>Tacticool elves fight the orcish horde as part of the elven army
How would you run this? More specifically, what would the encounters/missions be like? Constant "you encounter X number of orcs" combats would get boring really fast.
Tacticool elves fight the orcish horde as part of the elven army
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If you don't know the answer then you probably not the best person to run this kind of game, don't you think?
But back to the point, it would be something less about what type of enemy they would be fighting, and more about what is their mission. And the means to accomplish it.
>Ambush an enemy caravan/supply train and destroy it before a relief force can reach it and secure it.
>Ambush an enemy loot train without leaving a trail, disappear with the loot (dump wagons in a swamp? Fight a cave to hide it?) so cause orcs to accuse each other of stealing the loot and create infighting in their force.
>Assassinate a major warlord in the moment he'd be vulnerable during an orc traditional hunt.
>Watch a passage to ensure no orc scouts who saw it can return and inform the army of it's existance.
>Stay on track but avoid engaging a splinter force of the orc army who was raiding towns, see if they lead you to a secret orc hideout.
>Capture orc prisioners for interrogation / Free captured elves.
>Taticool Dwarves fight the orchish horde as part of the dwarven army
I'd probably run this instead.
>If you don't know the answer then you probably not the best person to run this kind of game, don't you think?
This. There are hundreds of mission you could assign the party.
Lots of assassinations of key figures of the orcish army.
low numbers of enemies, this isn't about engaging an army but rather a guerrilla squad operating to harass and weaken the larger force through careful choices and planning
the only tacticool thing about dwarves is that one of them attached a scope to his throwing axe
>tunnel warfare
>actual guns
A lot closer to tacticool then an elf inna woods.
>"you encounter X number of orcs" combats
That's not tacticool, that's what the infantry's for.
All of these ideas are good What I would do is style it after modern (WW2 onwards) combat, with magic and magical items filling in the role of technology and allowing the squad to function independently of the larger force (which fights in a traditional period-appropriate manner). So any situation a squad of irl soldiers might find themselves in could be used as inspiration for the campaign.
>inna woods
>not the tacticoolest
Just keep playing in that sandbox.
tacticool isn't about tech, its about approach. spears are more tacticool than guns if the wielder is doing it correct and the gunner isnt - dwarves fight sieges and have their keeps, elves have their forests and rangers - utilizing guerrilla warfare to prevent an invasion to begin with
>More specifically, what would the encounters/missions be like?
You have to build a specific war with specific reason behind it. Then give the players a specific mission within a specific operation to accomplish.
From there you can make sensible encounters on the way to the objective/guarding the objective based on real setting information.
How tacticool do you mean? If modern tacticool, look at what modern spec-ops dudes do.
Fantasy-modern orc slaughter with loads of flying lead sounds pretty fun desu.
Playing Tacticool Humans fighting Drows in a magical forest.
It basically turned into Vietnam 2.0: Medieval Boogaloo
Make a full map, with grid. List out entire TO&E for both sides. Run it as a wargame against myself with the players being one of the units. They get intel based on other actions, equipment based on materials on hand, and reinforcements based on what is available. Their commander fucks up and send them too deep for intel? They better fucking run.
War is over when one side withdraws or both sides cease violent action for a prolonged period.
>Trying to be tacticool sneaky breeki in metal armor
I get the idea, and it does look nice, but autism demands it be rejected as too silly.
The intro: the elvish army was just smashed at the Battle of Two Rivers. The reeling elves have retreated to their forest stronghold, leaving dozens of unprotected settlements in their wake.
The players are members of an elite squad of elvish warriors. Let them name it. Rather than retreat with the army, they are tasked with fighting a desperate guerilla war to slow down the Orcish advance, giving the elves time to regroup and the innocent elf maidens time to flee to safety.
Then run the game like XCOM 2 but with greenies.
>Then run the game like XCOM 2 but with greenies.
Dark Events --> a table titled "Orcs on the Move"
Avatar Project --> some sort of orcish superweapon?
Maybe even give the party an airship so they can jet around the map, if you aren't worried about being subtle. Or an underground base with an artifact that can open [Gates].
You don't really need a specific Avatar Project duplicate. Just have a basic map of how dense orcish occupation is in different areas, if it reaches maximum density adjacent to the stronghold, you get one chance to push them back out or it's a loss.
