Fyreslayers are shit edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
Old thread:
Steamhead Duardin soon.
Fyreslayers are shit edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
Old thread:
Steamhead Duardin soon.
So, the mathfaggot tried again, this time with a youtube video and a post on TGA, to make people understand that an excel spreadsheet in the end of all balancing problems ever.
He still fucked off after someone asked him how to include the bloodsecrator aura in a pure number.
Grots update when?
Second for: HOLLY CANOLI!, what a dumpster fire we've got down there on the wishlist for an AoS RPG!
Do people un-ironically actually play this thing? Why?
Do people un-ironically go into threads about things they don't like just to shitpost? Why?
It's simple to learn but has all the complexity of whfb but more
More depth than WHFB with none of the toxic grognards fanbase and none of the useless hundreds of pages of rules that exist only to add complexity.
>triggering the /v/ whfb fan this badly
But let's talk about which army is the worst.
KBB or Ironjaws?
Holly Lord Kroak monitoring this tread
But FEC aren't terrible...
No, you ain't getting it. I'm saying yours so you shut up. This is literally a trite conversation already and you trying to be funny about it is a pain in the ass.
Lord Kroak army best army
Shut the fuck up holly. And make me a sandwich.
Seraphon piss me off.
Seraphon reap your ass
New player here. How old are the seraphon stuff? Are they old models repackaged for AoS? Some of their stuff looks derpy but they do have a lot of awesome shit.
Old models repackaged.
There's alot of new, but they where once the "Lizardmen" before they ever where the star-bros they are today.
As a Lizardmen fan I haven't checked on their "new" lore yet, mainly because I'm still bitter I can never do a Lustria campaign now
muh zonbie pirates
cont. Not to mean anything bad about them been star-lizards now or somesuch, or AoS in general, just shame Lustria got outed.
(Not!)South America had such fun lore going for it.
Eh I can understand. Was checking the catalogues and so far only seraphons, dwarves and FEC stood out, and out of these only 2 of them have their own books.
Don't count FEC as battletome, summoning nerf made them pretty shit. Literally have no decent command abilities
They are now Order Daemons. I shit you not.
Fuck, I just ordered the FEC battletome on ebay and wanted to collect a FEC army until another Death battletome gets released...
So heres a revised list of the one i posted on the previous thread, 1000 points of Witch Elves
-Cauldron of Blood (general)
(Reckless, Relic Balde)
-Death Hag
-Bloodwrack Medusa
-20 Witch Elves
-10 Witch Elves
-10 Witch Elves
-Bloodwrack Sisterhood (formation)
I have found that dark elves have been a bit tricky in the past, what would be the best way to play this list, especially against shooting armies and anything else that would be a threat to this army?
Eh, I thought FEC doesn't use summoning but reinforcement rules? That was what tilted me over to FEC instead of going for the skeletons or zombies.
yeah they can just bring back dudes as long as it doesn't exceed the original squad cap, so you can literally get back to full health from 2 remaining dudes with some characters
Literal demons of order?
..Somewhat fitting since they where fleshy constructs of the Old Ones before that.
Do they have their own realm now, or is it just stars?
Lizardbros crashing through portals, shooting lazers everywhere
From the battletome, seems like they don't exist. The slanns are the only ones that survived the end times, and they live amongst the stars. When they are needed, the Slann "summons" the seraphon through memories, and deploy them to the field. They're literally imagined into existence.
I think that's cool. They can introduce new models in the future and say that those are ancient memories unlocked by the Slann after plenty of meditating.
Oh shi, and since they travelled with the Old Ones on their magical barges through the universe....
Better dust off my lizards and get some round bases.
Bases don't matter in AoS. Why not make some... STAR bases?
This is not true, you just can't buff Units over their
over their initial size, you can still revive guys that died. To be fair FEC is not Tier 1 (i.e. Tzeentch, Skaven Skyre, SCE and arguably BCR), but still playable.
They also have very few unit types so it's super easy to build lists with them. I'd say they're beginner friendly.
