What is the most mind-numbing, soul-consuming Traditional Games task I can pour every last mote of my being into...

What is the most mind-numbing, soul-consuming Traditional Games task I can pour every last mote of my being into? Ideally one which will require isolation and take several decades to complete and end on my deathbed.

Making an entire setting, top down and filling in every square mile with believable features, inhabitants, and all the other details that an RPG party will continuously ignore unless they're killable/lootable.

create cyoas.

Play a battle for the north africa
for both sides

Write your own system

DM Anima for 16 people.
DM A MadMax game vehicles included in GURPS 3E with full rules and 16 people

Fixing 3.PF


Create a Dwarf Fortress GURPS supplement and simulate every aspect of DF.


> use the 5e action economy and threat space rules
> break apart the feat trees and remove spring attack entirely
> simplify the skill points system.
> remove SoD spells, nerf them, or add huge downside to them (like back
> cut out useless rules like the favored race shit that pathfinder had to turn into an actual rule
> don't do the stupid shit 5e did


did it thrice already

do the same for the different planes of existence, and maybe another planet or two reachable by magic gate.

time to write new editions of the same systems

Campaign for North Africa as a multiplayer vidya. No cheating and using VASSAL, either.

OP here, thanks for the suggestions but upon reflection I think I'll just take the easy route. Happy gaming y'all.

Play a campaign of FATAL

I want this.

autogeneratator for compelling narrative

Completing an entire space marine chapter. That's 1000 marines + vehicles. You probably won't live to see it's completion

What kill yourself?

Make it through a single combat encounter in Pathfinder.

Are you dead op?

Yeah he an hero'd

You could always take up miniature sculpting, which will require either good looking 3d modeling or precise sculpting with tiny dudes.

make a combination boat/car/plane in gurps vehicles, doing all the math by hand

rip op

Moderate us.

Write good hacking rules for Shadowrun.

>Purchase every single Napoleonic army from Perry Miniatures
>Refight the Napoleonic War, Peninsular Campaign, Moscow, Waterloo, all of it
>Realize you forgot to do Trafalgar
>Purchase three fleets of miniature warships
>Realize you don't have enough context
>Purchase miniatures reminiscent of every Anglo-French conflict since the Hundred Years' War
>Paint all of the above
>Attend grueling history classes in university until you find someone to play with you
>Realize historical accuracy is everything
>Throw away all plastic dice, look up ivory ones on Ebay
>Realize that ivory dice are illegal
>Book a flight to Tanzania
>Bribe a desperate gang of poachers
>Look a dying elephant in the eyes as the poachers remove its tusks
>Return home on a wooden sailing ship with your new dice
>Send snail-mail letters to your old gaming group
>Play a game or two

So 5e but without the bad stuff in 5e?

Tell us what it was like.

Write a playable RIFTS game

Ends of the Matrix already exists though, user.

One day I will get a copy of the homebrew the System Mastery podcast is working on, porting RIFTS to GURPS.

I will get it, and I will ask, "why?"

Make image threads, ask for requests, then try to precisely fulfill every single request with three or more criteria. If they want a spear-wielding bard with pink hair, search until you find a pink-haired spearfighter who clearly also plays some kind of musical instrument.

If they then say "That character has a flute, though, my guy plays the mandolin" then go back and search the interwebs for a male pink-haired spearfighter who clearly possesses and knows how to play a mandolin.

Infiltrate Facebook, Google etc. and turn the world into your favourite cyberpunk game.

Pretty much.

5e is actually pretty good, it just lacks consistency and interesting chargen.

Also, converting SoDs to straight damage without nerfing or creating interesting downsides to using them, was retarded IMO.

Tax policy

Do Jumpchain.

Write a shitton and flesh out your 10 years in each world fully. Include media to accompany it.

>remove spring attack entirely
Wait, what's wrong with spring attack?

It's too much cost for a shitty feat.

3 feats. Lets you move, attack, and withdraw in a single round. Couldn't you use that for some AoO trip shenanigans?