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If you could redo one book, which one would it be and what it be about now?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>If you could redo one book, which one would it be and what it be about now?
Beast, and make it into anything other Otherkin: The Tween Revenge Power Fantasy.
>If you could redo one book, which one would it be and what it be about now?
Mage 2nd edition. First the color scheme, it just looks like any other Blue book instead of mage. I know Cheedar yellow and light blue was awful and difficult to read but maybe other combination of colors would have been better than just the blue book color theme.
And the art, its too similar to M20. I miss Kaluta and his art made me come back constantly to the wretched mess that was 1st edition....though i could do with no unicycles.
Could a mage erect a constant kinetic shield around himself to prevent surprise Celerity attacks?
If so, would it work for both oWoD and nWoD?
Are there any other defenses for speed-blitzing enemies that I should know about?
I'm (relatively) new at Mage and would very much appreciate some responses.
Are you regularly facing vampires with celerity?
It won't prevent it but it would force a clash as he tried to chomp down on you since vampire fangs are most certainly supernatural.
I would rule that he could still grapple you unless you set the terms of the spell to block absolutely all outside kinetic energy but that may be giving a monkey's paw to your GM.
Space or Time are better at preventing grapples imo.
>It won't prevent it
Except it would. Kinetic energy is just that.
The vampire wouldn't even be able to get close to the mage with that shield up 24/7.
>it would force a clash
That's not how Clash of Wills works.
>Space or Time
Space and Correspondence would be good alternatives, especially the later if we're going by Ward rules.
But who even plays Ascension?
I was going by the guidelines in creative thaumaturgy which stay something along the lines of shielding spells protect against a number of supernatural attacks equal to potency and the attack must win a clash of wills to take effect.
>But who even plays Ascension?
Judging by these threads, lots of people.
But Shhhh... Shhhh... Now that Dad is home you're sanitized, watered down version of the game will wither on the vine.
We went through it. It's not so bad. Maybe in 2025, you'll even get a revival edition!
You don't automatically Clash a Shielding spell.
You would first need to properly contest it with something directly opposed to it.
>Wards and whatnot
oWoD Wards are very similar to hung/held spells, especially when applied to the mage.
They're quite powerful and can usually guarantee you a long ass streak of wins in white-room scenarios, as long as you prepare beforehand.
Speed kills are only a problem if you don't see it coming.
>If you could redo one book, which one would it be and what it be about now?
fucking geist
Celerity can't interrupt Reflexive actions. Don't Mages have a ton of ways to cast reflexively?
Sort of? Not many example spells have a reflexive option and there isn't any real guidelines for reflexive spell casting. However with hung spells and conditional durations you can get the same end result.
At least Geists had a semi unique concept in that its a lamer version of Demon the Descent.
Prometheans are lamer werewolves mechanically. No one wants to be a Promethean.
That guy who wrote the frankenstein strength power that doubles your strength for a single round, but you can't throw anything or attack, he ruined the book.
Just layer an inhospitable place ontop of your own with correspondence. No assless chapped fanger is going to be nipping you when the floor is shared with the surface of the sun or crushed by the Mariana's Trench.
Are vampire teeth worth anything?
>Stake vamp with called arrow to the heart, got five successes
>Vamp player is screaming wtf
>Knock out his teeth with a rock
>Drag him around on a litter for the rest of the session and drop him at the first sign of danger
Good times.
The bigger question is why would the mage even need to cast reflexively to beat a whole Cotorie of Celerity abusing vampires?
Contingencies always beat speed, and mages are artisans when it comes to gimping encounters in their favor.
Came for the skin, stayed for the black block beats.
Why did you kill him?
Christ, seems we can't have a single thread without all these "MY SPLAT IS BEST!" autists.
Moving on.
Post awesome WoD art!
Toreador: they might be foppish, but darn if they're not pretty!
Lasombra: dark and sinister, yet undeniably appealing!
Why would one pick Requiem over Masquerade or Masquerade over Requiem?
That's gorgeous.
Wizards always have the coolest artwork.
I find the Toreador to be pretty interesting on the whole: the whole "seeking to capture some essence of art and beauty, but never truly succeeding" theme does lend itself well to a game about slowly losing touch with your humanity.
>Masquerade over Requiem
Pick Masquerade if you want to suck Caine's big juicy penis.
>Requiem over Masquerade
Pick Requiem is you want spooky scary owls to touch your bum.
Gotta love this guy's style; very clean and stylish, yet capturing expressions perfectly.
Ghouls have it tough; either they get fucked over by their master's cruelty, lack of care, obsessive personality, or just plain sacrificed as a pawn on their master's century-old chessboard.
These threads are fucking dead
Tremere blood magic: always cool to see more art of that.
I really like the shadows and the blood in this pic, and how they interact with each other: it makes for a really depressing and somber mood.
But true magick is just so much cooler.
Can werewolves eat chocolate?
>Using Awakening art
Why don't you share some of Ascenion's art, user?
Masquerade artwork > Requiem artwork
>Paint me like one of your French vamps.
>Not "Paint me like one of your dead girls"
Nigga, please.
excuse me, but i am a poorfag and i need a Ready to made characters, is posibly you have a pdf link.
No they would die if they did that.
Lycanthropes metabolize theobromine faster then humans, but should not eat chocolate because it's a treat and they have been Very Naughty.
what is the sause of this image
Kinda sails past "Vampire Artist" and ends up at "Vampire Artist trying WAY too hard".
I think this girl has been dead for a month and ordered that skull online. She isn't even aware of how bad a paint substitute blood is.
