Forever gm

>Forever gm
>Small town america, hard to find people into tg
>found group years ago
>played every Sunday for years
>Naturally, grow sick and tired of dming d&d
>scratch that. Come to completely loath d&d
>hate everything about it
>suggest new game
>"warhammer fantasy?"
>"Fucking MAID?!?"

God as forsaken me. There's no light anymore.

Here is a (you) so you do not give up on life.

What edition? You might be able to get them to do Pathfinder or d20 modern, which are technically D&D and would open them up to more stuff.

Alternatively, you can use the standing system to run a completely new kind of a game (like adventurers getting transported into SPESS) and wing all the rules. CoC for example can be totally ran in D&D, you just play something like Ravenloft really.

Online groups also exist, Veeky Forums holds gamefinder threads all the time, you can bring a friend if you are shy.

You are not alone

>hard to find people into tg
How is this an excuse when the internet exists? I mean come on.

The answer is probably yes, but have you tried going:
>Hey guys I am not enjoying D&D anymore and I don't think I'll be able to do it much longer at this rate. Can we play something else so I don't go mental?

Don't suggest. Run it, and see who comes.

Tell them to play another system or DM their own goddamn games. And if they just say no, play online or something.

Just be like
"If you guys want to play, either one of you cunts GM whatever you want, or I GM this system."

If they don't bite, go play online. It's not actually that bad. Sure, it's more risky than gaming with friends, but you can get a pretty decent group going somewhat quickly.


Shadowrun is often an easy sell, thats what i did.

>Small town america
(You) deserve it

I'll play with you. No homo.

>Don't suggest. Run it, and see who comes.
This. Every good marketer knows you never give people the option to say no. Just move forward in the direction you want to go, and they will follow.

Vent thread?
>old GM goes away
>step up as the gm of my group of close friends
>friends can't find a date to play at all
>old friend manages to organize a different group for a 5e campaign
>his gf and some friends
>[doubt intensifies]
>give it a shot, anyways
>turns out to be an amazing group
>sessions are very irregular though
>scheduling is a pain in the ass because everyone is busy being adults
>not me, I have so much free time
>the campaign is doing great, but I keep coming up with ideas for other campaigns
>come up with a relatively short investigation VtM campaign based on a particular sidequest of the video game
>the oWoD/CoD fanbase is a big no no for me
>know it's hard enough to schedule the current group for one campaign so I only tell my friend
>recruit 2 old pals from the original group that seemed interested after the pitch
>session 0
>one had to cancel at last minute
>start explaining character creation
>they're not paying attention at all
>"Vampires are gay, man. We just came to hang out".
>almost kick them out of my house, but they're still my friends and I don't see them that much
>other player left hanging


Play Savage Worlds. It's kinda shitty but it has a lot in common with D&D in terms of play style and war-gamey-ness. I suggest removing the bennies, using "gritty damage" (every wound results in a permanent injury) and reducing the shotgun bonus-to-hit to a +1. I made zombies always Wild Attack (because if you think about it, walking-dead-style zombies never try to defend themselves) so they get +2 to hit and damage but -2 to their parry. And I gave them a d4 in Fighting, Notice, and Stealth. And if anyone gets bitten by a zombie and are shaken or wounded, they are screwed. I had loads of fun running this until everyone was wiped out by zombies. Might be a fun change of pace. You can buy that huge "bag o zombies" to use as miniatures for like 50 to 100 zombies.

But that's rape desu

They can leave at any time.

Just play online you faggot, stop whining about having a group you don't like when you can go online and find a better one

Are cities actually better?

I prefer online groups to what crawls into my FLGS. I guess in some place like NYC there'd be like what- 40 of those? My city is only 300k so kinda on the small end, and there are like 3 FLGS, but each time I've went in one its been cringeworthy.

That and at one of those a dude broke into my car. I chased him off but fuck that place.

>Small town america
Stop trying to run games in hell, then?

>GM for a small group
>Played the system for 1 year now
>New guy joins
>51year old, started with the game 30 years ago when it was first published
>He instantly wants to take my seat
>Is naturally fucking awesome
>Better than I could ever hope to be
>Leaves a month later
>I have to GM again
>Can't get to the new standard he set
>Players are definitely losing interest
>"Hey I'm really doing my best here. If that is not enough maybe on of you wants to take my seat?"
>"What should we do then?"
>No Idea
>"When is the next meeting?"
>Dunno, let's just take a break,

That was 3 months ago. I feel devastated.

