Do you ever brew your spells?
Do you ever brew your spells?
Do you ever stop posting shitty fetish threads?
Apologies that my choice of picture triggered you, i found it to be quite fitting and humorous
do you ever stop being the fun police?
run along, I'm sure there's a serious 40k thread for serious and mature adults out there that's just right for you.
For the love of all that is holy tell me there is porn of that bitch. Please, I have a great need.
Way to strawman m8.
There is almost nothing of her that isn't porn.
Dragon's Crown
You're welcome.
Power Word: Geld
An automatic consequence for necromancers and mages if they fail their will checks.
Do you want to know?
Did that knight just become a shota?
now in all seriousness, is she a pedophile, or is this simply a power trip fetish?
The cartoonist either has a shot a fetish, or thought it would be funny. Personally I get off on imagining what the fighter will do to her once the spell wears off to try and shore up his masculinity and assert dominance.
>Personally I get off on imagining what the fighter will do to her once the spell wears off to try and shore up his masculinity and assert dominance.
now I want porn of this too.
Wizards. No sense of right and wrong.
thats not really a strawman
If any necromancer fails their will check, Death itself comes to claim them, They can avoid this by sacrificing 1000 living people near them, Death then re-casts the last spell the necromancer casted but at 20 spellpower, The necromancer also falls into a coma for a year.
If any mage fails their will check, Their most negative trait personifies as a demon and possesses their bodies into a new and horrifying form, After consuming the soul.
I always found it funny that in Durarara, the one dude everyone is scared shitless of is Shizuo.
You have an honest to god headless fairy knight immune to mortal weapons. You have cursed swords that possess people into a zombie army. You have mad scientists and monsters that wear human skin (both literally and figuratively) as well as a powerful yakuza, the Russian mob, serial killers and color gangs that run wild.
But Shizuo? Everyone's scared shitless of him. Even the aforementioned supernatural monsters. Because he isn't a monster, he is just some guy with a brain problem that happens to make him impossibly strong.
I like these.
The system I'm using has Dooms for each magical school. You incur a Doom each time you roll triples on your Magic Dice. You need between 1 and 4 dice to cast spells, and really powerful spells require 4.
Doom of the Animist
1. Some aspect of your transformation manifests for 1 day.
2. Some aspect of your transformation becomes permanent. You become crueler and greedier.
3. Your transformation becomes permanent. You become bestial and monstrous. You become a dangerous NPC.
This doom can be avoided by true love, or by slaying the last of a powerful species (black dragons, elder forest spirits, creation elementals).
Doom of the Biomancer
1. Your appearance shifts and randomizes for one day
2. Save at the start of each day or gain a mutation. Save at the end of each day or that mutation becomes permanent.
3. You become a Chaotic Psychoplasm
This doom can be avoided by eating the hearts of 100 different species, or by falling in love with the same doppleganger three times, or by tattooing rare fixative runes all over your body.
Doom of the Drowned Wizards
1. You can no longer swim. You cannot cast spells if you are touching free-flowing water (not damp socks, but a puddle)
2. Save vs Fear whenever you encounter a body of water larger than a puddle.
3. The tide will rise to your current location, and then drag you down. Expect 3d20 merfolk or drowned corpses and one 1d10+4 HD sea monster. Anyone drowned along the way will join them.
This doom can be avoided by discovering a secret unknown to anyone, including the gods, or by visiting Hell and leaving a decoy behind.
Doom of the Elementalist
1. Take sufficient damage to reduce you to zero HP.
2. Each time you cast an Elemental spell, Save or the spell flies out of control.
3. The elements turn against you. Expect 1d4+4 powerful spirits to arrive shortly. In the meantime, fire chases you, stones seek to crush you, the earth trembles, and lightning bolts plunge from the sky.
This doom can be avoided by journeying to a powerful elemental centre and pledging yourself to the spirit within, or by visiting pure vacuum or the deepest shadow.
Doom of the Elf Wizard
1. Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day,
2. Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days. Lose the ability to fire a bow or draw a blade for 3 days.
3. Lose the ability to cast spells permanently. You can wield only your nails and teeth.
This doom can be averted by winning the trust and patronage of a powerful High Elf, or by building a tower near some site of astounding natural beauty.
Doom of the Gardener
1. Take sufficient fire damage to reduce you to zero HP.
2. You can no longer read maps or symbolic representations of places, or non-magical languages.
3. Your memory fades. You cannot memorize spells. Save every hour or forget every detail of the previous few hours.
This doom can be averted by planting 10,000 trees by hand, and tending them as they grow to maturity. You may also journey to the Heart of the Forest, and battle the wild spirits within.
