Look at that smug bitch. LOOK AT HIM!!!

Look at that smug bitch. LOOK AT HIM!!!

Anyone port this game to an RPG yet? I like the idea of dynamic combat with parries, blocks, dodges and other reactions.

My first thought is legend of the 5 rings cause I hear there's lots of dueling; but I've never played so I don't know how that goes

Other urls found in this thread:


Also; how well does it hold up if I drop in, say 10 orcs? I've heard Conan does a good job of duels, where you both roll a d20 and it's either red (for attack) or white (for defense), depending on how that goes you resolve it differently, but I don't see how that would translate to fighting mobs of enemies

I've been statting all the classes plus grunts for 5e to throw at players at low level. I'd love for a decent system to use for this but I'm a D&D scub.

Nothing as smug as nobushi though.

But how does 5th ed handle reactions? Like block vs parry?

I know in storytelling, you can describe a mossed attack as a parry, a block, a GODDAMN FORCEFIELD, whatever you want, but I want players to have agency to be able to decide what to do and have mechanical benefits therein

Riddle of Steel
Burning Wheel

Mossed attack? FML

>port this game
>to an RPG

Ah, to be a kid again. Good luck little retard.

Can you give me a 5-second summary of burning wheel? That one has come up too

Also; what about riddle of steel? Like I said; one on one sounds good, but when you have more than one on one combat it seems like it would not work so well

No. Do your own research, I'm not a salesman.

You got my meaning. Should I have said, "has anyone taken the game for honor and made it into a home brew, or used another system to simulate the dynamic action therein?", sometimes brevity is better than a tl;dr dood

Fair point

your best bet is to start LARPing and have groups of lads who research different medieval combat styles to put one against another.

because this is a hobby where "action" boils down to "i describe my attack phase this way." it's up to the system to have things in place for "well i dodge/block/knock it away/etc" sure but in the end that's just "defense phase" now isn't it?

Yeah sounds like you want to LARP over on the Elementary school lawn after school

I mean, yeah that sounds fun and all, but more I want players to have more agency. I hate how most systems just treat combat like an HP race. I want people to decide a plan of attack and make it more dynamic.

Sure a crafty player CAN do that in any system. But what about a system that SUPPORTS that?

I think you should get out some legos and build the For Honor(TM) Legos Adventure(TM) and use that to play the game but then get out the boffers and larp all the combats.

if you want cinematic combat with action and reaction, check out runequest.

>But what about a system that SUPPORTS that?
I think most systems do.

In Hero, you've got attacks, and haymakers, grabs, disarms, grab-by, move by, move through, and probably some others I'm not remembering +alternate attack styles bought as martial arts.
The defender can then abort their action, if they haven't acted already, to dodge, block, dive for cover, or take a defensive action with different rules interactions for how those affect the attack and subsequent turns.

If you have a system that does simulationist combat, it should do pretty much anything you'd want from a For Honor game.

>Anyone port this game to an RPG yet
Yes, because it truly has the deepest lore and most interesting setting.
There was a big catastrophe that put Vikings, Knights and Samurai all next to each other and now they fight each other because there's a villain who really likes war and wants to cause more war.
Also faces don't exist, nor do three-dimensional personalities.

Like tactical feats in 3.5 maybe?

>Can you give me a 5-second summary of burning wheel?
basically you plan actions in groups of three simulataniously, they're then resolved one at a time. Here's a good example of it in action: youtube.com/watch?v=zXX42WGZqYU (in three parts, two fights shown after all the rules explanation)

I've played it. And I don't know that it works too well for what the OP is looking for, unless you're running a sort of solo campaign. Or run different combats for each player.

he was obviously talking about the combat system; one which would never work in a p&p setup, but still. No need to be a bitch

I didn't bring every move over because that would take too long. In 5e there are some abilities and spells that work as reactions so I gave the For Honor enemies a few.
The warlord for instance can fight defensively which raises his AC by 3 and automattically headbutts anyone who attacks him but fails. Headbutt does 4 damage and dazes (DC13 CON negates).
I also have some of their combos worked in. If a warden attacks the same target twice in one turn and hits their first roll they gain advantage on their second roll.
There are also some of their simple abilities worked in. Raider can dash, grapple, and make a STR check to throw the enemy all on one turn.

A lot of their kit comes down to dazes, grapples, knockbacks, and knocking people prone.

Give us the stats, ho.

he's lying, dumbass

You mad bro?

no lol just saying don't wait for something that doesn't exist

Just challenge your players to an actual sword fight when they start a fight.
Get some exercise in while you game, and keep those Murderhobo tendencies in check at the same time!

