I think he's quite cheap... considering his buffs and Magnus being 650.
Well here's Guilliman
Other urls found in this thread:
Is him or Celestine the better deal for general taking? He looks killier but he also looks like he'll never really get to use all that melee due to slow monsterous creature.
> slow monsterous creature.
remember that with fleet and +1 inch to charges and runs he is a little faster the the average MC
>All the Command Traits
Jesus Christ the Tactical Objective stacking and 12" bubbles is going to be a nightmare, remind me why he isn't at least 450pts again?
>Whirling Flame
>Rather than making attacks normally, Guilliman can make a number of attacks with this weapon against each enemy unit engaged, equal to the number of models from that unit
Well hello there Green Tide
>.....from that unit within 1" of him
Hello there reading the full rules entry
>equal to the number of models from that unit WITHIN 1" OF HIM
nice try
What said.
and? Within a 5 turn game it's arguable he could all but solo the Green tide
Magnus, King of Jobbers.
He's spent ten millennia in his tower, weeping bitter tears that he shall never be an Ultramarine.
If you want him to literally spend five turns just surrounded by regular Ork boys, just hacking away at them, yeah...
... Wait, so do you not remove the marker when he revives? Because I can't see any explicit instructions to.
As do we all
At the beginning of your next turn, roll a D6. 4+ Guilliman gets back up, with D3 wounds, etc. OTHERWISE, Guilliman is slain.
Pretty clear.
Who the fuck doesn't want that?
Thats sounds thematic as fuck.
People who hate fun
Well yeah but it'll be boring. He'll literally be in a greenskin tarpit, hacking away, with the Orks not really able to damage him and him unable to kill enough Orks to make it worth the time (he'd need to kill at least 60 Ork boys in total at least). He's on a Dreadnought sized base, so he might just be able to fit 10 Orks around it, but I think it's 8 at most (depending on new or old style bases) so he can either kill 8-10 Orks a turn with the whirling fire, or 6 with his standard attacks...
And he has 4-5 turns to do it.
Yeeeah, that sounds really dull like watching a Primarch cutting the grass...
I don't know what they meant to say, but unless there are specifc instructions to remove the marker then he counts as slain at the end of the battle (giving victory points etc) if he goes down even once, no matter if he recovered or not.
why would you ever play him? he dies to 500 flashlight hits
>but unless there are specifc instructions to remove the marker
Oh, you're one of THOSE people...
no one is argueing you get multiple guillimans, but it matters if he is considered dead after his first death or not
The storming of the first waves of boys was over in moments as they crashed against the immovable wall of the Imperium.
Row-booty stood defiant and proud as all angles of escape were cut off by green snarling beasts, but to escape would mean he was afraid, and afraid was something Row-booty did not feel.
Never ending the horde seems but the thirst for battle, the display of majestic skill and honed supernatural skill with arms was a sight for all, not least of all the Nobz who had caught wind of this unbeatable mountain.
Spurred on the Nobz met the same fight, matching no better than a grot being stood on by a Squiggoth until finally the Warboss approached.
Towering over the Boys and Nobz that lay now at his mechanical whining smoking feet yet still seemingly insignificant compared to this unstoppable force, he bellowed the call of the Orks and lunged head first to meet the challenge.
This is how I play / see my games as they develop
Sure but what if you play the Orks and don't exactly enjoy just dying to make the Imperium look good?
The problem with ork rules is theyre so bad atm they dont even fit their narrative anymore.
They're all fired up!!
If it helps, this is the first time I've ever thought about it like this. Either way, guiliman giving VPs after he goes down is a pretty big deal since he's going to be the warlord in 90% of the armies he's in, and it might explain why he's pretty cheap.
It's like the old Bionics rule.
You don't get K/VP if they return due to special rules, user, only when they are dead and don't come back. Think about how it works with Necrons.
You say that like anyone would be impressed by Guilliman solo-ing a horde of 60+ Ork Boys. Even a Space Marine Dreadnought can do that unless they've got bombz or something.
I'm not happy for the little kid that can win a race, but if its my son or family member it is a heck of a lot cooler.
You're appealing to someone who said "unless they tell me to remove the marker, it's in the rules it must be left on the table"...
So which is better - Oldboat's IWND, or Newboat's "Doesn't die on 4+"
>be guilliman
>get better in every way after 10k years
>end up 50 points cheaper
They aren't even trying.
See you think that's awesome... I think the idea of him one-on-one taking out Skarbrand (which he can feasibly do) is much more impressive to watch, consider thematically and gets his points back quicker.
Yea, power creep is real.
