CYOA General

Last Thread Useful info on creation and collections of cyoas.

Can you crop images?

posting again, more criticism is always helpful.

Threads that happened around the same time as the previous one:

Doesn't need to be infinite, just enough, and he has an immense amount of fuel compared the amount needed

What'd you use to make it?

Google docs, I don't have photoshop or gimp.

Dex - 10 (25)
Con - 0 (35)
Power - 18 (15)
Chassis - 5 (20)
Integration -18 (0)

The Seer


I am become one shot Johnny

Select image and choose "wrap text", should get the effect I was talking about in the previous thread (text next to image rather than only below it). Or does it somehow not work?

Huh, thanks user. Its actually working now. Takes a little effort, though. Let me go fix all of them.

I really quite like this one. Feels like it could use a lot more meat in the upgrades section, though. Maybe different categories for different body parts, kinda like the Deus Ex upgrade system. At the very least, allowing two Hardware Upgrades would give room for different combinations to be used. Also I recommend making the text boxes the same size and keeping them lined up but that's just to make it prettier, You've done a good job with what I'm assuming is paint.

As it is now it's a bit too narrow for any of my build ideas to really feel complete. Stuff like mixing Organic Machine and Computerized would be really cool.

The energy needed to exceed Earth's gravity well is sort of a big deal. Your peehole isn't designed to funnel the full force of an explosion into efficient propulsion.

Not in this context, this scenario has the dude with many orders of magnitude more energy than needed

Might want to explicitly state in the intro text whether you get to become immortal or not (and if you do, what limits said immortality has by default - i.e. before taking into account any of the actives and passives).

bump because I like these threads.

An inefficient and poorly directed conversion means that it isn't enough. The various nuclear detonations weren't enough to blow air out of earth's orbit, much less mass equaling a human body.


Hestia and Demeter, easiest choice I ever made.

I like you, user!

finished version is supposed to come out today

>88 dubs
Only one choice.
Heil Bellark!

>Miss Rollop
If it pays enough to live off of I'll be fine

Some OC for you~

Gamer Bro.
I'm not gay, so I gotta git gud

This will be perfect for that one gay guy on /d/ who was disappointed in Incubus. I'll repost it there.

text has been wrapped, immortality asserted.

I immediately swap colleges for one with less homos on the room-sharing list.

Have you made any non-homo CYOAs?

Tfw no Tribal Island Pirate CYOA


I'll stud for Edda, no problem. Glad the CYOA stipulates that the dates will be lovely.

No it doesn't. Seriously, explain your reasoning. We have at least a million the times energy reqired. Some inefficiency is irrelevant here.

That trap, mmm....


I'd choose trap if bjs were a thing, but i'd probably choose Gamer-bro

I'm going to need a source for that, broski.

>Typical Fantasy


>Love Interest

>all these people arguing about pissing explosions
>the only reason I even made that CYOA was a particularly troublesome dump and option 1 was thrown in for the lulz

Demeter and Aphrodite. Plant people both as my garden and for keeping Aphrodite's favor while still being able to NEET it up. Probably also try something like plant-grown replacements for any and all groceries.


>I'd choose trap if bjs were a thing
They are if you're okay with always being the one getting blown, judging by what's written in the CYOA.

You've created something with the highest powerlevel I've ever seen. Bravo.




Space Opera
Themes of Adventure and Talent.
Bonuses: Fellowship, Love Interest, Weapon.

My willpower is pretty much crap already (I guess 3), so I'll just nab the Elixir of Wealth and call it a build.

That's not what power level means

>We have at least a million the times energy reqired.
Would be interesting to walk through your reasoning for that.

Anyway, unless you reach an amount of energy per squirt that will push you into space no matter which way you point (including through the earth), then your ability to aim the propulsion and maintain yaw and pitch does in fact affect your ability to leave earth. If user's body is even a little bit assymetrical, a great deal of the energy will be converted into centripetal (spinning) force.

In other words, a rocket may have enough propulsion energy to escape my back yard, but if it spins in circles or points into the ground and gets stuck, that won't matter.

Billy, Cobra and Red. A very classy team.
A /pol/ would be Hans, Adam, and Robodoggo or Ika if he is a honorary aryan.