You can still do a Lustria campaign. Either make a new bit in the AoS setting that's !Lustria or simply play games in the old world. AoS lore is vague enough that a 1:1 copy of Lustria would fit in fine.
rumours are dead in the water
what a weird limbo is on right now
Steamhead Duardin have been deconfirmed?
Wait for adepticon.
Well, she's done more stuff the other months, but this month of february's been weird. My bet is that these weeks between march 14 and april 17 GW will have something big to surprise us with. And by Big I mean mandingo-cock-sized big.
> Looks at ironjawz army
My guys aren't bad....
> round bases
Yes. This is the correct answer
Honestly, what with Atia talking about "not having permission to talk about something", I feel there is something weird going on anyway.
It's fun, especially Hinterlands.
Guys, is Skarsnik somehow not unique anymore? In the AoS app his loadout is listed among the generic moonclan warboss. Seems weird, as it's way better than the other ones.
Rumormongers always have stuff they can say and stuff they can't, either because the stuff they can't say is specific enough to possibly undermine the source (since they are probably on the inside and signed an NDA) or because the rumors are spread on purpose and are following a schedule.
You can use your Skarsnik miniature as either Skarsnik, or as a moonclan warboss with a specific loadout.
You'll notice that a lot of generic characters for older factions do this. You can use your 'former' special character as a generic one with a WYSIWYG loadout.
Post your dudes!
Here are my dudes, enjoy
but it was never different
it started that way
she got that aos starter box two weeks before the official release, leaked a lot of stuff and took that one day later down, because "they" said so
it's not like gw doesn't know hwo she is, I guess
>Has taken a course in basic probability and statistics and now thinks he is some kind of messiah to the wargaming world
>video removed
What a clown, I hope he fucks off for good now. The sad thing is, when he graduates (assuming he actually studies math) and tries this shit in the real world, he will just fall as flat on his face as he does here.
He claimed here that he's payed hundreds of dollars hourly by people that can appreciate his math skills.
I think the thing comments itself.
Yup, it's a pity that thread got blasted into oblivion.
Some people just can't hold a civilized conversation if it doesn't go their way (and I may any of the involved parties)
Hundreds of dollars hourly for doing (bad) introduction to statistics stuff, topkek.
It's charming people delude themselves so hard.
Is it better to use smaller or larger units in AoS?
Let's say at 1000 points, you're probably not going to be using blobs, but what about higher levels? For example, Chaos Warriors have a bonus with 20 men - the *advantage* is present for both points levels, but is it practical at lower points?
I'm still looking into choosing my faction and looking at cool models so I don't have the practical sense yet
it really depends on your list. For me personally, I don't pay attention to the bonuses since I mostly use my battleline as a tax.
However those bonuses can be quite potent if you stack them with other effects.
Flesh-Eater Court
Depends on a number of factors:
- Do I have a size-based bonus for units?
- Do I have targeted buffs?
- Do I have weapons with Range 2" or more?
- Do I want to maximize singular activations?
- Do I want to avoid pile-in troubles?
- Do I need to fulfil Battleline demands or a battalion?
From the 40k general
I think AoS lore could be enhanced by focusing on actual places that people live in. That gives us an anchor into the world, whether as a denizen (freeguild?), protector (stormcast?), invader (destruction? chaos?), or influencer (chaos? death?) in it.
Having said that, I'm looking forward to the new boardgame set, hopefully it's gonna contain more fluff.
We are taking over lads.
>2017, still whining about the device that the majority of the internet is consumed on.
*pulls out Teclis*
Not anymore, sucker.
How do people play this pile of garbage? How do you unironically like the "fluff"? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
>he finally starts shitposting two years later
too late, faggot
Close. Need a bit more cook time to reach al dente.
Cool, thanks for giving me some stuff to think about
You Sigmar dudes are alright
next time try with a Feels meme with a gigantic fake brain
Meant this dude too
You're welcome, what kind of army are you thinking of at the moment? Crunch/Thematic that is.
>Order lost to Chaos in the Metal Campaign
Chaos Dwarves aka Steamhead Duardin confirmed. Can't wait for the new Chaos faction.