I like 30k's version, honestly. Was good, had good buffs, and could brawl to boot.
COMMAND traits
but what doesn't die to 500 flashlight hits? and if you're focusing that much on him that mean the marine player might be capping objectives or destroying your tanks
I still can't find it in me to like that set of armour he's sporting.
>get better in every way
He's an MC now, he can't join units unless his Victrix Guard formation says otherwise. The 30k one can join guys and take a spartan bangbus.
>what doesn't die to 500 flashlight hits
T8 stuff like eldar wraithshit and some battle automata
I'm so done with 40k at this point.
So he is stuck running on the field, and with a 2+. I feel like the bane of him is going to be massive small arms fine, because you can only roll so man 2+
Or D
FnP too.
The game was already shit but they somehow keep finding ways to make it worse with these cancerous undercosted character sets and this whole Gathering Storm plot makes the setting feel like some retarded 40k fan fiction.
Sweet, you won't be missed at all. Everyone say bye to the faggot, bye faggot!
>what doesn't die to 500 flashlight hits?
Rhinos. And they cost over 300 points less! Guililililaman blown the FUCK out.
literally 108 lasgun or bolter shots to inflict a single mathematical wound.
well actually 81 bolters, forgot to change BS
to be fair it is the end all be all
When's Cypher ?
>can't take a bus
>can't join a posse
Well, that's just sad.
Unless you're an Ordinatus.
Ordinatus > Guilliman
Warlord Titan > Guilliman
>Adamantium Will
>Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines)
>Eternal Warrior
>Precision Shots
>Precision Strikes
>Preferred Enemy (Chaos)
>Lord Commander of The Imperium (all friendly models re-roll failed Morale, Fear and Pinning tests when Rowboat is on the battlefield)
>Primarch of the XIII Legion (all squads can use an enacted doctrine?)
>Unyielding Will (not subject to negative modifiers and re-rolls failed Deny The Witch rolls)
And those are just the special rules.
He's quite the beast. Good thing he doesn't have IWND.
>implying there won't be a formation of gigabyte + 7 assault termie + a LR crusader that lets him just bundle in there
....that might be true.
Gotta sell dem models.
He's an amazing beatstick, very hard to take out and provides a lot of buffs, but he's slow as fuck and can take neither bodyguards nor transports. That limits him a lot.
And his unique Warlord Trait and his Relics of Ultramar...I dare say he's probably more powerful than his 30K incarnation at this point.
Now the next rumored Primarch is Fulgrim. Wondering what kind of crazy stuff will they give him to fight the Primarch of the Ultras.
How many turns can he go up against Smashfucker?
Is he restricted to Relics of Ultramar, or can he take some Smashfucker Relics?
He beats Smashfucker Prime in 6 rounds or less, and it takes 10 rounds for Smashfuck to put G Money down.
Rowboat is limited only to his Relics of Ultramar it seems.
The Emperor's Sword is the bane of Smashfucker. If Guilliman will roll a 6 To Wound, then the sword goes from S10 AP1 Strength D AP1. And the D beats Eternal Warrior.
And since Rowboat uses the sword with his Hand of Dominion, then he gets Concussive AND Soul Blaze.
Even Smashfucker Prime will be raped to death.
Can we get a picture of The Fallen and their new rules?
So it looks like the new Primarchs can actually beat Smashfucker. As it stands statistically, every (or at least most) 30k Primarch is either killed or fought to a standstill by Smashfucker.
Wonder if 30k's Emperor rules will make him into a tabletop beast, a Titan but smaller.
Who the fuck is Smashfuck Prime?
> He has every Warlord Trait
Reminder that Robot Gilligan has Infiltrate.
Of course, he's Alpharious.
Well, it's not that bad, as Smashfucker is still perfectly capable to survive one hit from a D weapon, but Girlyman will still brutalize him, as his S10 deny him his FnP rolls, meaning he'll need to rely on his invuln and IWND.
Basically, Gigaman's 6 attacks will hit on 3+, wound on 2+ and need to get past a 3++, while Smashfucker's five swings will hit on 4+, wound on 2+ and need to get past a 3++ and a 5+FnP. Even without bringing the D to the field, Googlyman will, on average rolls, punch slightly above one wound off of Smashfucker each turn.
Oldboat's IWND is better, since it has a chance of happening over the game. Newboat's rez is one and done.
>Emps being a mini-Titan
>That's only the stats department
>His rules, traits and wargear make him into a mini-Reaver Titan when added
>His psychic mastery and psychic arsenal make him into a mini-Warlord Titan when added
Well that would be reasonable. Now we also need Chaos-God-Powered Chorus.