>ooh, look at me. I can wait three hours to get into a nightclub where I can pay 18$ for a single beer and lose my hearing. I sure am glad I live in a city and pity all those who don't spend 30% of their life in traffic. Camping? Fireworks? Shooting Range? Who needs those when you have overpriced rent and streetcar vendors! Haha, life is so great in metropolitan areas with all the constant stuff strangers are doing but I'm not invited to.

>Players are definitely losing interest

They were not, you moron.
Just say you're an insecure pussy with a huge inferiority complex, and stop blaming them.

Try living in Iowa or Nebraska. You have more chance of finding a new group to do meth with.

If you are the GM, then force it if it is important to you.

Finish your current arc or campaign and then tell your players you are starting a new game with a new system. If they wanna drop, let them. Your group may shrink, but in my experience they will come crawling back after a few weeks at most.

Not that you're bitter or anything.

>He instantly wants to take my seat
>I'm the gm but I instantly let him do this

I bet you'd let any alpha fuck your wife too.

>implying you're not a beta virgin

>He doesn't keep his players at gunpoint to stop tomfoolery.

I don't see any problem with that. You never really wanted to play a game after DMing for a year?

I'm really not. Lived in the New York area for 4 years and I really don't see the appeal. Wife lived in LA for a year- nothing but traffic, smog, and assholes.

No really. Name 5 things the city has that I don't out here in a small town America. Because I'm confident I can name 10+ things I have that you don't.

It's a privilege to be able to live out here. Most people live in cities because they have to. Not because they want to. Making a living out here is tricky, but once you've got it figured out I can't see any reason to live in a city.

Country life is the real life.

Anything else is a sad unnatural existence.

>You can only live in Megacities or bumfuck nowhere

>I can name 10+ things I have that you don't.
But can you name anything people would actually want?

Small town Colorado fag here and this blew my sides the fuck out. Sadly hilarious and very true.

Well there's also:
>I don't like this FLGS, and I want a new group.
>I will just drive 10 minutes in any direction and find another FLGS I do like, then get a group there.

Camping is lame but I am 90 minutes away from an okay state park, and we have great local hiking trails/boardwalks.
You can buy fireworks on every street corner in the summer, or just walk into any little Saigon store to grab a few whenever you want to indulge in some pyromantic antics.
I don't really care about guns, but there's a gun range ten minutes away not sure if it's any good. There's an olympic sized outdoor archery range open to the public within walking distance that I used in high school, and a great indoor mom and pop range that charges next to nothing for range usage.

Overpriced rent is a pain in the ass, but being allowed to ignore strangers is a huge plus for misanthropes like me. And if I ever want to be invited to something with strangers I just use meetup.

I'd consider small town living more appealing if that town was close to a beach, was in some kind of really nice mountain range, and wasn't filled with people that would flip out because I date other guys.

I like the big cities that I've lived in, mostly because I like the options that I have in highly populated cities. Large dating pool, there's always something to do, good museums, I can be as social as I want to without having to bother with nosy small town gossipers prying into my business.

That said, rent sucks.

I grew up in Nebraska. Didn't play until I moved to Iowa.

College town, though. So it's a weird place.

Anyone Else have a problem with friends that focus to much on RPG? I like to Play but im doing It only with a close friends when we meet up on weekends. Lately i get a serious Vibe that some of them are intrested only in playing, almost like a potheads behave when you mentioned weed during the highschool. I dont mean to sound weird but i like those guys and i wanted to do some boardgames or anything Else once in a while. When im proposing something diffrent most of them just dont respond przez act like i didnt said anything. I have a good time and they're have a blast too but i start to feel like its more like a AA club and they're just want to get their fix.

You live in San Jose friendo?

It's "loathe", OP.

you began to completely loathe D&D

People who live in cities consider non-cities to be bumfuck nowhere, so yeah.