Actually somewhat doable. I was at a LARP once and me and some mates snug into a forward ambush position in chainmail. Enemy got completely smashed between us and the main force.
Best bet for 'avatar project' is the orc advance in and on itself. How much ground they gain. You can seldomly push it back but you can slow it down.
You don't need one, but I think it would make for a good plot twist. You start out sabotaging them thinking they are making this unstoppable march on the elvish capital, and then the horde suddenly makes a right turn and starts sacrificing maidens to summon the Orc God or whatever.
Make the Orcs actually be a threat. The elves are badass but heavily outnumbered, they perform guerrilla actions to slow, hinder, and bleed the Orcs to slow their approach on the homeland. They can't win a straight up fight though, and each engagement is a race against time as the number of orcs in the combat zone increases exponentially
>stumble upon this orcish little shit and his family while moving through the woods
>good chance he'll probably tell his village and the horde that you're there
wat do?
Special forces style raids.
>Assassinate Orc warlord
>Destroy this bridge so Orcs can't supply their army
>Watch this destroyed bridge and massacre the Orcs who try to rebuild it
>Attack the Orcs' baggage train
>Free the Elf captives
You have obviously never worn armor and are just talking out your ass. Modern tactical gear makes almost as much noise as a good set of leather armor. And Roman banded has leather backing and reinforcements around the joints. Thereby allowing the Legionary armorer to replace the leather parts without having to bang away at metal joints.
Get your shitty brain to the next level if you are going to claim autism. Cause right now, you just look like a retard.
Traditional fantasy dwarves don't have guns, fool.
And even when they do, they prefer sitting down in a line and going all first-rank-fire-second-rank-fire rather than doing pic related.
>train local kobolds to fight the orcs for you
>help local human population as part of "hearts and minds" campaign to prevent them from joining orc menace
>recruit local treemen forces (may require destroying local hobgoblin lumber industry)
>infiltrate goblin tunnels used to support orc operations
>map tunnels
>destroy tunnel entrances after flooding them with water, fire, or cloudkill
>deploy traps along known orc patrol routes
>maximize wounded to reduce morale and overlord orc medivac system
>strategically cast ghost sound around orc camp
>broadcast the sounds of lost orc souls trapped forever in limbo because they dared fight in the elven woods
>refoliate areas orcs defoliated to reduce orc safe zones
>mark strategic targets for dragon airstrikes
>locate and retrieve lost unit from behind enemy lines
>provoke local wildlife into attacking orcs
Just read all the crazy shit the US special forces did in Vietnam and you should have a bunch of ideas to work with. Yes they actually did broadcast the sounds of the damned (Operation Wandering Soul youtube.com
How tacticool are we talking here?
I stand corrected. You know what they say about assumptions, they make an ass out of u and mptuions.
> Infiltrate a neutral kingdom and assassinate their leader. Leave proof that the orcs did it
> Sneak into a dragon's den and steal its horde; allow orcs to 'find' this stolen treasure
> Go into [insert poisonous dungeon] to obtain a biological weapon to use against the orcs
> An orcish merchant ally is operating in a nearby human city. Kidnapping him is just the beginning; you have to outrun or kill the adventurers sent to rescue him
> A dwarven warpriest is held a prisoner in a duergar jail. Break him out and he'll be a powerful ally against the orcs.
> The hobgoblin kingdom appears friendly to the orc's cause. Several massive war engines are being distributed to the orc frontlines. Make sure they don't get there.
There, 6 quest ideas that don't involve waves of orcs
>elves fighting a bushwar with FALs
I had no clue I wanted this so bad
This. Elves are innawoods tacticool as shit. Cloaks of Elvenkind are magic ghille suits, Boots of Elvenkind are stealth gear.
The elves are Rhodesia, the Orcs are the rebels, led by the warlord MugOrcy
Magitek ninja elves infiltrate an orcish fortress and have an anime fight with a gigantic mechanical monstrosity held together with WAAAGH
The world desperately needs more Budweiser Operators.
>a young orc lad yells something out in Orcish, throws down his weapons, holds his hands high above his head and slowly walks towards you
>he has tears streaming down his face as he kneels down before you, his uniform muddy and torn
>you can't take prisoners
Do you execute the boy or leave him there?