A cheesy, rapey, OP Space Marine build.
The traditional one is a Clan Raukaan Iron Hands Chapter Master with two specific relics, a warbike, a thunder hammer and lightning claws + a Warlord Trait that gives him a boost to FNP. Bane of large targets (even winged Nurgle Daemon Princes with Black Maces can die to him with some bad rolls). Counter with tarpits.
Well it will still be an impressive fight.
He has every command trait. Big difference.
>1 - Inspiring Presence
Friendly units within 12" of the Warlord can use his Leadership rather than their own.
>2 - Intimidating Presence
Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest Leadership value, not the highest.
>3 - The Dust of a Thousand Worlds
Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", have the Move Through Cover special rule.
>4 - Master of the Vanguard
Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", add 1" to the distance that they can move when they Run or Charge.
>5 - Target Priority
In the Shooting phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him re-roll To Hit rolls of 1.
>6 - Coordinated Assault
In the Assault phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him re-roll To Hit rolls of 1
That's still pretty powerful, but not as bad as you say.
How can he be both cheaper and better than his 30k self?
The rez can happen as often as he rolls a 4+, no limitation mentioned.
Because GW has been in the business of one upping FW OPness since 6th edition Eldar.
Get with the times brah
Can infiltrate. No bus required because he's going to fuck up your shit.
Reading is hard
Me and my friend did some tests with him, just for the lulz.
Mfw my nurgle Daemon Prince with black mace poked him, and he rolled 6 on the toughness test, thus removing him from play and cancelling his revive rule.
I haven't laughed so hard during a game in a long time.
> Prime of his life
> WS7
> Unfrozen, almost decapitated and with robot legs
> WS9
How will Chaos even recover?
He's the guy who rebuild him. Made him stronger.
But you have to count now have tons of cyber shit on
He's a better beatstick, but Sire of the Ultramarines and Preternatural Strategy are both huge benefits on a tactical scale, nevermind the ability to join squads and enter transports. I'd rate them as roughly even.
401K has an insanely high power cap, to the point that there are lists which simply point and click at everything, including itself.
>How will Chaos even recover?
Wait for more daemon primarchs and the inevitable Über-Abaddon.
>I have no idea how to read rules
In the prime of his life he could reach WS 10, he'd just need to limber up a little.
2nd Daemon Primarch to crash the part is Fulgrim. He was teased in one of the books in a report of a serpentine daemon mincing Stormtroopers with his swords.
Also you think Über-Abaddon will have all the Champion of Chaos rolls active (sans Chaos S...you know what)?
So lorewise, Guilliman has been healed?
How, exactly?
Sadly this. the fact he's a solo target means that in most serious games he's going to drop like a sack of shit
Robot legs?
>We had to replace several vital organs with machinery. But that doesn’t make you any less of a man. Except… you have no penis. In the, uh, traditional sense.
Collaborative Eldar & Admech technomagic shenanigans.
An Archmagos built him a new lifesupport suit while an eldar deathwitch removed the poison.
That's grossly simplified, but it basically boils down to this.
>Friendly units within 12" of the Warlord can use his Leadership rather than their own.
Seeing as thats going to be marines It's not the worst or the best
>2 - Intimidating Presence Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest Leadership value, not the highest.
Well fuck him
>3 - The Dust of a Thousand Worlds Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", have the Move Through Cover special rule.
>4 - Master of the Vanguard Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", add 1" to the distance that they can move when they Run or Charge.
So now assault marines are less shit.
>5 - Target Priority In the Shooting phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him re-roll To Hit rolls of 1.
I can see this being an asspain against dakka-turions
>6 - Coordinated Assault In the Assault phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him re-roll To Hit rolls of 1
Not really worth it for the 'Top' trait but as he has 3 and 4 combined they make it not half-bad. I'd even dare say assault terminators may see use.
I thought those were exclusive to Age of Sigmar?
>black mace poked him, and he rolled 6 on the toughness test, thus removing him from play and cancelling his revive rule.
Is that a thing? Gotta check the codex. Sound funny as hell though, imagine loosing your 350 primarch to a 250-ish DP.
>How can he be both cheaper and better than his 30k self?
Six million dollars doesn't sound very cheap to me.
648 flashlight hits actually.
I mean, the point is still the same, but he's a bit harder to kill than that
1/6 wound 1/6 not saved 1/3 not fnp times 6.75 wounds =729. he revives half the time with on average 1.5 wounds.
>he might just be able to fit 10 Orks around it
25mm bases, which means he'll be hitting two ranks.