Considering how many college friends come to visit me, yes.
1) Neighbors are never noisy. They never interfere with my shit in any way whatsoever, but are generally quite handy and nice if you really need them for something.
2) Neighbors never complain about noise. I routinely play loud music at 4am while GMing.
3) Bondfires. Really any amount of fire you see fit. They call it "outside city limits" but by city they mean a town of like 2000 people. At any rate, marshmallow and wenie roasts are pretty fun. Visiting friends often enjoy drinking beside a campfire. All on my own property of course.
4) I know you've never seen these outside of pictures, but we have this thing called stars. They're pretty badass to look at. I guess its hard to appreciate if you've never seen them though.
5) Camping. Fuck, I'll even throw in hiking in the same entry. This is a thing people enjoy. Me not as much, but you city fucks pay a lot of money to come out here and do just that so...
6) No traffic. Ever. And holy shit I fucking hate traffic and so does everyone.
7) Scenic rural drives/ nature walks. Damn son these mountains look pretty damn fine when dawn breaks over the morning mist. But I guess smog is kinda like mist isn't it?
8) Fishing. If you're not piss drunk while fishing you aren't doing it right. Or you actually do it to catch and eat fresh fish that aren't shitting mercury out their gills. Whatever.
9) Fireworks. Buy your own. Explode them. Or is that too similar to bonfires for you?
9 again) ATVs/Dirtbikes/doing things with a vehicle in a hilly field you can't do in a urban jungle.
10) Has guns. I get that you're probably really afraid of guns since you've never been around one, but they're really quite the enjoyable hobby.
10 again because you're a fag and don't count thigns you personally dislike as things other people actually want) You can own any animal you want.

Nope, Costa Mesa (It's near Huntington Beach).

I plan on moving to northern California eventually, because it's closer to my extended family, and for northern Cali the rent is fairly reasonable in SJ.

Which one, brother? Cause if it's Ames, that's cheating. Place is better for it then Des Moines is.

Here is a (You) so you do give up on life.

>being allowed to ignore strangers is a huge plus

Yeah I get way more nosy neighbor bullshit when I lived in New York than here. And we have gay bars even in this bible belt buckle so its not like anyone actually gives a shit. As I understand it, its pretty common for lesbians to retire to a farm once they find their waifu.

I personally hate beaches and prefer my mountain air, but there are rural communities near beaches too if that's really your thing. I'm just super paranoid about crabs pinching my toes whenever I'm on a beach. That and the oceans are disappointingly cold even in August. Gulf coast is the only coast and then I get paranoid about what's in it.

If you're actually a misanthrope I don't see why you give a fuck about gossipy neighbors, but again- I got WAY WAY more of that out of white people in New Jersey than I ever got out of rednecks and bible thumpers. I'm not exactly gay but I'm an interracial atheist neckbeard, and frankly I think I'm more antagonistic to them than they are to me.

I'll concede museums and dating pool- though new yorker chicks are insufferable by and large. I find more valid potential candidates in a church, weirdly enough. Ultimately had to go for online dating, and it worked well, despite the hardship. I've only cursory knowledge of gay dating since I did a paper for the CDC once. If i were a gay dude I think I'd find most of them insufferable for the same reasons I find New Yorker chicks insufferable.

Better for meeting people, not better to live in.

>Here's what I want to run


>Are you going to run?


>Then looks like we're playing what I want to run

All of those sound pretty shit.

>cause i fucking love sitting in traffic!

You know red states have cities too, right?

Also, fishing is a miserable experience and I'm convinced it's an elaborate practical joke.

Iowa fag here, I play at adventure's league. I feel you man they don't let us have any fun.

>You know red states have cities too, right?
Islands of blue in oceans of red. Austin is every bit the insufferable shithole as New York, if not slightly moreso because they take pride in being obnoxious hipsters.

Alternately, they're urban ghetto containment facilities, such as St. Louis. I have sympathy for such places, but fuck I don't want to live there.

Oh yeah, Reason 11) Crime effectively doesn't exist in places where there aren't any people.

[spoilers] Ok, maybe rampant child abuse, but that won't affect me or mine, and are cities actually better? I doubt it. [/spoilers]

Also, your fishing experience reminds me of snipe hunting...

>I personally hate beaches and prefer my mountain air,
Yeah mountain air is almost always great, but if you're lucky you can get a really nice ocean breeze.
Most of the misery caused by beach trips can be solved with a ton of planning (figure out parking, dress sensibly, limit your kit to whatever you can comfortably carry, account for sun exposure, decide if you want to swim, etc).
I like to park my car near a bus stop that's well outside beach parking madness. Get a bus ticket then take a small duffle bag with: a towel, a hat, some light street clothes and a good book to make an afternoon out of lounging at the beach. Costs next to nothing and you can still get the full boardwalk experience.