It's not on the level of reasoning, it's just pointing out facts.

And no, even if the first ten times he slams into the earth, he'll be making a lot more tries than that. Remember, this is a guy that's constantly point blank to an explosion on a megaton level. The acceleration is such that he'd make hundreds of tries in those fifteen seconds or so.

I would like to send a formal complain....about Zeus Not having his greatest and most unique power of being able to impregnate anything and anyone regardless of biology

I wanted to do something along those lines but I didn't want to super infringe upon stuff to use for Aphrodite.

Facts are established through a mixture of empirical perception and reasoning.

I'm pretty sure most human beings wouldn't be able to maintain a steady stream at those accelerations.

Strange land
Remembrance and adventure
compendium, transport and fellowship

To what extent is the lesser version of the three aspects in Athena's perk? Can you still travel the universe with the speed part?

The fact comes from simple delta v user.

And the entire basis of this discussion depends on us already moving past your second comment. I don't think you're actually putting any effort into this.

Are you a homophobe?

Are you a homophone?

Look at Aphrodite: " Husband to
Hephaestus" HusbandBut she cant get impregnate like Zues Impregnate thing. The guy impregnation power is legendary. He impregnate a tree, A TREE!


>Safari-tan is a just an icon of the browser


You're considering interruption of stream "harm"? Seems extreme.

As for the reaction energy, you haven't even specified what sort of antimatter we're using. Normal range starts at something like 800mL and ends at 2000mL. Enough to cause an explosion to rival nuclear if it were reacting all at once, certainly (though it isn't in this case).

"Hundreds of tries" implies that user is aiming at all, at those speeds.

Firefox-Tan, no contest.
I feel like a traitor for using chrome now

Did the original author switch the pictures?

No, but since no harm can come to him resulting from the pissong, it seems reasonable that interrupting it can't happen either.

It doesn't matter what kind of antimatter it is, all that matters is that at point blank range a megaton level eruption is happening. And no, go calculate it, it definitely does rival proper nuclear weaponry no matter how you turn it, even on a milisecond basis.

And when I said tries I dindn't mean tp imply conscious aiming. It wouldn't be necessary.

Between Chrome-tan and Opera-tan, with Firefox getting an honourable mention. In the end I guess I'd pick Chrome-tan, seeing as her setup intrigues me more.

If you're going to be this lazy, there's nothing to discuss.

I am less lazy than you. At least I gave you firm facts. All you're doing is being vage.

To an extent, yes. I'll tentatively say going from exceeding light speed to capping out at light speed, with the fastest you can casually go being around ~60% the speed of light.

>Dex: 1 (34)
>Con: 18 (14)
>Integ: 16 (2)
>Pow: 16 (-10)
>Chas: 0 (0)

>Eyes: The Seer
I don't need burning sight, I am killy enough without it. And the seer lets me shoot down fighter jets.

>Hardware: The Brute
I am an apocalypse that walks like a man. But only walks like a man.

Somebody really should make one of these for the Console-tans.

Yeah. If only someboey wanted such a thing. Too bad.

>A shitton of CYOAs made for straight men/lesbians.
>Complains about one of the few ones not made for their taste instead of just ignoring them.

>Nintendo-tan: Always trying new things, but she is bad about sticking with things even if she has fun with them
>Playstation-tan: She hit it big in High School, but she has been mostly coasting on her popularity since. Sometimes she is inspired, but she largely just lounges through life
>XBox-tan: She was the Beta Bitch to Playstation's Alpha in High School, and it kind of messed her up. While she is popular herself, she is obsessed with knowing everything about people.
>3DS-tan: Was made fun of a lot, but turned out to be very successful after High School and has done well for herself. She will always lose her pens though
>Gameboy-tan: Kind of a Christmas Cake, but she was the hot bitch during her heyday. Still very fun, and will show you how people used to have fun
>PSP-tan: She killed herself, it took us two years to notice

Shit I meant instead of

Going with Apollo and Aphrodite

Walk the Earth, heal, slut it up.

That power to inspire Lust in literally anything is going to take some thinking about, though

Don't forget neogeo and mobile phone-tans!

