Which system would be best fitting for a setting based on LMS

I have the idea for a setting more or less based on Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter, which system does Veeky Forums think I should use?

Shameless self-bump

You might want to start by giving a synopsis of what kind of stuff happens in that setting and what kind of gameplay you'd expect to be in the game. Not everyone is going to be familiar with your source material.

Isn't that just a collection of pictures of a guy who has M&Ms for body fluids?

Well, given what's presented in the book, I'd say something superhero based maybe? All the characters seem pretty ridiculously powerful. Though, guns are still important no one flies or shoots eye lasers. Probably safest to go with a general system to be honest. That said, you should balance around making the characters feel really strong and extremely violent. Being able to take out whole groups of goons single handedly.

It takes place 600 years in the future, it's about a supersoldier who got fucked by a terrorist organisation and was incarcerated by a Mega-corporation for 9 years, now the he escaped prison and is out for revenge.

The BBEG can take 5 consecutive headshots no problem, there are katana/50 caliber rifle hybrid weapons, the protagonist could probably kill a space marine in CQC, everyone is a fucking badass.

No, I have no idea how you got that idea, but it would be a badass character

I had thought about using a cyberpunk based system, like Shadowrun or CP and 2020, but everyone is fragile in them and they rely heavily on hacking

What systems based on superheroes are there?

>I have no idea how you got that idea
Exhibit A


I actually didn't know the story though

On an unrelated note, does anyone have a download of this?

>What systems based on superheroes are there?

M&M is the go-to if you want to actually stat things out. HERO or GURPS if you REALLY want to stat things out.

Savage Worlds is not a superhero system per se, but it has enough content (fan made and official) that it may fit your needs anyway, works as a lighter/faster alternative to M&M.

Then there are lighter/fluffier alternatives like Risus/Minisix.

Further than that, it goes into what specific type of game you are looking for.

I quite like Strike! for example, and it was made for modern XCOM-style "people with powers" squad tactics, but it gives 0 fucks about simulating anything.

>Not posting the one where he skittles over a chick

You had one job.

The skittles are clearly pouring from a pouch.

See above

I don't think there is, the author made it impossible to get unless you bought it, I tried to download it for 3 years before I found out that there would probably be a movie and the price would sky rocket, it's like 33 bucks on Amazon

>the author made it impossible to get unless you bought it
that sucks, but props to the author for managing to do that

Thanks a lot lad

Yeah, it was hard to accept, but hey, it's his freaking life work

I'll up one when I get home.

Good luck user, you'll make the author a great favour, because this thing is so awesome it needs more exposure

>the one where he skittles over a chick
The what now?

Your blood doesn't run through your pouches?

I'm going to have to spend my lunchbreak hunting that image down now.

Obviously he turned while shooting and caught a bulled in the side through the pouch into is skittle filled insides.


Not OP, but he's got pouches filled with these super-food Skittles-like candy things. He bleeds regular, but bullet impacts on his head seem to break the skin but not his skull.
Supposedly his entire super-soldier line was "killproofed", though they did all eventually manage to get dead except him and one other guy.

In it's possible to see the blood on his right arm.

They were supposed to be able to take a lot of abuse, like a space marine, however, the BBEG overwhelmed them with cannon fodder and once they were wounded he went in for the kill.

Sarcasm lad

I genuinely thought they were skittles, but that's cool too

Able, iirc

Can someone upload the graphic novel already?

It's a graphic novel? I thought it was just an art book.

Sort of, it's a lorebook with a lot of art, you're supposed to read it before the graphic novel/movie (whatever comes out first)

Too punk.

Not enough dress sense to be black.

From what he's said I think the movie recently fell through. The first graphic novel should be done by the end of the year though.

This shit is like a 13 year old nerd's wet dream of the ultimate fan wank fedora-lord weaboo simulator, complete with Marvel-tier 99 quips-per-minute and cutesy nerd culture references shoved everywhere they can possibly fit.

Reminds me of Kung Fury, but sadly it's serious, which kind of makes me vomit.

Said user while unironically browsing the tabletop rpg section of a Mongolian Caligraphy board

>movie fell through
good, its a pretty stupid setting that feels like something a freshman in high school came up with and never dropped
>dude hes a cool mercenary in the future and he has double guns and wolverine knives and a boba fett mask and he freaking loves skittles