>I'm just super paranoid about crabs pinching my toes whenever I'm on a beach.
Crabs only hang around tide pools. If you do ever see a beach crab then feed it to your doggo, they love it.

>I'm not exactly gay but I'm an interracial atheist neckbeard

>I've only cursory knowledge of gay dating since I did a paper for the CDC once. If i were a gay dude I think I'd find most of them insufferable
Gay dating is like straight dating except your pool is automatically cut down to ~1/50th of what a typical straight guy will have access to in any given city.
Gay guys are insufferable stereotypes if all you do is go to bars and use apps to meet them. The secret to finding a guy that's not a vapid ditz is to date within neckbeardy hobbies.
Hobby meetups are great for finding guys not obsessed with fitting into a gay stereotype and are interested in things other than bad EDM music.
If I were to move to a small one super market town the odds of meeting an available guy around my age that shares any interests are astronomical.
Moving to a small town would be more appealing if I was married, but the thing I'd still worry about is me and mine getting attacked by some self loathing closeted country kid

Regardless of what you may think of their politics, cities like Dallas are just as gun happy as the rest of Texas.

Well, what did he do that you didn't?

Do that.

Anything that you just CAN'T do? Ask him how he got good a that.

It's called learning. Become better. Rise to the challenge. And these are skills that will help you with virtually every other job or relationship, so it's not even a waste. Social skills, not just for cons

Found the pussy suburban faggot.

Had plenty of groups in Ames and Davenport. Omaha has gamers too.

....It's still pretty true about the meth part though.

>the thing I'd still worry about is me and mine getting attacked
Just buy enough guns to have one in every room of the ranch house. Like my mom does. Crime is astronomically rare in rural areas. We've got nothing to fear (except maybe cougars. I fucking hate cougars). But with so many guns we've got extra definitely super nothing to fear!

Ok, I joke. Seriously though, I guarantee you any city- even Stockholm- has 100x more people willing to kill a faggot. Just because it has 100,000x more people. I mean, wouldn't you be more worried about a gay nightclub getting shotup in a noguns state?

More importantly, its really hard to sneak up on you when you live in a ranch home. You see the headlights from half a mile off when they first enter your driveway. If you're asleep, presumably the dog will wake you up. Or the electric alarm. Or just a fucker navigating your huge ass house he's never been in before.

Oh yeah, reason 12) land is cheap and large houses are cheap and you can keep expanding your house if you want because no building codes and everything is cheap including skilled labor.

Also 13) Cost of living is super cheap. More expendable income for hobbies. That said seafood will suffer if you live in the mountains.

The coolest homo I ever met was in one of the first DnD games I ever played in. One of those "stealth" types he called himself. Legitimately made me feel gar at times. Probably the sort you're looking for. Told me there's quite a few in my region actually. Sadly, he found a bitchy little gay waifu and then went to live in the hills as a recluse and I never saw him again.

Meeting homos at the FLGS sounds like a disaster. I've encountered several sure, but they were pretty upfront about how much they REALLY REALLY REALLY want to fuck a wolf and be a wolf because werewolves are the best and they're gonna be a werewolf in every game and oh man aren't wolves great?


Go with unknown armies. Sell it as a one-shot, but leave unresolved tantalizing questions.

A job that pays?

I moved from Iowa to Colorado. For work. I went from a town with three places that could hire me to do what I do. Even if you squint.

Move to Denver though, and I instantly get a 50% pay bump, quality bennies, and I know that there's a dozen other places that would take me if the boss is an asshole. He knows that too, so he's not an asshole. It's nice

New York and LA are worst cities though. College town, state capital, or something mid-sized (that isn't Atlanta) aren't so bad IME.

The pay argument is largely BS because you lose it all to rent and cost of living. My expendable income and buying power is 4x that of my city dwelling yuppie college bros.

The boss thing is legit. Making it work out here is tricky, and being able to do so is a privilege. I understand not everyone CAN do it, or it wouldn't be rural.

But in my case, I own and work my own land. Or I hire temp labor or contractors or whatever. Point is, no boss for me.

Haven't been to Denver. But I suspect it is much nicer then NYC or LA. I concede the day and a half I spent in Pittsburg, I appreciated their mountain city. It looked nice and the people were friendly.

The other fetid shitholes I'm familiar with are DC and Baltimore, where I have family. And Chicago. Holy shit fuck that place.

