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Would Beast Beyond Nature from Greek Myth allow you to maintain an SMT demon form without magnetite?
Just so you know after the jump is over it's just a normal altform and you don't need magnetite anymore.
Hey Val, could you have an NP that would keep Sunshine active?
>tfw no one wants the dumb cunt to ruin a setting further
Based community, glad we're learning to ignore the trash.
Not directly, no. Things like the RM discussed in the past thread would work, more indirect methods like that are fine. Just no direct altering or affecting stuff from other jumps with NPs.
Jump # 233 Alan Wake
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Location: Bright Falls
*Artist (0)
*Children of the Elder God (300, Discount)
*Champion of Light (400, Discount)
*That was close (200)
*Suave (100)
*Flashlight (0)
The Darkness came for me. It came slowly at first, I barely even noticed anything was wrong. A strange feeling here, something in the corner of my eye there. Eventually though specters of old foes and old friends made of darkness started coming after me. They taunted me of past failures, people and things I failed to save. No matter how many I fought there would always be more ready to take their place.
Then they started targeting my companions… my family. They done goofed. Now with greater urgency I hunted the source. I realized they were using old writings of my old adventures to draw from to give the darkness form. However in doing so it created a connection that went both ways.
The hunter became the hunted as I carved my way through armies of dark versions of old foes.
(to be continued)
There was a dark presence in this place, under the lake lay a gate to another world. It was the prison this dark presence sought to escape from. To end this I realized my best bet was to go there and face the darkness directly. It was a crazy plan initially I intended to go alone but my wives all agreed if I was going they were. Thankfully they agreed with me to leave the kids behind.
We went out to the island on the lake. An army of darkness awaited us, shadows of all my greatest foes; the Specter, Galactus, Superman, Bill Cypher, and Piccolo. A fierce battle fallowed but as I fought I carved runes in to the earth. Runes were merely letters one skilled in them can make words and sentences. By the time I had finished writing my story amidst the battle the dark presence didn’t even know what hit it. I had written an ending to this story It was was helpless but to play out it’s role as it was surrounded and consumed by light.
It was strange one moment we were fighting on an island in the lake, the next we were deep under the water. We swam out confused, wet but free. I couldn’t feel the dark presence any more.
Actually, a small question here, what other myth Jumps does Jumpchain have?
Unless a prior claimant shows up (Bueller? Bueller?), I'm willing to have a crack at a Stargate: Atlantis jump.
Currently thinking jumpers will start off as a member of the expedition, backgrounds will be Diplomat, Scientist, Soldier and Native (the drop-in option). Suggestions on what to include perk/item/drawback-wise (or if you have a better backgrounds approach) are welcome.
Does Numeral of the Saint also work of off a personal timer?
oops, forgot the namefagging so if I get hit by a bus and disappear someone else can claim it.
Do you want only "actual" myths? If so, we have Viking Saga, King Arthur, and arguably Journey to the West. Possibly Wuxia.
How's this for an A+ rank NP?
Hunter's Mark A+ (200SP) +know location of marked target at all times, target recieves a Rank Down in all stats, mark can be applied in line-of-sight, can only mark one target at a time
Would adding: "slows healing" be too much, or is it on the level of an A+ as is?
Jump 104: Peter Pan
Rolled 8--Jolly Roger
Alias: Jane
Age: 11 (1183)
Sex: Female
Flying--can fly when exposed to pixie dust and channelling happy thoughts
Fairy Fluent--can understand but not speak Fairy
Betwixt-and-Between--have bird skills: communication, nesting, read winds, and make folks regurgitate with blow to stomach
They'll Sweetly Drown you--appearance buff; makes easier to kill or extract favors or info from folks, but works best with drowning
Maid of the Sea--can control the sea, manipulate water and storms and such. storms when cry.
Pearl Dream--can turn pearls into mermaids, with weak in 2-4 years, strong in almost 10.
Mermaid's Comb--ivory comb that beautifies hair used on. makes user appear more elegant and dignified regardless of dress
Nautilus Shell--nautilus that determines place in mermaid hierarchy. Very basic.
Mermaid Treasures--collection of sea jewelry, very light when wet. w/Comb, appearance buff enough to entrance
Giant Clam--comfy durable clam can sleep in, or lock others inside. prisoner can become pearl.
Mermaid Sisters--five other mermaids that act like mermaids and enjoy mermaid things.
Lagoon-Locked--can't get out of the water, barely can get onto rocks
Grounded--unable to fly and tend to fall out of others' grasp.
Musical--life is a musical, can get swept up in songs if not determined enough to steer them
I totally have a plan for this.
