Have you ever used commies as villains in a game you ran? How did it go? They seem like natural badguys to me.
Have you ever used commies as villains in a game you ran? How did it go? They seem like natural badguys to me
aggressive sage
Commie spotted.
Fuck off, Commie.
No, because I've never set a game in the real world.
I am, however, about to set a game in the Underdark, and my drow are going to be based off of North Korea.
North Korea is full of dirty, soulless commies. Slay them with prejudice!
Stop applying 20th century ideologies to your medieval/renaissance settings, especially the ones that are completely based on the industrial revolution.
No. I'll put what's cool in my games, not what makes sense.
Better Blacked than Red, you mean
Hm, that's a good question. I actually did have an interesting game that ran so long it progressed from classic pirate era to nineteenth century. And I know that it's a little anachronistic but I included proto-communists as a faction that arose as a response to the Price Revolution of that period.
I wouldn't say they were outright villains or allies but things were complicated because one of the original cast members (dead by this point) had an adoptive daughter who went on to be a major player in this movement, so they were kind of in an awkward spot. Think, "frenemies". Most of the time they cooperated but there was sort of a party-wide acknowledgement that they were probably pretty bad for the world.
Granted, the party originally consisted of pirates, notably including a cannibal, pedophile, nymphomanic black widow, necrophile, and gun-slinging serial killer (all different characters). By this point in the campaign all those characters (except the serial killer) were all dead but most of them had children who went on to be the new party members after a time skip. I guess what I'm trying to communicate is "these aren't necessarily very moral characters in the first place, so communists are kind of small fries".
Communists make great enemies for the corporations to sic shadowrunners on in SR.
Why don't use Jacobins or Protestants instead?
>muh brane...it's STRAINED
Should commies be dwarves? Who else got industry in fantasy settings?
In my setting? Gnomes, humans, and kobolds. Dwarves are actually late to the industry thing. They're skilled craftsmen, but extremely slow to innovate or accept new ideas. Gnomes and humans, meanwhile, accept new ideas easily, with humans additionally often innovating simply for the sake of it rather than out of necessity (all those human inventors sitting at home thinking up new shit).
Dwarves are roughly analogous to Tsarist Russia in my setting. Right down to not wanting to cut their beards.
Yeah, I've played against Tau armies before...
Dwarves don't make sense as industrialists because they value artisans. For dwarves, the individual who created the item and its craftsmanship are important.
The causes of communism were when artisans stopped being valued. Novices (or later machines) worked side by side each producing one step of the process in what we call an "assembly line". None had to be a master of the whole process, just passable at their one individual tiny part of the end result. Because there is no value on the worker (they're all just replaceable novices/machines), the money goes to the one who has hired all the workers (or bought the machines) -- the capitalist.
It would have to be a culture that does NOT value artisans. I would suggest maybe a traditionally communal culture like Orcs where the individual is subsumed by the whole.
Both capitalists and commies have plenty of potential to make good fictional villains. Really, any ideology brought to its most extreme and/or corrupt place can make a great villain, because ultimately ideologies are held by humans (and human-like sapients), and humans sometimes are awful.
This is a strange question, citizen. Commies are the natural villains in all Alpha-complex authorized games.
Very odd as well, as this request also is beyond your security clearance, Citizen. Have you recently made use of a confession/self-incrimination booth lately?
Please keep your creepy humiliation and cuckholding fetishes OFF Veeky Forums. Take it to /d/ or some shit.
What inherently poisonous ideologies would make more sense than communism in a fantasy setting? Magic is literally the only way communism could ever possibly work.
Should've gutted the girl and burned the proto-libs in their nests, desu, but it sounds like you encouraged a party of disgusting people. Like, you zoomed past morally questionable and regular evil and straight into "gross edgelord" territory.
The computer is a commie. There, I said it
It was an arching campaign unlike any other. It's not the kind of thing I would recommend to anyone who doesn't have a lot of mature players who can handle serious topics well.
Probably my favorite, too, looking back. It's funny, by the time it ended the cast were
>A genius young artist who fled her home
>A mom out to save her kids
>An inquisitor to genuinely wants to do what's best for the people and to make lives better
>A child astronomer with unrealistic dreams of reaching the stars
>The same original serial killer (reformed)
>A package courier seeking closure, haunted by her family's dark history
I bet you didn't see that coming. I think it says something about writers and roleplayers, how we always need that narrative arc and change. So if you start edgelord, the natural route is redemption.
Kys yourself
Is this real? I want it.
Mods, please use me as a focus so you can nuke this topic from orbit. We don't need this cancer here on Veeky Forums
getting stuff for free is COMMUNISM
There's nothing wrong with them except for the cuckish Paul Ryan version that view themselves as global citizens and think "free trade" means "let's hire illegals for half what we'd pay an American worker because they have no choice but to accept serfdom."
> a lot of mature players who can handle serious topics well.
Why is this always code for "someone played a pedophile in my game and I let it happen"?
>t. a filthy Berkley commie
What's wrong with using as a template for the baddies an ideology that killed more people than fascism ever did and was frequently coupled with erasing an entire country's history? There's a lot of narrative meat there to use. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't understand your objection if it's not ideological.
No, but I had a cleric order that worshiped the lawful good goddess of altruism, equality, and light that was practically an ascetic commune. Where practitioners pooled their resources and prayed to the goddess to decide how they would allocate them, and gave freely to lawful good adventurers who visited their dwelling place.
Was practically an anarcho-communist theocracy. Closest thing I've had to commies, I guess.
Sounds like SOMEONE got cucked out of a job and took it personally.
Quick terminology tip for you, equality is a bad word in those circles now, they say equity, meaning preferred groups get more because they're "disadvantaged" to produce "real equality". It's just how they work. When there are no more aggressions, scream about microaggressions. When there is equality, demand equity. Always be a victim.
Also, someone should have purged that den of evil. Can't bribe justice, fuckers.
>not understanding that the logical end of AnCap are child slave labor
I'm working on a vaguely western post-apocalypse setting and one of the big factions is an organized soviet-esque state. While they're not really the villains of the setting, they're not exactly friendly with the PC's (members of a minor merc outfit operating on the frontier) either.
I've always thought of the Star Wars Empire as a conformity-demanding globalist regime similar to what Communist Dictatorship aspires to be.
None of these ideologies make any sense in a fantasy world.
Because none of these ideologies make sense in a pre-industrial setting. What elements of communism are you going to repurpose as a template for baddies that aren't going to be the exact same elements fascism has?
Also >tfw replying to bait in a bait thread
Even the ponyfuckers stick to their containment board. God, if you exist, I beg you to kill all these fucking people.
The Empire is also ruthlessly competitive and dedicated to weeding out weakness in its troops, as evidenced by things like the TIE fighters' lack of life-support systems and armor.
This thread is the reason they don't let pregnant women compete in thermometer-eating contests anymore.
I mean arguably the classic egalitarian peasants revolt could be portrayed as a kind of communist uprising, if you want to take the edgy route over the ideologist one.