I suppose I'm less inclined to call anything the size of Topeka a "city". So yeah, I guess I'd live in most state capitals provided they're not on a coast.

Charleston, West Virginia for instance sounds peaches to me- or the outskirts anyway. But I hardly call that a city.

I mean, thats not even a contest. We've got like 6000% more methheads than Veeky Forums nerds.

I work as a carpenter, and methheads are so common here its nearly impossible to work half the time.

Rationally I understand that it is a statistically unlikely, thing is I would still worry more about getting bashed in a small town. In a big city I can relax, in a small town I feel like I have to look over my shoulder.
Police response also concerns me. I've heard too many anecdotes about small town sheriffs looking the other way and having a "well was he acting gay?" attitude to investigating casual violence aimed at gay people in their rural towns.
In the larger cities there are no doubt more people that want to engage in random acts of violence against a gay guy, but I can't help but feel the culture is far less tolerant of that violence. The police in big metropolitan cities are serious about outreach, and from the one incident I've been around for they're willing to burn down their precinct just to hunt down anyone that even slightly upsets their local gay ghetto for fear of groups like LAMDA legal suing the shit out of them.

>I mean, wouldn't you be more worried about a gay nightclub getting shotup in a noguns state?
The big thing to worry about is getting attacked in a parking lot after hours when someone decides to smear a queer.
I don't go to a club unless I am in a group, or if they have validated parking and super obvious bouncers to chase off any guy that wants to sucker punch a patron.

>Meeting homos at the FLGS sounds like a disaster. I've encountered several sure, but they were pretty upfront about how much they REALLY REALLY REALLY want to fuck a wolf.
You're not wrong in that there are obvious weirdos with my little pony gear, are proud furries, etc. If your flgs is anything like the ones I hang out in, then I can guarantee you've met bi and gay guys without knowing it. Because they acted like every other "regular" 20something guy there. If your gaydar is tuned, its easy to trade phone numbers.
Plus, networking. Make friends with the straight normal neckbeards, and they'll try to match make you with their gay friends.

>The pay argument is largely BS because you lose it all to rent and cost of living.
I made 60K in Iowa and paid $14400 for my mortgage.

I make 90K in Denver and pay $24000/yr for my mortgage.

Roughly half to taxes, it's 15,600 in Iowa compared to 21,000 in Denver.

>But in my case, I own and work my own land
You rich, land-owning, estate-lording, work-hand abusing asshat motherfucker. Anyone actually owning land in Iowa is well over a millionaire.
YEAH, no shit sherlock! Being wealthy makes it a pretty easy living. Mi'Lord.

If you're such a rich dick as to own your own company or farm, in Denver or the bumfuck backend of Iowa, then LIFE IS GOOD.

You're looking at the shit-poor low end of big cities and are disgusted as much as the city-slickers are looking at poor white-trash inbred hill-billies and think they're uncultured swine. And you're both right.


Your police actually give a shit? I am surprised. Yes, police response time can be over an hour out here. They have 2 fucking dudes covering like 50 square miles. And yeah, they're known for unsavory things- like selling off the guns they seize when they arrest somebody. But its nothing compared to the LAPD getting purged by the FBI and over 150 cops arrested for corruption, or NYPD overtly murdering people on camera and getting away with it.

Guess you're not exactly dark skinned are ya?

That said, my wife tries to remind me of the Chinese Robber fallacy. If only 1/10,000 chinese people are criminals *very low crime rate), that means there are 200,000 criminals- more than enough to produce more news stories than you can consume- thus giving the accurate impression that crime in china crime is a constant non-stop thing. This hits police particularly hard, because the news always picks up on a corrupt cop story, and I'm sure there are more corrupt cop stories than we can consume.

Slate Star Codex did an analysis and found police are actually especially vigilant about their conduct around black people, indicating not only a lack of racism but an over-correction for it. And that racism in the justice system is centered primarily in the courtroom. But I'm not completely buying it myself, so I guess there's that conflict between rationality and statistics.

Anyway, people don't just punch people out here. That's a good way to get shot in the throat. Never understood that british mentality that you're just supposed to get punched. If there's a brawl going down you probably are doing it with a buddy in a bar- not some stranger in a parking lot. Fuck, since we don't have hobos out in rural parts, you even so much as approach me in a wal mart parking lot, I'll know something is up.