After getting off of Hook's ship (somehow) and making my way to my "sisters", set up for a life of constant watery cattiness. The Sisters start out as a Tomboy, a Party Girl, a Bimbo, a Hedonist, and a Bitch, which leaves me being the Responsible Nerd. End up trading attention to Peter for books from the mainland. Lots of sunbathing and reading and being the brains of our group--specifically explaining how their plans to become Peter's favorite are doomed to failure (especially the moron). But yay, an actually-useful aquatic form.
Oh. Well, that handles that issue, I suppose. Teaches me not to skim the notes. Thanks, user.
Don't wall off Ascension like the bitch did, then it'll make up for the worthless jump we have now.
Are there any perks that would allow you to DRM lock your technological/biological creations to stop others from reverse engineering them?
Do you count Urban "Mythology" (i.e. Creepypasta)? Besides that, I think has the right of it.
Nah, like the Greek Myth jump.
In Fate/Stay, are the stats we buy the only thing enemy Masters can see?
Because it'll be hilarious if one of them sees a Servant with E rank strength punt a bus 'cause they have 5 different muscle perks, but none of that is reflected in the Servant's stat sheet.
I...assume so? I mean, it's not like there's much of a sun in the moon cell and it really feels like the simplest option. It's been a long time since I played Extra so if someone wants to correct me, feel free to pipe up.
If you add slows healing, I'd say it could be B, maybe A if it's a really good slow healing effect. Without it, I'd only put on a C rank for that.
Yes. Young Justice has a perk just for that.
Xena has another perk you might be able to futz into doing the same thing, but that one is more of a personal thing.
There's something for that in Young Justice.
Up to you whether you want them to see your profile as your Servant build reflects or your profile as it really should be.
Cool, thanks for the info.
Would ditching the slowed healing factor and upping the de-buff to 2 Ranks down fit for A+?
Well, Viking Saga is Norse Mythology, King Arthur is Arthurian Legend, and JttW is kind of a "spin-off/fanfiction" of Chinese Mythology. Wuxia too. Though the latter two are a bit like The Divine Comedy in status.
>I...assume so? I mean, it's not like there's much of a sun in the moon cell and it really feels like the simplest option. It's been a long time since I played Extra so if someone wants to correct me, feel free to pipe up.
It worked due to the Sun iirc, and since everything was computer simulated including the Servants, Gawain was invincible until the Hacker you helped hacked into the system and removed the simulated sun.
What about pulling those stunts as a Master eh? Could've gone pro but joined the navy and all that.
Nano magics son! They harness the mana of bacterium etc etc.
Personally I just install self-destruct commands into stuff. Those range from "format all hard drives" to "fry the electrical system" to "is consumed by blue fire" to "actually fucking explodes", depending on the stuff.
I mean, that's what self-destruct switches are for. Mostly.
Also they're super dramatic.
Without the healing factor and with a two rank reducement, I'd put it at A rank.
Aah, yeah, was kinda confused since I remember him being bullshit strong and couldn't remember a time based solution to it. It'd be based on the sun's actual position then.
And since I know it'll come up, no, you're not invincible during that time. Think of that as a gameplay abstraction used so people didn't power level their way through part of Extra's story. Having your power tripled is still seriously badass.
>Wuxia too
Please don't talk about things you have no clue about.
inb4 muh azyn lit wank
Do we have a Divine Comedy jump?
Well there was a really really shit gauntlet attempt that never got anywhere.
Other than that no.
He thinks a genre of fantasy novels is "Chinese Mythology". That's like saying Twilight and other pulp romance novels is part of American Mythology. It's pretty stupid shit, considering how recent Wuxia is as a genre.
Pretty sure you just can't read mate, given he was saying it was like fanfiction.
I really hate to ask this because I know I'm pestering you, but how does it work if, say, you're in space or on a planet with multiple suns?
To be fair, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the potential setting options.
Wait so the Destroyer is part of Chinese Mythology? Does that mean America predates China now? REMO WILLIAMS MURICA UP YOURS CHINKS NIP NONG CHING CHONG
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is Perfect Lionheart quality fanfiction.
Ah, fair point. Thanks for the assist!
You know, you could have simply corrected the user with a simple "Not myths, literature" instead of lashing out. It would have accomplished more with less posting and aggravation on everyone's parts.
Just sayin' though.
I've got no idea. For the sake of simplicity, I'll say that it doesn't get stronger/weaker no matter how many/what type of sun is above, but multiple suns might mean it's active more often, since it'll work as long as a Sun is in the sky above you at the right time.
In space...I dunno. Think, unless someone has something to go by for canon, I'll go with it doesn't work in space, only when you're on a world with a sun orbiting it so it can b in the sky above you.
Well... Selvaria is my Master, so stuff like that is totally going to happen.
Some smug-ass Master is going to sic their Servant on me, and while they gloat about how weak a Master I have, Selvi is going to turn them into a cloud of ash. Just because she is a dead average mage doesn't mean she isn't capable of some straight-up Servant level shenanigans.