Speaking of Chaos Dwarfs here's a progress pic of mine I'm workin on
Also rate my themed list
Rate my themed list
Allegiance: Chaos
Daemonsmith (100)
- General
- Pyre Rune Staff
- Trait: Terrifying Presence
- Artefact: Beguiling Gem
Bull Centaur Taur'uk (180)
- Darkforged Weapons
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
3 x Bull Centaur Renders (160)
- Scalding Hand Weapons
- Battleline (Legion of Azgorh)
10 x Infernal Guard Ironsworn (100)
- Battleline (Legion of Azgorh)
War Machines
Iron Daemon (200)
Deathshrieker (120)
Magma Cannon (140)
Total: 1000/1000
>I have never played an AoS game but I know its shit
never understood this mindset
AoS RPG system when
I'm looking to start off with Slaves to Darkness as my base - I've got ~30 Warriors, 10 Knights and a Sorceror left over from my old WHFB army. Yesterday I stuffed them in Dettol and took them apart because my 17 year old self couldn't paint and they need starting from scratch.
Thinking about expanding into Nurgle and some big monsters like Gargants and Bullgors
Good thing about most slave to darkness is that you can keyword them with the relevant god so your army has more options regarding allegiance. Atm the only relevant god allegiance is Tzeentch which has just received a big new battletome and a lot of new units.
>Age of Sigmar
it wouldn't work
Aren't there Khorne and Nurgle units though? Could you expand on what you mean by "relevant god allegiance" and what makes the others irrelevant (or are they just not done?)
Sorry for the n00bishness, I'm just incredibly green and decided I was fucking sick of all the 40k and HH bloat
>Age of guilliman
Nah. Khorne has a fuckload of units, but an outdated battletome. Nurgle has MUCH less models than either, an absolutely no battletome. Slaanesh is just getting cucked (not that he'd mind that)
Oh, it totally would.
The realms would make a great RP setting, each campaign would be different.
>Chaos Dwarfs
I wanted to play around with them but the GW models are stupid pricey, are the mantic ones as bad as people claim?
Ok, so I've got a basic list, obviously it's really simplistic and not got any thought of synergy in yet, but would this be a fairly sensible 1000 point base?
Allegiance - Chaos 980/1000
Leader -
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140)
Lord of Chaos (100)
10 Chaos Warriors (180)
10 Chaos Warriors (180)
5 Chaos Knights (200)
3 Bullgors (180)
Eh don't forget nurgle has a mortal list too. Add that up, and it has a pretty well rounded army, one that doesn't do rend, mortal wounds, or shooting.
I'll post what I did in the dumpster fire rpg thread:
I would argue there is a lot more roleplaying potential in AoS than in whfrp. In whfrp you had really once choice on what type of campaign you were going to do and what type of characters choices you had. While some liked that, it wasn't really for the rest.
In AoS, it would be like the D&D forgotten realms setting. There is so much potential for high powered campaigns, evil campaigns, good campaigns, low power, etc. Just about any fantasy campaign type you can think of running could fit in forgotten realms somewhere. Same could be said for AoS, and I think that's a point in its favor.
Now if it is in the works, GW may want to wait until the setting gets developed a little further before they commission a company to make their RPG. Like at least get us more info about all the main races (like aelves especially). However I can also see an RPG as being a great way for the company to explore the mortal realms more.
It will be interesting to see what they do, if any, with an RPG.
Drop the Bullgors and stay all Slaves to Darkness, make the Knights battleline and grab a mounted lord.
Anyone got the "Tallyband of Nurgle" as a Pdf or jpg?
Does this work for you?
Aww man but I like the scary axe wielding, rend causing big dudes
Helps already, but i would love the written rules, so i can print them. Having problems with my gf´s Sylvaneth. They shall decay!
OHH haha oh man totally not no way
>my girlfriend plays sylvaneth
They all do user. They all do. And eldar.
The azyr list builder in the app is pretty neato
Yup. Guess what she plays in 40k.
Zhe beautiful Geraldine Margot
I don't know, but I know that GW's Chaos Dwarfs are worth the price given how awesome they look.