Some reading for you OP.
An example could be
>A neighboring, technically neutral human nation is suspected of turning a blind eye to Orc war bands moving through their territory.
>Due to countermagics scrying cannot be used.
>The team will be inserted into the neutral nation and attempt to find the Orc trails, staging areas and/or supply dumps.
>If captured, your existence will be denied.
>You will be in close proximity to an unknown number of Orc soldiers.
>Due to ranges involved, extraction will be one hour+. Avoid hard contact at all costs. Good luck.
He gets dispatched as quickly and quietly as I can manage and his body disappeared. We then get as far away as we can as quickly as we can, without compromising our stealth, before it is missed and the others come looking.
>extraction will be one hour+
>not just bringing a scroll of teleportation or something similar to take you to a nearby kingdom
Magic let's you be your own extraction team.
That Miia is really cute.
I, for one, welcome our new snek overlords.
if its green it dies
alas, supplies are short and our magick users are doing what they can, sending you into enemy territory with a scroll that'll lead the enemy back here if you're captured is last on our todo list
what we CAN do is conjure up a remote portal for you for extraction, just mark the extraction point with this ancient rune and we'll get a portal up for you within fifteen minutes. DO NOT let the orcs through. if you can't find a safe place then you're on your own.
Scroll of teleportation would still be better as it doesn't require a free mage, is instantaneous, and you can set the exit point to a fortified location allowing you to easily capture or kill any enemies that might have gotten their hands on the scroll.
doesn't mean it makes a better mission
>Elves fight the orcish horde
Yeah, and then they all get raped.
You can get the same results by having a casting time or range to the scroll.
i think its a different feeling
>big elvish military bureaucracy
>no idea when the portals actually coming or if its even coming at all
>meanwhile theres orc searching on all sides of you and you're sure they're closing in
>nothing to do but keep alert and wait
bonus points if theres another team trying to take control of an obelisk so they can even cast the portal spell, and you are uncertain if they succeeded
Thanks OP
Now I have to jack off at tacticool elves failing at stealth and having to service the whole orcish army with their bodies.
>he jacks off to angel corps
Shit taste desu
Please just don't give him (You)'s.
Like Spellcross?
>Fucking the enemy
>Not instantly killing them to minimalize any risks of information leaking out
If you really want to fuck, you can loot their corpses and use that to pay prostitutes. Or you rape civillian prisoners of war, or high profile targets like diplomats, public officials or nobles. Tacticools are the last people you want to fuck. For all they know they've been trained to squirt noxious gasses out of their vaginas to knock you out and make a safe escape.
>recruit treemen forces
I read that as Fremen and now I get this image of a walking treeman talking about how they seek to share each others' sap as part of their alliance compact.
>Damn it, Raidelf, the orcs bought those maidens fair and square, it's legal!
Rules of Nature takes on a whole different meaning when it's about an elf... Or maybe the meaning is just more intense?
>muh tacticool knifeears
>muh tacticool dorfs
>muh tacticool humies
Anons, please.
We all know that the most tacticool of them all are gobbos.
Gobbos are the only race that specifically has to rely on traps and ambushes simply to survive.
Mithril 6: Siege, anyone?
Sorry, using a teleport spell would leave a magical resonance behind, one that can be easily traced back to us. Let me repeat myself, there must be nothing that can point back to us. You will be flown in, and you will be flown out.
What are KOBOLDS then user.
Dragons' slaves?
No, that's kobolds. Goblins don't have a survival strategy, they just breed enough for their numbers to be stable (in the long term) regardless.
On an unrelated note, why is it that Veeky Forums can't stop wanking over the thought of war crimes and genocide lately? It's like a grimderp version of waifufags.
> lately
It's not murder if it's an elf.jpg
>why is it that Veeky Forums can't stop wanking over the thought of war crimes and genocide lately?
Some vocal minority has a couple of very bad days.
Elves with guns are a very awesome thing but so damn rare in fiction. It's a pity.
>being anything other than the fuddiest of fudds
Elves are the types of "people" that wear ghillie suits made from plants that only grow in a specific stand of trees, make their own guns and ammo because they don't trust anything mass-produced, and sneer at telescopic sights because Real Rangers use iron sights and their eyes.