Megafarms are rich, sure. Usually owned by whatever fat fuck is governing your state.

Land here costs $2000/acre. Certainly a non-trivial investment, but not exactly megamillions rich. I don't have considerable equipment assets- currently borrowing a brush hog from my high school physics teacher. We hire temps because we can't afford the insurance (and we really only need them around harvest). My adjusted gross income for me and the wife is only $22.5k/yr.

I'm most definitely what you'd call a small business owner. And my jimmies are quite rustled by corporate regulatory capture. For a guy from Iowa, you sure haven't talked to a lot of small time farmers. I'd say we're comfortably middle class, but we're pretty thrifty about putting as much as we can back into the business.

Still, if owning our own land qualifies as "rich" despite the modest take-home pay, I guess it might apply given our net assets. I certainly feel pretty "blessed" to live this way. Maybe I'm just getting paid in privacy and clean air?

>Land here costs $2000/acre. Certainly a non-trivial investment, but not exactly megamillions rich
...And you think you can make a profit farming ONE acre?

How many acres do you own?

>For a guy from Iowa, you sure haven't talked to a lot of small time farmers

Because they're mostly a thing of the past. My uncle has had to keep buying up his neighbors land to scale up his operation just to compete with those megafarms. Grandpa bought a farm to avoid the draft during WWII. There are still the small family farms that remained the typical size from 1940, but they're hobbyist level farms. People pottering around late in life enjoying retirement or rich idiots from the city trying to break into it (or a BUNCH of fucking weed farms).

My uncle also used to have 20,000-head of hogs. Too small time. Couldn't make money at it.

>But its nothing compared to the LAPD getting purged by the FBI and over 150 cops arrested for corruption, or NYPD overtly murdering people on camera and getting away with it.
You're not wrong about police corruption. I wouldn't trust any cop in the LAPD to correctly file a car accident report, and a few decades ago it was the police that were the ones openly assaulting gay people. But now anything that might scare their local gay ghetto gets their full attention, in almost the same way a missing photogenic blond teenage girl does.
That's probably because after several decades my state's attorney generals are all bought and paid for by Silicon Valley and West Hollywood gay millionaire donors. That ontop of the very organized very vocal very persistent very motivated legbutt activists who are willing to shut down city blocks at the slightest provocation. So now because of all that the sense is that when homos aren't feeling safe to stroll, police heads roll.

>Guess you're not exactly dark skinned are ya?
Yeah, light skinned latino.
I have immediate family members that are several shades browner in tone than I am, and they have had drastically different experiences with police.
There's this dubiously constitutional border patrol checkpoint in the middle of the 5 freeway between LA and San Diego. I drive it twice a week to visit SD, and I've always been waved through. My sister and father drive the same road north from San Diego, and they get pulled over and quizzed by border patrol agents.

>Anyway, people don't just punch people out here.
It's more to do with my own anxieties, and general unfamiliarity with small town culture, than it is to do with the probability of any real danger.
In any given big city I feel like I can let my guard down easier and act normally.
In rural towns I consciously limit public displays of affection with a significant other. Then I end up gauging every person for any sign of hostility.

>In any given big city I feel like I can let my guard down easier and act normally... I end up gauging every person for any sign of hostility.

Huh. See that's exactly how I feel about cities. Like I'm in hostile territory and need to monitor my surroundings constantly. Crime rates are objectively way higher in cities though. And Commiefornia doesn't respect my CCW so I'm completely disarmed and have no real recourse (can't run. Bad leg).

If I got some hostility here for some bizarre reason, I'm pretty confident I can control the situation. That, and 95% of the time I'm on my own property so it's pretty unambiguous who is in the wrong.

There are plenty of methheads sure. But they're mostly off doing their own thing. Steal anything that isn't nailed down, but aren't going to walk 20 miles out of town to get to it.

Some shit goes down in the city, not only am I getting robbed, but if cops get involved I don't expect that to go well for me either.

The key thing to remember about rural life is that it's not like you're walking to work or anything. You won't be interacting with people much unless you go out of your way to. Come to think of it there are plenty of lesbians in walmart. At least I think they're lesbians. They may be unconvincing ftm's or something. But yeah they'll walk around grabbing eachother's asses and nobody says anything.

Then again, I'm not the Lesbian so maybe somebody at some point said something to them. At any rate, more gays here than you might suppose.

