Funhammer soon edition
Thoughts on the current meta?
Prediction for the 13th?
Current Modern Metagame
Funhammer soon edition
Thoughts on the current meta?
Prediction for the 13th?
Current Modern Metagame
Other urls found in this thread:
When are the ban announcements? I can't assume its not changing
Death's Shadow. Loving it
The one guy at my LGS who also plays Jund. He's extremely obnoxious and I always get paired against him every night
>Thoughts on the current meta?
Pretty satisfied, but mostly because I have the best deck. Hope they do some unbans soon.
Grixis Control / Delver / Midrange
Nothing Much.
The meta seems healthy all things considered.
Should I buy a playset of Tarmogoyfs to complete Death's Shadow Jund or will something get the axe?
TitanShift and various jank
Nothing, I guess. My meta isn't full of jerkoffs
Spellweaver Helix and various other jank. Gonna try that Mindshrieker/Slumbering Tora self-mill deck the other user was talking about
>Thoughts on the current meta?
Seems fine. I haven't been playing very long though
If you have the rest of DS Jund built go for it. If wotc does kill the deck, you'll have most of regular Jund built.
Plus, you can throw goyf in just about anything you want.
Nothing will be banned/unbanned. That said a set of Goyfs will never hurt.
Someone posted this last thread and I'm trying to figure out how the fuck it works because it looks weirdly fun
So I'm building a new deck with mm17 coming out and I have ~1200 How much do you guys think I might be able to get into Jund or at the very least the Death's shadow jund? I'm already picking some stuff up that didn't get reprinted now but I just wanted some outside input on the matter.
Wait until the 13th. Just to be safe.
I'm not getting anything that's going to be banned just some staples that I don't have and I'm waiting for mm17 to affect the prices. In case that wasn't clarified.
You know in most threads I'd feel debilitately guilty of even thinking of shitposting, but here I feel like shitposting so blatantly in these threads is just the natural course of things.
Like this post is only moderately worse than the average post in these threads. Amazing.
I don't think DS is going to go down to 1200 with MM reprints.
Wow. Great fucking post. Thanks for coming out
It's already around 1200 right now from the pricing I've looked at. So you're telling me that mm won't affect it at all even though the deck has of cards getting reprinted?
>do school assignment worth 20% of grade, print it out and try to hand it in on Thursday when it's due
>teacher won't take it, says to submit it online
>a few hours pass, go to friends place to get drunk and play magic
>all I do is shitpost, drink, and go to modern events for the next 3 days
>only just remembered to hand in assignment
>mfw I'm already dangerously close to flunking the class
Why am I like this, Veeky Forums?
Also, what's the general consensus on MM17? Me and my friends are considering purchasing a box for $216, is it worth it?
Thanks, you made it all worth it.
What's the most stylin' deck in Modern right now? I'm A-OK with jank, and even with losing more than I win, but hoo boy I want those wins to be awe-inspiring. What should I build?
definitely you would be able to get all of death shadow. maybe all of jund too. depends on how hard the prices fall. wait 2-3 months for prices to be very low.
Death's Shadow. You'll steamroll everyone in front of you and get some salt when you do shit like swinging one creature for more than 20 with trample.
What is the correct time to pick up 2 Verdant Catacombs?
theres a lot of shit and ways to play around various forms of hate but basically
>dig for a spellweaver
>dredge loam and retrace spells and a warp/worldfire (occasionally jab/brutality will do the trick)
>control board as possible/necessary
>win by exiling flame jab/conflagrate and worldfire
>alternatively use loam or a retrace spell with warp until you can win with whatever
lots of nuances and alternative lines of play with the deck, and the list isnt set in stone, but that's the gist. what it lacks in strict competition it makes up for in being interesting and difficult and fun to play. ive got it mostly in paper but I dont have modern where i live so I cant report stats.
i also posted an old list which emphasized the combo and ran glimpses on yourself and SSGs but i figured it was a bit too memey so i refocused it and im pretty happy with this
people also get pretty pissed off because I memed it for like 3 threads in a row about 8 months ago and some of us never leave this place so expect a little hate
>giving wotc your sweaty shekels like a good goyim
unless you're planning on drafting don't
>isochron scepter
>telling time
yeah this dude was super durdly and shitty before anyone calls it out idk what he was thinking
I am 100% buying 1 box and splitting a second with a friend and there's LITERALLY nothing you can do to stop me
We'll probably due sealed - one of the guys going in on the box is an autist who refused to do draft.
