Release Dates?
There been any news about the Epic reboot recently?
Adeptus Titanticus is going to feature in April's white dwarf
It would have to be pretty damn good to detach me from NetEA at this late date. At best we can hope for a few models to fill in the gaps in the third party lines.
I want a tiny titan.
We're expecting a full reveal come Adepticon.
Who needs a reboot?
>Who needs a reboot?
Regular people who can't get into a Davinite Warrior Lodge.
Fair enough, I take my situation for granted.
Last I heard they weren't even going to try and it was going to be basically a Necromunda style game but with Titan Legions instead of underhive gangers.
Im gonna post the bit of rules that have been floating around the net.
God damn it, its fine on my pc.
I am not sure if I am feeling it.
Could be ok to muck around with. But I'll stick with Epic in the meantime
Where did you get those sweet 30k tanks?
Where did you get those user?
I want a tiny contemptor
Uh... what?
Can someone catch me up?
Only according to the latest English White Dwarf, which also claims that page 19 is an AT preview (it's actually AOS).
Mars pattern Warlords are so much more ugly and small than Lucius pattern :(
Fuck Lucius pattern Warhounds though. Shit is hideous.
The Lucius pattern warlord is my favorite also.
Lots of people hate on it and I don't know why.
It looks like a giant death machine.
The photo is not mine I do not know where to get the epic scale 30k stuff, china or something?
Epic armies are best armies.
Those HH era epic kits are produced by 3rd prties for the various epic communities on the web. And since they're essentially bootlegs getting caught lands them in legal hot water, so those communities are really insular about letting those 3rd party casters details float around.
You basically need to build up trust at the Tactical Command forum or one of the Facebook groups. That means painting used stuff off eBay or 3rd party minis (namely Onslaught Minis, Vanguard Minis, Exodus Wars at HLJ, or Trolls Under the Bridge on eBay). Once people realize you're into the game and not a spy, they're likely to reply to a PM.
Starter guide:
Not that user but goddamnit. I was just thinking about how much I wanted to start epic and my friend and I discussed buying from Onslaught yesterday.
Thank you, based user. No, seriously, I very much appreciate this post.
You were baited for a moment, weren't you?
How big are these minis supposed to be? Is a large Titan like a knight and scales down? Is there going to be tanks and infantry?
In the scale FW is doing it a Warlord titann will be the size of a Knight, roughly 6 inches.
I'm genuinely happy to help; it's a great game, in a hobby that often forgets about the importance of the game itself.
They'll be overscale relative to my old Epic minis but I'll get the new 8mm titans and use them together using Epic Armageddon rules. When I want a skirmish game or some character progression, I'll play the new Adeptus Titanicus. It doesn't sound like they'll overlap much, and I never went after the fanmade true-scale 6mm Titans anyway (the originals were more like 4mm for some reason).
These are from the old Stompers box set sometimes seen on eBay.
That sounds great. I wish they were doing 40k though not 30k.
Are you familiar with the NetEA rules? I'm wondering what the average points level to play a game is.
Like if in regular 40k 1000 points = skirmish 1500 = normal sized 1850 = tournament full size, what would the equivalents be in NetEA? I'm trying to figure out how many minis I'll need to buy based on the army list.
2000pt minimum. 3000pt is best.
10000pt aside is crazy, but still a lot of fun if you have a few days put aside for it. The game really changes at the higher point levels like that though.
huh looks cool.
seems like there's more individual detail to the game, looks promising.
pretty sure they said they will be.
its just starting off as heresy titans vs titans so they can test the waters and focus on the core rules. if it does well enough we can expect other factions and infantry and tanks and such.
>2000pt minimum. 3000pt is best.
>a few days put aside
kek. Perhaps some day.
NetEA is just the name of a group that writes army lists for the Epic Armageddon rules (Epic Armageddon = 4th edition Epic). There are others, mostly EpicUK (geared towards balancing lists for the UK tournament meta) but NetEA is the most varied. Until you're a high level player you can play any of them against each other without noticing anyway.
3000 points is a normal game and the tournament standard. 2000 is small, and I've seen 3500, 4000, and 5000 games on the larger end. The rules don't work so well outside of the 2-5k range (still fun, just don't count on balance). I'd start at 2000 without aircraft and possibly without war engines.
What army are you looking at?
More recently they said they weren't likely to do infantry; they don't want to recreate the 28mm game at a smaller scale. I do hope they change their minds, but the greater detail in the titan-titan combat makes it less likely.
The reason I asked specifically about NetEA is that I was looking at starting a Dark Eldar list, mostly to play against a friend who is starting a Tau Empire list and another who's playing Imperial Guard. I sort of expect to get rekt given the experiment fan rules but that's okay, I get rekt in normal 40k too.
>More recently they said they weren't likely to do infantry; they don't want to recreate the 28mm game at a smaller scale. I do hope they change their minds, but the greater detail in the titan-titan combat makes it less likely
eh that doesn't bother me to much. it would be an uphill battle competeing with netEA.
plus to me and a lot of other people I game with epic was all about the titans anyway, having that with more depth could be good.
Onslaught, huh. I love those minis.
Dark Eldar are a glass cannon type of army, even more so than Craftworld Eldar. Ravagers are good, and Incubi too. Try to stay light on ugprades for a high activation count.
