Who's the worst primarch, and why is it Jaghati Khan?
Who's the worst primarch, and why is it Jaghati Khan?
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We covered this already, user. Worst Primarch is Magnus "the Fagnus". Whose only notable accomplishment has been ruining everything the Emperor planned on Tzeentch's behalf before being repeatedly BTFO by Space Yiffs and Spiritual Liege.
Jaghati "Kamen Rider" Khan was pretty damn cool, my man.
That's not how you spell Lorgar.
God those were great threads
What the hell did the Khan ever do to warrant the title of worst Primarch?
You can't be worst with a mustache like that.
Absolutely nothing, which is why he is the worst.
At least GW was cool enough to release footage of Jaghati during the siege of Terra.
Just as absolutely nothing. All the Primarchs and their legions are important to the HH to some degree and to shaping 40k in general. Khan and the Scars are kinda just there.
Magnus and Alpharius are pretty worthless
Are those boots approved astartes armour?
>Played a critical role in the Ullanor Campaign alongside the Ultramarines
>Was level-headed on the use of psychic powers; neither "PSYKERS GET OUT REEEEEE" like Mortarian or "Sure let's consort with daemons, what could go wrong?" like Magnus
>He and his Legion fought at the Siege of Terra, leading a counter-attack that split the traitor forces in half and limited their flow of reinforcements and supplies
Sure he wasn't a gloryboy like some other Primarchs, but unlike those self-same Primarchs, he and the White Scars were actually present at the most important battle of the HH: The Siege of Terra. He also didn't actively fuck up like Lorgar, Magnus, Perturbo, or Angron. So I really don't see how the Khan can be considered the worst of the lot.
Chris-Chanarch, which is why his Legion was erased utterly from Imperial memory.
>can't even conquer his own homeworld
>takes his daddy issues with the Emps out on his own legion
>is otherwise oblivious/apathetic to the fate of his legionaries
I think Russ is the only Primacrch who didn't flat out hate or murder any of his legion.
What about Dorn and Gulliman, or are you counting Gulliman's treatment of the Ultramarines that weren't involved in the Calth betrayal?
Fulgrim did nothing wrong
Gulliman broke an Ultramarine's neck
That ain't how you spell Lion' El'Johnson.
The terminator that was trapped in the wall due to a teleportation error?
Does it really count if it's a mercy kill?
Murder is murder
So much this
>mercy kill is murder
Well we know who it isn't. And that's the objectively best Primarch who literally never did anything wrong.
That image tho
>gave no fuks for Imperium
> was on Terra when it counted
>actually did some damage to traitors before SoT, before it took might of two legions to destroy him, and they failed.
>left SW to AL legion becayse fuck Russ.
So yeah, Im thinking hes one of best of them
This... or maybe perturabo
>not Horus
Horus is, any way you look at it, the worst.
He's just a passing through Primarch
Man, I thought Khan was the one primarch everyone liked or respected.
He rode a fucking hover rhino at 300km per hour like a badass mutherfucker, with this music playing in the background
Khan is the best primarch,
he likes to go fast.
Ferrus Manus since he pretty much did nothing but diying.
Also White Scars HH books are the comfiest ones.
>tfw you will never ride a grav bike through a pearly white desert planet slaying orks with your bros.
Why even live.
>peeing on the lightbulb
it will explode
>Not Lorgar, the massive sperg who has an existential crisis if he doesn't have a higher power to kiss up to
Except he still doesn't actually do anything, he's boring as shit.
The white scars may have been in important places but they didn't do notable things, let's look at the examples you gave:
>played a critical role in Ullanor alongside the Ultramarines
who gives a fuck? What did they do that was so important aside from this footnote tier "critical role" description.
>was levelheaded on the use of psychic powers
wow gee just like 80% of the other Primarchs
>fought at the siege of terra, limiting traitor reinforcements and supplies
let's note this one down for the history books, I'll put it right next to that time where Sanguinius broke the favoured of khorne over his knee, shall I?
>He also didn't actively fuck up like Lorgar, Magnus, Perturbo, or Angron.
This is exactly what makes those characters so interesting, The Khan is bad because he's boring, he and his legion are average in literally everything they do and that's not interesting, "best at X" and "worst at X" are far better than "was okay at X"