When the next set is released.
Whens the best time after the MM7 release to acquire my singles wishlist? I want to get some of the usual suspects; Verdant Catacombs, Goblin Guides, some Blood moons, maybe a Lilly or two for my crappy 8rack deck.
Considering its an unlimited run, would waiting a few month or so going to be the sweet spot for price drops?
it's not unlimited user, however it's more than mm15 though
sealed seems solid, but try to jew wotc as much you can
anyone tried lists with titi, yahenni's expertise, visions and snappy? seems like it could work
Try it out. I'm interested.
>Funhammer soon edition
Skred and Norin Sisters
The fact that I haven't played in months.
>Thoughts on the current meta?
None really. I just like to put random weird decks together, I don't actually play. I'll probably try to make owling mine next.
Bant Spirits
Myself. I really just want to play test all the time, to be ready for the next SCG Open but life.
Thoughts on the current meta?
wew lad
I was going to buy the rest of what I needed for my deck this week, but then the MM17 spoilers dropped and literally all of it got reprinted. I'm waiting now for the market adjusts before I drop all of my dosh on the cards now.
How've you found Bant Spirits? I've been on Bant Eldrazi for awhile and I want to spice things up.
>think about finally buying into modern
>Tron looks like my playstyle
>nothing gets reprinted in MM2017
>don't immediately buy things
>now shit like Karn and Chalice are 70 bucks each
I don't know what I was expecting to happen.
you deserve it desu
I'm so depressed
I haven't been able to afford MTG in months
I'm like 300~ away from finishing modern but between school and everything else I can't do it.
I have no ability to work. Living off a small stipend. I miss it so much.
If I was playing rn, I'd be playing grixis or esper control.
How exactly does this win through grave hate?
I really enjoy Spirits. Ripping CoCo's reminds me of the good ol Avacyn Restored days, but with much greater likelihood of success.
It's great fun, and being able to use creatures like instants is quite a joy and makes it a deck with a lot of variance and surprises. It's never safe to try to target a spirit, lest I spell queller the spell, rattlechains hexproof, or coco in say a drogskol captain.
It's really good at getting advantage and keeping it. Midrange in modern is hard to do and the spirits seem to do it well. I want to play them at the SCG Open Baltimore in May.
Here is my list so far, but I am still testing slotting in stuff like Kira and Anafenza.
Sorry for the long wait, i was fucking a boy over with the new tandem lookout addition in pauper.
Same guy, I'm heavily considering at least taking out Steel for Kira.
Thanks for the list and the reply. I think I'll put this deck together, it seems right up my alley.
Surgical extraction is GG?
Steel isn't good in CoCo lists- It just makes CoCo less consistent. Kira is a really good idea if you want to be tribal spirits.
It's definitely not the best option but I liked having a 1-of Snapcaster to Snap-CoCo in the late game
the meta improved a lot when it got banned. plus two card insta win combos are boring af anyways
I tested it, and with the only targets early game being path I wasn't thrilled.
I don't see Vengeful being that great. He requires you take the damage first so you will probably be dead after the hit or it's a zoo type deck and they can afford to lose a few guys
Tron doesn't play Chalice m8
Do a budget build and buy your expensive pieces in increments over the course of weeks and months.