I love explosions as much as the next magitek-powered theoretical scientist. But that kind of things gets a little complicated when I start building thematic squads of bio-androids who are immune to magic and flagrantly violate the laws of physics like a bunch of cartoon-powered domestic abusers. At that point the self-destruct feature, while hilarious if pulled off, is too finicky and unpredictable.
I agree with user that Wuxia is Chinese Mythology. China has no history or mythos that wasn't stolen from another culture. Pretty much all of Chinese mythology is fanfiction of European Mythology.
Alright, thanks.
Why would I wall it off? For jumpers it's a giant trap.
* you can take on a fleet of Wraith hive ships and win easily
* you can pull off other wacky mystical shit at that level or below.
* you're now an energy being tied to a specific metaphysical realm in the Stargate Universe
* if you do pull off wacky mystical shit, all the other Ascended will dogpile you and kick your incorporeal ass
* you can be casually erased at galactic ranges by an oversized baptismal font.
tldr, anyone have a screencap of Lex Luthor saying "President? Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to become president?"
Is there anything that would let you have a body that exists inside your Infernals Inner World at the same time as being outside of it? The same way Yozis and Third Circles can have multiple bodies to be in two places at once.
Bodacious Bait?
Had a bit of trouble actually spending KP in this one.
Jump 105: Spongebob Squarepants
Alias: Jane Doe, the Crazy Communist Mermaid
Age: 23 (1193)
Sex: Female
Underwater Physics--can do anything underwater can do on land, except breathe
Jumpy's a Human?--folks assume I'm their species until proven otherwise
Krabtastic--can make Krabby Patties: nutritious, delicious, and cure to corruption and mind control.
Bright Colors = Important!--integrate into stories, get mild plot armor to handle common dangers
Livin' in the Sunlight--when doing something love and experienced with, song and dance gives speed, endurance, and skill buff
Spatula--normal spatula
Told you I had a plan.
Use mermaid form from Peter Pan to not drown, even if I am shrunk to match everything else. At first I was going to make a competing burger joint, but then I remembered how well that worked in Invader Zim (it didn't). Instead, I tried to start a Communist Revolution to directly counter Krabs' ultra-capitalism. Aside from being labeled as the crazy chick with the crazier ideas, my supposed rise of the glorious workers' paradise didn't get very far off the ground. There was one point where a bunch of anchovies were with me, but they got distracted by cheap burgers. Things got worse for The Cause from there.
Also, I can sorta fly.
Avatar from Creepypasta.
Pretty sure there's already a charm for that. If I'm remembering wrong then just pay for the inner world perk and use tweedled to be in more than one place at a time.
That way you can be inside yourself and outside yourself as yourself.
If you want could always go back to crossposting from SB or /cyoag/. We just gott a Greek God cyoa that's pretty on topic for this mythology talk.
I beg to differ, all my self destruct switches summon spiders, who are themselves covered in spiders.
The stop spiders button summons wasps. And by wasps, I mean Cazadors.
Seems like all the downsides go away once you leave the setting.
Because if you don't people are going to wank that they're literally omnipotent everywhere because none of the memelords pushing for it actually know what ascention means.
Sure it's a bigger trap than being a Forgotten Realms Diety, but you do realize that if someone doesn't know it's a trap then they'll just do whatever out of ignorance.
Drawbacks go away post-jump, meaning we shouldn't be tied to the setting if we ascend. Waiting ten years until getting to lord it over a galaxy is worth it.
This'll get funny when people bring up the parallel universe perks.
Avatars have to be in the same dimension as you.
Any idea the Charm's name?
My main chain isn't really that focused in technology, but I usually don't worry about it. I also tend to leave several piles of outside context material and technology laying around on the floor.
One time I left an entire pile of laser cannons behind in a bar. Man, that was a wild Christmas Eve.
Well that's their problem. They can wank that HP magic makes them literally omnipotent, but that doesn't mean it does.
So, I got a shitton of perks done for Double Cross.
Mind you, we haven't gotten into powers yet...so
That'll be interesting.
Please take a gander!
Wild Card is meant to be the protagonist perkline while UGN Operative theoretically allows for you to be a complete badass normal if you don't want some renegade juice. Do have a look.
Avatars don't need to be in the same dimension if you buy pocket dimension too. It's in the combo pdf somewhere.
As for the charm I unfortunately can't remember it outside of the idea that it probably exists.
Tweedled is from Alice in Wonderland. It lets you be in two places at once. A very nice perk all things considered.
So basically it doesn't matter because they're screwing themselves either way. Endgame Xianxia basically eclipses Ascension completely anyways, what's the big deal about it?