Doom of the Illusionist
1. A 10’ square mirror appears and you are compelled to enter. Your lose a random item, gain a random item of approximately equal value, and have 0 HP. You return the next morning, shivering.
2. You turn into an illusion for a day.
3. Turn into an illusion permanently.
As an illusion, you have no smell or taste. You cannot be felt. Solid impacts cause you to pop. Lose 1d6 Con that cannot be recovered while you are an illusion, and reform the next morning nearby. Illusions are real to you.
This doom can be avoided by journeying into the mirror-realm and eating one of the eyes of the beholders found there, or performing the Ritual of Prismax; a duel to the death against three of your mirror selves from alternate universes, fought in a neutral battlefield.
Doom of the Necromancer
1. You die and spend the next 1d6 days in the afterlife. Your body will rot after 2 days unless it is preserved in some way: pickling, embalming, freezing, or desiccation.
2. You become undead, permanently.
3. All corpses in 20 miles rise as skeletons and attempt to kill you. Average: 3d20 skeletons, with 1d6 lieutenants, monsters, and commanders as appropriate. Anyone they kill joins them. They will pursue you to the ends of the earth.
This doom can be avoided by eating the heart of an immortal creature , or journeying into hell and make a bargain, or becoming a Lich.
Doom of the Orthodox
1. Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day.
2. Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days.
3. Lose the ability to cast spells permanently.
This doom can be eating the heart of a powerful magical creature, such as a High Elf, or by marrying one. You can also fill your brain with 4 entirely new spells that have never been cast by anyone else.
Go on.
Are you asking me to graphicaly describe what I imagine he does to her after the spell has worn off? The mental image of him grabbing her and bending her over? Taking her dress in his hands and tearing open the back of her skirt with brute force to lay bare that which he seeks? Do you want me to go into detail about how he makes her scream? I could do it, I'm not a half bad writefag actually, but surely your own imagination can do better than any words I could weave together.
Ya know, some of those seem god damn brutal for a miscast
Considering how much casters outclass martials in most systems it really should come with some hellish drawbacks to balance things out.
>butthurt martial detected
Yeah its true there should be a balance but missing a roll and having the stones around you crush you its too much.
What happens if a Muscle Wizard fails their roll?
A square hard piece of stone with sharp edges and a rouch surface materializes under the wizard's feet the next time he takes a step
But what if it does a handstand?
A banana peel materializes instead
That sort of stuff is overdone desu. I'm more interested in seeing the sorceress power trip over someone she can finally out muscle.
>tfw you've become such a degenerate from tg fap threads that you don't even know what love is anymore
You like shota and Femdom, nothing wrong with that, but personally I don't get off on that. And you can't tell me straight shota isn't overdone either. There is tons of that shit.
Shota = little boys, right? I definitely don't like anything involving children. But knowing that warrior isn't actually a kid makes it somewhat acceptable. Femdom doesn't really do it either for me, not into leather and pegging and all that kinky shit. It's really just that OP pic that cranks my libido for unknown reasons. I've seen that poor sorceress get man handled too many times, it's almost poetic justice that it's her turn now.
Holy fuck Veeky Forums, what have you done to me
Ideally I prefer no one get man handled. It's not quite my thing, but in this instance assuming the sorceress has just finished having her way with him i think it's only fair the knight gets even.
If it was just say the Knight having his way with her or getting rough that wouldn't do it for me, i hate that kind of shit, but the back and forth byplay makes it ok for some reason.
>Holy fuck Veeky Forums, what have you done to me
Veeky Forums fucks up all of us mate.
Power Word: Bad end
>back and forth byplay
>ywn be a hulking warrior who is friends with a busty sorceress
>ywn playfully take turns sexually assaulting each other for the lols
I can dream for a comic of this, at least.
What I wouldn't give to have the artistic skills necessary. Do you think it's enjoyable if you're the one making it, or only if your the one consuming the media?
So the Dooms only happen if you roll a triple. Considering you're rolling 4d6 dice at most, and maybe only once per day on a huge spell, it's not likely to come up often. They aren't "all the time" penalties.
You can also avoid them completely by never using more than 2 dice. It's not mandatory to use your full power.
And you can't get them at all before level 3.
Well, that makes it more sensible than miscasting a fireball into a volcano under your feet
Yeah, it's more like "If you are a wizard, and you cast high-powered spells, you will eventually have to deal with your Doom."