I'm not /k/ enough to know if you actually trying to make this sound uncool.
>that "Frankly" on Ian tier
lost my sides in space
Depends on how you feel about fudds. They're at least competent shots, but they're specialized and stubborn, just like elves.
Goblins are definitely Dindus and orcs are definitely Removers. Gnomes are probably Collectors (although they have size limits), while other races can fit any of the stereotypes. Except Operators. Operators are a race unto themselves.
Wait, elves don't strike me as fudds at all.
I have no clue what the layers are supposed to represent there with the iceburg image. It seems vaguely like 'Knows about guns/smart' but Remover is full of shit that seems likely to wreck yourself with/are kinda pointless' and Fudd likely knows a lot about his preferred guns. Most hunters I know are good with said rifles/pretty good with gun safety.
Can you explain for people who are not very much /k/?
In Veeky Forums terms they're a M:tG Legacy player who shits on Modern players.
Depends on the setting. Elder Scrolls Orcs are very much fudds while Warcraft Goblins are that guy who lost a leg blowing up a car with tannerite.
They're the guys with Gucci AR builds.
Not him, but the top tiers likely represent someone who doesn't know shit about guns and doesn't use them, while the lower tiers represent people who know about guns AND actually use them.
Removers knows all about guns from the practical side, and actively uses them to remove kebab despite lacking resources.
Right. Fudd and Removers feel a bit odd there in that case. Since Fudds know a lot about hunting weapons while most of the Remover stuff is 'Those seem like terrible choices for weapons'
Kobolds are goblins.
Basically, Fudd only uses his guns for hunting and doesn't know how to actually behave in a firefight with people. Meaning, he might have some knowledge about guns, but none of it is actually practical.
He shoots in "perfect" conditions that are never achieved in an actual firefight or battlefield.
It's a joke image from /k/, don't read too much into it. A fudd is someone with a nigh exclusive preference for certain types of older firearms who actively denigrates others for not sharing his tastes. Basically a retro snob.
>Stubborn elves
The haughty and stoic kind of elf is shit. A dwarf is stubborn, an elf will try new things all the time, rarely mastering anything.
>most of the Remover stuff is 'Those seem like terrible choices for weapons'
Remover is basically the guy who knows the basics of gun operation and is capable of producing his own weapons, unlike a lot of other people.
Which reminds me, Ops & Tactics' Field Identification Guide (bestiary) has some fantasy gun users.
>Dragonbreed: Huge, expensive sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and the occasional submachine gun. Can't use anything smaller than Medium weapons (generally submachine guns and carbines) due to their claws.
>Dwarves: Shotguns, battle rifles, and moderately high-powered pistols. Refuse to use anything smaller than full-size rifle and pistol cartridges.
>Elves: Lightweight machine pistols and handguns, usually chambered in 9x19mm (2d6 damage). Take attack penalties when using anything larger than Medium weapons (generally submachine guns and carbines).
>Goblins: Lightweight, cheap crap.
>Kobolds: Surprisingly operator-tier, generally western European stuff.
>Orcs: Large caliber rifles and high-caliber pistols (nothing smaller than .357 Magnum).
>Sslythen snakemen: Always Russian, all the time.
Right. I was reading it mostly as 'Hunters'. That and Removers as well...serial killers/spree shooters. What with all the homemade shit/warcrime weapons.
...wait...elves can't use large guns? Wouldn't that also give them a penalty when trying to actually use a longbow?
They have an exception for bows and slings. High Elves don't even have that; all things considered, they kind of suck in combat.
>Forest Elves can not use Colossal or Gigantic sized weapons, can not use Huge weapons unless prone or kneeling, take a −2 penalty when using all Large sized weapon sand take a −1 penalty when using all Medium sized weapons, unless it is a bow, crossbow, or slingshot.
Of course, this is all in a splatbook. Core Ops & Tactics is humans only.
Right. Still feels like a bit of a pointless thing, when 'Longbow' would easily translate to 'Large rifle' if they wanted to keep a similar feel/theme to normal elves.
Kinda entertaining that basically every elf with gun art in the thread is something they'd have issue with in ops and tactics.
