Post refs, request refs, etc.
Looking for Yuan-Ti purebloods/snake people that are a little more subtle than nagas and shit. The kind of people who could blend into human civilization as spies. Snake themed clothes/armor/weapons are a plus.
Post refs, request refs, etc.
Looking for Yuan-Ti purebloods/snake people that are a little more subtle than nagas and shit. The kind of people who could blend into human civilization as spies. Snake themed clothes/armor/weapons are a plus.
Anyone have any Human Male Wizards that look normal as possible without trying to show off their magic?
I'll see what I've got. It's mostly snake people.
I need a male dwarven rabbi and a female halfling bard. Hit me up, I'll dump some stuff.
Anyone got creepy/disturbing sci-fi art?
How creepy do you want it and which flavor? Body horror, machine overlords?
or just plain ol' aliens?
Body horror, weird science experiments
Female knights?
So basically a bog standard average townsfolk?
Does anyone have a very angry dwarf raging at incredible speeds with a greataxe?
Does anyone have a female bothan for an upcoming star wars game?
I'm looking for some good art of a tattooed wizard. Everything I can find on Google are pretty much just old shitty Red Wizards of Thay or actual fucking tattoos.
I may have more... I'll check what I've got.
That is all I got of tattooed wizards. Sorry.
fuck this is actually rly hard. maybe find a picture of a wizard you like and ask a drawfag to put tattoos on it?
looking for Tieflings in general.
Looking for Landsknechts or similar colourful mercenaries
requesting Druids who don't look uncivilized hobos
need enchanters
I know, right? It turned out way harder than I thought. It doesn't help that I'm sorta looking for a good style, too, not just any wizard with tattoos. I thought it'd be easy, but apparently it's not.
This is Stiches, one of the BBEG's in my game of Don't Rest Your Head. Stiches is the anthropomorphic manifestation of lost childhood
He is born in the time between the day you last played with your favorite teddy bear, and the day you never played with your favorite teddy bear again. No one knows how he chooses his targets, only that he peruses them, swipes at them with a paw that makes a sound like a half dozen sewing machines, and leaves an already stiched up wound behind. The real danger is that when he strikes, he takes another peice of you childhood from you... and it makes him stronger. Eventually he will take it all from you, leaving you an empty shell of a human being, bereft of all imiganiation, wonder and joy.
Then he will move on, seeking out more prey.
>Eventually he will take it all from you, leaving you an empty shell of a human being, bereft of all imiganiation, wonder and joy.
He is the cause of clinical depression...
Anyone got anything that would be suitable as a female giant?
Looking for ranger dudes, preferably germanic/norse inspired, but others will do.
Looking to play a knight of the wind, so anything with long-haired fighters/battlemages with wind blowing would be great. Bonus points for anything green.
What the fuck.
We're not going to be doing that thing again where we use filename threads to post gore/snuff, are we?
>posting worst girl
can't watch
Got any gay magic circles?