Just finishing up with CR.

It's on its first draft so a lot of the values are borked right now. What I've got out of the CR system is that they all have really high AC and attack bonus and not enough HP. I'm still adjusting from other systems now which is probably why I stacked up their chance to hit rather than health.

Also, according to the CR calculator Vikings are OP.

/slowclap. that's pretty great actually

>dynamic combat with parries, blocks, dodges and other reactions.

You'll want combat gamebooks like Lost World and Queen's Blade

Song of Swords

GURPS with Martial Arts splatbook. Just build the character, bro, and give them signature moves that match their moveset. Easy peasy. You can check out GURPS Warriors for extra inspiration.

*engage shill mode*

Song of Swords is pretty much exactly what you're looking for, though it's got realistic armor so no cutting through plate with a katana. It's also got all the weapons in the game and it's pretty easy to replicate the heroes in SoS.

>be me
>longsword fencing in plate
>both half-sword, start trying to stab through plate
>clearly not working
>get clocked with a pommel strike, nearly fall down
>too close-in now to properly attack and defend even half-swording
>figure i'll disable his sword-arm and take the fight to the ground
>go for clinch and trap his sword arm
>he drops the fucking sword
>pulls out a rondel with his free hand
>jams it through my visor, eye is kill
>fall down from shock, too fucked up to mount proper defense
>get it in the visor again
>pass out, bleed to death

You can use some of these actions and whatnot (defensive mode, counter slash) as reactions, and give certain classes (warden, nobushi, other classes known for having a fast party follow up) a counter-attack reaction or legendary action.

Not bad, I suppose. Why are all these characters CRs half to 2-ish when in-game they plow through crowds and only have issues against peers? They're clearly all high-level fighters or other martial types.

Go back to your general and never come out again, GURPSfag.

I haven't been watching SoS development lately. Does it have mass combat rules?

*Extended Range Blocking*

Pretty much this.

Hey, it's not my fault it does fast, historically respectful combat with strategic depth ;)

That being said, if you actually articulated your problems with the system this might be more productive.

>Hey, it's not my fault it does fast, historically respectful combat with strategic depth ;)

2017 and yous till believe that shit ... here let me fix it for you.

>it does slow, unbalance and bugged combat with no strategic depth

Armors are useless in GURPS. The whole RD does not scale with Strenght. A guy with a pointed stick can bypass a plate armor. Swing damage is a big joke.

No, it's in Kickstarter right now actually to get it to print.

Short of editing it's basically done and we'll probably be seeing more niche rules in the next few months. Pop over to the general, there people there more expert than I.

Umm. Plate armor has DR 6, and a (metal) stake has an armor divisor of 0.5. Assuming the attacker goes all-out committed attack, he's not going to penetrate that breastplate unless he has a Strength of around 20 (and rolls max damage), which is absolutely superhuman - and even then it's not going to penetrate deep enough to do damage! If he uses a wooden stake, by contrast, it'll just shatter with that much force.
Looks perfect to me.

You know, I'm getting the sense here that you don't actually have any idea what you're talking about.

>what is Mount and Blade

Fine. Let's take a sword then. Most sword cannot penetrate a MAIL ARMOR with a swing. A knight in mail was more or less invulnerable to a sword swing.

STR 10 = 1D damage Swing.
Sword Swing bonus +2

Mail Armor DR 4

Penetrate them 50% of the time.
And this without using Extra Efforts or Total Attack.

Go to SJGAMES forum. There is plenty of topics there that utterly show how GURPS damage and DR are totally not realistic. GURPS fail were is suppose to do right and by the words of your own god Kromm.

Go back to GURPS General and be ashamed of be a GURPSfag.

A miserable little pile of butter

*throws skull*

Oh definitely, armor values err on the side of being weapon-friendly. Apparently they considered the *real* protective power of armor to be "harsh realism", which admittedly feels a little weird from today's perspective. Most likely they were using DnD as a reference point.

Remember that GURPS, like Savage Worlds, is a modular system; if you looked through Low Tech, you'd find a more grounded armor and weapons rules that addresses the concerns you've given.

I'd also note that it feels weirdly cherry-picky to say that people are working out rule-bending situations in the forums. Nobody expects (or wants) a system to perfectly mirror reality. Furthermore, you're going to see the same sort of rules-abuse discussions on any rpg forums.

On that topic, for the reasonable people who aren't already dug into their assumptions about GURPS, here's a link to the very same forum where somebody describes their experience from a martial arts campaign. It sounds exactly like the sort of thing OP is describing:


>dynamic combat with parries, blocks, dodges and other reactions
Literally GURPS.