>mfw they think Dawi can't operate
>using a teleport spell would leave a magical resonance behind
Then we'll teleport to another neutral kingdom where the flyboys will be waiting and purchase the scroll from a wizard in that or another neutral kingdom.
I suspect the devs don't like elves that much. On the plus side, Desert Elves get an exception for black powder weapons and get Black Powder Proficiency at 1st level for free.
Dwarves are actually better operators than elves, all things considered. They don't have weapon size restrictions, and cave dwarves have natural low-light vision, so they aren't as dependent on night-vision gear. The main disadvantage is they don't have as many combat points, so they can't take as many actions per turn. Cave dwarves also have light sensitivity, but they can handle that with dark sunglasses.
All things considered, I think the devs tried to balance the fantasy supplement with itself but not with the core book.
>I'm British
>I'm unusual in our society in that I've actually fired a rifle
>This was 16 years ago and I was a cadet
I have no idea what any of this image means
>I suspect the devs don't like elves that much.
Wasn't Ops and Tactics a Veeky Forums invention? If so, I'm not remotely surprised. How would wood elves be without such a restriction on weapons? Too good or just decent?
Removers is a reference to a meme about the Yugoslav Wars.
The accordion player was investigated for war crimes.
Judge for yourself.
>Forest Elves are Medium Sized Creatures. >Forest Elves have a Mental Limit equal to ((6+WIS Mod)×CL) + 15.
>Forest Elves receive the extra feat Archaic Weapon Proficiency(Bows) at 1st level for free. >Forest Elves can not use Colossal or Gigantic sized weapons, can not use Huge weapons unless prone or kneeling, take a −2 penalty when using all Large sized weapon sand take a −1 penalty when using all Medium sized weapons, unless it is a bow, crossbow, or slingshot.
>Forest Elves possess Low Light Vision, allowing them to see twice as far as normal in poor lightning conditions, as well as distinguish colors, even in dim lighting.
>Forest Elves receive the extra feat Athlete at 1st level for free.
>Forest Elves have a base Combat Point Score of 17.
>Forest Elven CHP formula is CON−1.
>Forest Elves have Sidhe as their native language, and receive Trade Bant as a secondary language.
Maybe I'll futz around and make an elf-friendly rifle.
Or just let them trade out that Archaic weapon prof for not caring about weapon sizes. As bows are kinda pointless as a weapon in a modern game.
>Trade Bant
>"Oi, wanka! U mirin' my stash? U be'ah not touch me wares or I'll knock ye on the fookin' gabber, I swer on me mums lyfe m8. Nah, u know I'm takin' the piss, wa'cha buyin'?"
Why are they even in the game, then? Just for them to be shit? Would I be completely fucked if I just want to play a tacticool elf?
Like I said, the fantasy splatbook is balanced for itself, not the core book. I'd probably add a folding stock, a bipod, and a scope to a carbine like the Colt 6920 (civilian) or Colt M4 (military). They can take optics and have 4 tactical rails, and a folding stock reduces the weapon size to Medium when folded. Plus a -1 penalty is peanuts compared to the 5.56x45mm NATO assault rifle's -5 recoil mod, and feats can compensate for those penalties.
If 5.56 NATO has a -5 recoil mod, what do some other cartridges have for recoil mods?
>this threads been up for two days or more
>topic is elves fighting orcs
>op pic like that
>almost zero comments on elf rape
I'm proud of Veeky Forums this weekend
Running this right now for my group except wood elves instead of drow.
Gnomish gyrocopters. Little kids suicode bombing. Hordes of sucidial mooks. Reciving material aid from the chiniese high elves and russian dwarves. Theyre even headed up the river apacolypse now style, with a encounter on the way to capture the city of !not!huey.
Shits cash.
>.38 Special: -1, 2d4+1 damage
>9x19mm Parabellum: -2, 2d6 damage
>.45 ACP: -4, 3d4+2 damage
>5.45x39mm (current Russian intermediate cartidge): -4, 4d4 damage
>12-gauge shotshell: -6, 5d6 damage
>7.62x51mm NATO (current NATO battle rifle cartridge) -6, 5d6 damage
To compensate, Weapon Focus adds a +3 bonus, Favored Caliber adds a +1 with a specific caliber, etc. It really encourages to specialize at higher levels.
Look up Wraith Recon books.