Yeah, but it can't compare to the original.
She's a vampire hipster.
>Why don't you share some of Ascension's art, user?
Nah, I will continue to post the exquisite art of Awakening.
>Kassandra Leigh Puacell, Critical Hit
I'd pick Masquerade if I liked the classic feeling and sources like VtM: Bloodlines. It's also got a solid bit of warm memories because of high school, but that last one is just for me.
I'd say Requium has some interesting new ideas and, with tweaks, runs just a bit smoother. I like the idea of a setting without a big metaplot or a world war between two factions.
Either can be a lot of fun.
Who do I believe?
It's not poisons to them.
They just can't have any until they stop leaving a mess everywhere.
Whats the best path and shadow name for a teen surfer girl?
Either Acanthus or Thyrsus, and probably something insipid that overly simplifies them and defines them by their mundane lifestyle rather than their Magic.
Thyrsus is the obvious choice. Water association, good fit for the young and healthy and wild.
Haliae? Nymph of sea and seashore. Greek magic name, there's dozens of other options there. Siren or Nymph are likely too on the nose, unless she is the sort to go for a name with all the subility of a brick to the face.
how would a Thyrsus control the waves though?
By learning a few dots of Matter.. .. .. ?
Okay won't feed werewolf chocolate. If it was poison I could just use life magic to fix it
Spirit 1 should do the trick.
what spirit spell?
A surfer, more then anyone else, would understand that commanding the waves is for arrogant fools. Adapting to and taking the best of every wave that comes instead.
Nigga please.
Requiem's rules and Disciplines are designed and while it is metaplot neutral it does have a several history supplement books. In my opinion only having two big factions in Masquerade is silly. Finaly the metaplot is 90s as fuck, which admittedly can be a lot of fun if that's your cup of tea.
Masquerade also has fat goth chicks getting soaked just by thinking about Caine's massive penis.
Coaxing the Spirits.
Tell the slumbering potential Spirit of the Beach to act in accordance with its nature, and create you some Waves.
So what is a good Legacy for surfer Thyrsus-chan?
That's reduclous.
Caine is barely a character in VTM. He's a mythic figure that doesn't get stats or show up in a game.
The chubby goths are all heated up thinking of their Toredore getting caught by a werewolf and fucked until they are a aching mess soaked in cum before being thrown out and told the same thing will happen every time they trespass in Shadow Lord turf.
Then they have to make a walk of shame back to their haven carrying their shoes so they can get home before dawn.
look at this faggot
Tamers of Rivers.
Mage is a boring game with no real antagonists or threats except other mages. Hubris isn't a theme or danger, if you always have enough power to deal with any consequences.
>magefag is best
>werefag is best
Nigga please
Reminder that both Ascension and Awakening are the best things to ever happen to the World of Darkness.
Aaaaaaand everyone goes quiet as soon as a magefag strolls into town.
You guys are fucking pussies.
>changelingfag in the wild
They do exist
Any faggots here who play High Wisdom Mages with increasing Wisdom as an Obsession?
That seems incredibly paradoxical.
And isn't doing paradoxical things how you commit yourself to the Abyss' anti-Watchtowers?
Once you're Gnosis 3, it's actually a really, really smart move.
Being Wise is as simple as saying to the GM you're not going to take a course of action you previously would have, and getting a Beat for it.
You don't even have to spend those Arcane Beats on Wisdom, you can just spend them on something else.
Being Wise is universally applicable and can be performed in many, many situations. Other Obsessions frequently aren't and can't.
DaveB Supremacy has reached Google.
That is all.
What drugs do you think the writers were on to choose that artwork to represent the silver ladder?
Is that better or worse than the Free Council leather and chaps gay pride parade art in Mage 2e?
Remember, gays apparently are both magical and fabulous.
>Chaps Supremacy
They don't look like the stereotypical homosexual
Only the flags give them away, or else I'd think it a post apocalyptic America.
What does this even mean?
Probably some strange substances from the mythical land of Brazil.
>They don't look like the stereotypical homosexual
It looks like a scene straight out of a pride parade from San Francisco or New York.
The Mage 2e Order art sucked except for the Mysterium and Seers of the Throne.
I rather liked the artwork for the Adamantine Arrow.
Looks like a small but highly dangerous Cabal of Masters getting ready to fuck up some other supernaturals.
Hopefully vampires.
>I rather liked the artwork for the Adamantine Arrow.
Since when did King Tut, Ming the Merciless and jawas on steroids join the Adamantine Arrow.
The scene looks like rejected Stars Wars concept art.
>"We will KILL the Batman!"
Yeah, it's weird.
That's probably why I like it so much. King Tut's smug face just makes me like it even more.
I thought that mages were magical Batmen?
>We will KILL the Batman!"
Riddle me this, who chose that piece for the AA?
Hail Ming!...errr... Down with the Seers!
>Since when did King Tut, Ming the Merciless and jawas on steroids join the Adamantine Arrow.
They obviously have the Cabal Theme Merit of b-list Hollywood characters and take their Shadow Names very seriously.
The Invisible Man is also part of the cabal, you just can't see him...
I like this.
Names of Wind Dieties or Beings that would be good Shadow name for Windy Obrimos?
If there by chance happens to be four members, why not name them after the four winds?
Unless you have more than that, in which case I'm too lazy to be of any sufficient help.
Looks like the guy who is criticizing Mage last thread is noe in OPP forums
>Names of Wind Dieties or Beings that would be good Shadow name for Windy Obrimos?
Are you looking for more of a Biblical/angelic or pagan/mythological theme for your Obrimos?