>mobile phone-tan

user jailbait isn't allowed.



>Lucky charm

>PSP-tan: She killed herself, it took us two years to notice
Kek'd so fucking hard.

This could be a nice start.
Perhaps it would be best as a multiparter generational thing.
So rather than have Gameboy-tan next to 3DS-tan they would be in separate pages/CYOAs along with the other tans of their generation. So GameBoy-tan would be with NES-tan, Master System-Tan, Game Gear-tan, Lynx-tan etc. and none of them would be classified as Christmas cakes.

Are there any more monstergirl cyoas?

Ah, I'm so undecided.
Aphrodite is OP and fun, so I'm picking her.

But who will be the other? Apollo or Athena?

I'll pick Apollo. Let's me lead a more chill life.

Oh sweet summer child...



Kung Fu Elvis
NOT Bond (tm)
Shadowrun Hacker bro

Banker Bastard lieutenant

Use Kara and NOT Bond to get hacker bro any extra access he needs to ruin Banker man. Acquire Cybernetic reward. Watch as cybernetic kung fu Elvis kicks lord infinibitch's ass.

You know, I have no idea why chrome decided it doesnt want to open pdfs or whatever. At least not from this site. works just fine on firefox.

I'd probably go with Aphrodite and Demeter. I dont really need the laser but the healing sounds good. With Aphrodite it sounds like I can actually propogate life into other planets? Hell, if I become popular (pretty) enough, I could probably convince the public to invest more into terraforming other planets and getting colonies there. The major concern of food can be solved by Demeter's powers as well to make very resistant strains of life that can survive a harsh terraformed planet. To get to the point where I'm that popular I'll probably go the Saint/Engineer route. Help reforestation, create breeds to fast growing trees for building material, make plants that filter pollution super effectively, create super medicines and bio fuels, give food and orchards to areas with low food, etc.

Must be trying to mask his inner gay

I wasn't complaining; I was interested in the author's other works.

The explosive collar means nothing to the immortal

Soo, I made you a template and then realized that if you've never used PS you'd have issues with even just an image file...So I dumped the pdf into the template and here it is.


The Incubus cyoa was really lewd and gay.

There's way too strong a downside to just about everything here. The best "build" is to take nothing at all.

>drow loli (2200 left to spend)
I'm adopting her as my daughter. She's cute
>Lamia cook (1800)
Seems like she'd make a great companion, and maybe even waifu
>Orphan twins (1300)
Adopting them as well. They can play together with my drowghter and possibly go on to be legendary adventuring trio
>Elfbro (800)
bromeo, oh bromeo, I love you, no homeo
>Spidergirl (500)
Adorable! big is she? Human size? Shoulder ornament? Eh, she's cute no matter what
>bridal gown (spun)
for lamiawaifu, of course
>normal clothesx3 (425)
for my kids. They'll outgrow them so I don't want to spend /too/ much
>Fine clothes (350)
for all the days I'm not getting married
>leather armor (275)
for me. I assume spooder makes her own clothes... if she even wears any at all
>spellbook (175)
would be good for my adopted mage
I have a feeling the elf will make good use of this

Huh... still have 100 left... Guess I'll go back and buy that cat because why not and use the other 50 gold to jumpstart my inn!

What happens if you lose a god's favor? Do you lose all of the powers? Can you regain their favor?

guy making servant cyoa, do you want the writing to be more serious, or jokey/slightly meta i.e"we have to get new servants because the sabers are on strike and Gilgamesh is wearing our budget"

Well, we've already got two serious ones, and posting another one is gonna get all the anti-saberposters throwing fits again, so why not try something a little more lighthearted?

>>Master science
>>Create Iron Man armors light sabers force fields etc for personal protection
>>Prepare to send humanity into
>>Space Opera with the Greek Gods

Start with 5 (being veeeeery generous)
Binding summon, I'll need a servant to take care of me in my lazy future.
Elixer of Form
Elixer of Peace
Draught of Rest
Steal Release Will
End with 1 Will, eternal life (without looking 15), damage immunity and a servant to do all the things for me.

still, the costs in this cyoa are a bit high, no? Looking at you, elixer of form.