Tau currently have a base list with Kroot but no newer suits, and the Vior'la list that's the opposite. Feel free to mix lists in casual play; the restrictive themed lists are easier to develop for tournaments (balance is pretty good). I hear they're not that easy to use, especially the non-Vior'la list.
The standard Imperial Guard army is Steel Legion. Death Korps are popular too, just not as straightforward to use (Trolls Under the Bridge is just about ready to sell Gorgon "proxies").
I love Epic but I don't now anyone how plays.
Where do you live at brother?
Ontario, 3 hours drive from Toronto.
Anyone since old models unplayable in new Epic
I'm sorry, did you say third party lines? Would you indulge an ignorant user and tell me which?
Years ago I played some Epic on Vassal it was pretty fun.
That aside I'm tempted to try and get my hands on some titans of some variety just cause I like stompy metal things.
Do they confiscate your models off you or something?
Totally with you on both counts.
Though I've also got a massive nostalgic soft spot for the old spike backed Warhound after I took it upon myself to repair my local store's broken Armorcast Warhound that had been dumped in the back of a cupboard.
I usually play 3000 points, but have played a bunch at 1000 and it works fine, though you should have some house rules:
This is called minigeddon and uses smaller tables - very nice to play but not especially forgiving to mistakes.
The largest I went was about 20,000 pts a side - took a whole weekend and 3 players on each side - it was awesome, but you're mainly going at it to see where the story leads :)
He is complaining that AD Titan doesn't seem to include anything other than titans and is scaled differently etc etc etc.
It is a valid complaint. Netepic and the other fan versions are small communities. It is really hard to get games, it could use a reboot. AD Titan isn't bringing back anything for them yet and the scale different may mean the rules aren't really compatible if they do turn it into a new game.
Lucius Warlord is way way better than the current ones.
Can't help you there bro, you gotta move into the city and not living in the wilderness like a hermit
>Lucius Warlord is way way better than the current ones.
For me, the original titans will always be the best. I have one metal lucius but over twenty plastic beetlebacks. I'm still looking for the holy grail of warlords, the prototype mk 0.
NetEA anons: How do you decide how many minis go on a base? Is there a rule on this? I don't see it in the army lists, it just says "units of X"
>NetEA anons: How do you decide how many minis go on a base? Is there a rule on this? I don't see it in the army lists, it just says "units of X"
Infantry is 5.
Bikes/cavalry either 2 or 3.
Artillery is just 1.
However I have sometimes put 3 infantry on a base if i didn't have enough models to go around to make a full detachment.
Oh okay, thanks user. I was asking because Onslaught sell their guys in 25 packs, which is annoyingly never enough to make a detachment with just one pack of minis. I was going to put Scourges 4 to a base.
Whatever I'll just suck it up and spend the extra $8.50 lol
The EA rulebook (original one) had a section on that (1.1.2. Stands), stating:
"Stands representing infantry units must have at least three infantry models and may not have more than seven. Infantry mounted on bikes or horses must have between two and four models mounted on each base"
"Stands representing artillery must have between one and two artillery pieces and up to six crew models."
Personally, I base:
- infantry - 3-5/stand - going on the lower end for elite and bulky infantry (terminators and such)
- bikers and cavalry - 1/stand - in this case my stands won't be over 20mm in either direction (the exact shape may vary)
- Ogryns and Robots - 2 per stand (also stands no more than 20mm in either direction)
- Tau suits - 1 per stand (as per cavalry)
Deliberately trying to stay close to GW aesthetic, at least for some lines:
Defeat in Detail - sold by Vanguard Minis in the UK - these are a little larger than the rest
Onslaught Minis - sold by themselves in the US and by Vanguard in the UK
Bradley Miniatures
Gregster's Lab - terrain and a few random minis
Trolls Under the Bridge - find on eBay or email them; their 6mm stuff is a little too IP infringing to be shown on their website
random Russians on eBay - there are Xiphons, Stormhawks, Vindicators, and Rhinos
Older 6mm lines that still have some uses in Epic, especially normal humans:
Exodus Wars - sold by HLS Models in the UK (good for Squats, also have Necron infantry)
Dark Realm Minis - not sure if still active
Microworld Games
Angel Barracks
Battletech players know more (same scale)
>- bikers and cavalry - 1/stand - in this case my stands won't be over 20mm in either direction (the exact shape may vary)
>- Tau suits - 1 per stand (as per cavalry)
Technically you should be using 2+... if I see a single model I assume it's an LV (light vehicle classification). But I get it.
>Dark Realm Minis - not sure if still active
The site is dead but you can still get his minis, he has good Necrons stuff. Emailing the address listed on the site directly might work. If not email this guy
Or just search around on the Tactical Command forums. He has a distributor site but I forget which it is.
Cool, thanks.
Is Al Harrington still around?
>- Technically you should be using 2+... if I see a single model I assume it's an LV (light vehicle classification). But I get it.
I know, but I'm the only one in 200km to organize any play of this and the only one around who's ever been a TO for it, so it's fine. I also must admit I much prefer the visual of one of these to a stand than 2 or 3 (in the case of Tau Crisis suits it shoud be 3, but that's way too much and I didn't like the stands I saw with those numbers)
Not OP, but almost. Then I saw the spoiler text and was like "there's just no way".