Also, fuck Grove of the Burnwillows
Tron isn't GR anymore, it's GW or GB
>the meta improved a lot when it got banned
Eldrazi winter was right after the ban, and after that we got the rise of linear aggro/combo deck. I'm sorry but your definition of improvement is very alien to us.
Why do people say this? Nothing changed after Twin was gone.
Why do people like to think all the dorky brews came out of the woodworks because the boogyman was gone? Remember Temur Delver? Or what about Thropter Swords? Oops
Turns out the decks that were good before are still good and the decks that sucked balls still suck balls
Feel free to name some good decks that exist now solely because Twin is gone (and decks that needed things post Twin banning to function don't count aka you can't say Nahiri Jeskai because Nahiri wasn't released before twin was banned)
I'll wait eagerly for your response
It was the opposite. Twin was the gatekeeper holding back the degeneracy of decks like infect, deaths shadow and affinity
Just getting back into Modern. What the fuck happened to jeskai nahiri? Now that dredge is banned, isn't the deck good again? Or did Fatal Push move Esper as the better UWx deck?
This probe ban has really kicked my jeskai mentor deck in the nuts.
Will monastery mentor every be good enough for modern?
Nahiri is a meme pushed by scg. It was never actually good.
I've been working on this deck for awhile if I could get some feedback or suggestions to make it better I'd really appreciate it
5 weeks after the pt
The fact that you name it knobgobblers makes me not want to say anything cause you're clearly a fucking faggot child
No. There are unfortunately better ways to spend 3 mana in modern. Think of all the toys that make mentor the nuts in eternal formats. Moxen. Gush. Force. Brainstorm. Swords (path). Ponder.
We get serum visions, path and now banned git probe.
Mentor is good because it takes free spells you are already playing and throws a 1/1 body on it. With prowess... modern doesn't have the cantrips or free spells to make it work.
Before i click on the link, is it a kithkin deck?
someone doesn't know how to have any fun while playing a card game for kids 13 and up
Curve is very high for number of lands played.
Needs more 4 ofs
Needs more quality creatures - guides, bushwhackers, legion loyalists.
I like the curve toppers, but i would cut it back to 1 krenko and 1 chieftain
Goblin grenades are sweet.
Swap the shocks for 1 drop goblins
thanks for the advice i was thinking of dropping shock and i will look at more 1 drop goblins i was also thinking about cutting back Quest by 1
Yeah, couldnt hurt. It seems like a really 'win more' card. You just want more threats. It would suck to top deck this when your opponent is on one life where half of the goblins would kill them on the spot
So I have the "old" deaths shadow deck with probes. What can I use to replace those?
The new build
>not UG Tron
But why
4x Inquisition of koz
What does U offer that is worth the splash?
Red offers pyroclasm, kozileks return + good sideboard options
White offers path + good sideboard options
Black offers collective brutality and abrupt decay + good sideboard options
Mono green offers more solid mana base
U offers .... ?
Buy fakes and stop complaining
Is it really "holding them back" if it's just better than those decks? Did they have to build their infect and death's shadow etc in a specific way to deal with twin that made them worse against the decks below them on the totem pole?
How exactly did twin make for a more balanced metagame?
Rock paper scissors.
Twin beats affinity.
Affinity beats jund.
Jund beats twin.
Take twin out of the equation and what happens?
Affinity can also be replaced by tron, or infect or living end or whatever.
It doesn't like RIP or leyline of the void (only singleton nature's claim) but it can with with worldfire having its loams extracted, it wins through grafdiggers by time warp loaming instead of retracing , most of the time I can brutality or conflagrate scavenging ooze, what have I missed?
It isn't perfect but it's the best answer to midrange I've got aside from running more 1 for 1s which dilute the strategy. Imp is good but it often will get bolted terminated etc before they swing. Pharaoh forces them to trade their creatures for life instead of maintaining a board state, sometimes I'll lose even though I have it but I feel having it > not having it and since it's a 0 for 1 that I usually dredge into I'm not exactly losing much. If you have a suggestion I'm all ears though
I forgot to add
>2 abrupt decays and engineered explosives help against some grave hate options as well, since you're running 4c you can blow up sanctity or void with EE
Basically it folds somewhat to an amount of hate but there are outs to most of it.
