space and resources and the Realms are far richer in both the Earth
Form where?
>People having babies is reason enough for a large city.
And why they would have babies under the Chaos rule?
>but rather just the geography.
And according to geography there is no rivers, except big lava-river near Hammerhal and there is also no forests, only stone plains.
>100$ for two teams, a game board, and the rule book
God, how bullshit, am i right lad?
>>Tsons vs Ynnari
>Not spamming Psychic powers on Magnus with shit tons of Sorcerers.
Im sorry, whats the prob bob?
>Actually you need, that's why modern cities larger than medieval.
No. Modern cities are larger than medieval cities because modern farming is superior. Hammerhal has one foot in the Realm of Life where things grow much faster than normal so Hammerhal farming is even superior to modern farming.
>Form where?
From the realms.
>And why they would have babies under the Chaos rule?
People like to have sex.
>And according to geography there is no rivers
Look here. There are actually ships docked. There is water.
>God, how bullshit, am i right lad?
Yep, for board game with clumsy rules it's not good deal.
>>Not spamming Psychic powers on Magnus with shit tons of Sorcerers.
Yeah good luck to survive against eldar army and their formations.
>Hammerhal has one foot in the Realm of Life where things grow much faster than normal so Hammerhal farming is even superior to modern farming.
Holy shit it looks so stupid, I mean those planes.
But not to mentoin it's not Aqsha.
>From the realms.
>People like to have sex
So what? They liked it in Medieval too.
>There is water.
That's the lava. Look at the whole city map.
>But not to mentoin it's not Aqsha.
Hammerhal is a city spread over two realms.
One half of Hammerhal is in Aqshy this is the map you have seen. But the other half of Hammerhal is in Ghyran, the Realm of Life. Hammerhal Ghyra provides lots of food for Hammerhal Aqsha.
The Realms are very big and so have lots of space and resources to exploit.
>So what? They liked it in Medieval too.
Yes, so they had many babies then too.
>That's the lava.
No, that's clearly boats on water.
>Look at the whole city map.
Maybe you should look again, because there are clearly many lakes and what could be many many rivers given the scale of the map.
Look, I know you're trying really hard to evangelize, AoS guy, but it's not working.
AoS has a completely different tone and feel to WHFB, and frankly, it is reminiscent of exactly the kind of fantasy people go to WHFB to get away from. We know the lore makes little mentions of human cities and that they're around, but the issue is that they do not fit in the setting.
AoS' setting has been designed as a kind of nine realms/death metal cover warscape, where the realms are defined by fantastical extremes and populated mostly by ominous-sounding place names. GW's attempts to placate old fans and keep selling old models only serve to make this setting seem even shallower and grotesque. All the Ironweld shit seems completely out of place with AoS' general tone. It is laughable for there to be sick ass pleasure cults of witch elves in Azyr, simply because GW wants to keep making money on those models. The setting feels on one level like a shallow nine realms ripoff populated by flat, emotionless cartoon characters and Warcraft personas, and on another like a morbid patchwork of competing themes woven into the narrative for purely mercantile reasons, each one accompanied by stupid little excuses that just reek of artificiality, existing without the logic and lore that made them fit into WHFB.
This is less dark than Warcraft.
I'd like for there to be an RPG about it.
People don't realize that Fantasy only had good lore because of the RPGs and more RPGs means more chance for deeper lore.
I disagree. What other setting allows me to play something as sexy and cool as the Tenebrael Shard?
>Hammerhal is a city spread over two realms.
>One half of Hammerhal is in Aqshy this is the map you have seen. But the other half of Hammerhal is in Ghyran, the Realm of Life. Hammerhal Ghyra provides lots of food for Hammerhal Aqsha.
So what's the point to build another giant city in Aqsha, instead of Ghyran?
>The Realms are very big and so have lots of space and resources to exploit.
Okay, I have no arguments against this pointless gigantism, except for now it looks more ljke emptiness.
>so they had many babies then too.
Then why cities were smaller?
>that's clearly boats on water
>because there are clearly many lakes and what could be many many rivers given the scale of the map
Yep, red lakes and red rivers, it's blood or lava.
>smegmar rules
You want a fuck ton of autistic for the laughs out loud style rules in your rpg?
Of course you do. GW print that shit
Nope, there is couldn't be deeper lore for mortals in setting about fantasy marines.
>replaced white warpriest by google
>replaced DEwitch by male
SJW, please.
>So what's the point to build another giant city in Aqsha, instead of Ghyran?
Hammerhal Aqsha provides Hammerhal Ghyra with mineral wealth and also lava to help keep the growth in Ghyran under control. The people of Hammerhal Aqsha are also more militant and sally out to keep the Orruk population under control.
>Then why cities were smaller?
Cities could not support as much life as farming and transport of food stuffs was not very efficient. So most people lived in the countryside and fed themselves via subsistence farming and hunting.
Fishing and transport.
>Yep, red lakes and red rivers, it's blood or lava.
Nope, there are blue lakes and there are even forests, which certainly imply some decent water table.
>People don't realize that Fantasy only had good lore because of the RPGs
Nope, it was good because was focused on usual mortals.
>People don't realize that Fantasy only had good lore because of the RPGs and more RPGs means more chance for deeper lore.
Literally, wat.
Warhammer Fantasy has great lore, because of the books. And the rock solid setting. That isn't about a bunch of retarded sphere realms fighting each other for no reason just cause they want too, like AoS.
AoS would never work as a setting for an RPG, because you can't do it like an RPG. There is no trading, no little jobs. The whole setting is about war. Unlike in Warhammer Fantasy where a lot of the lore was about the day to day life of the citizens of the old world and beyond. If you can find a way to pull it off user, go ahead. But good luck getting anyone into it. Wish you luck though, just have fun.
Pic related: Interesting setting