Do your characters protect their faces in combat?
Masks, Hoods, Helms and Helmets
My character WAS a mask at one point.
If a character protects their face with a mask, then if the character was to have said mask forcibly removed, would the character not be rendered vulnerable to excruciating agony?
Tiefling lock wears a mask in an attempt to hide her identity, tails are hard to hide though.
What if everybody in the setting wears masks and knows each other only by voice? Except for the the rare occasions when they confide in someone and remove their protective suit?
Full head prosthetic, with added armour and with a helmet on top of that.
Why bother?
If you take a full blow from a hammer to your face it's gonna hurt like hell, regardless if you have some plate blocking it on your face or not.
Face obscuring masks and helmets are my fetish.
And out of combat. He's a bit paranoid.
The character, possessing an enormous amount of mass, would certainly not.
Oh god yes
But it'll hurt less.
Or setting where 'home base' is safe to be unmasked, but is otherwise hazardous.
Like this guy?
>after 10 years of working together she finally trusts you enough to go back to the safe zone and unmask together
Head got punched so hard the brains exploded everywhere, but were scooped up and put in a new skull which was attached to the body and armoured as well as both head and body recieving a bunch of cybernetics.
so how about ladies in masks?
>Dirz will never make you a waifu clone
No, mine leaves their face as wildly vulnerable and in the way as possible and paints a large target above his brow.
depends on the theme/rational of the character,
but largely yes, helmets are good at keeping your brains inside your skull.
The real question is which Helmet is best Helmet and why is it a late German style sallet
My current one have a hat and high collar to protect his identity. Not much physical protection is needed as he already can take a shotgun to the face and walk out with few scratches.
My brothers
>your waifu suddenly removes her mask to reveal she was a large-breasted blonde girl all this time
wat do armor bros
Run away with the mask.
By being 20 feet behind it, shooting the shit out of things with his repeater crossbow.
Correct answer is "seal that bitch into her armor so you never need to see her disgusting meat again"
Sallet best helm
Not a character, but I have priestesses of beauty in my campaign setting who take off their faces for battle to avoid damaging them. (They can still see by magic means)
>not knowing Confrontation
HOW?>but I have priestesses of beauty in my campaign setting who take off their faces for battle
They magically take their faces off as if they were masks. This way, they can avoid any nasty scars that would ruin their beauty. And this comes in really handy, because they like to embark on crusades against ugly things.
Don't need a helmet when you're a 7ft tall Injun built like dwayne johnson and also in a gunslinger setting so helmets aren't gonna do you any good anyway
what if their faces get stolen
I'm not usually one for Arabian aesthetics but FUCK that's cool.
Probably ritual suicide, but it's pretty unlikely in the thick of battle.
>posting creighton
>not posting the sunbro
What if someone steals a face and puts it on?
You can't. It's a divine spell that only these priestesses know how to use.
>some say Kosm
Reminder Tali only has six fingers and breathes chlorine.
Reminder that I'd still hilt in that and worry about it later.
It would be extremely painful.
>not getting a head you can easily replace or change (along with memories)
You guys are all unprofessional chummers
Nah, it's the fluted maximilian helmet with a bellows visor.
nah , it's whatever pic related is called
Yes, but his giant frilly landsknecht hat covers his helmet so nobody would know.
Perhaps it's considered an enormous amount of mass for people of small stature such as yourself, but I regard it as quite normal.
I want to strain so much pasta in that helmet
Helmets aren't ideal for adventurers. They're made for the crowded battlefield where you're surrounded by dozens of enemies at any given point. A sword could come from any direction, at any time.
Compare with adventurers whose typical encounter is 6-8 enemies. Since it's realistic for him to keep abreast of his enemies, peripheral vision and agility is more important than thick plates over your face.
>slowly replace mask
>never speak of this again
Deploy the benis.
>crusades against ugly things
You know what? I kind of like the sound of that.
Really throws a curveball at all those players who use CHR as their dump stat.
>Characters go to brothel
>All end up with perfect ultra sexy bedroom companions for the night
>All characters over 5/10 in looks get awesome sex, get to 'enter their own magical realm'.
>All characters under 6/10 in looks get right up to the point of sex, only for their new friend to remove their face and pull out a very ornate and nice-looking razor
Only if they're low level "hunters" that kill rabid wolves, or mercs that deal with other humans. Anyone dealing with monsters may as well do it naked because armor is only dead weight against the supernatural.
I really like the mask on this one.
I played a CE halfing rouge named fleshstick. Modeled aft a Midget Psycho, he wore a mask.
After some minor adventures in Generica, the party pissed off a god and god sent into the world of majoras mask (the gm like doing odd things like thing).
As we all know, masks hold power in Zelda, mine was no different. as the only Player that had played Major's Mask, i had to resist the meta.
That was until we song of healing'd my mask off and found out it was just my fat ass behind the mask. Hilarity ensued.
Final list of achievements for Fleshstick, Villain of Time, Right Venerable Bastard and Midboss;
>Addicted to cocaine
>several copies of the master sword, all strapped to a 'choping' machine, obtained via libberal aplication of mudering link
>a pet Zora
>My own dungeon and boss monster
>Managed to convince the ward to permanently remove tingle from he universe (we sent him to hell)
>fucked Alice (In wonderland fame)
Now i'm playing a Paladin of Baa-Huamut. His helmet has ram horns, he salutes by making fists in the shape of ram horns and putting them on his head, and he only takes it off when he has to, or the not-pope is in the room.
I have a lot of fun with my Characters.
they don't breathe chlorine
Have you ever had any Veeky Forums related wet dreams regarding armor, guys? It's happened to me about this picture and now it's always laying at the back of my head.
is it okay to admit I fapped to it a few times?
...Why were her breasts under the mask?
Not me, personally.
Post cr8s.
Absolutely republican.
Best helm comin' through.
Armored merchant leprechauns might be an interesting culture. Think of anything else we could add to it?
It's a big mask
>Armored merchant leprechauns might be an interesting culture. Think of anything else we could add to it?
They make armors for every person of any size and persuasion. Their goal is to see everyone wear armor of their making, from princess to warrior.
Is that a Lovecraft name?
Abdul Alhazred is the lovecraft one, right? I don't know how to pronounce oil runes though, so that filename might be the same thing
My party has its own merc group. Helmets, Goggles, Balaclavas, Kefeyehs, hats, actual suits of power armor complete with closed systems, hazard suits, gas masks, etc all in use.
Praise Yog-Sothoth, brother.
Yes. Lovecraft rendered it Abdul Alhazred, but that's not really proper Arabic from what I understand. Al-Azrad is what Call of Cthulhu went with, translating it as "Servant of the Devourer". Wikipedia says Arabic translations of Lovecraft usually call him "Abdullah alha Zred" which could be translated as "Servant of the Forbidden One/Great One/One who Is Closed Off". Which is pretty cool.
This isn't how they act. Let's say information reaches them that some local king built a supremely tacky castle in the middle of his beautiful old capital. These priestesses gather an army and besiege the kingdom to demolish this affront to beauty.
Good times.
So Quarians?
That's a really nice idea. As in horrifying. As in I love it.
Hidden faces via masks or helmets always intrigues the fuck out of me. I don't know why. Maybe it's autism.
I've a character who's essentially a cyborg from a race of cyborgs who wears a visor to hide his face, which is essentially just skin now. If he raises his visor, all people can see is a face permanently contorted into a smug grin akin to pic related.