>Most sword cannot penetrate a MAIL ARMOR with a swing.
Proofs. Remember that you can layer and mail armor, and most people did that, combining it with plates and what-not. There is also harsh realism rule in Low-Tech, which converts cutting damage into crushing in some circumstances, playing out the fact that sword failed to cut, but mail still took a hard hit.

RIGHT?? This is what I've been saying.

Although I will say I'm intrigued by Song of Swords. Probably gonna download the beta and give it a lookover. How integral is the fantasy (vs just low-tech) aspect to the gameplay?

>layer and pad


I'm thinking about more counters. Really I just rushed out the last bits of this because some user here called me a liar and I didn't want to disappoint.

5e's CR system works is heavily built toward making enemies meatwalls with low AC and low attack bonuses. The average CR1 enemy has 71-85HP but only 13AC and an attack bonus of +3. The idea is D&D is a causal system where people get more frustrated if they can't hit anything than if the enemy is a sea of HP. The For Honor units I made here have armor, shields, dex, and high chances to hit, but lower HP compared to their counterparts, so their CR is kinda low. If I tried to stat them using fighter/rogue/berserker/ranger they would be different, but I'm using the enemy system. Also remember that a CR 2 enemy means that 4 level 2 adventurers should be fighting it.

You mention that For Honor characters plow through trash like no man's business. Well a trash infantry would probably have stats something like:

Medium humanoid (human), any alignment
AC 15 (Chain shirt, shield)
HP 9 (2d8)
Speed 30ft

10 str 10 dex 12 con 10 int 10 wis 10 cha
Senses passive perception 10
Languages common
Challenge 1/8 (25xp)

*Short Sword
Melee. +3. 1d6 slashing.

Sorry for the double post but I'd also point out that a sword's damaging through mail doesn't represent the mail breaking--it represents the force being transferred through the mail. Turns out that being hit by a 3.5 lb metal rod, even blunted, hurts a lot. Calling them invulnerable to a sword swing is completely false.

It mean Penetrating because the 50% modifier for cutting does apply. Blunt damage has no modifier. GURPS CAN'T SIMULATE REAL FIGHTS AT ALL.

Low Tech rules are bugged. The authors himself admitted it.
Fuck off GURPSfag.

Not him, but why not use Edge Protection and the armor stuff like layering and etc. from Low Tech? If you want "real" fights you should be using the "realistic fight" rules, after all.

>being this triggered by people talking about a game you don't like
Wew lad

this game fucking sucks yo

It's no Chivalry, that's for damn sure.

No, you're wrong. It's an abstraction. Anybody who has the reading comprehension skills of a jelly donut can see that. This tells me you're either being deliberately uncharitable towards GURPS or you're just retarded.

But if you don't like the Basic Set's handling of armor, I point you again to the alternate rules in Low Tech (which for the record I would recommend anyway).

I'm happy to have a real discussion about GURPS and its strengths/weaknesses, but only if you stop being so triggered. It's embarrassing and childish, frankly.

Does it? I mean it's not fantastic but decent.

Low Tech armor are not better. The maths in Low Tech is all wrong.ALL WRONG. Even the author admitted it, but SJ printed the book neverthelles. This is how much shit GURPS it. Go back to your general and stop coming in other threads with your defective systems that is not even useful as toilet paper. And let's not talk about Tactical Shooting.

> Even the author admitted it
Link? In my experience Low-Tech does good job at realism, as long as you keep ST realistic and don't allow WM.

This is my experience too.

Look m80, we're all speaking from experience that GURPS can and does give exactly what OP's looking for, and does it well; all I've heard from you are debunked claims and rage. Still, I'm interested in seeing this authorial denunciation you keep mentioning.

Of course, no amount of authorial second-guessing would invalidate the fact that people have been having good experiences with it since its publication, but it would at least potentially give some ideas for house ruling.

>OP wants to run For Honor PnP
>what OP wants is GURPS
>GURPS is shit
>therefore, OP wants shit


>convinced GURPS is shit
>smacked down at literally every point by multiple people
>too arrogant to admit they're wrong
>better try to make a greentext about it

I feel like all pretense of this being a real mechanical discussion has been thrown out the window at this point.

This has been fun, but because I see this degenerating into a sad last-word fight, I'm outski - unless you have a real grievance. In the meantime, all I can really do is urge you to try to be fair-minded with games you don't really mechanically understand.

>GURPfag being nothing but a faggy faggot.
News at 20.