You're not going to be invited to any of the church groups, that's for sure. You won't be a part of the "community". But neither am I- because why the fuck would I want to be a part of that? Doesn't mean I can't live "next to" (within 20 miles of) them and be polite back to them when they're polite to me.

You do realize we invented "bumfuck" nowhere right?
>picks banjo

>Come to think of it there are plenty of lesbians in walmart.
This isn't to be a contrarian (or suggest your home town is a hotbed of homophobic wackos) but lesbians are significantly less likely to be attacked than gay men. My working theory on that is the same sanctimonious psychopaths ostensibly straight people who will beat up a guy for being faggy and gross; will still hold a door open for women, be incensed at a guy beating his wife and think lesbians are hot. I think it all comes down to how a grown man attacking a woman is less socially acceptable than a grown man attacking another guy.
Lesbian problems have less to do with physical safety, and more to do with them not having an active community (e.g. there aren't any lesbian bars) and people dismissing them ("college lesbians," "it's just a phase," "she's a spinstress that gave up" etc).
This all stems from me chatting with the handful of lesbians I know IRL and skimming /lgbt/ threads, so please take my rant with a grain of salt.

>At any rate, more gays here than you might suppose.
Oh yeah without a doubt. Gays are going to be evenly distributed through out every population. The thing is they're probably not out of the closet in rural areas due to things like denial, self loathing, social consequences, etc.

>You do realize we invented "bumfuck" nowhere right?
>picks banjo
kek, you have a point.
I could probably have plenty of casual meth fueled sex with hypocritical evangelical pastors.

Not that user but I have 4.5 acres in central Ohio, and both my neighbors make their money with horses. They also keep livestock, and crop but those are hobbies, and only sell eggs/corn during fairs and the like.

You could always make some friends online and play with them.

Your parents must've told you you were special a lot, right?

>meth fueled sex with hypocritical evangelical pastors
Sadly, the transexual hooker my wife randomly befriended says they beat you afterwards for "making them gay", so I wouldn't recommend it.

As for lesbians, largely right I suspect in that the desire to not hit a girl outweighs the desire to punch a homo. That said, I saw far more hate for lesbians in rural high school than I did for gay dudes. Knew plenty of "good christian women" who liked having gay friends to talk to, but spew active vitriol at lesbians. Same high school had many openly bi dudes, who as far as I can tell nobody gave a shit. We didn't really have any violent bullying out here though. Probably reenforced from the general "punching people is a good way to get shot" mentality of their parents.

But anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

Speaking of anecdotal, I know some direct evidence that homosexuality is conflated with pedophile rapists for many boys. At least two "gay" dudes I know became so after getting molested and raped- like, explicitly say that's what made them gay. My guess is their prostate got tickled and they assumed that because they liked that they must be gay and therefore they are gay like him and that's what it means to be gay so now they're stuck being gay and there's no way out and they get obsessed with that.

Important to keep in mind- almost zero sex education here. Girls I dated in high school literally did not know their ass from their pussy. These kids concept of gay came from vague rumors they heard in middle school (about the time they were raped) so that probably didn't help things. One of them- when he tried to report the assault- literally just told his mom that so-and-so was gay. And she's like "yeah, and thats ok". And then he cried for like a month because he thought his mom endorsed pedophile rapists.

Ok, so there's a solid thing urban areas offer that rural ones don't. Slightly decent public schools.


1. Make a couple of already filled-in character sheets, so that the players don't have to do character creation. The amount of characters you need to make is 2x the size of your group, and they have to be distinct.
2. Make cheatsheets about the main resolution mechanic of the game.
3. Show up at the next session, distribute the charsheets and the cheatsheets, sit down, play.

Honestly that sounds awful to me, if I was playing I would not be particularly happy if the GM just showed up with a new pre-prepared character for me and said 'hey guys we're playing something different this time'

I am special user. But the way he set the story up was him bending over at the first whiff of competence.

He should have had more confidence in his abilities after a year of GM'ing.

Now look at the consequence of his decision.

> if the GM just showed up with a new pre-prepared character for me and said 'hey guys we're playing something different this time'
That's why you make more characters than there are players. That way they get an illusion of choice (sometimes even an actual choice).
They can write their own backstory and whatnot in the process of the game - I hate prewritten backstories anyway. The point is that you can just sit down and play.

It's even worse in South Dakota. At least in Iowa you have bigger cities like Des Moines.