But if they don't know it's a trap then they'd do it because they heard it sounds cool and never even know about the consequences.
That's not really wanking things away it's just not knowing what will happen. It's not like reality can ensue in an imagination game to show someone it's a bad idea.
Why are you double crossing me?
>become immortal
>gain untold knowledge and crazy power
>that power grows with worship
>can make others ascend like you
>literally galaxy-spanning senses
>a trap
Turn your trip back on, Red. And stop lying so much, you look like an idiot.
>m-muh setting wank
Drawbacks leave post-jump, including racial ones.
>But if they don't know it's a trap then they'd do it because they heard it sounds cool and never even know about the consequences
It's still their fault that they didn't bother doing research and just took things for granted, just like the Veeky Forums guy that fucked anemones. It's just that in this case they might never develop issues due to their fuck up.
Drakengard is being redone with each game being its own jump right? Because after watching some lore videos in preparation for Nier Automata I'm overcome with desire to take the Intoners as companions.
No they don't. The consequences of the stupid shit you do to yourself do not go away after a jump is over and racial disadvantages don't at all unless it's explicitly stated.
Ascending is essentially choosing to stay. You are binding yourself to the world in the most intimate way possible.
>Ancient Renegade
Does this give your background more history in other jumps?
No? You still need a compatible metaphysical realm to Ascend into, but even if one fanwanked that you get to take an entire chunk of the SGA universe with you, you're still vulnerable to being casually obliterated at galactic ranges by any competent clarketech-tier scientist. Hell, someone like Rick (of Rick and Morty) would probably shiv you just out of spite.
Sure, _Drawbacks_ go away post-jump, but if include Ascension for CP it won't be in the Drawback section.
I'm tempted to neither wall it off nor offer it for CP.
How so?
That's up to the jumpmaker. If the jumpmaker says that isn't the case, it isn't the case, plain and simple. Let Amry make the call.
it's a bit retarded because there's a super easy way to gain something approaching omni-potence in an otherwise low power jump, but the same "i can't read" bullshit is why nobody bothers bitching about it or trying to wank it.
seriously, if sb knew what half the shit i let people buy did...
Sneaking things in like that is a sign of shitty work.
Is that you Digger?
The real big deal about ascention is how it ties you to a specific metaphysical realm.
Due to the mechanics of how it works it wouldn't make sense to be able to keep it.
It would be like carting around the Root after a Nasu jump to get MEoDP without paying for them.
Although one setting having high powerlevels isn't really a justification for every jump to have those powerlevels biggatons isn't really the reason it's a big deal.
Yeah, it's no surprise dirge did it all the time. And Digger. Speaking of...
Dirge, is that you?
All drawbacks go away. Those are the rules, Red. Quit pushing your wank.
And you need to understand how the series works if you want to make a workable jump. Otherwise we just have another shitty example of settings being turned into special snowflakes.
How would you even leave after that though?
It would tear you apart horribly if you even managed to survive.
I doubt you'd keep any of the ascended stuff regardless.
This isn't anything new though. The whole point to making obscure jumps back in the day was sliding in shit that nobody would realize and nobody would point out because nobody could be bothered to read the jumps. If you look carefully you'll probably find that the powerwanking and nerfwanking debates come from folks who can't be bothered to make their own jump and insert whatever the fuck they feel like.
whatever man, it was a giant can of worms anyways and nobody really bothered with it so we never ruled on how it worked
you can say everything you want but you're just another jackass who can't do anything about anything except whinge
Drawbacks that you select at the end of a jump for more points go away.
That is it. Nothing else does. You are wrong and a liar.
Anyway, if we could move on for now, I'm looking for suggestions on what _else_ people want to see offered in an Atlantis jump.
And you're just another shitty jumpmaker putting out poor quality work so you can sneak things by.
Dirge, go back to SB before you BTFO yourself again.
user, ignore him. He's pretty much just stirring for a reaction and it's unlikely he's actually made anything. For once try to not fall for the bait.
Somehow I doubt any of them care. I myself don't even know the thing, so I can't help either.
Anyone else feel like you're being watched?
Oh, "we"? Is this something Super-related?
More or less, yeah. It's meant to at least give a tiny bit of advantage as if you'd had a bunch of failsafes already planned out. It's a bit vague on how it works, I know, I'm trying to make it more mechanical as we speak. It's just that the perk itself inherently relies on some weird shit that's hard to transfer out of jump
Renegade stuff in general is hard to make setting-agnostic, Miracle Breed alone was a real weirdness.
Yet all vampire flaws and other racial flaws go away. Explain that.
Oh wait, you can't. I'll take my flaw-free Ascension now.
It's Dirge.
They don't unless it says somewhere in the jump that they do.
This is basic shit son and it's always been like this.
which jump?
For drop-ins, how does it work?