>mindslaver lock
>Thirst for knowledge
>treasure mage
Blue is a pretty good color for artifacts
Eternal Command, mostly bc there was no reason to play it when you could be playing twin. Also Kiki decks, but they are dead now.
So have people finally realized mm17 isn't as impressive as it was hyped to be? I'm just waiting until I can get singles of the stuff I want then never looking at it again
>Affinity beats jund
Nigga what the fuck are you talking about
Pretty much. Personally, I think it's fine. Not great, not bad, just fine. Probably do a draft or two then pick up singles.
If both players draw reasonably and don't go overkill with side slots Affinity is favored, I heard Jund has trouble removing Progenitus.
Some good cards in it sure. I just knew it was overhyped with showing all the "chase" first before showing all the disappointing bulks that don't see play except in ultra casual metas or commander
>things that aren't there
Ancestral Vision
Ad Nauseam
Aether Vial
Ancient Stirrings
Angel's Grace
Arcbound Ravager
Archangel of Thune
Auriok Champion
Aven Mindcensor
Blinkmoth Nexus
Chalice of the Void
Chord of Calling
Chromatic Star
Crucible of Worlds
Cryptic Command
Dark Confidant
Disrupting Shoal
Distortion Strike
Dryad Arbor
Eidolon of the Great Revel
Eldrazi Temple
Eldrazi Titans
Elesh Norn
Engineered Explosives
Ensnaring Bridge
Faerie Conclave
Filter lands
Fulminator Mage
Go for the Throat
Goryo's Vengeance
Grove of the Burnwillows
Any elves
Horizon Canopy
Inkmoth Nexus
enemy checklands
Desolate Lighthouse
Gavony Township
Kessig Wolf-Run
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Karn Liberated
Kataki, War's Wage
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Kitchen Finks
Kor Spiritdancer
Krark-Clan Ironworks
Lava Spike
Leonin Arbiter
Leyline of Sanctity
Leyline of the Void
Life from the Loam
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Helix
Living End
Any merfolk
Lotus Bloom
Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Mishra's Bauble
Mox Opal
Murderous Redcap
Noble Hierarch
Nourishing Shoal
Pact of Negation
Primeval Titan
Pyretic Ritual
Relic of Progenitus
Rest in Peace
Serra Ascendant
Shattering Spree
Simian Spirit Guide
Slippery Bogle (and other staples of the aura deck)
Spell Snare
Summoner's Pact
Snow-covered Mountain
Sword of the Meek
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Thopter Foundry
Through the Breach
Treetop Village
Tron Lands
Twisted Image
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
Vendilion Clique
Wilt-Leaf Liege
I heard Progenitus dies to liliana
Yes, that is indeed a list of cards.
Gl with edict vs a deck that has about 2,000 zero and onedrops and manlands.
Good luck keeping your guys on the field vs a deck that has about 2,000 lightning bolts and kolaghan's commands
>4 bolts and 2 kcommands
Yeah doesn't seem too hard to be honest.
>Abrupt decay
the list goes on. Affinity rolls over to jund, get over it artifag
Sure, Mr. Expert, just tell Frank Karsten the same.
I will
fight fight fight fight
you two xmage jund vs affinity now
stock lists only, no extra hosing
>there are people in this thread right now who legitimately thought it was going to be a 300 dollar estimated value for mm2017
Such delusional faggots I can't believe it lmao. Don't forget that it's floating around 210 right now and goyf and lili make up 50 dollars of the EV, so yes, again it is the mythic chase lottery and you're all cucked
If Goyf and Lili weren't there I'd have a bigger complaint than mythic volatility.
>If Goyf and Lili weren't there I'd have a bigger complaint than mythic volatility